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[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread [Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread

03-30-2017 , 01:37 PM
epic 3rd post though.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by MCAChiTown
Sounds like some people are getting flagged for abusing bonuses.
Never took a bonus at IgnitionPoker... But you might be right- what is bonus abuses to you anyways? Someone I know was told because you are a pro poker player and the bonus was meant for "recreational players" we can take all your $ now.

The said person did not do anything unusual or unethical such as betting 500 in the spots of BJ with a 1500 Bankroll of bonus $, cancel the bonus and disconnect from the server and log back in to finish the hand with the play through now attached gone. (that is bonus abuse)

I know most all the tricks, and did nothing that would be considered bonus abuse other than winning.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 04:18 PM
anyone having trouble depositing BTC? it's been 20 hours and i still haven't been credited.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by JackDeuceSuited
Anyone know if you can ban yourself from just the Casino and not Poker?

The Degenning at Blackjack is getting outta hand...
not sure if you emailed them yet but I had them do this about a month and a half ago. Asked them to disable everything except poker and they did it with no problems.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 06:11 PM
Hey guys its me, Damhillpoker, I am posting this for my mother who I've taught poker to, she has asked me to post there around the poker community to help spread awareness about Ignition. None of us should be surprised playing on offshore sites, we know this happens all the time and we've all see it multiple times before. Well here is another warning. Watch out guys be careful.

This post will be updated as the case progresses.


I am Kris Hill, I am here to warn you about an online poker scam nammed Ignition Casino.
I play Poker for fun mostly with my friends and I decided to play some online. I picked up some
stuff from watching poker on TV, and I was lucky enough to get kind of good at it. I made a little
money but nothing serious, my biggest cash was about a thousand dollars late last year on Ignition.
I made multiple small with draws and deposits when ever I could and everything went pretty problem free.
That was until recently, I made a small bitcoin deposit, that was lost, but Ignition customer support
worked it out and within a few days the money was on my account no worries. I lost that money and made a
$200 deposit again with bitcoin, that never showed up. Again I contacted customer support and they gave
me some tips to keep this from happening. I then played the remainer of that day and to my disbeleif I wont a
$22 tournament for over a thousand dollars!!! I was thrilled as I had again made decent money playing poker
online and it would help greatly with my upcoming bills and such. I closed the site and went to be thrilled,
excited to play again the next day. The next morning I attempted to login to make a withdraw and continue to play
poker, heck maybe I'd play all weekend if I kept this up. But to my disbeleif my account was locked!!
the Message read that I needed to verify my identity and my account, a little late I thought to myself
but I figured not big deal lets get this taken care of! I verified my account sent in all the documents
they requested and then some extra apon request and I was again excited to play poker again and couldn't wait,
well wait I have done. This all began on Sunday, March 26th, I am writing this on March 30th. My account remains locked
and they asked me to call in yesterday to answer a "few" questions. I agreed and did as they asked, it
was at this point where I was relentlessly drilled with constant question after question as if I was
being questioned for a murder! Everything from how I learned about the site, google duh, to some pretty
indepth poker questions, it's like they are mad at me for making a little bit of money off the site like
it wasn't allowed!! But I answered the questions, to the best of my ability, even through the bad accents
and terrible phone quality on Ignitions end, and I thought it's ok it's all resolved now I can withdraw
my money and not have to deal with them ever again. Until this morning, I attempt to login and I get this
message "We have received your documentation, thank you. Your account has been temporarily disabled and
under investigation after we found suspicious activity in your account. We ask that you please contact us at
your earliest convenience at 1-855-370-0600. Regards, Ignition Casino Poker Security"

Wait what? I already did this? Suspicious activity? My account has been locked for multiple days now there
has been NO activity except me attempting to login to see if they unlocked it yet. So again, against my
better judgement I called them, again. And again I am attacked, drill with multiple questions just like
last time, finally I put my foot down and draw the line. I tell them I want my money withdrawn from my
account, I did nothing wrong, and I am pretty damn sure I am now being scammed by this site. They tell me
this is normal behavior and they do this to every one! Any one else have over $1,100 stolen from them from
this site? Any one else get treated horrible by Ignition? I tell them I want my money off the site so I can
go play somewhere else and they tell me no, I must verify my identity, adn answer these questions. I answer them,
they start drilling me again like I am a criminal. I tell them I've already done all of this, they say my
account will remain locked until they can investigate the suspicious activity, I ask what suspicious activity,
they can't, or wont tell me.

Finally i told them if I dont get my money withdrawn or my account unlocked
I will be posting this above message publicly, if you are reading this, that means they have continued to deny me access

After warning them on the phone I would go public the lady said not to because I may never get my money then
this sounds like a typical scare tatic done by typical scam artists. At this point I will continue to try but
I beleive my money if lost, forever.

This is a warning to the rest of the world, avoid Ignition Casino at all costs, its not worth loosing every
extra penny that you have!!

[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 06:26 PM

I know exactly where you are coming from, this is happening to so many people. Myself included. Relax and urge as many people who you know to get their money off the site (and certainly don't deposit)/warn everyone.

I originally posted not too long ago, and I'm positive me and you are just the tip of the iceberg.

I urge you to prepare for the court of public opinion as the kangaroo court they operate will always find you guilty if you have a decent amount of money.

Reminds me of Stalin's motto ~ Find me the person and I'll find the crime.

In their case find me the large cashout attempt... And I'll find the abuse to take the $
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 06:52 PM
Your both the same person. Stop spamming.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 08:26 PM
Not the same person not spamming.

I can go back but not going to waste the time, Ignition (Bodog/Bovada) publicly made it clear, THEY DO NOT WANT MONEY LEAVING THE "ECOSYSTEM" AND winning players are not welcome!

I mean, if you doubt what I just said, look it up!
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 08:34 PM
that's stupid, there are ppl on this forum pulling off 6 figures a year and yet the accounts stay open
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 08:37 PM
oh look another cheater/scammer who got caught breaking TOS, lost his cheezburger money, and created multiple gimmick accounts to spam the thread with bull****. havent seen this routine before

wp ignition
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 08:42 PM
Hey Noodle, look it up, it's still there!
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
oh look another cheater/scammer who got caught breaking TOS, lost his cheezburger money, and created multiple gimmick accounts to spam the thread with bull****. havent seen this routine before

wp ignition
Who creates accounts 5 and 13 years ago to spam a thread? Now the Damhill post for his mother has me smh. Nothing about the mother in there. Unless Kris is the mother.

Last edited by goodsaint; 03-30-2017 at 09:10 PM.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 09:14 PM
it's 100% the same person
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 09:17 PM
is Ignition frozen for anyone?
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 09:17 PM
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 09:18 PM
yea crashed
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 09:18 PM
Yes. Froze on me in the middle of a $105 hyper. I have AJo vs ATo all in pre....flop is at J93 rainbow. Was feeling good. Damnit.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 09:20 PM
where are you guys located? i'm in southeast USA right now and experiencing no problems
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 09:21 PM
All my games froze, lots of tables breaking...
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 09:21 PM no way, how can all of us be frozen and you aren't? That is troubling. Obviously everyone has to get refunds....which always happens.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 09:30 PM
I live in the southeast and had two tables freeze up earlier.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 09:31 PM
Still frozen here...
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
it's 100% the same person
And I just remembered why I hate forums... So your going to default try to demean and discredit people who are trying to help you and their other poker player comrades vs asking any questions or any pursuit of truth and/justice.

The sit out at BB mentality before the fish has even got his coat is why poker has suffered for everyone. Now pat yourself on the back for doing a good job for getting that extra .003 BB per 100 this hour.

Feel sorry for the folks who want to do the right thing these days. Don't get discouraged, the long run in life is real. I could give you some examples, but the .003 is worth feeling like a decent human being who has the social skills to be happy and get another human being to like you enough to spend time with you in the real world vs 8500 posts of misery behind a keyboard.

Maybe I found my new job, fighting trolls?
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
it's 100% the same person
2003 account not the same person.

Last edited by goodsaint; 03-30-2017 at 09:37 PM. Reason: 2004 account.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-30-2017 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Number1Hater
anyone having trouble depositing BTC? it's been 20 hours and i still haven't been credited.
25 hours for me.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
