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ziig blow ups and chat ziig blow ups and chat

02-25-2010 , 10:19 AM
"You called me a cheater..."

ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by achybreakymyheart
Ziigmund: u r going to take durrrr challenge?
Cole South: i dont get the trying to be nice
Cole South: when 12 hours ago
Cole South: u are HOPE U DIE F GAY
Cole South: and i saw a few days ago
Cole South: you make a joke
Ziigmund: ok
Cole South: about me playing on townsends account?
Cole South: i have never played a single hand on their accounts
Cole South: nor them on mine
Cole South: just completely irresponsible
Cole South: and disrespectable
Cole South: to basically accuse me offcheating
Ziigmund: itwasnt foryou man'
Cole South: when u dont know the fist thing about me
Ziigmund: okko

Ziigmund: i understand

Ziigmund: im sry my joke for brian...but 6h ago i just was idiot like usually
Ziigmund: but it was good joke
Ziigmund: right?

Ziigmund: u cardrunnerguys
Cole South: clearly i didnt think so, basically bashing my character with not a dash of evidence
Cole South: if i ran around making jokes about you cheating
Cole South: i dont think you would be happy
Cole South: behind your back
Cole South: like a little girl
Ziigmund: naah
Ziigmund: pls
Ziigmund: yea
Ziigmund: but
Ziigmund: u know everybody understand it
Cole South: would appreciate an ounce of the professionalism and class i show you at the tables
Cole South: despite you always acting like a total fool and embarassing yourself
Ziigmund: i know
Ziigmund: i know man
Cole South: wishing people die and stuff
Cole South: just not funny
Cole South: and creepy
Ziigmund: hmmmm
Ziigmund: i know
Cole South: if thats what you want to be known for then by all means
Ziigmund: acting like biatch
Ziigmund: but u know i dont mean it
Cole South: id rather be known for strong play and class
Cole South: i dont know you one bit, i am not your mate
Ziigmund: give me that leak man
Cole South: i do give it to you i am happy to keep playing with you, and u say I HOPE YOU DIE
Cole South: i respond "gg"
Cole South: but when you call out my integrity
Cole South: i am going to say something
Ziigmund: integrity?
Cole South: implying that i would play on someone else's account
Ziigmund: hey fcuk pls man
Chat Monitor (Support): Ziigmund has lost their chat privilege for 1 minute. Inappropriate language is not tolerated.
Ziigmund: i have never said like that
Ziigmund: and u know i know
Cole South: u said to brian "are you or cole playin durrrr. would be hard to tell can never know who is playing on the account"
Cole South: thats just bs
Ziigmund: just thought its kind of good joke
Ziigmund: nono...
Ziigmund: i said
Ziigmund: are u brian or cole
Ziigmund: i meant
Ziigmund: u-----Town
Ziigmund: brian
Ziigmund: ---
Ziigmund: hast
Cole South: Ziigmund: u guys might have an edge....never can be sure who is playiong
Ziigmund: orcole
Cole South: that is what u said
Cole South: direct quote
Ziigmund: but srtill
Cole South: i am done chatting
Ziigmund: imeant u 3 guys¨
Cole South: if u want to play more gl, otherwise another day, cya
Ziigmund: lets play
Ziigmund: np
Ziigmund: but i said u 3 guysïm sry
Ziigmund: gl
cole sore pretty damn sore today
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 10:39 AM
Cole's behaviour in that chat makes me cringe
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 10:51 AM
I only have a minor in psychology but someone seemed a little too defensive...Hmmm...
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02-25-2010 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by Rizzo
Cole's behaviour in that chat makes me cringe
lol why would it make u cringe?

fact of the matter is 2+2 is a breeding ground for rumours/lies/cool stories bro

we seen already this week about the guy who won Ftops M/E being accused of being a 16 yr old boy which as usual is all BS

Cole South doesn't want his name smudged by these types of rumours etc and ur saying he makes u cringe?

CS is there to play poker and win money not impress the railtards with with witty remarks

zigmund is there to act like a child and "impress" the rail

i like ziigmund but u cant knock cole south for not wanting to be best buddies all of a sudden
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 11:10 AM
Cole South: implying that i would play on someone else's account
whose account was he playing on in that cr vid where he reraises stinger in a high stakes game and says "i wouldn't get as much respect from him on the muckemsayuhh account but its ok to raise him here blah blah blah"?
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 11:33 AM
man, cole is really defensive since the whole hastings scandal went down.
cole - we know you're a great player but ziigy has a personality and makes us laugh, so please don't turn him into another boring automaton, thx
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 11:33 AM
cole is just acting like a little bitch in that chat; I mean how is that joke not funny lol
Ziigmund mad respect man for beeing the degen you are and for saying what's on your mind
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 11:36 AM
"Cole South: i have never played a single hand on their accounts"

sounds like:

"I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"

ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 11:58 AM
Ziigmund: uri hu pls
Ziigmund: dang DANG!
Urindanger: you owe me one button
Ziigmund: luul
Ziigmund: pls leave
Urindanger: lol gimme my button first
Urindanger: since you played urs
Ziigmund: r u serious?
Urindanger: yes 100% serious
Urindanger: you always jack my blind when i sit in
Urindanger: and ask me to leave
Ziigmund: ok i wil give..never seen like u...
Dealer: Ziigmund has returned
Dealer: Hand #9055220992
Dealer: Urindanger posts the small blind of $500
Urindanger: c'mon, where's your class
Dealer: Ziigmund posts the big blind of $1,000
Dealer: Urindanger raises to $3,000
Dealer: Ziigmund raises to $209,038.50, and is all in
Dealer: Urindanger folds
Dealer: Uncalled bet of $206,038.50 returned to Ziigmund
Dealer: Ziigmund mucks
Dealer: Ziigmund wins the pot ($6,000)
Dealer: Hand #9055222733
Dealer: Ziigmund has 5 seconds left to act
Dealer: Ziigmund posts the small blind of $500
Dealer: Urindanger is sitting out

from the archives
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 12:23 PM
Chat Monitor (Support): Ziigmund has lost their chat privilege for 1 minute. Inappropriate language is not tolerated.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Zooter
Chat Monitor (Support): Ziigmund has lost their chat privilege for 1 minute. Inappropriate language is not tolerated.
lmao looks like it is tolerated
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 12:57 PM
Ziigmund: im too sick and f drunk

After ziig makes some insane hero call with 2 pair on a paired 3flush board for a 400k pot
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by stueycal
Ziigmund: im too sick and f drunk

After ziig makes some insane hero call with 2 pair on a paired 3flush board for a 400k pot

Ziigmund: i cant play anymorw
Cole South: lol k
Cole South: gg
Ziigmund: im too sick and f drunk
Ziigmund: gg
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Kandelaki
"Cole South: i have never played a single hand on their accounts"

sounds like:

"I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"

It's widely regarded that when people use quantifiers like that in sentences they are almost always lying. It's not a natural way to speak, acts as a legitimizer of the lie. This... or i've been watching too much Lie To Me on Fox. But ya, BS aside you have to love Ziiggy. Cole acts like his joke is an attack on his character but really he's just being a cry baby, quite clearly just needling and anyway jokes that hurt are always the ones with truth behind them.... aha.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 01:19 PM
Ziggy Ziggy Ziggy cant u see? sometimes ure words just hypnotize me!
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 01:41 PM
gosh i love ziigmund. cole south is on perma tilt from ziig.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by TheCptCool
This, for me, is the funniest. I don`t know why
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 02:04 PM
lol @ Cole being burned by the joke... wonder why, since Cole has never seem to be bothered by the other jokes.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 03:25 PM
cole is such a girl
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 03:40 PM
"Cole South: i have never played a single hand on their accounts"
Is this a tell? i think it is...
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by stueycal
I only have a minor in psychology but someone seemed a little too defensive...Hmmm...
Agree 100 percent! I know because I never get busted for my wrongs unless I'm caught red handed. I always stay calm and cool and never get mad or yell and just claim I have no idea what they're talking about or just calmly deny it. Try it next time it's practicaly flawless.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by stueycal
Ziigmund: im too sick and f drunk

After ziig makes some insane hero call with 2 pair on a paired 3flush board for a 400k pot
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by SySteMChEck
Ziggy Ziggy Ziggy cant u see? sometimes ure words just hypnotize me!
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
02-25-2010 , 05:56 PM
the lady doth protest too much
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
