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ziig blow ups and chat ziig blow ups and chat

01-12-2010 , 09:54 AM
I miss this thread so fkn much...
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-12-2010 , 10:29 AM
Just thought to copy-paste this chat transcription (originally posted by TurnEMLOOSE, quick translation by me) from "who is Pix Kim" thread to here also:

Ziigmund: paljon? (how much?)
Ziigmund: mikä sun nimi opn? (what's your name?)
PixKim: 30-40k riittänee (30-40k is enough i think)
Ziigmund: laitan (ok, i'll ship it)
PixKim: Jari Komulainen
Ziigmund: tota (well...)
Ziigmund: tuutko hki casinolle (are you coming to helsinki casino?)
Ziigmund: ikinä? (ever?)
PixKim: Kiitos ja kumarrus. Juuh, todennäköisesti (thank you very much. yeah propably)
PixKim: Siis tammikuussa (i mean in january)
Ziigmund: vittu (fûck)
Ziigmund: puhelimes loppu akku (my phone's battery is dead)
Ziigmund: pitäs puhuu eka...vitun sick laittaa jollekki
nikille 40k...en oo ikinä nähny ym jäbää (i should talk to you first... fûcking sick to ship it to some nick 40k... i have never seen you irl etc.)
PixKim: toki, onnistuu (sure, will happen)
Ziigmund: mut puhelimes akku loppu (but my phone's battery is dead)
Ziigmund: kamat pariisissa (my stuff are in paris)
Ziigmund: ei laturii (no charger)
Thomas Wahlroos: did you lose your luggage?
Ziigmund: y
Thomas Wahlroos: sick
Ziigmund: samat bokserit 4päivää (i've been wearing the same boxers for 4 days)
Thomas Wahlroos: hate it when that happems
Thomas Wahlroos: lol
Thomas Wahlroos: oot elain (you're an animal)
Ziigmund: ei dödöö (no deodorant)
PixKim: noh, ei todellakaan niin kiirus. parempi kun
pysyn pöydistä poissa. (yeah, no hurry, better for me to stay out of the tables)
Ziigmund: mut siis tyylii tarviit tänne (but you need it [money] here?)
PixKim: jeh (yeah)
Ziigmund: komulainen
Ziigmund: ok
Thomas Wahlroos: onks halen dildo sentaan (is hale's dildo with you?)
Ziigmund: kenellä? (with whom?)
Ziigmund: mulla? (with me?)
Thomas Wahlroos: joo, perus perstulppa (yeah, basic butt plug)
Ziigmund: perus anaalitappi (basic anal plug)
Ziigmund: eihän jäbällä oo kuumetta? (you don't have fever?)
Thomas Wahlroos: ziggy u are funny. first u tell
pixkim to f off. then u want to lend him money
Thomas Wahlroos: ei oo kuumetta (no fever)
Ziigmund: yes i want
PixKim: mutta laitan rahat hetimmiten kipittämään (but i'll ship the money to your account asap)
Ziigmund: ******
Ziigmund: eiei (no no)
PixKim: ?
Kongsgaard: tyiu illa es akinky im anka?
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-12-2010 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Rags101
Ziigmund: your wife is in very good shape
Ziigmund: she is nice too
Ziigmund: so she is very much unlike you
Ziigmund: joking man
Ziigmund: u r cool
lol, who was he talking to?
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-12-2010 , 11:06 AM
pretty sure that was david benyamine lol.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-12-2010 , 12:00 PM
benyamine fosho

thanx a million stinkfist for the new chatlog

it was like heroin....


Ziigmund: perus anaalitappi

ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-12-2010 , 04:22 PM
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-12-2010 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by WOLVER1NE
lol, who was he talking to?
Spoke to Benyamine about Erica.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-12-2010 , 07:55 PM
Posted to zigg "was that u that got pounded in the anus by antonius "
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-20-2010 , 11:08 AM
(gus looses a pot)
Gus Hansen: wauw
Gus Hansen: ohh there it was
Ziigmund: gus is verrry good POKKKERPLR
Ziigmund: gus has been lucky last 13 months
Ziigmund: losing only like 5 megas
Gus Hansen: actually not very smart of me - Ziigmund has been the luckiest on Full Tilt for 3 years - Cole South the luckiest in 2009 and Eazy Peazy is just lucky and good
EazyPeazy: hey at least i got my goddness when my luck runs out
Ziigmund: Gus ....its smart beacuse you are the best POKKKERPLRRLYER
EazyPeazy: ziggy and cole are in lots opf trouble
Ziigmund: gus has lost in fulltilt like 20megas in 4 years but still run 10mega more than EV
Ziigmund: its sicko
EazyPeazy: get in the ring with him ziggy
Gus Hansen: did you do the math yourself mr. I am the best drunk player in the world
Ziigmund: nope plyeyyyere
Ziigmund: gus
Ziigmund: how much you are losing for poker in your career?
Gus Hansen: Actually Ziigmund maybe you can do me a favor - dont ask me for money online - and dont speak to me again
Ziigmund: wau
Gus Hansen: thx in advance
EazyPeazy: we all love each other
Gus Hansen: wauw he did shut up - what a relief
Ziigmund: just only cause you are so f good pokkerplyeeer
EazyPeazy: we should have the ziggy gus challenge play poker till one goes broke
Ziigmund: gus is already
Ziigmund: so we dont get challenge
Ziigmund: and if we play like 50 100 blinds gus doesnt have chance
Ziigmund: so no sense
Ziigmund: good luck gus
Ziigmund: u know im joking
Ziigmund: still love you
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-20-2010 , 11:21 AM
pure gold !
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01-20-2010 , 11:22 AM
Looks like he might have finally gotten under Gus' skin a little.
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01-20-2010 , 12:08 PM
I think I might have a man-crush on ziggy. what a ****ing genius
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-20-2010 , 04:16 PM
Ziigmund: good luck gus
Ziigmund: u know im joking
Ziigmund: still love you


more, more, more!
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-20-2010 , 07:09 PM
Ziig lost 601k pot:

Ziigmund: Cole is the luckiest nerd in the world
Ziigmund: i hate him so f much
howisitfeellike: me too
howisitfeellike: sometimes
Ziigmund: i hate always
Ziigmund: i really hoped that someone would shooted a newyears rocket to his eyes so he couöldnt play without helper and couldnt see how f lucky he is
Ziigmund: its f amazing he doesnt realize that
Cole South: i do realize i have been lucky against you. it's amazing you don't realize that you act like a two year old every time we play
Cole South: and you must be hurting BAD to whine about every pot

Cole South: sorry to hear that
Ziigmund: i feel bad
Ziigmund: at least i hope your other eye would be blind
Ziigmund: and Cole
Ziigmund: you realize only your computer
Ziigmund: so shut up
Ziigmund: u should take meeting after this sesion with your best friends Brian and Brian and talk 10 hours how i have played this session
Cole South: good joke? i work on my game away from the tables? i am sitting on 750k and you just rebought....
Ziigmund: just take meeting man
Ziigmund: no problem

Last edited by Monique123; 01-20-2010 at 07:15 PM.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-20-2010 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Monique123
Ziig lost 601k pot:

Ziigmund: Cole is the luckiest nerd in the world
Ziigmund: i hate him so f much
howisitfeellike: me too
howisitfeellike: sometimes
Ziigmund: i hate always
Ziigmund: i really hoped that someone would shooted a newyears rocket to his eyes so he couöldnt play without helper and couldnt see how f lucky he is
Ziigmund: its f amazing he doesnt realize that
Cole South: i do realize i have been lucky against you. it's amazing you don't realize that you act like a two year old every time we play
Cole South: and you must be hurting BAD to whine about every pot

Cole South: sorry to hear that
Ziigmund: i feel bad
Ziigmund: at least i hope your other eye would be blind
Ziigmund: and Cole
Ziigmund: you realize only your computer
Ziigmund: so shut up
Ziigmund: u should take meeting after this sesion with your best friends Brian and Brian and talk 10 hours how i have played this session
Cole South: good joke? i work on my game away from the tables? i am sitting on 750k and you just rebought....
Ziigmund: just take meeting man
Ziigmund: no problem
Just yes.

Ziig is a legend in chat.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-20-2010 , 07:38 PM
cole insta sat out when patrik sat in
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01-20-2010 , 07:41 PM
ROFL, "just take meeting man" is f awesome.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-20-2010 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by Monique123
Ziigmund: u should take meeting after this sesion with your best friends Brian and Brian and talk 10 hours how i have played this session
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-20-2010 , 09:23 PM
Ziigmund: you realize only your computer

sick burn
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01-20-2010 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by cobrastatus
Ziigmund: you realize only your computer

sick burn

this was a sick burn

Ziigmund: u should take meeting after this sesion with your best friends Brian and Brian and talk 10 hours how i have played this session
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-21-2010 , 12:01 AM
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-21-2010 , 12:09 AM
Ziigmund: u should take meeting after this sesion with your best friends Brian and Brian and talk 10 hours how i have played this session

HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Zig is the man.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-21-2010 , 02:02 AM
hahahah gold
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-21-2010 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by Otompsett
I wouldn't let him flip in the first place. I would stop him, hug him. We would do some shots together and go to dinner instead. We would be bestest evar frwends.
that is wot his gf is 4
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
01-21-2010 , 02:48 AM
Ziigmund: u should take meeting after this sesion with your best friends Brian and Brian and talk 10 hours how i have played this session
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
