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Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee

11-05-2011 , 03:03 PM
There was no work to be done. We busied ourselves by playing cards, going for walks, screwing colleagues, and drinking.

Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 03:10 PM
It doesn't seem very well written. More like a rehashed collage of rumors and stories that have already been reported.

- Was there an actual orgy after the christmas party?

- If I were running a pokersite, paradoxically, I wouldn't be tolerating a gambling culture in the confines.

- Overall, another piece that gives the impression that this wasn't professionally run.
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 03:11 PM
The staff Xmas parties were off the chain! Free booze all day and night, and usually a good old orgy after.

Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 03:12 PM
and also more about the security guards, they seem fun !
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 03:13 PM
They gambled on diabetics’ blood sugar levels and used to play pitch and toss against the wall at lunchtime.


Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 03:18 PM
ThePoker Farm makes no claim as to the accuracy of these stories. * However, we believe that the author was in a position to know about what he is writing, and so present his story unfiltered.*

Doesn't really give me that warm and fuzzy this is 100% accurate!
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 03:20 PM
The whole story seems pretty wtf at first, but then again, these are the same people that somehow thought they could get away with just making up tens of millions of dollars out of nowhere. Hope they rot in prison.
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 03:21 PM
"This basically meant that players were free-rolling with FTP money."

Well there was no money to begin with, it was more like monopoly money.
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 03:24 PM
Believed it all until :

Howard used to drink at my local bar. He'd order some mineral water and tell the barman to keep the change for €50!
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 03:26 PM
this looks so fake it isn't even funny. S:P guys should ask wether they're allowed to verify the source .
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 03:31 PM
Sounds like a lot of teh secks was taking place at FTP HQ.
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by agdci981
Sounds like a lot of teh secks was taking place at FTP HQ.
No wonder Durr visited frequently.
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 03:46 PM
Wow, that was terribly written and it really seems fake.

All in all, a pretty awful article imo.
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 03:48 PM
Mr 'Feft'.....level is obv.
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 04:18 PM
Just seems like FTP bashing since none of this is new to anyone following the story.
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by brandyballs
There was no work to be done. We busied ourselves by playing cards, going for walks, screwing colleagues, and drinking.

Getting paid to drink and sex attractive co-workers? If true greatest job of all-time AINEC!
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 04:42 PM
Orgys guys, orgys!!!!
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by GeleHaas
and also more about the security guards, they seem fun !
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 05:37 PM
If FTP had all this money...why the hell did they have horrible customer service? Certainly they could of hired a few more people with all this money they were throwing around?
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 07:00 PM
Ummm yeah, all that article has in it is a collection of the best rumors/comments made through the FTP threads without the context, exaggerated in parts and put together in a terrible way.
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by duecepoops
ThePoker Farm makes no claim as to the accuracy of these stories. * However, we believe that the author was in a position to know about what he is writing, and so present his story unfiltered.*

Doesn't really give me that warm and fuzzy this is 100% accurate!
The Pokerfarm would not publish this article/ submission if we had not verified the validity of the person claiming to have worked at FTP who wrote this. We believe the source is accurate, in regards to the context of what he has written and will continue to provide us we can only trust he is not fabricating events.

In terms of how well written this article is, this former employee has just collectively put down some interesting stories. He doesn't claim to be a writer i any sense. We have just published the piece without editing it.

Lastly, the name MR Feft is obviously a level, not because the article is a level just because he wanted to remain anonymous.
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by ThePokerFarm
The Pokerfarm would not publish this article/ submission if we had not verified the validity of the person claiming to have worked at FTP who wrote this. We believe the source is accurate, in regards to the context of what he has written and will continue to provide us we can only trust he is not fabricating events.

In terms of how well written this article is, this former employee has just collectively put down some interesting stories. He doesn't claim to be a writer i any sense. We have just published the piece without editing it.

Lastly, the name MR Feft is obviously a level, not because the article is a level just because he wanted to remain anonymous.
Would you mind Diamond_Flush or NoahSD verify the validity as well if they are prepared to do so?
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Would you mind Diamond_Flush or NoahSD verify the validity as well if they are prepared to do so?
yes we have no problem with that if the writer is happy to do so, not sure why that would make anything gospel. Noah can get in touch with us if he likes.
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
11-05-2011 , 07:44 PM
Mr. Feft? Sounds suspiciously close to Mr. Felt, aka Deep Throat in the Watergate scandal.
Your thought on Mr. Feft, former FTP employee Quote
