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Xanax popularity in Poker Xanax popularity in Poker

03-09-2010 , 02:08 PM
I know a ton of players who swear by xanax when they play online poker and even some who use it to play live. Does it really help your game much? I hope to get some feedback from players who use it while playing poker. I have used adderall and find that it allows me to focus far more than xanax at any task, let alone poker, however I don't like the jittery affects it gives you especially durring comedown. Basically I just want to hear what is so good about xanax in a poker atmosphere both online and live.
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 02:50 PM
Xanax are u ***** ****ting me lol

what kind of fktard would think xanax would any way improve their game? rofllll

why dont you ask one the tons of players you know that take it?
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 02:56 PM
I use Xanax when I have insomnia.
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 02:57 PM
In small doses, I could see the benefit, but mainly for live poker, especially if you get anxious/nervous easily.

As for online, probably not a great idea to take anti-anxiety/sedatives while sitting down online for many hours..... Most likely you'll wake up hours later busto in whatever you registered in (this is of course dependent on the dosage, your tolerance, the environment you play in, etc.)
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 02:59 PM
xanax sucks. if you eat it and drink, you wont remember anything at all for long periods of time which could be good or bad depending on how much you normally lose.

if you snort it, it ****s you up.
i dont understand why people think drugs make them better at poker. adderall is just as bad for you, but whatever you want to do to make you "better".

i like drinking while i play because it passes time. also weed does the same IMO, doesnt make me play better, just makes me less bored while playing for 6 hours or more which in turn make me focus more.
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 03:00 PM
you should read matusows book if you want insight into playing poker on drugs
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 03:04 PM
I would probably say you would want to use propranolol in a modified release form like half inderal LA. The propranolol would calm you and help with concentration and focus.

Xanax would not help ur game it will just sedate u
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 03:12 PM
the only people who'd say xanax helps them play poker are xanax addicts
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by boc4life
the only people who'd say xanax helps them play poker are xanax addicts
or ya know, people with anxiety.
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 03:19 PM
You dont need xanax to play poker. I was nervous when I first started too but it passes with time when you are winning and money becomes less and less important to you.
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 03:22 PM
used it a couple times to get on a plane.
Can't see how it would help playing poker at all.
I tried playing games on my laptop and several times was in a 'zoned out' daze.
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 03:33 PM
I do not think it could ever help you playing any form of poker. Most of the time it just makes you pass out within a couple of hours of taking it. Also you can never remember wtf you did the night before.

Also everytime one of gf cheated on me in the past, it normally started with so I was at this party and ate some handlebars aka zanax
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 03:38 PM
it's the most painful thing to get off of if your body is physically addicted. Just an FYI
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by mmac900
You dont need xanax to play poker. I was nervous when I first started too but it passes with time when you are winning and money becomes less and less important to you.
What if you have an anxiety disorder before you start playing poker?
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 03:56 PM
weed is the only thing thats worth it long run imo. for poker, for life, for anything.

and just remember drugs affect your mind there's nothing you can do on drugs than you cant do sober, this includes weed.

you degenerate.
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by boc4life
the only people who'd say xanax helps them play poker are xanax addicts
Originally Posted by Exitonly
or ya know, people with anxiety.

i have been perscribed xanex/adavan before. i never really understood how people could say that it made them high. it mostly just made me feel normal, and did actually help me to calm down and focus on studies.
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 03:58 PM
I cant see people taking Xaney's consistently and being on the top of their game.

It makes it very difficult to remember things that happened 15-20 minutes ago, let alone small things that happened hours ago during a long session...this is just from my experience.

I can see how in small doses, infrequently, in can be helpful to those who get very stressed out and/or very nervous. I am certainty one of those people who gets nervous, and it does help...but cant imagine being dependent on it to play. That is what weed is for
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 04:00 PM
Is it really that normal to be using drugs in the USA?

WTF is wrong with you people?

Get used to the anxiety you idiots.
Only ******s risk an addiction, just to play some poker.
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 05:04 PM
Try valerian root instead
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 05:11 PM
For sure don't take Tadalafil.
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 05:53 PM
Don't know about poker, but it will make your pet chimp more proficient at eating your neighbor's face off.
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 05:58 PM
i heard crack/crystal meth does very good for the average poker player!
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 06:02 PM
How is poker any different from anything else?

Either you need drugs to get through life or you don't.

Don't see any relevant correlation to a specific drug+poker in particular.
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by ThisKid$Tough
i have been perscribed xanex/adavan before. i never really understood how people could say that it made them high. it mostly just made me feel normal, and did actually help me to calm down and focus on studies.
These are all part of the benzodiazepine family of drugs... Valium, Ativan, Xanax. These are VERY MILD tranquilizers. Some people do really, really well on these drugs because they almost completely eliminate anxiety... but leave you almost perfectly sober. If you feel high, you are taking too much... or taking it recreationally.

Benzos do not mix with alcohol... because alcohol is so much stronger it completely overpowers the Benzo... so you are wasting the Benzo while drinking.

These drugs would tend to help a Pro Trader or Poker Pro... because they make you very calm, yet perfectly lucid... in high stress situations. I'll bet LOTS of Poker Pros take Benzos.

You can probably take them daily for a few weeks without addiction... but once you are addicted... the withdrawal is probably the worst of ANY drug. It's bad because withdrawal takes months... 6-9 months to feel normal again is not unusual. Heroin withdrawal is ULTRA-INTENSE but is over after 7-9 days... Benzo withdrawal is only moderately intense... but you cannot concentrate, work, read a book, you are kinda spaced out for a few months... and the long duration drives you crazy... and plays tricks with your mind.

So help yourself... but take it sporadically... like 2-3 days/week when you play a tournament or whatever. You can easily buy any Benzo on the Internet from Asia or South America and elsewhere.
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
03-09-2010 , 06:24 PM
xanax and mary j...proof god loves you.
Xanax popularity in Poker Quote
