Originally Posted by jc315
but heads up is different. and flopping trips with 3rd kicker in a 3bet pot is very strong
anyway i think this cynn slowroll topic is a bit overdone now.
IMO: it wasn't a slowroll. it was a bit of nitroll, but considering 10+ days of 10+hour days, the mental fatigue, chip stacks (it was a HUGE shove. they were still like 50bb+ deep) and the $3.8MM decision - he absolutely needs to take some time to think it through. but he should prob never fold and prob wouldn't ever fold.
You are right about topic being a bit overdone but I just wanted to respond to what you said about 3bet pot.
If Miles had just flatted Cynn's standard button raise, then I would agree flopping trips with 3rd kicker is hella-strong, hard to see KQ or AK in Miles range just flatting a standard button raise.
But remember Miles is the one who 3bet to 34M pre-flop, which squarely adds KQ and AK to his range. So I would argue the relative strength of trip Kings, 3rd kicker is dependent on who was the 3-bettor preflop, not just the fact it was a 3bet pot. It's still a call of course, but with the 34M preflop 3bet and then jam by Miles, you can understand Cynn wanting to think just a little bit.