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Write gambling software, go to prison - new article in Wired about an American programmer Write gambling software, go to prison - new article in Wired about an American programmer

01-04-2013 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Inishul
Guns don't kill people -
Gambling software doesn't make people lose money.
Write gambling software, go to prison - new article in Wired about an American programmer Quote
01-04-2013 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by TheDrew
Gambling software doesn't make people lose money.
Write gambling software, go to prison - new article in Wired about an American programmer Quote
01-05-2013 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by tultfill
lol, so funny
Write gambling software, go to prison - new article in Wired about an American programmer Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by canoodles
how are there not riots every day in the US

govern ( control ) + ment. ( mind ) = control mind.
Write gambling software, go to prison - new article in Wired about an American programmer Quote
01-05-2013 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Because we have FREEDOM
With the sort of "freedom" that is in the USA I would live in a dictatorship any day.
Write gambling software, go to prison - new article in Wired about an American programmer Quote
01-06-2013 , 12:45 PM
if they have a weak case, then they will say it was used to fund terrorist , boo0m take the plea bargain.
Write gambling software, go to prison - new article in Wired about an American programmer Quote
01-06-2013 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by champstone
in all fairness you cant have small business programers doing this. the millions that big casinos and others in industry pay to elected officials can not let this happen. these senators , doj are bought and paid for , you think it would be fair to let a small company make money . you must keep the monopoly strong , a kill any chance at completion. haven't seen them go after any big corps that sell or lease there software . who you think sends memos to these da other companys and big gaming . they follow just like the paid lap dogs they are. the da is just working for the interests of big company and software companys that pay them. scaring off any potiential start ups or small companys.
I agree with this, in many places online gambling is illegal, and as you point out you have vested interests who will encourage enforcement; I agree with a good deal of the anti-american sentiment being expressed herein. This place is off the rails, you can't play a gambling game but you can get a hell of a fun in about five minutes, and the populace is on about 8 kazillion presecription drugs. Nothing wrong with democracy and capitalism, but it seems to me we've got more of a bloody capitalism paradigm.

With respect to poker, online poker, I think the picture gets a bit brighter for these software/ entrepenuer types.... There you have an arguement that it's a skill game and isn't per se gambling. Anyways, the public relations battle took a huge hit when those chimps at full tilt couldn't see that keeping all player funds on hand would be prospicatious, right? All of us were swearing up and down that it's legit, not some online crime ring, and then FT owners decide having a licesnse to print money isn't enough for them, then you have the whole UB fiasco. When the santicmonious prosecutors around the country decide whom to target, the conduct of many in the industry really make it easy to target them.
Write gambling software, go to prison - new article in Wired about an American programmer Quote
01-06-2013 , 05:44 PM
Reminds me of how it used to be illegal to export strong encryption software from the US because the DOD classified it as 'munitions'.
Write gambling software, go to prison - new article in Wired about an American programmer Quote
