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Why Was Witteles Banned Four Times Why Was Witteles Banned Four Times

08-20-2021 , 01:17 PM
This dude just wrote "It has always been my policy to not make any personal attacks on people" in a multi part thread attacking Dandruff. Mason just take the L and move the **** on dude this is embarrassing.
08-20-2021 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by jinz3rd
This dude just wrote "It has always been my policy to not make any personal attacks on people" in a multi part thread attacking Dandruff. Mason just take the L and move the **** on dude this is embarrassing.
It's not only embarrassing but this whole thread is pointless, stupid and dumb.
08-20-2021 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth

All of us, including David, thought that she was older than she said she was. I agree that David should have done a better job of determining how old she actually was.
said every ephebophile ever.

ephebophile is a fancy name for chicken chaser, just so you know.
08-20-2021 , 01:37 PM
That quote is pure gold. I forgot about the "David should have done a better job of determining how old she actually was.". So she said she was underage, they don't believe her and then says hmmm maybe we should have looked into that a little more before having sex with her.
08-20-2021 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
All of us, including David, thought that she was older than she said she was. I agree that David should have done a better job of determining how old she actually was.

You keep saying this. I know Sue and she is not mentally handicapped. She is unfortunately the product of incest which has caused her some mild handicaps such as being blind in one eye and prone to anxiety.
How can you be so out of touch with reality?

Why oh why would you open such a can of worms?
08-20-2021 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by Slugant
i checked, is offline
Seems like it was only ever online for some weeks.

Lol at putting affiliate links for Full Tilt on a site like that ...
08-20-2021 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
No he is a pedophile. He should be in jail and as to Mason, what the hell happened to you? You are coming off as so petty and desperate in this thread do you realize that? You're not the owner anymore so really who the **** cares how many times Dan Druff was banned. Do you think anyone other than yourself even thinks about this topic at all? I've seen lots of trash threads in NVG but this ranks right up there imo as 1 of the all time worsts.
Again, by definition, he is not. I’m not really sure what your argument is on this.
08-20-2021 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
It's not only embarrassing but this whole thread is pointless, stupid and dumb.
I can't stand when People make a comment like that while making post after post. Think It is pointless and dumb, stay out. sklansky isn't holding you hostage like an underage mentally disabled girl forcing you to comment or you gets the D.
08-20-2021 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
Again, by definition, he is not. I’m not really sure what your argument is on this.
Yeah, sklansky is an Epstein. They like them developed but still naïve. In sklansky's own words, malleable.
08-20-2021 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by SpamBot - Alpha

The following is David's very own statement on 2+2 (can be searched via google)

Should we believe David himself or you?

Also, notice the significant difference in age and mental capability?
Some might say that David is in fact taking advantage of this poor girl and has so for many years...
The only thing DS says about her that is not a physical handicap is that she is slightly autistic. Where is MM lying when he says she is not mentally handicapped?

Last edited by jjjou812; 08-20-2021 at 03:17 PM.
08-20-2021 , 03:02 PM
Calm down
08-20-2021 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by jinz3rd
That quote is pure gold. I forgot about the "David should have done a better job of determining how old she actually was.". So she said she was underage, they don't believe her and then says hmmm maybe we should have looked into that a little more before having sex with her.
So how old was she?
08-20-2021 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by MaxCut

Druff should definitely stop referring to Sue as mentally handicapped.
Dan Druff, why did you cut this from your quote and not address it? Is your only evidence that Sue was "mentally handicapped" and the DS quote that she was slightly autistic?
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