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Why professionnal Poker does not exist anymore ? (the shady truth of Poker with a solution) Why professionnal Poker does not exist anymore ? (the shady truth of Poker with a solution)

04-24-2022 , 07:12 AM
Sorry, like I said I was posting a short version yesterday but the post was closed.

Poker live tournaments curses:
Whatever the structure, due to payout levels and tournament profitability being dependent on a major win (beeing itm isn't enough), the game is slowed down and every tournament have a shortstack average during money time (between 30 and 50bb) leading to gambling over playing Poker. Most tournaments ended by a deal or a flash.

The profitability in live tournament being managed over the very long term, the costs having increased and the first prizes decreasing, most of the teams, independent players and the public, left poker.

After 40 years of constant evolution, the Main Event has been stagnating for a decade now.
Most of the players currently following the circuit are either sponsored or rich, or coaches. Most of the independent grinders who play it, make a living from cash games or online.
Most sponsored players who lose sponsors quit poker.
Because each rooms acts alone and the circuit is deregulated, HUGE majority of poker money goes to tax&fees every year and turnover is insufficient to compensate.
Because most titles are donkaments or played shortstacks, the public views poker as a game of luck. More than 80 titles for a dozen variants, owning a bracelet has lost prestige and the public is lost.

Few years ago, one of the main Poker Tour had a ranking based on profits.
Now, no one does because the truth is ugly.

To compare to the F1 championship,
imagine if the races offered differents points,
and if each season the champion was the one who won THE race with the most points.
Would be crazy, unfair, no ?
Well this is exactly how profitable players are declared in the Poker tournament scene.
If before, losing money to participate was tolerable in F1.
After more than 70 years, a complete overhaul was carried out.
Can poker also act to have a profitable ecosystem?

What can we do?
We have 2 choices, wait an other 50 years or following my goal.
To treat this game as a sport by creating an authenthic competition with :
- the most technical structure
- a profitable payout
- available in every Poker rooms (live&online)

If pro-players goal is to win the million every year and if lotteries and others do it,
Poker deserve a 1 million/per year FOR LIFE first prize's tournament.

If skilled players have around 30% itm career,
first payout have to be egal to buy-inx3 to be even,
or buyx4 to maximise short-time profits.

If 99,99% of players can't play the Main event,
it's time for a world championship to come to them.
What Poker players need?
To dream. (to play for a title and the million)

What Poker grinders need?
a deepstack & the time to use it
a stable ecosystem adapted (payouts/buy-ins grid)
a fish bank.

What Poker rooms need?
To be united to create a profitable global professional Poker tour.

What Poker need?
A global competition, a global federation.

What is the most technical structure?
Head's up but too much time need. So next one...
Short-handed shootout (6 players winner play next round, every table is like a final table.)
100 big blinds average (blinds level-up every players out.)
Most of players are afraid of shootout, skilled need because it's impossible to play the time.
So we can't start directly there, if players was relucant to play No-limit 30 years ago, now it's about deepstack and cash game.
Most of players hate satelitte tournaments for one main reason, most of the time you just win a ticket so if you don't finish itm the next tournament, you are actually losing money and twice time despite having one performance.
So a classical multi-tables tournament satellite will/can be mandatory and call qualification.
Qualification&satellites will have the payout buy-in x3 or x4 + ticket next step.
Qualification&satellites will have the same structure. (different time levels)

Poker Grid proposals :
4 rounds shootout play live + qualif&sats mtt (live&online)

Payout A Payout B Payout C
Winner : 1M per year --- 1M per year -- 1M per year
Finalists : 1M --- 1M -- 1M
Quarter-final: 100k --- 150k --- 500K
First round: 10k --- 30k --- 100k
Qualif mtt buy-in : 3300 (tkt cup+5k) --- 5500 (tkt+20k) --- 10k (tkt+40k)
Satelitte buy-in : 540 (tkt qualif+1500) ---1050 (tkt+4k) --- 2500 (tkt+10k)+(2.5k)
Super Sat buy-in : 99 (tkt sat+300) -- 200 (tkt+800) --- 500 (tkt+2k)
Super Super Sat : 25 (tkt+100) -- 50 (tkt+200) -- 99 (tkt+400)
10% itm (except Sat C : 20%itm)

Why maybe wait 10 years before making a profit, when we can make it in the first year?
Why depend on outside revenues when talent might be enough?
Why teams should lose money every years, when they could make profits?
Why act each on his side when united we would be stronger?

For you, for us, for Poker.

Are you in ?

(please do not judge my person, I am not responsable for all the facts, except the project.)
We are solely responsible for the current situation but we can change things.
Why professionnal Poker does not exist anymore ? (the shady truth of Poker with a solution) Quote
04-26-2022 , 06:39 PM
To let you know what I have been through.
I start Poker just before the European legislation.
I made my living through cash games live and tried my luck in the main events to win the million.
But the trend has come to disrupt payouts, less for first, more players paid.
No more million to win in tournaments, and a 4% tax in cash game to beat to make profits.
I had 3 choice, play online, move to las vegas, or stop.
Since I discover Poker, I always dream of a tournament played in every casinos all around the world.
And I always dreamed to create a business, and bring something to community.
During the craze, each room wanted to create their own tower, now that most have not survived, it's time to act together.
I am sure I am not the only one to think at a world championship in every rooms, we have to do it.
Why professionnal Poker does not exist anymore ? (the shady truth of Poker with a solution) Quote
04-28-2022 , 12:47 AM
Quality Schizo post sir!
Why professionnal Poker does not exist anymore ? (the shady truth of Poker with a solution) Quote
04-28-2022 , 04:00 PM
Poker has been in a massive decline since Black Friday.

When the Americans were banned from playing online it was a massive hit to the industry. All the marketing from the big poker sites completely dried up, so new fish stopped signing up.

America is the richest country and has the players with the most gamble who want to play high.

The Eastern European players aren't from wealthy countries, so don't add massive liquidity to the pool.

The Germans players are quite tight and solid. The Canadians don't have that much gamble.

Poker in Western Europe isn't massively popular and you never really see players from there playing above 200 NL.

All the poker sites were American, almost all of the sponsored pros and High Stakes crushers were American.

Poker is the great American pass time and when it was banned online it ripped the heart out of the industry.
Why professionnal Poker does not exist anymore ? (the shady truth of Poker with a solution) Quote
04-28-2022 , 11:33 PM
[QUOTE=Maximus122;57649799]Poker has been in a massive decline since Black Friday.

When the Americans were banned from playing online it was a massive hit to the industry. All the marketing from the big poker sites completely dried up, so new fish stopped signing up.

Yes the black friday had a huge impact on the industry but it have no point with the profitability of tournaments or the shortstack averages. The 2 reasons why public,medias and many players have left poker since mid 2010's. (I am not talking about online players or cash game grinder!!!)

There is 4 types of Poker: Cash game,tournament,live,online. All the same game but all differents.

Hendonmob 550k players worldwide 250k US players 188K European players. Almost half of the players isnt big enough for you?

European poor ? You have to travel or learn. Just few countries... BTW yeah america is so rich, just taking a look to detroit or chicago...

You think that you are the best, the only one, but it's not the case for everything and it doesnt matter. It not give your more rights than the others.

We need to be united.

Thank's for the reading and sorry for having not mention the black friday. (it had an impact on the industry not the public, and I had wrote so much already...)

Why professionnal Poker does not exist anymore ? (the shady truth of Poker with a solution) Quote
04-28-2022 , 11:57 PM
BTW Canada is not in europe...
Europe have huge tournaments too, like EPT, PPT, Master Classic, Irish open, and many Poker fans&players.
Just you are to focus on yourself and never see the world.
By experience Nordics are way better than US. I have done both, I made more money in US. Because you play more the stats than the people... And you have a HUGE EGO............................................... .................................................. .................................................. .....................
Why professionnal Poker does not exist anymore ? (the shady truth of Poker with a solution) Quote
04-29-2022 , 12:48 AM
Just read that whole thing... Bruh.

So OP how was your manic episode?
Why professionnal Poker does not exist anymore ? (the shady truth of Poker with a solution) Quote
04-29-2022 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by Living Abortion
Just read that whole thing... Bruh.

So OP how was your manic episode?
Sorry I cant anwser in this post. Post are shut down when you dont follow your tread or for a little detail modo dont like. Just had the wtp ranking post closed because of that, and a warning...

Why professionnal Poker does not exist anymore ? (the shady truth of Poker with a solution) Quote
04-29-2022 , 11:38 AM
And I forget about america having the biggest gamblers...

Average bet in Vegas 2 000$
Average bet in Macao 20 000$

And about cash, if you were a live grinder you would know that most cash comes from underground activities...
And East-europe people have a ton of cash !!!

You really have to go see the world... Internet can help you for it.

Why professionnal Poker does not exist anymore ? (the shady truth of Poker with a solution) Quote
04-29-2022 , 01:16 PM
so basically US bad
Why professionnal Poker does not exist anymore ? (the shady truth of Poker with a solution) Quote
04-29-2022 , 02:39 PM
I, for one, am glad that the US is starting to open poker sites that are geofenced to keep you bum hunting euro-poors away from the US-fish.
Why professionnal Poker does not exist anymore ? (the shady truth of Poker with a solution) Quote
04-29-2022 , 04:25 PM
Like I said HUGE EGO....
Always claiming that you are the best for everything and once we prouve that you are wrong, you play the victim...

We dont care who's the best, the biggest..... That's useless, except for your EGO.

There are 4 types of poker : Cash game-tournament-live-online. All the same game but all differents, like motorsport if you dont get it.
You would never say that F1 is like endurance or that driving behind the screen is the same that irl, so why in Poker...

Poker online it's around 50 rooms worlwide, less than a thousand workers.
Poker live it's +1300 rooms worldwide, many thousands of workers.
And by workers I mean, dealers, floor, TD, managers, cashiers... Not the players.

You have to stop mixing everything and beeing selfish.

Before you said that you dont give a f... about workers or live Poker, please realize that it will be stupid as f...

Why professionnal Poker does not exist anymore ? (the shady truth of Poker with a solution) Quote
05-11-2022 , 01:37 PM
There is 4 types of Poker: Cash game,tournament,live,online.

So if I play in a tournament that is online that means I'm playing 2 types of poker at the same!
Why professionnal Poker does not exist anymore ? (the shady truth of Poker with a solution) Quote
05-11-2022 , 06:07 PM
Holy Adderall batman
Why professionnal Poker does not exist anymore ? (the shady truth of Poker with a solution) Quote
