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What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? What's the deal with Kathy Liebert?

04-19-2011 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Jersey's Finest
Understood. But why blast Howard? Does she really think there's something he can do at this moment? When the money in question is in question in a legal matter I doubt they can just give it out.

All anyone can do is be patient and let the more informed parties do their thing. All the media guys like Gary Wise, Kevmath, Andrew Feldman, and the like are doing all they can to get the most info so until then no one can or should comment.

If the money is currently tied up legally it's not going anywhere.
1) blast howard cuz he sucks?

2) the poker media what? Feldman said "poker sites around the world we be down in 48 hours" (last Friday)--> both a very vague and very WRONG statement.
Kevmaff banhammers Kessler, and while G. Wise is great, he only one person.

3) Its debated how much money is "locked up" at this time. As far as i hear the US govt is having trouble selling their story that these "sites are illegal" to sanctioned banks in countires around the world. After all stars and ftp are "regulated and sanctioned" by numerous entities and organizations.

if you still want to limit your exposure to 3 individuals you listed go ahead, its my opinion some other people might know a few things too.
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 03:00 PM
we both have quads
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Rodz
we both have quads
That was Kristy (or Kirsty?) Gazes, silly.
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Brooks54
likes purple polos IMO
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 04:35 PM
Met Cathy a couple of years ago at WPT NAPC. Nice to talk to. She actually is a pretty good tournament player.
Looks like she has an axe to grind with Howard. Not hearing much from all of the other so called GREATS.
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 04:39 PM
She's grouchy because they (FT) didn't give her a sponsor deal.
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 04:41 PM
To hate on her for her comments is to hate on yourself.

She actually wants FTilt to reach into whatever bank vault was not grabbed by the Feds or is still generating money or is in Howard's basement to reinburse ALL the US players that have their money locked up and subrogate their rights to it (If FTilt is successful a year or two or whatever from now in their legal arguments then they can take the locked up money and reimburse themselves).

In essence, she wants FTilt to take on the liability rather than its customers. Sounds like a reasonable request. Why hate on that?
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by boohaa12
Kevmaff banhammers Kessler, and while G. Wise is great, he only one person....
Originally Posted by HVEEPOKER
Met Cathy a couple of years ago at WPT NAPC. Nice to talk to. She actually is a pretty good tournament player.
Looks like she has an axe to grind with Howard. Not hearing much from all of the other so called GREATS.
Kevmath said very clearly that it wasn't him who banhammered Kessler who btw proceeded to whine about it for 20 minutes.

All except Doyle... Ante up suckers!
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 04:41 PM
Her twitter stinks maybe idk?
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 04:58 PM
im sure there's a lot to this story that none of us know.
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Newbster
Don't worry Kathy...they won't screw you...
I see what you did there.

wp, very wp.
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Biscuits33
A "name pro", albeit not a huge name, actually wants to speak up for the smaller players and their money and this is a bad thing?

More pros need to speak up like this, more pros need to ask questions like, why the **** were you giving so many players deals and advertising all over TV if your operation was so corrupt? Where were Full Tilt's lawyers? Why was no one warned about this? Howard clearly made many decisions in regard to the direction of that company, how could he have gotten it so wrong?
to attract new players to bleed rake into the system?

The top level executives understood the status quo was unsustainable. The CEO of cake, formerly was a top level executive of Pokerstars, wrote a public letter explaining the grim future of online poker and encouraged people to support Reid 2.0. I'm sure they've been preparing a long time for "black friday."
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by justonemoretime
To hate on her for her comments is to hate on yourself.

She actually wants FTilt to reach into whatever bank vault was not grabbed by the Feds or is still generating money or is in Howard's basement to reinburse ALL the US players that have their money locked up and subrogate their rights to it (If FTilt is successful a year or two or whatever from now in their legal arguments then they can take the locked up money and reimburse themselves).

In essence, she wants FTilt to take on the liability rather than its customers. Sounds like a reasonable request. Why hate on that?

If FT and Stars were to say that they will take the hit for now and pay everyone out of their own pockets how do you propose that they get the money to everyone? Do you really think they can just scratch a bunch of checks and send them out? No banks are going to process their money right now.
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 06:18 PM
Kathy has harbored much hatred toward Howard and the other FTP pros mostly because she was never offered a deal and hated the fact that players such as Howard who she felt were average at best (Gordon too) were raking in billions by playing both sides of the fence with illegal offshore sites and trying to seem legit asking congress to pass a bill while grinded out a living. I bet anything she danced a jig when she heard the news. Now it's been her on offense. It's entertainment and not much more.
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 06:49 PM
Why are you guys hating on her? Just because she is ugly? I never really liked her, but now I have a ton of respect for her and will follow her tweets. Why does everyone here love to protect Howard??? Do you really think if you don't talk about Howard and Ferguson owning Tilt, the feds wont find out either....
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 07:21 PM
shes been great on QuadJacks
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 07:27 PM
She's awesome and one of the best guest on the QJ podcast, not many people really tell it like it is.
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by stevopos
If FT and Stars were to say that they will take the hit for now and pay everyone out of their own pockets how do you propose that they get the money to everyone? Do you really think they can just scratch a bunch of checks and send them out? No banks are going to process their money right now.
I'm sorry, have they said that they would guarantee everyone's balances against funds they have or are generating in other operations in the world? No? Why not?

Send every account holder a release saying that upon FTilt paying them all the funds they have in their account that said funds currently frozen by the Feds become the property of FTilt... and then send everyone their balances. Period.

FTilt has profitted by hundreds of millions of dollars (billions?) in the last five years. Surely its ownership group has an amount equal to the US balances somewhere ... pay it out to make their players whole and then make their arguments to get it unfrozen from the government. Why has this offer not been made. Oh yah, they don't give a **** about the small time player stuck a few hundred or thousand (or $5,156.20 to be exact)
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 07:51 PM
Woman's scorn.
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-19-2011 , 07:56 PM
Shes a good player dont get me wrong. Shes solid live...

I just think her twitter probably stinks. Nothing personal. lol
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-20-2011 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by apokerplayer
That was Kristy (or Kirsty?) Gazes, silly.
True! Silly me...

[x]1st post fail
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-21-2011 , 09:25 PM
She just made her twitter so that she has to screen all followers now. I won't bother she isn't that important and her tweets have gotten tiresome. Mostly just bashing howard and her last tweet was patting herself on the back for getting an invite to PAD.
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
04-21-2011 , 09:39 PM
I bet this guy is asking the same thing

What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
06-17-2011 , 02:22 PM
so everyone here hates howard, and she is blasting howard, and everyone here hates her? i dont get it.
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
06-17-2011 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by saultnutz
so everyone here hates howard, and she is blasting howard, and everyone here hates her? i dont get it.
Everyone I guess is looking for more professional tweets and her lack of professionalism that she portrays on twitter is a joke.
What's the deal with Kathy Liebert? Quote
