Originally Posted by Worm082
I actually grew up with Anthony. He lived on street behind me and his mom would occasionally give us rides home from school. We loved playing Magic cards & Quake in the computer lab.
I knew he became a successful poker player, but I haven’t seen him in probably 25 years now.
I was just googling old classmates out of boredom and saw this news. Why I just made this account. This is so highly out of character for him if it was true. He was good kid and friendly to everyone. I hope he didn’t develop some issue that led to this. What a shame. He also came from a well to do family.
The issue he developed is called 'being a successful poker player.' Then once the successes run dry for a while, what do you resort to doing? Going delinquent on payments to BoA and 'borrowing' other people's backpacks for the night, it would appear.