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What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP?

06-17-2008 , 10:55 AM
todd brunson wins and admits to being in love with dn
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by toss
Prahlad Friedman makes a fairly tale comeback by reaching the final table. To make the situation more insane he ends HU versus Taylor Caby/KaneKungFu (they were actually one person). It looks like Prahlad is going to win the tournament but hits a major roadblock when Taylor/KKF sucks out on the river. Prahlad is visible upset and the crowd crestfallen. Then out of nowhere an 8-year-old girl in the back starts singing softly "Poker is fun for everyone..." Then another person joins in. Then another! And another! Soon the whole crowd is singing/rapping. Prahlad absorbs this miraculous energy and rebounds from a 15-1 chip deficit to win the tournament and regain his throne on the internets.
obv winner
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 11:01 AM
Annie Duke gives birth in her chair without knowing she was pregnant but the baby chokes on the chord cause she was in the middle of a hand and didn't want to give off a timing tell.
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 11:16 AM
4 month delay of ME-FT saves televised poker
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by DefiniteMaybe
4 month delay of ME-FT saves televised poker

What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 01:51 PM
The Jesus freak guy is in the background of every TV shot with his John 3:16 sign. He gets interviewed by Norman Chad and admits that gambling is not in the bible as a sin.

He then proceeds to play Chinese poker HU with Hellmuth in the stands for hundos after getting staked by Johnny Chan. Of course, Hellmuth loses.
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 02:56 PM
Phil Hellmuth skipping the ME to play HU matches with Durr AND win said matches.

Guess if I'm gonna mention things that will never happen, I'll also say me running like god online to win a seat and continue to run like god and win the ME (and proceed to get flamed by everyone on the internet in the process).

I think the second one is more likely to happen than the first one.
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by KSOT
Jerry Yang repeat.
Beat me to the punch quick like.
Or Chris Moneymaker winning an event obv.
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 03:04 PM
Most shocking thing....

Person wins 2008 Main Event and then is actually complimented on 2p2!!!

Oh, and NO ONE uses the word "donkament"!!

SHOCKING...yes. POSSIBLE...never!!!
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 03:21 PM
the dealers stacking the deck for some of the pros...

oh wait, that already happened in the 2k limit event for DN
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 04:28 PM
Main Event Final table:
Jerry Yang, Jamie Gold, Chris Moneymaker, Oral Hershiser, Shannon Elizabeth, Matt Damon, JOhnny Chan, Rocco Mediate, TObey McGuire

Matt Damon bluffs Chan to take a huge chip lead while being short Stacked. and then HU flops the nuts and C/C and Chan value bets all his chips
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 04:47 PM
Harrahs doesn't do something to piss half the field off in any particular event
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 05:17 PM
Not sure what would be *the* most shocking, but here are some potential nominees:

Jesus has a Matusow blowup then openly berates player on his bust out ala Hellmuth. Reveals bandoleer of throwing knives under leather duster and proceeds to randomly hurl them across the room. Crowd watches in stunned silence as 11 are injured, 4 killed. Durrr's is saved when Jesus accidentally targets the Carmen Miranda hat he's wearing due to loss of prop bet.

Jerry Yang converts to Judiasm, has Barry G and Gabe Kaplan perform bris during 2 lvl of the ME.

Hellmuth wins 2 bracelets in non-NLHE events. Conducts himself as perfect gentlemen at all times.

Annie Duke has a legitimate whine.

PA reveals himself to be Brad Pitt's son. Brad Pitt releases statement "That's Not TRUE! That's IMPOSSIBLE"

Chip Reese appears at table during ME. Claims death was all a hoax and that Andy Kaufman made him do it (ok, kinda sick, but he died far too early).

Years of frustration with internet qualifiers explodes when Doyle loses pot to uber donk. Doyle reaches across table and cold ***** uber donk with crutch/cane. Uber Donk blacks out face first in own chips. Regains consciousness to find he's been blinded out of the ME.

Not a single misdeal during entire ME.

Dealer's stage joke during $50K HORSE event. Replace Stud with Baseball. Mass confusion erupts during first rainout.

Norman Chad fails to repeat a joke during entire WSOP broadcast.

WSOP ME Champ - Sam Grizzle
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 05:22 PM
UIGEA is repealed.
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 05:44 PM
The Devilfish tea bags Phil Hellmuth
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 05:48 PM
The WSOP goes further with their plan to turn the Series into a Nationally recognized sporting event. One of the moves includes the hiring of Roger Godell as commissioner.

I'll leave it up to everyone's own imagination as to how that one might play out.
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 05:57 PM
jamie gold cashing in an event
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by PSsvensk
jamie gold cashing in an event
Ding! Ding! Ladies and Gentlemen we have a winner in our annual 12th post of the year award.

In all seriousness, same thing has been posted something times already.
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 06:22 PM
DN skips main event to get married in San Francisco
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Beatngreet415
DN skips main event to get married in San Francisco
Yeah, that would be reeeeal shocking...
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by TheDukePatio
Not sure what would be *the* most shocking, but here are some potential nominees:

Jesus has a Matusow blowup then openly berates player on his bust out ala Hellmuth. Reveals bandoleer of throwing knives under leather duster and proceeds to randomly hurl them across the room. Crowd watches in stunned silence as 11 are injured, 4 killed. Durrr's is saved when Jesus accidentally targets the Carmen Miranda hat he's wearing due to loss of prop bet.

WSOP ME Champ - Sam Grizzle
Instead of throwing knives, Jesus has a deck of cards in his coat. After killing 11, and injuring 4, he impresses everyone by throwing the remaining cards through the fruit hat that Tom Dwan is wearing
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 08:51 PM
i **** in hellmuths hat
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 09:08 PM
the most shocking would be if phil helmutt turns up naked and kisses durrr .
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 09:14 PM
George Takei and Brad Altman both finish in the money after DN gets married in San Francisco.
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
06-17-2008 , 09:30 PM
Matt Damon and Johny Chan get heads up at the final table...Matt has 9 blinds and reraises all but 1 blind...john mucks and asks "did you have it?"

Matt say, "i dont know john.. i dont remember"

then gets up from the table and walks away...during this time john blinds matt out to win the main event.....ya...
What Would be the Most Shocking Thing that could Happen During the WSOP? Quote
