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What is the most you have lost in a single day? What is the most you have lost in a single day?

10-26-2011 , 03:12 PM
12k after playing my first month on merge (and best month in my poker career)

i'm a PLO addict and had an epic spinup of $300 -->12k running Godlike at like $1/hand

one night (after a couple drinks....) I lost a $1700 pot at 2/4 and i was under 10k. this made me upset. the "degen" was activated.

5 bi at 3/6 HU running like a cripple. then it was off to 25/50 HU where i lost a buyin. back to 2/4 .... and busto.

this one still hurts. i remember how happy i was just to have spun up to 3k or so. i'm such an idiot
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Acesfullofgarbage

How the **** do you lose 20k at 2NL?!?
losing 7 big blinds per hand is kinda remarkable
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by poissonmort
tl;dr tl;dr tl;dr tl;dr tl;dr tl;dr tl;dr tl;dr tl;dr tl;dr tl;dr tl;dr tl;dr

Had like 5x -10k days this year

First one was last Jan at Fallsview winter classic, played 10-20(25? not sure) before 2nd day of ME and action died down that night. Sat down at around 4pm; at 2am we were down to 4handed, and this azn baccarat fish kept rollercoasting his stack; earlier when I had sat down, he had like 15k, dropped down to 3k, made it back to 16k, then back to 8, then back to 15k, chasing every gutter, overplaying trips no kicker, etc. So yeah, figured I'd stick around 'til he gave me every last chip.

4am, the 2 nits leave the game. Great, I thought, gonna merk this fish HU. At that point, I was stuck a measly 2k, no biggie. Typical godmoding fish ensued, rivered gutter in 3bet pot, set over set me, couldnt miss while I bricked every draw etc, pretty standard stuff but I was playing slightly higher than I usually do. At 10am, table started to fill back up, and my friend who was still in ME came by to see if I was ok since phone had died, he was top 3 chipleader. 12:30 he came back on lifetilt, busted quickly with the ****ing bingo structure, I was in for 13 and had like 2k and change in front, we decided to insta check out and drive home ~8hours after no sleep and huge loss.

Other interesting one is at WPT Borgata event a month ago. Sat down on 10-25NL uncapped w (punketty?Samoleus?Niman?) however you wanna call it and ran my biggest bluff.

Eff stack was ~8k since he had me covered. Fish limped UTG, I iso'd EP w K9hh to 125, nitreg in SB called, Niman BB called, fish folded (wtf fish limpfold?). Flop came K53ssx, nitreg checked, niman lead 275, I called, putting him mostly on draws; FDs, pair+fd, gutter+2overs since its pretty hard to flop a set or 2pair, and he would prob let me cbet this Kxx semi-dry board with his value hands, but perhaps did not want to CR his draws this deep.

Turn came Tx, he lead again for close to pot, 900. I called again with the intention on snapping any brick river. River came the 3s...

So K53ss Tx 3s

He lead again for 1.9. Now obviously my hand is no longer good but I cant rep bluffs very well, it's really hard for me to get to the river w total air. Also, his range is somewhat capped; sure, he can have quads, but even bottom FH there is a bluffcatcher this deep and I expect him to b/f his flushes, which I think make up a very big part of his range. So I shoved 6.5ish. He turned over his hand; 53s. Crowd gathered around the table, typical live BS. He litterally took 12mins+. I'll admit I wasnt shoving to get him off a FH, but even that was a bluffcatcher and I really thought it was gonna get thru. He ended up calling, showed down my obv nogood K9hh. I left w/o saying a word and went to bed at 10pm when my usual sleep schedules sees me hit the sheets at 6am, ended -10.5 on the day.

PS I was a BFP member til August, and Niman put out these live HH reviews/TRs from Borgata, and I was wondering if I would make the cut. Have I?
PPS AC trip went well but swingy, had a +20k day on 10-25 so for the first time ever my biggest win > my biggest loss. Followed closely by -10k on 5-10 the next day tho.
PPPS currently on -50k DS since the trip which makes up like 85% of my BR. I know, BRM FTW etc etc

I was at thus table! I'm offended that u think I'm a nit too (I was sb I think). Sitting in that deep/tough table with less than 6 figs is pretty suicide btw.
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 07:11 PM
-$4500 playing sng's
biggest win was 5k yesterday
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 07:46 PM
$10k, PCA before i knew u could sell %s of urself. zzzzzzz

other than that, i had a really bad sunday for $8k loss.
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 07:51 PM
2.2K in about 30 minutes

took a shot at a 2/4 HU fish.

**** went wrong

quit for the rest of the day
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 08:09 PM
4/15! My whole roll at FTP, mid 5 figures
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 08:16 PM
150$, nothing special...
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 08:16 PM
2k euro which is a little under 3k$
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 09:10 PM
9k playing blackjack. had run it up over about a month. was in for like 1k of that. haven't played since.
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by Acesfullofgarbage

How the **** do you lose 20k at 2NL?!?
well he's Russian.

look on the bright side though...the guy has had 6 royal flushes in 180k hands so at least he runs good.
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 09:19 PM
Busted my 1k€ BR at HUNL5/10
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by Il_First_Il
Busted my 1k€ BR at HUNL5/10
no way!...another buy-in down the drain
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 09:45 PM
too many people using this thread solely to throw in a brag about their biggest winning day. we came to this thread to see losers and feel better about ourselves, gtfo
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 09:46 PM
about tree fiddy K$
HU PLO 1/2 & 2/4
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 09:47 PM
10k on blackjack
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by pokerfish_
10k on blackjack
but how much did you win back playing roulette?
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by mdom88
I was at thus table! I'm offended that u think I'm a nit too (I was sb I think). Sitting in that deep/tough table with less than 6 figs is pretty suicide btw.
Sorry I just blindly assume most regs I play with in a live FR setting are nitregs (correctly so a whopping 99% of the time). Tbh the hand sample is so small that you might have been card dead for a few hours (the entire 41 hands).

Plz accept my apologies, espec if the shoe doesn't fit!

Respectfully though, tables weren't tough, at least, imho.
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by Acesfullofgarbage

How the **** do you lose 20k at 2NL?!?

lol man look at some of his HH, he calls with EVERYTHING its soooo funny
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Acesfullofgarbage

How the **** do you lose 20k at 2NL?!?
It's only 10,000 buyins.

This needs its own thread.
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-26-2011 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by M.C.Escher
something similar here. went from $10 to ~$7k in 6 hours

lost it in one day uber tilting
There are far too many of these insane satan heater stories on twoplustwo. Am I cynical in not believing any of them? $10 to 7K in 6 hours, how, what games?
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-27-2011 , 12:30 AM
30k at 25/50NL vs Dustin Dirkinsen in 05 I think. Another 12k in the same night at 300-600 limit.

75k in vegas table games.
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-27-2011 , 01:14 AM
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-27-2011 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by acehearts
Would be good if you also state the stakes you were playing. Mine was $500 in $2/$2 stakes. I agreed I made some bad plays, and I lost two big pots which consisted of nearly the whole $500. One was a coinflip the other I had a 2 to 1 disadvantage, I shoved and got called.

So what is your biggest loss in a single day? And how to deal with it.
Fully aware that we are discussing trivial amounts of money, but treating the subject seriously nonetheless. You moneybags can flame away if you must.

-$500 at 1/2 NL. Went home and went to sleep. Husband reminded me that I can't win every time when I grumbled about it the next day. I actually tend to 'deal with it' better when I feel like I made some bad plays. I assume that's because I figure I can avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

The more difficult thing for me is when I feel like I played great and everything I touched just turned to crap. It starts feeling like you are cursed. The amount of money won or lost is irrelevant. I've had sessions online where I was micro-grinding for several hours and actually won money or broke even and was still tilted by how the session went.
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
10-27-2011 , 03:03 AM
excuse my english as it is poor here goes

first of all the amounts given in this thread dont tell as much at all for example one guy loses 20k but has a bankroll of 20k another loses 20k but has a bankroll of 200-500k the first guys loss is at least ten times more a loss then the guy with 200k

ok here is my story at 18 i started sports betting earned a income from work at the time maybe 700 $$$ week started with a Bankroll of 5k 9 months later sports betting spending countless hours a week my Roll was now 85k. So one day out with my friends we were watching a sport game i knew nothing about Live and my mates being so confident this team would win a had 5k on them to win 2500 profit way over my standard bet which is 2% of Roll > they lost standard well the next two days short story i chased one terrible bet as it really pissed me of backing someone elses pick this is something i would never do first time now so tilted the whole roll of 85k 2 days they just lost one after another my last bet was 40k to 32k

Well started sports betting again borrowed 10k 2 months later paid back the 10k and was up around 25k 2 years later my Roll was 350k would have been more but spent plenty $$$ partying betting 2% of my roll per game well one day i just thought Tiger Wooods was a Lock not that i know anything about golf besides backing him many times just for fun and collecting nearly most times i took a holididay to the US and thought i watch Tiger Live hey why not make it interesting right? Hmmm think i been here before lol 40k win i placed well Tiger was gone after day one and well short story trying to get unstuck for the next few days by the last day i was down 75k and the leader looked home but was paying 1.40 so i called around and and placed 200k on the leader my attiude was like wtf who cares win or Busto well it was the later Busto!!

Well the last 1 years i havent sports bet as i could not be ****ed and have been playing poker in bits and overall loser as i build it up take shots at bigger games with 4-5 buy ins. anyway i play poker for fun so not big deal

So my story is I had 350k and managed to lose it all in a few days on a game i knew nothing about.

True Story

Last edited by DAX1000; 10-27-2011 at 03:07 AM. Reason: ,
What is the most you have lost in a single day? Quote
