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What i did today - by Ross Humblington What i did today - by Ross Humblington

10-02-2008 , 09:12 AM
Woke up this morning and faniced a game of poker. Logged on to my site A SUBTLE PEEKER.Com. Man I'm so smart,my site is full of high-stakes fish. I pwnned em all over and over. Made a few tremendous lay-downs and calls. Twice I actually folded KK pre-flop in an un-opened pot...i dunno, it just looked like the other guy had AA. I swear, sometimes its like i have X-ray vision. Man I'm so smart. Won a big tourney with an all-time hero-call with no pair no draw for all the money. Was almost like i was looking through the cards, but the guy was such a dumb-a$$, he prolly didnt even notice my hero call. What a dumb-a$$. Man I'm so smart.

Telephoned my off-shore bank manager this afternoon. Oh how we lol'ed. Actually he lol'ed and i roflmao'ed. Man I'm so smart. If Mr IRS or the sucka's at A SUBTLE PEEKER come looking for me, my winnings cannot be traced back. Hee Hee. Man I'm so smart.

Took my dog for a walk in the park this evening. That god-damn dog never listen to me! He just ran off. I was there for ages calling him. " NIO........ NIO.........NIIIIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOO" Eventually i got him back. Man I'm so smart, and he is a helluva ultimate mutt.

Oh shyte! Some dumb-a$$ at a poker forum has noticed my hero-call looked a bit dodgy, and is snooping around claiming that there was cheating involved. Phoned my friends at Kindawanky Gnoming Commission. Man I'm smart. We agreed to deny all knowledge of my hero-call, in fact we deny all knowledge of any call, ever, if any one asks. We also agreed to pretend that my site A SUBLTE has investigated the frankly ridiculous claims of cheating, and has found that there was no unfair play whatsoever sowecanallmoveonthankyouverymuch. Hee Hee. Man we're smart, and everyone else is dumb.

Oh double-shyte! It turns out that the poker forum dumb-a$$ has overwhelming proof of cheating at A SUBLTE Me and the Kindawanky's figure that we can still deny all knowledge in the face of a pile of evidence as high as my bankroll. Because I'm smart I never played on my site while i was at work, so they cant trace any dodgy hero-calls to my computer. Because I'm smart I only played when i was at home... they'll never un-ravel that tangled web. Man I'm smart. Some would even say cunning. I'm not gonna play on my site any more, and I am re-naming my dog. That'll put them off the scent. Man I'm smart

My friend Berry Grindstein came round this evening to ask me about the accusations. I stuck to the Kindawanky line, and denyed all knowledge. I think i sucka'd him into half-believing me. Man I'm so smart and he's so dumb to trust me.

Those mo-fo gnoming mo-fos have really dropped me in it now. Grassed me up good and proper to save their own skins. The bastards. Man they are so dumb and so am I. Now no-one wants to play on A SUBLTE PEEKER, and i have jepordised the jobs of 1000 people, who unreasonably want to see me burn. It's so not fair.

I wonder if you are allowed dogs in jail
10-02-2008 , 09:25 AM
10-02-2008 , 09:32 AM
10-02-2008 , 09:42 AM
sub par. E+
10-02-2008 , 09:52 AM
Mod: N b4 lock.

This thread is a waste of space.

10-02-2008 , 09:57 AM
I thought it was okay, and even loled in places. Plus there might be others in the same vein.

10-02-2008 , 10:00 AM
I enjoyed the Kindawanky Gnoming Commission part.
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