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What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America

06-30-2016 , 09:29 PM
You're all losers for spending all this time arguing about a petty situation that doesn't involve you, and never would have even come to light had someone desperate for attention not posted about it after their blackmail money was not paid. Whole thing is so dumb, so are all the people involved. Also, PNIA is a terribly produced show with horrible commentary and players alike.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
06-30-2016 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by j20s
You're all losers for spending all this time arguing about a petty situation that doesn't involve you, and never would have even come to light had someone desperate for attention not posted about it after their blackmail money was not paid. Whole thing is so dumb, so are all the people involved. Also, PNIA is a terribly produced show with horrible commentary and players alike.
Says the guy commenting in this thread
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
06-30-2016 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
Glantz was picking on an over-50 woman he knows last night and when I stepped in to defend her, he STFU. It's funny because he never directly addresses me, just passive-aggressively mentions me in tweets where I'm not tagged.
bring us video...or it never happened.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
06-30-2016 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by ByeByeJoe
Says the guy commenting in this thread
Original response.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
06-30-2016 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by j20s
Original response.
Calling people on the internet loser is pretty unique. You snowflake edgelord you. So edgy and special.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
06-30-2016 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Ace upmy Slv
What is your motivation here? For everything you have tried to pin Baud down on, you do the exact same thing, but usually far worse. If anyone has an 'axe to grind', it is you against this Baud cat and journalism in general. If anyone wants to make something 'about themselves', it is you once again. Jeez, just stop posting already and get a life.
My motivation is pretty clear. I read the self-righteous tweet that baud sent to Nolan, supposedly seeking comment and the article he subsequently wrote .The smarmy tweet pissed me off, which was aggravated by the NYDN article, coupled with the "Perez Hiltonish" posts in this thread. My motivation, his ilk's arrogance/ ignorance piss me off. ...... which I deal with by poking him with a stick here.

The axe is not against journalism in general, but there are hack writers and baud and his approach to investigative journalism seems one to me.; I've seen deliberate lying by some folks one NY paper and counter attempts by other writers there to set things right.

Baud and I have not done the exact same things;I don't write front page NYDN smear pieces and would not do any controversial article without getting fair comment from the persons involved.

But, you have a valid point to make .... enough is enough.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
06-30-2016 , 11:52 PM
Aren't journalists supposed to be impartial when on duty? If so, some tweets may have to be considered as "out of the norm". The age of social media can be such a PITA.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-01-2016 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by Daliman
Unconsensual motorboating is REALLY hard to do. Near impossible, really. At worst a woman could say she was too shocked or intimidated to stop it from happening, but I've seen multiple motorboat attempts rebuffed before anything happened.
As I am reading the thread from the beginning, I am wondering about if you know how much of a sexist pig you are coming across as? You just said it couldn't have happened because she could have defended herself from it? Really? She couldn't have been taken by taken by surprise for a few seconds? I guess in a jury room you'd be the kind of guy who always lets the rapist go because obviously the woman is lying.

Then you and a lot of the other jerks only talked about how bad a player she is. What the %^&& does that have to do with the question of if she was harassed? Why aren't there more women poker players? Because most male poker player are sexist pigs. And I am including a lot of pooh bahs and carpal tunnels under that because of their posts here are stomach turning. Hope you have sisters and then daughters that have to put up with jerks like you.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-01-2016 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by 39suited
Aren't journalists supposed to be impartial when on duty? If so, some tweets may have to be considered as "out of the norm". The age of social media can be such a PITA.
Have you met many journalists?

Identically zero are impartial.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-01-2016 , 12:28 PM
I am the 56 year old woman in question. Glantz did send a pithy tweet, and I did have a snarky response, and on my first read, I was quite pissed. While I was warming up to a fight that I didn't need to have, Matt did indeed remind me of his respect and love for me, and I must say, saved me from going off into a twitter war from hell. We have disagreed about plenty, but have always done so in the most respectful of ways, with a great deal of affection.

Glantz replied to me and it is hard to convey a tone in 140 characters, but I didn't like the way it sounded, and Chris did indeed have my back. Matt and I have disagreed over tons of things for years, but have indeed always managed to maintain respectful conversation despite, and sometimes because, of our different views.

I have been a vocal supporter of Jaclyn, and will continue to do so, until I see any evidence to lead me to believe that any or all of her accusations are fabricated. At this point in time, I find her to be credible. My personal opinion, fwiw, is that Nolan should be run out of poker, and I question the judgment of WSOP to continue with him, especially in the role that he is fulfilling. As a Jew, I find Hanson's comments offensive. I don't have a dog in this fight, and I am too old to be considered for any sponsorship or marketing opportunities, so I am free to shoot my mouth off with impunity. It is one of the best parts of being over 50!

Matt and I, and Chris and I, have had private and public conversations on this topic. Matt sent one tweet that rubbed me the wrong way, I responded in a surly and snarky comment publicly to Matt, and privately to Chris. Much to Matt's credit, he quickly sent a tweet reminding me of our mutual respect and affection before we got swept up in a twitter war that very rarely does anything to serve anyone. I appreciated that, and while I also appreciate Chris having my back, a great deal, I tried to remind everyone involved that we can disagree respectfully, and that I am looking to have civil discourse that can be somewhat productive.

Chris and I have less history, and but we agree more on how we view this situation, and some of the problems with sexism in poker in general. I was genuinely touched that he came to my defense as he did, but I also think Glantz was just being snarky, and as I said, it just rubbed me wrong in the second.

I think that both sides are interested in presenting the narrative that bests presents their viewpoint, but I also have deep concerns about the broader issues here. It makes me wince that we are deflecting from the true issues, and stooping to personal attacks on both sides.

If it would not make Glantz upset, I would blame Trump.

The issue is not where either Glantz or Baud garner there income, and how that impacts their opinions. The issue is how do we deal with these problems when they occur, in a way that does not further victimize and shame the victim(s) in a supportive environment, and if PNIA, Della or Hanson, has evidence that doesn't support Jaclyn's claims, I urge them to reveal it, and if they don't I urge them to apologize and put in place best practices and policies that will define them in the industry as the champions of women in poker, and great a shift in our world where such things will not be tolerated or condoned.

On a personal level, I implore all of us to engage in a reasoned and respectful conversation even when we are talking about issues where that we feel passionately about.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-01-2016 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by WryBagel
I am the 56 year old woman in question [...] On a personal level, I implore all of us to engage in a reasoned and respectful conversation even when we are talking about issues that we feel passionately about
Great post Alyson. I agree - less heat & more light is the recipe. Plus plenty lox & cream cheese on the bagels.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-02-2016 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by WryBagel
Chris and I have less history, and but we agree more on how we view this situation, and some of the problems with sexism in poker in general. I was genuinely touched that he came to my defense as he did
Did you confront him about the jew comment and why he would say something so stupid?
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-02-2016 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by yimyammer
Did you confront him about the jew comment and why he would say something so stupid?
I think Alyson is talking about Chris Baud the NYDN deputy managing editor - not the Chris Hanson alleged to have made the Jew comment, but I could be wrong - there too many people named Chris in this whole mess
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-02-2016 , 01:29 AM
this is literally all so simple 2 things happened here

1)PNIA wanted publicity

2)Jaclynn Moskow wanted publicity

when one or the other didn't happen to get what the other expected, the others level of satisfaction and then 'angles' started. Like poker players do. It's really this simple two entities who wanted MAX publicity and when one didn't get what the other promised or they expected the went to civil court.

(btw civil court is for literally complete desperate pieces of trash looking for an easy out in life, looking for that bankroll)
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-02-2016 , 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by JohnNashJr
(btw civil court is for literally complete desperate pieces of trash looking for an easy out in life, looking for that bankroll)
Like Fred Goldman?
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-02-2016 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by yimyammer
Did you confront him about the jew comment and why he would say something so stupid?
I was referring to Baud,not Hansom Stupid would be way to kind, if I was speak into Hanson
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-02-2016 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by _Loki_
I think Alyson is talking about Chris Baud the NYDN deputy managing editor - not the Chris Hanson alleged to have made the Jew comment, but I could be wrong - there too many people named Chris in this whole mess
good pernt, thx
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-02-2016 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by WryBagel

I was referring to Baud,not Hansom Stupid would be way to kind, if I was speak into Hanson
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-02-2016 , 09:53 AM
Everyone is being too soft on Nolan, and that includes me.

It would be simplicity itself for me to write a 2,000-word story of anecdotes and quotes that make Nolan and PNIA look bad that are both legitimate/on the record and were left out of the story.

-- I have quotes on the record that easily could have made the story that involve extremely unflattering personal experiences with Nolan. It would have been very very easy to blow this up and make it look much worse.

-- Nolan's response on Twitter after the blog was hilarious. He deleted the tweet, but many people commented on it. After Moskow's epic blog was posted, of all the things he could defend against, his immediate response was that he was never kicked out of Bellagio!

-- Many incidents in Jaclynn's blog didn't make the story, like the camera man and the Nolan conversation with the hotel worker.

-- The entire theme of Nolan's defense post in this very thread is about painting Moskow as someone making a nuisance of herself. There is a ton of evidence that contradict all of these assertions that wasn't shown, such as the promos PNIA used showing Jaclynn. There's also the text messages that clearly indicate she did not just show up uninvited to Ladies Night. There's also the "Darling" email, which I've seen. Let us not forget that the defense of "I can't sexually harass her because I don't find her the least bit attractive" is hostile/demeaning in itself.

-- Of Nolan's personal responses to me, I only used the ones that were most tone-neutral and not his super panicky and unflattering heat of the moment responses.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-02-2016 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by baudib1

Of Nolan's personal responses to me, I only used the ones that were most tone-neutral and not his super panicky and unflattering heat of the moment responses.
You realize that now you pretty much have to post these here or you are being somewhat of a jerk. Telling us he did it but then not providing actual evidence that he did it is just plain wrong. Plus, I'd really like to read them now that I know about them.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-02-2016 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by JohnNashJr
(btw civil court is for literally complete desperate pieces of trash looking for an easy out in life, looking for that bankroll)
You obviously have no clue about the scope of a civil court's function, so you should probably avoid making these kinds of statements unless you want to appear like a complete fool.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-02-2016 , 12:39 PM
is there any person in here that believes she made up the motorboat incident?
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-02-2016 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
Everyone is being too soft on Nolan, and that includes me.

It would be simplicity itself for me to write a 2,000-word story of anecdotes and quotes that make Nolan and PNIA look bad that are both legitimate/on the record and were left out of the story....

-- Of Nolan's personal responses to me, I only used the ones that were most tone-neutral and not his super panicky and unflattering heat of the moment responses.
There is no need to go 2,000+ words when you seem to have already succinctly tweeted your objectivity in 140 characters or less:

@nolandalla how do you feel about
being exposed as a racist/sexist pig in
charge of a production team full of
racist/sexist pigs? PNIA

Looks like a lynching is what you want, in all your righteousness and certitude.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-04-2016 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by baudib1
I acquired the tape from a third party whose identity will not be revealed.
Is it Deep Motor Throat?
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
07-04-2016 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by JohnNashJr
this is literally all so simple 2 things happened here

1)PNIA wanted publicity

2)Jaclynn Moskow wanted publicity

when one or the other didn't happen to get what the other expected, the others level of satisfaction and then 'angles' started. Like poker players do. It's really this simple two entities who wanted MAX publicity and when one didn't get what the other promised or they expected the went to civil court.

(btw civil court is for literally complete desperate pieces of trash looking for an easy out in life, looking for that bankroll)
Waiting for

3) Nolan Dalla wanted publicity because his image wasn't "edgy" enough.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
