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What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America

05-28-2016 , 04:40 AM
At first (not knowing the accuser) I thought this was just a $ hungry woman who made up a story after losing $ & not being invited back. After seeing texts & especially her on the podcast I believe her to be very believable, I'd say around 95% true.
I also don't understand why people are trolling her & wondering why she was asking for more $. She should be compensated and not have to take some crap settlement for being treated that way. I don't call that a shakedown or extortion but rather just intelligent.

I also believe the part about the encounter with Shaun Deeb. There is just no explanation why she would make that up. Some guys hate that women with results that they deem to be not worthy & getting an invite based solely on their looks/gender is crap & they aren't all wrong; However, that is no reason to treat anyone like what happened to Jaclynn. I can only imagine being a woman in Poker and what u have to go through with some immature men. I don't even know what to say about Nolan Dalla. Someone in a position like that taking advantage of a young vulnerable woman is utterly disgusting & I hope he pays severely. If this lady is making this up (which again I can't imagine) than I also hope she gets everything coming to her.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by Dontstakeminors
At first (not knowing the accuser) I thought this was just a $ hungry woman who made up a story after losing $ & not being invited back. After seeing texts & especially her on the podcast I believe her to be very believable,
Sure, she is very believable, however one thing the texts also show that she was holding all of this stuff over their heads as sort of a ransom. She kept saying she couldn't give a reason on why she didn't come out with this earlier but the answer is in the texts.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 04:55 AM
Originally Posted by PraguePoker
5 - If you ever feel the need to put your face between a woman's breasts and make a motor boating sound, ask yourself this key question: "Is this woman my wife or girlfriend?" If the answer to that question is "no," don't do it.
This is generally not a good idea with wives/girlfriends either, just in case anyone itt was unsure.

Originally Posted by Dontstakeminors
young vulnerable woman.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 05:20 AM
Originally Posted by GrindyMcGrinder
Demanding 100k$ from PNiA after they make a ridiculously low-ball offer (assuming all allegations are true) is certainly not out of line.
Oh yeah, asking for that kind of money was not out of line, she should have instead asked for a million or more. After all it's Murica, the land of the free option to sue everyone for absurd amounts of money with barely reason. Not saying she has no reason in this case, it just comes across somewhat odd.
Originally Posted by Elrazor
This is generally not a good idea with wives/girlfriends either, just in case anyone itt was unsure.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by GrindyMcGrinder
She claims that two other people saw it, some random dude with long hair and the person she was texting. None of them have made any comments, from what I've seen.
This seems odd to me.

Generally, I would have thought motorboating in this kind of context would be a kind of bad joke/public humiliation -- the kind of thing men of a certain generation do when they're drunk and showing off.

The idea that anyone, no matter how drunk, would just randomly shove their face into the tits of a work colleague they were talking to one-on-one and just motorboat away seems massively implausible to me. Assuming Dalla was contemplating this for a moment, what sort of reaction would he expect?

"Hmm. Damn fine motorboating skills there, Dalla. Give me a second while I dump the BF, get back to my room and we can get to work on a Blumpkin and a Dirty Sanchez?"

Nolan's no fool. He knows the expectations of modern professional women. The best outcome of such a move is likely to be a slap in the face. If he'd done it in front of an audience, he could maybe pass it off as a bad, tasteless joke, but the idea that anyone would do this surreptitiously, in a one-on-one situation is just bizzare. It makes no sense to me. If he really did have a thing for Moskow and wanted to persuade her to have sex with him, would motorboating her really shift him closer to that outcome? Never in a million years.

Nobody cares what I think of this issue, but if I were on a jury, I'd be giving Dalla the benefit of the doubt in the absence of an actual witness popping up and who says they actually saw this motorboating.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 05:47 AM
Well, I have to admit I was wrong about her allegations.
However, we still got a woman who decided to throw people under the bus when she didn't get what she wanted. It is as simple as that, case closed.
Happens all the time, it is happening right now, because we, as men, do dumb **** and women use it to get back at us. Its never ever going away, there is no GTO in sight.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 06:38 AM
Originally Posted by maslalo
Well, I have to admit I was wrong about her allegations.
However, we still got a woman person who decided to throw people under the bus when she they didn't get what she they wanted. It is as simple as that, case closed.
Happens all the time, it is happening right now, because we, as men people, do dumb **** and women other people use it to get back at us. Its never ever going away, there is no GTO in sight.
Fixed your sexism
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 07:01 AM
Re: Talking to lawyers vs. HR thing...

While it seems somewhat nitty to make this distinction, it speaks to Nolan's preposterous statement in this thread where he references lawyers making offers without his knowledge. That strains all credibility; it's even less believable that an actual HR department is talking settlement without doing a full-scale investigation of the incident.

Never understood how anyone didn't get that Jaclynn's account was 1000x more believable than Nolan's response here.

To review: Jaclynn's blog is full of excruciating details, many of which are embarrassing and/or open the author up to valid questions (as she acknowledged in the podcast), vs. Nolan's vague statements, classic deflections (who cares about who you were toasting, and LOL at your feigned outrage).

The statement "exaggeration at best, fabrication at worst" simply cannot be a real thought when you are referring to an incident involving yourself. You either did it or you didn't.

I'm sure in Nolan's mind, asking a man who works at a hotel if he knows about certain neighborhoods that are "filled with black people" is perfectly normal.

(Check out the vile blog post about women bartenders, the man has serious issues with misogyny and general rage at ridiculously unimportant things. If you think that is some sort of satire, you need to read some of his other stuff where he rages about things like what J.Lo is wearing to the Golden Globes, how he breaks things while watching football and his general love/hate obsession with breasts.)
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by 39suited
Oh yeah, asking for that kind of money was not out of line, she should have instead asked for a million or more. After all it's Murica, the land of the free option to sue everyone for absurd amounts of money with barely reason. Not saying she has no reason in this case, it just comes across somewhat odd.

**** reporting to the police have him prosecuted and save other women the ordeal in the future. this is America the country where money conquers all and extortion/blackmailing with scant regard for anyone else is the optimum strategy
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 07:37 AM
Just give her what she deserve,a pro sponsor/contract or hard cash money..!!
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 07:45 AM
I think its pretty clear that something inappropriate happened. Each side will skew events and memories to support their views. The truth probably somewhere in between.

More importantly..... Sexism issues are made worse in poker due to scarcity of female players. We all need to do our part at the table to call out offensive behavior . We've all seen it. We all need to try to stop it at the source

It also seems that Jaclynn chose to then take advantage of this situation to try to maximize her personal gain vs anything else. That's bad behavior as well, but a totally separate topic. Poker is not the most altruistic pursuit, so self serving plays should not be that surprising.

Last edited by PTLou; 05-28-2016 at 08:07 AM.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 07:59 AM
You're all operating under far less than the necessary level of 'facts' to make a determination either way, people.

Having read what little I've read - the motorboating, random racism, random anti-semitism, etc, and then Nolan Dallas' denial - it seems highly likely to me that something fishy is going on on both sides, but that the good Dr is likely turning stuff round, exaggerating stuff, bluffing, making bets based on whether she can get caught, etc. But, how the f*** would I know? How on earth could I say 'highly likely' after reading a few words from across the ocean, 18 months later? Not only am I completely clueless, it's also impossible for me not to bring my own biases to the game - I've been falsely accused of rape before, don't tend to see physical examples of sexism outside of twitter.

Lesson: stop being so sure, people. It gets you nowhere.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by EvilGreebo
Fixed your sexism
thanks, next time I post something I will make sure to run it by you beforehand .
With all due respect, my intention was not to come across as sexist, my post is just an expression of an opinion, as it pertains to this specific case.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by joe_seboks_luck
This seems odd to me.

Generally, I would have thought motorboating in this kind of context would be a kind of bad joke/public humiliation -- the kind of thing men of a certain generation do when they're drunk and showing off.

The idea that anyone, no matter how drunk, would just randomly shove their face into the tits of a work colleague they were

"Hmm. Damn fine motorboating skills there, Dalla. Give me a second while I dump the BF, get back to my room and we can get to work on a Blumpkin and a Dirty Sanchez?"

Nolan's no fool. your wrong here, and your also a fool to dispute the obvious

He knows the expectations of modern professional women. The best outcome of such a move is likely to be a slap in the face. If he'd done it in front of an audience, he could maybe pass it off as a bad, tasteless joke,

Nobody cares what I think of this issue, but if I were on a jury, I'd be giving Dalla the benefit of the doubt in the absence of an actual witness popping up and who says they actually saw this motorboating.
Reading the commentary and opinions here...... Less than 2 percent of all posters are making a living off poker. Too much caveman thinking to run a profitable business...

GL Dalla..... Cut a check for $100,000, meet with Jacq on the podcast (after she signs release). Present flowers with a huge smile and say. "What an ass I was, I'm sorry and hope I can not be such a fool in the future". 100% certain they both move forward in their lives.... No one was murdered here, there just needs to be compensation/sincerity ... Not that hard KISS
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by wazz
Lesson: stop being so sure, people. It gets you nowhere.
And, are you absolutely sure that being so sure gets you nowhere?
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by wazz
You're all operating under far less than the necessary level of 'facts' to make a determination either way, people.
This is true, but the internet is the forum she chose to bring her case in and it has it's own rules of evidence and procedure. I don't find either side particularly convincing tbh.

Originally Posted by TooSense
Was just thinking of Clinton's denial of 'sexual relations' - guess he chose those words specifically because it means having intercourse, which they never had.
off topic, but IIRC the question was asked of him in that form, because they didn't want to ask the President a series of questions like "Did you see her nekkid? Did you get to 3rd base with her?" and he could simply answer yes or no to the question under oath. Sexual relations was defined as touching the genitals of another person, he claims that she only had sexual relations with him, whereas he didn't have sexual relations with her (the cigar tube incident not being provable).
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 08:42 AM
To say that she should've just blown the rape whistle and make sure everyone sees what is happening, is in my opinion, pretty stupid. Obviously if the alleged happened she feels embarrassed at the time. She feels like it is being done to her by a man who could, from her expectations, help her poker career some major steps. Sure it would help her at this point to have as many witnesses as possible, but I believe she thought to profit through Nolan from poker, not by suing him a couple of years later.

As of the case itself, I think she held on to this as long as there were no possible bridges to burn for coming forward. She has possibilities to gain serious money from this, and I don't see why she shouldn't sue him, assuming she is telling the truth. Also getting to act the victim here and claim she does this to encourage other women, is just a nice side benefit.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by Nash_equilibria
2+2 doesn't seem to have a feature for attaching screen shots, but here is the "smoking gun" text:

Dr. Jaclynn Moskow: "... Dalla sticking his head in my boobs at the bar ..."

Chris Capra (888): "Hi Jaclynn, I apologize for what happened at the PNIA event. I know that I instigated a bit of the wildness that happened in Friday night but the remarks from Chris and the actions of Nolan are inexcusable."
Like most others, I am strictly a bystander eating fluffy, buttery popcorn throughout this controversy, yet it's pretty clear the text messages quoted above will be the centerpiece of Dr Moskow's claims and they will be priority #1 for Nolan's lawyers to pick apart.

If Capra apologized as a rote, goodwill-inducing response with Capra simply taking Moskow's word for it exclusively from what Moskow said in her text messages alone (my emphasis) without any witnesses coming forward to corroborate Moskow's original text claims, then how could Moskow have any actual, bona-fide evidence to back her claims aside from her own recorded words to begin with?

We need to strictly delineate whether or not Capra can actually corroborate Moskow's version of events independently from Capra simply taking the word of Moskow from her texts verbatim. Otherwise, the value of Moskow's central evidence weakens considerably.

I am starting to lean in Nolan's favor unless Capra clarifies things in Moskow's favor.

Last edited by Fresh Fish; 05-28-2016 at 09:26 AM.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by thefinchster22
lol, yeah i'm sure it was consensual motorboating
In this case, it appears not. It was tolerated because he was in a position of power over her.

To reiterate, I find Ms. Moskow credible in her story. However...

It's not like motorboating can be equated with rape, or any of the other ridiculous suggestions in this thread. There are also many times where I've seen women who welcomed this type of behavior in public. Perhaps they regret it the next day, but maybe the men do, too.

If there was a lawsuit and demand for settlement every time a woman took her top of and shook her tits at Mardi Gras or let someone do a shot off of her titties in public at a bar or acted sexually inviting in a public way, and then regretted it the next day when the booze wore off, the country would be bankrupt.

Women are not instantly victims, and women are not either madonnas or whores. They are people with the same failings as everyone else.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 09:22 AM
I'm convinced she wants more women in poker as a means for herself to make easier money.

She talks in circles and is fairly manipulative. She isn't a good actress for a woman. Hopefully this incident can also be used to teach socially awkward men how to safely avoid people like her.

Last edited by Snoopy5; 05-28-2016 at 09:28 AM.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by PraguePoker
I think this is exactly right. She was free rolling, and she knew it. This is why she saved everything. Representatives of a company got drunk and probably did some inappropriate things. I don't think it was nearly as bad as she is saying now. But it really doesn't matter. If you are in a senior or high profile position within a company, you only have yourself to blame if you act like a 16 year old around a woman, especially in the USA.

She had enough documentation that allowed her to manipulate this story in any way required to maximize her pay out. My guess is at first that was going to be a sponsorship deal. When that didn't pan out, she went with Plan B, cash. She was smart enough to know that 15k was a joke when she had documentation, even if that documentation doesn't really prove anything, other than some inappropriate behavior occurred at a bar. But that's more than enough to cash in with existing sexual harassment laws in the US.
Originally Posted by PraguePoker
Also, some important takeaways:

Cliffs *** Don't Motorboat Women That Aren't Your Girlfriends Or Wife But If You Do How To Deal With It For Dummies. ***
Thanks guys. Last night I was thinking to myself some of the comments in this thread just aren't disgusting enough hopefully someone comes in and fixes that.

If you don't understand why some women would be reluctant to come forward with these types of allegations and might look for other ways to get retribution, all you need to do is read some of the comments posted here.

Even when the allegations are much worse people still manage to respond in similar manners. There was a story yesterday about a gang rape in brazil where the guys posted part of it on twitter.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 09:40 AM
I have a feeling there is much more to this than meets the eye. Both sides look fishy to say the least. She meets Nolan at the WSOP and somehow he decides to invite her to PNIA in Pittsburgh. Did he do this because he saw her great poker ability or because he thought he had a chance to poker? I would love to hear exactly how they met and what made Nolan decide to invite her on the show. Looks to me like both the Dr. and Nolan were trying to get what they wanted here. I saw some of the texts yesterday and her wording seemed be a bit flirty. I'm not saying I know for sure as I don't but it sure looks that way. Either way if Nolan did what she said without her content he clearly crossed the line.

It looks like the Dr. held out because she wanted to get back on the show and get a sponsorship deal or a cash settlement and decided to tell her side of the story when she realized none of this was going to happen. She kept the texts/emails as her Ace in the hole and now it's exposed. The saddest part of this whole story is it's all about people using whatever means possible to get what they want, be it the Dr. seeking fame and fortune in the poker world or Nolan looking for some fun with a young girl who in my eye led him on to get what she wanted. Talk about a Badbeat.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 10:09 AM
Who's advising this woman. To be so educated and have educated friends who work in Law and who you have talked to about this incident and to go on this Podcast to me is just not smart. Any GOOD Lawyer would have told her NOT TO GO on or they would have been part of the podcast with her. Example, Nolan and Chris haven't said a word since they got their Lawyer. Does she understand everything she's putting out there can and will be used in a courtroom if it comes to that. Same thing for everyone else. I was hoping this wasn't a true incident, but something happened. Chris C's text messages basically confirm that. Imagine if he's brought into a courtroom under oath and has to explain the context of him agreeing with her text about the incident. Hmmmmmmmmm. If this incident is true..... I just think this isn't the way to go. Seek justice and do it the proper way. Go after the guilty.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by PLIKITYPLAK
Well, imagine how the first woman who was raped by Bill Cosby feels. By your logic she didn't come out with it right away because she either thought he wasn't a threat or for her own financial gain. Because, those are the only two possible reasons right?
rape isn't even close to what she is accusing him off, dolla isn't cosby and the 80s are a much different time than 2016.

rape is a million times for traumatizing than this and unfortunately a woman going to the cops in the 80s wasn't taken very seriously especially if the accused rapist was a rich celebrity.
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
05-28-2016 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by jstclkdabtn
The victim-blaming in this thread is truly disgusting.

If any of you had the compassion to understand why you were all so out of line, here, you would be sickened by your words.

Unfortunately, the majority of the people in this thread seem to be totally lacking in introspection. I hope that more reasonably-minded lurkers are nodding vigorously in agreement that many of these reactions are just awful on a human level.
nobody is blaming her for this motor boating. we're saying a lot of her story is bs, she lied a lot in that interview (pretending she doesn't care about the money, is doing this for other women, doesnt care how she was edited on the show even though she was afraid to have her horrific play shown, she has tons of female poker pros behind her who say the same thing happened to them but won't come out in public etc)
What happened to Jaclynn Moskow on Poker Night In America Quote
