What do you want in a sponsorship ?
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 11
I have been in discussions with some friends of mine who are able to get some pretty good "professional/semi professional online sponsorships and deals" with various online poker sites.
Anything ranging from getting increased rake back up to 90% for playing a minimum amount of hours per week etc…through to players who are getting paid to play on a site.
He asked me to come up with some deals that I think would be fair and applicable to me who plays anywhere between 1-2 and 5-10 NL.
I was wondering what other kind of deals are out there at the moment that you guys are getting or know of? Also is there any kind of sponsorship deals that you think would be good for someone like myself who plays more at the low – mid limits around 30 – 40 hours per week as a semi professional.
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NioNio or Potripper privileges
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 238
"Also is there any kind of sponsorship deals that you think would be good for someone like myself who plays more at the low – mid limits around 30 – 40 hours per week as a semi professional."
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