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What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player?

01-21-2010 , 07:59 AM
This thread is not about me althought i ve been thinking about it since i dont find my university interesting, but i really want to read some thoughts about it especially from REALLY successful players.

Do you think that it is too hard to become a successful poker player?
Do you think that if you do this you will never find balance in your life?
Do you think that poker will be so hard in 5-10 years from now that no one will be able to make money?
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 08:24 AM
if you never wanna see a real life girl again go for it
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by PercyIngle
if you never wanna see a real life girl again go for it
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by JoKon
This thread is not about me althought i ve been thinking about it since i dont find my university interesting
Playing poker everyday is probably one of the least interesting things you can do.
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 08:34 AM
too dangerous. i was a winning player for two whole years, then i lost all. i'm happy i kept working on other things.
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 08:38 AM
Do you think that asking this kind of advice in NVG will gain desired results?
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by barryg1
Most people don't get a job in the field they studied in school. As a matter of fact, half of the jobs that exist today didn't exist fifteen years ago. (Just an educated guess, no facts, but think about Internet and other computer related jobs.)

If I didn't gamble, I would have gotten a Ph.D. when I was 23. I still regret that I didn't get that out of the way first. I don't think a couple years of hard work would have derailed my poker career. I have had hundreds of poker players from all around the world thank me for advising them to get their degrees. On the flip side, I've had many others who have told me they now understand my advice, but it's too late to take it.

The time will come when you will wish you hadn't been so lazy. It's good that it will require two years of hard work for you to finish. That will make you appreciate it more.

What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 08:42 AM
Definitely go for it IMO, throw your degree and any hope out of the window ASAP
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by JoKon
This thread is not about me althought i ve been thinking about it since i dont find my university interesting, but i really want to read some thoughts about it especially from REALLY successful players.

Do you think that it is too hard to become a successful poker player?
Do you think that if you do this you will never find balance in your life?
Do you think that poker will be so hard in 5-10 years from now that no one will be able to make money?
It is not hard to be a successful poker player. You will find perfect balance in your life. Poker will always be easy money.

And, most important: No matter how high your losses will be. Just keep depositing. Your time will come!
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 08:44 AM
If you're Greek, you probably should graduate, get a good job, then donate a 20% tithe to the poker community.
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 08:47 AM
you sir, are an idiot.... get a degree obv
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 08:51 AM
finish university first, then try to be apro. And u can still play several hours/day when in university right?
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 08:55 AM
As long as your parents support you and you keep depositing, do it.
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 09:00 AM
OP, it looks like you are having doubts by asking those 3 questions. which means, you should stay in school.

most people who drop out to play poker usually do not think about it and just do it.
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by polytropo
finish university first, then try to be apro. And u can still play several hours/day when in university right?
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by JoKon
This thread is not about me althought i ve been thinking about it since i dont find my university interesting, but i really want to read some thoughts about it especially from REALLY successful players.

Do you think that it is too hard to become a successful poker player?
Do you think that if you do this you will never find balance in your life?
Do you think that poker will be so hard in 5-10 years from now that no one will be able to make money?
Take it from me. I think it's a big mistake. I took two years off after high school. I made a ton of money those years; 07 and 08. And I still think it was a mistake. I personally could have gotten in plenty of playing while in college, and the full-time online poker lifestyle is a tough one.

You've gotta really love it, and you've gotta have a great life already wherever you're doing it from, or I don't think you're going to be happy with the decision. If you don't have balance now, you won't find it at the virtual tables. I'd give it some time.

What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 09:20 AM
relying on poker is crap

i had to stop wakky bakky because it distorted my focus so i'd lose

can still drink on social occasions but i'm a boring nerdy fart these days and had waaaaaaaay more fun when i was young but i'm unemployable so i'm trapped

What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 09:26 AM
Follow your heart! no one can tell you the right answer.
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 09:46 AM
I think that like anything in life if you just want to do something cuz it sounds fun or interesting, but you really don't have the passion for it you shouldnt do it.

IMHO, if you don't have a burning desire to better your game, if you're not almost obbessed with being better and being profitable you should not try to play pro at all. just play for fun on the side.
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 09:52 AM
Its been exactly one year since I have first started playing professionally, and its probably been one of the most depressing years for me. I barely broke even, and the swings you get will take a huge toll on your mental and physical health. I question my decision all my time especially after the downswing that I am on currently.

The only thing that keeps me going is that I have the drive to succeed, and this is no exception.

Stay in school, and get your degree. Poker can always be played on the side.
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 10:07 AM
Definitely don't do this, it's what I did and I really regret it. One attribute most successful people have in common imo is the capacity to defer gratification. This is the same thing as the guys from high school who thought college was a suckers game because they could get $20 an hour working instead, whereas the ones who would later succeed accepted that being busto for a few years was the price to pay for getting a lot more later.

The problem with poker is you have to basically be playing rail heaven to make the kind of money that is going to set you up for life over the next couple years. Unless that is you, you really have no idea what will be going on with online poker in a few years, whether the games will be beatable, whether it will even be legal. If your income dries up at that point you have basically no qualifications and a hole in your life, even if you do go back then your friends will have graduated, you'll be a bit older etc. For sure don't do this, in any event you'll still have plenty time to play as a student.
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 10:08 AM
I put a lot of thought into this a few years ago, since I actually deferred my university studies halfway through law school. This had little to do with poker however, as I was unhappy with what I was doing, so I would have stopped to pursue something else. Poker just happened to occupying a lot of time at that point anyway.

That being said, the climate is very different these days. With the way poker is now, if you have to consider it (ie. youre not already a well established MSNL/HSNL pro) then its probably not worth it, assuming you are in a good college course that will likely offer you a successful and profitable career path. It was different maybe 3 years ago, but now poker is a maturing market and in the years to come will become increasingly difficult to make substantial money at.

I would not suggest it to anyone who is just starting to get into the games now.

Most people who were successful 510-2550 regulars years ago have quit, and cannot beat the same games anymore, and are either losing players, or win much less than they used to. Very few people stand the test of time and book huge years back to back. There are obviously some who still crush, but even their win rates and years are much less than previous ones.

Even well established pros tend to take a hit and run type approach to the game, and end up in other business ventures whether it be investing, or moving onto related or unrelated businesses.

At an absolute MINIMUM, assuming you are crushing, and moving up quickly, and see yourself applying yourself and continuing to move up at rockets pace, ie. you are already winning 15k a month at 2-4 or something over a substantial period, I would seriously consider against the move.

The social side of being a student is also so very important. I would suggest you stick to university and maybe go part-time, and play poker as a part-time pursuit, and try to balance the both.

Shouldnt be any reason why you still cant play 15 hours a week when youre at college, and maintain a good social life. Hell, most HSNL pros I know dont play that much.

NB. I would absolutely never consider dropping out of college to play if you are a SSNL player or at least not crushing 2-4. You think the money is a lot now but its not. You will spend most of it, and what will you be left with in 5 years? You will be a mid 20s kid with no education and no work experience, with no marketable skills for the job market. This would be a ridiculously bad mistake.

Cliff notes: IMO Unless you are a top MSNL player putting in big volume, or a HSNL player, I think it would be a very bad idea.
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by dwightschrute
Whenever I'm about to do something, I think "Would an idiot do that?" If they would, I do not do that thing.
Listen to Dwight. An idiot WOULD drop out of school to try to be a pro poker player. Therefore, do not do that thing.
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 10:19 AM
Cliffs: stay in school, poker will always be there
if ur gonna play poker while in school, you better be disciplined,unless your some1 that's content with B's and C's

dropping out is pretty dumb. especially in today's games where the games are pretty tough. I had plans of going pro too, but the fact is games are too tough, school is a better option for me, I can always play poker on the side or try to go pro when I graduate. as for playing poker while in college,Iam not sure about you guys but, I still have a hard time balancing the two out. I can't count the number of times I've gone to school on only 2-3 hrs of sleep or fell asleep in class cuz of poker. however,there's always the self-exclusion feature,which I utilize during finals week. so I still do pretty good.
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
01-21-2010 , 10:38 AM

cliffs: stay in school, unless your curriculum is super demanding there's no reason you can't do both
What do you guys think about dropping out of university to become a professional poker player? Quote
