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A whale bites back"-'Cheating' masseurs,collusion etc....suing for 10 million losses A whale bites back"-'Cheating' masseurs,collusion etc....suing for 10 million losses

06-01-2014 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by PTLou
Originally Posted by JustASpectator
I'm 99% sure that what I'm posting about is about the 2012 one drop, since that picture jives exactly with my memory. Anyway, a couple years back there was a live stream of a high roller event, and, I'm sure I posted about it at the time, but I don't know what thread it was in. Phil was in the 8 seat I believe, and the lady giving Phil a massage was sitting on the floor and had her eye level exactly above the tabletop, and every time the cards were dealt she was looking directly at the table, so if the dealer dealt any of the cards a little high off the table she would have seen them. I was convinced at the time that there was a chance she was working with him to cheat (perhaps signalling Phil by her massage actions, high calf = high cards, low calf = low cards, fingers close together = pair, fingers on either side of the leg = no pair, etc.), and since there have been serious allegations of Ivey cheating in casino's since then, I'm even more convinced that that was highly possible.

Edit: It was 2012 One Drop, and I found my post:
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
^actually seems kind of likely
Originally Posted by iosys
^^ Deserves it's own thread if there is more evidence like footage
Originally Posted by hankypankyAA
Does anyone really think ivey's above cheating in poker at this point? We have substantial evidence now that he cheated multiple times in multiple casinos in baccarat. He's proven to not be any form of "stand up guy" when it came to the full tilt debacle. He is no ambassador for the game, and when it comes to high stakes games if you don't think alot of these guys would do anything to get an edge I think you're far off base.There's been a story for years that chip reese and doyle brunson colluded and had a dealer involved in cold decking baldwin in high stakes games years ago. Baldwin would never say if they did or didn't, in fact im sure he'd deny it, but this isn't some rumor i heard once or twice. Ive heard about this thousands of times from old timers.
When trambopoline presented initial evidence about the UB scandal he had a huge number of haters. It is entertaining drama to reread the thread,, and watch how he deals with the detractors.

Any thoughts on Eric Seidel in the pic posted above?

What if we learn the Chinese woman from the Punto Banco incident has given Phil massages at the poker table?
A whale bites back"-'Cheating' masseurs,collusion etc....suing for 10 million losses Quote
06-04-2014 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by odiggity
Any thoughts on Eric Seidel in the pic posted above?
What is there to think about? It's pretty obvious.

Masseuse probably has her head sticking up above the table cause she doesn't want to have pictures or video taken of her rubbing some guy on her knees with her head under the table and think she's "that kind" of masseuse.

Seidel looks a bit uncomfortable and is using his arm to separate him from what's going on with Ivey. Seidel's played a lot of poker in a lot of different places. He's probably been in a similar position with a different "that kind" of masseuse which had traumatized him. He's afraid if he glances over and accidentally sees Ivey's junk it's going to be weird later in the day when they grab a bite to eat during a break. It's going to make him feel too uncomfortable to grab a couple of fries off Ivey's plate. That would really suck because Seidel really loves fries but only 2 of them not a whole plate.

On a serious note....

All of Seidel's chips, bottle, arm are set up in a way so that anyone to his right won't see his hole cards. But then again, only person to his left is the dealer.
A whale bites back"-'Cheating' masseurs,collusion etc....suing for 10 million losses Quote
06-05-2014 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by MicroRoller
All of Seidel's chips, bottle, arm are set up in a way so that anyone to his right won't see his hole cards. But then again, only person to his left is the dealer.
She reminds me of the kids that got caught with the camera up the sleeve so that they could get low to the table to film the cards being dealt. Then they slowed the film down in a van nearby and relayed the info back to the table via an earpiece.

Depending on the dealers particular technique and ms. masseuse's skill, she could probably relay a reasonable amount of info to Phil.

Haha I can totally see Seidel (or Chainsaw) coming up on those 2 or 3 free fries on people all the time
A whale bites back"-'Cheating' masseurs,collusion etc....suing for 10 million losses Quote
06-05-2014 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by JustASpectator
I was convinced at the time that there was a chance she was working with him to cheat (perhaps signalling Phil by her massage actions, high calf = high cards, low calf = low cards, fingers close together = pair, fingers on either side of the leg = no pair, etc.), and since there have been serious allegations of Ivey cheating in casino's since then, I'm even more convinced that that was highly possible.
I find it hard to imagine how potentially seeing an occasional card could be successfully relayed into meaningful info by the leg signalling technique.

Cards are being riffled around the table, and she somehow randomly spots one, she gives him the high hard one to signify paint but also has to let him know what seat she is referring to and then she would have to hope to see another card and remember if it was time for the claw, the fist or a different seat altogether.
A whale bites back"-'Cheating' masseurs,collusion etc....suing for 10 million losses Quote
06-05-2014 , 03:36 AM
Ivey has none of the class that the bootlickers of the past who anointed him a messiah-like figure made him out to be.
A whale bites back"-'Cheating' masseurs,collusion etc....suing for 10 million losses Quote
06-05-2014 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by odiggity
When trambopoline presented initial evidence about the UB scandal he had a huge number of haters. It is entertaining drama to reread the thread,, and watch how he deals with the detractors.
+1000. Forgot about that. Look at this nugget:

Originally Posted by ike

Originally Posted by KRANTZ
this is like the salem witch trials. he looks like a fish, not a witch.

like i told you, for something so serious and with regard to the biggest scandal ever to hit our industry, you guys have done a great job trivializing this and presenting a really sloppy argument. both of you come off sounding like massive donkeys, so i suggest getting your **** together and presenting something to us that's valuable and coherent.

its really bad for poker for it to seem like people in the know take seriously the idea that there might be superusers behind every corner. it happened on AP but as far as i know thats the only time its happened and nothing indicates it is likely to happen again. the AP thing was an inside job by people so stupid they risked, and lost, the integrity of their multimillion dollar company for less than a quarter mill in ill gotten gains.
A whale bites back"-'Cheating' masseurs,collusion etc....suing for 10 million losses Quote
06-05-2014 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by poofinger
I find it hard to imagine how potentially seeing an occasional card could be successfully relayed into meaningful info by the leg signalling technique.

Cards are being riffled around the table, and she somehow randomly spots one, she gives him the high hard one to signify paint but also has to let him know what seat she is referring to and then she would have to hope to see another card and remember if it was time for the claw, the fist or a different seat altogether.
I bet you're one of those guys who tries to win EVERY SINGLE POT all the time, and then complains when you run into aces saying "oh thats such a huge cooler"
A whale bites back"-'Cheating' masseurs,collusion etc....suing for 10 million losses Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by odiggity
When trambopoline presented initial evidence about the UB scandal he had a huge number of haters. It is entertaining drama to reread the thread,, and watch how he deals with the detractors.
Originally Posted by chuckamuck
+1000. Forgot about that. Look at this nugget:
Originally Posted by KRANTZ
this is like the salem witch trials. he looks like a fish, not a witch.

like i told you, for something so serious and with regard to the biggest scandal ever to hit our industry, you guys have done a great job trivializing this and presenting a really sloppy argument. both of you come off sounding like massive donkeys, so i suggest getting your **** together and presenting something to us that's valuable and coherent.
Originally Posted by ike

its really bad for poker for it to seem like people in the know take seriously the idea that there might be superusers behind every corner. it happened on AP but as far as i know thats the only time its happened and nothing indicates it is likely to happen again. the AP thing was an inside job by people so stupid they risked, and lost, the integrity of their multimillion dollar company for less than a quarter mill in ill gotten gains.
Thanks for posting. You nailed it right on the head. I don't want to get too deep, yet life is just like this. You have an idea that you want to see through, so you tell people about it and start the work involved only to be bludgeoned with negativity and obstacles.

Now let's get back to Phil's witch hunt.

Last edited by odiggity; 06-05-2014 at 01:34 PM.
A whale bites back"-'Cheating' masseurs,collusion etc....suing for 10 million losses Quote
06-07-2014 , 11:06 AM
Daily Mail fail.
A whale bites back"-'Cheating' masseurs,collusion etc....suing for 10 million losses Quote
06-07-2014 , 12:27 PM
Whatever you think of the Mail, or of the accusations, I believe this is the same dude who is facing insider trading charges.

The irony in this is utterly immense.


It is - it says so at the bottom of the Mail's article, I knew I recognised the name.
A whale bites back"-'Cheating' masseurs,collusion etc....suing for 10 million losses Quote
