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08-24-2021 , 07:45 PM
Attention posters, please stop making up **** to troll to give Mason and Sklansky opportunities to deflect by stating the truth. (thousands, stream, fake screenshots, dan druff 2008 bannings, etc).

The real facts here are bad enough.
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08-24-2021 , 07:57 PM
Asking a question about a trivial event that transpired years ago is not making **** up. Stop making **** up. Also sarcasm is a thing ("thousands"). And how do you know who is telling the truth when it comes to Dan_Druff?

What a useless post.

Last edited by MastaAces; 08-24-2021 at 08:02 PM.
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08-24-2021 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Would you people do the barest of checking before posting totally inaccurate facts (including confusing two women)?
How about this summary for some accurate facts:

Originally Posted by Dan_Druff on PFA

The thing that has always bothered me about David is how he seems to like to take advantage of vulnerable young girls.

I don't begrudge the guys who are just old bastard pervs, who throw money and gifts at young chicks in exchange for a sexual relationship. At least in that situation both parties know what it is, and both are getting something out of it.

But David seemed to focus upon needy young girls who got with him out of desperation.

He brought that Saura girl (unstable, bad home life situation) to live with him when she was just 16. Saura, who is now around 30, has spoken in Sklansky's defense before, but that's immaterial. At the time he basically took in a 16-year-old runaway and had a sexual relationship with her.

He took advantage of Brandi Hawbaker's emotional illnesses and made countless sexual overtures toward her. When he got mad at her, he told her in March 2008 that she would be better off killing herself, and just a month later she did exactly that. I wonder if David feels even the slightest bit guilty about that situation.

Worst of all, he took the clearly mentally-challenged (and young) Sue in as a romantic/sexual partner, and I believe that situation still exists to this day. Sue isn't a gold-digger type who is using Sklansky for money or support. She lacks such sophistication, and instead Sklansky is playing father figure/caretaker while turning it into a sick sexual relationship with someone not fully competent to understand what's going on.

It seems like the guy's basic M/O is to find girls decades his junior in a desperate/disabled state, offer to "help", and then make moves to turn it sexual.

Sick stuff.
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08-24-2021 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Unlike the other two accusations against me, I can't address the third one without mentioning some bad things about someone who died.
Says the person writing an email like this (google has more):

Originally Posted by Some guys email

------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Now That My Anger Has Subsided
From: Dsklansky
Date: Sat, March 1, 2008 5:12 pm
To: brandi
I am thinking better.

For instance I realize that "extortion" is the better word than "blackmail".
You are an extortionist. You threatened to hurt me if I didn't do something.
That is undeniable. Technically you are also a blackmailer because of your
$260 request. And there is little doubt you would have soon asked for a lot
more. But I don't want to use a word that you have an argument against.

So every poker player big, or small, that I know, I will tell that you are
an extrtionist. Who used the plight of a handicapped girl as your weapon.
They will also meet her. So that it will be clear that the relationship is to her
benefit. And that you were not exposing a "wrong". I will also tell then
that you are a medicre poker player who will probably try to steal from
anyone who stakes you. I will not ask card rooms to bar you.
But they well might just do that to please me.
Don't think my ignoring you on our site is anything but acquiescing to Mat and Mason.
Most of my waking momets are still devoted to you.

You on the other hand can tell people I am a creepy pervert. I can easily
show I'm not nearly as bad as you imply. And I can point out how
ridiculous it is to call asking for a bikini picture immoral,
but getting paid to watch cocaine addicts jack off, isn't. In any case it doesn't matter.
The truth about you will make people not stake you, not let you into their casinos,
and not write flattering articles about you.
The truth about me will make people -----uh nothing.
They will still buy my books and have interesting conversations with me.
They were never interested in my dick's activities anyway.
You on the other hand will be left only with those guys who are trying to **** you.

So you see that it is
probably not neccessary for me to do anythig illegal to make sure you get what you deserve.
HOWEVER it is important to understand that you might be in such jeapardy without my knowledge.
For instance you know I have young friends, who have friends, who have friends who do nasty things at the blink of an eye.
Drive by shootings etc.
To do something like throw some paint on a good dress would be nothing to them.
If I ever told my friends that your obsession with your looks means that you would be appalled
if that happened to you once, let alone a dozen times, they might do that behind my back just to please me.
Asking nothing in return They might even think I'd like it better if it was acid rather than paint
since that would mean people would say "guess you can't talk about Sue now".
I would never want them to to do that but you never know about those guys.

The reason I am telling you this is not because there is something you could
do to change things. There is nothing you can do either for me or to me. No,
the reason I am telling you is because the anticipation of wondering what
will happen is at least as bad as the act itself. You proved that to me
when you put me through the anguish of worrying about Sue.
Basically the only option available is to leave the poker world forever. Ply your trade elsewhere.
Suicide wouldn't be a bad option either. If you do that I will promise to stop badmouthing you.

Notice that I am sending a copy of this email to Jenn. We have put her
through a lot so the least I could do was send her something that I know
will provide her some enjoyment.
Note that this email was dated in March
For just one example, prior at the end of February, David wrote the following publicly about Sue:
(so by March, there was no "extreme stress of his relationship being outed" as Mason implied (if there ever was any to begin with...)
A few weeks later Brandi followed Davids 'advice' and committed suicide!

You ever seen a post from David feeling even the slightest bit of remorse?

But hey, at least he continues to represent 2+2 as an 'Administrator', smh...
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08-24-2021 , 08:32 PM
And just to make sure everyone is aware:
Videopro made the decision to close Mason's Dan_Druff thread as soon as people asked about the David situation (which was on topic since it clearly was stated as the reason for the first ban):
Originally Posted by Videopro
I did. Moderating it was more trouble than it was worth. I called Mason and told him I was pulling the plug.
It kind of makes you wonder that "moderating it" was the reason, considering
- this very thread here and the moderation (remember the owner's wives comments and all else going unmoderated)
- and the fact that there are 8 (!) mods mentioned as NVG mods (see bottom of the main NVG page), but not Videopro...

Beep Bop!
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08-24-2021 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Outoftime44444
Manslaughter has 3 year statute of limitations in Nevada.
that seems short
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08-24-2021 , 08:57 PM
SpamBot rocks!
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08-24-2021 , 09:42 PM
After reading spambots newest poasts I have changed my mind. I chose not to micturate on david were he to be on fire.
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08-24-2021 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Dick Tracy
SpamBot rocks!
He should reveal himself rather than post on an alt.

This is amusing, though. People coming out of the woodwork, set on destroying David and Mason, but they already cashed out, lol.
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08-24-2021 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Right, and any person in NV can legally have sex with a consenting 16yo regardless of their age difference.
Pretty sure there are exceptions to this law, like for example, teachers with 16 year old students.

If Nevada is cool with that a lot of teachers who went to jail for it in other states are gonna be pissed they were not aware of this state's unique twist on adults nailin' teenage chicks
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08-24-2021 , 10:20 PM
david, can you please address the email?

you write with some justifiability and credibility about your behaviour with the girls and some of the other matters, whether people agree with them or not, but i cannot stretch my imagination to any scenario, where that email is even remotely acceptable.
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08-24-2021 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by BSumner
Pretty sure there are exceptions to this law, like for example, teachers with 16 year old students.

If Nevada is cool with that a lot of teachers who went to jail for it in other states are gonna be pissed they were not aware of this state's unique twist on adults nailin' teenage chicks
Didn't think to aspie-proof it, but a quick Google says in 2015 the law for age of consent when it's teacher/student was changed to 18.
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08-24-2021 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by SpamBot - Alpha
And just to make sure everyone is aware:
Videopro made the decision to close Mason's Dan_Druff thread as soon as people asked about the David situation (which was on topic since it clearly was stated as the reason for the first ban):

It kind of makes you wonder that "moderating it" was the reason, considering
- this very thread here and the moderation (remember the owner's wives comments and all else going unmoderated)
- and the fact that there are 8 (!) mods mentioned as NVG mods (see bottom of the main NVG page), but not Videopro...
I just checked out the NVG moderation thread after your post and thought it was weird that Videopro had the following exchange with another poster who was complaining about the Druff/Mason thread (this was the day the thread was posted/before things started to get ugly for David:

Originally Posted by PTLou
Does it make sense to let Mason's druff hard on thread stay.

I understand in the past, it was his sandbox so you had to just swallow your vomit and put up with some of his stuff.

Certainly that is not still the case and his stupid **** can me taken down just like anyone else's stupid ****.
Originally Posted by Videopro
It was in response to posts here and on his site.

Why does it affect you so deeply?
Originally Posted by Videopro
Lou, you seem quite obsessed. You know that you really don't have to open a Malmuth thread. There is no gun to your head.
Hmmm I wonder what changed.....very sus.
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08-25-2021 , 12:20 AM
This thread was closed last night, and David Sklansky still was able to come in and post in closed thread to take a random shot at Dan Druff -
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08-25-2021 , 12:23 AM
The thing that surprises me is Mason Malmuth gets so heated over words, posts old outdated things from other sites enraged at slights by Dan Druff, banned Dan Druff from this site because of a purported Nazi photoshop years ago on the other site, remembers every single minor slight against and brings it up incessantly (see example below)...

yet that e-mail is possibly the most heinous thing I have ever read, and Mason and David do not seem to care in the slightest, rationalize it, and do not even seem to think its bad cause some women are still willing to associate with them.

If words are so hurtful to Mason, maybe he should realize how harmful that email was..... instead its "David must have been driven to it."

You need to stop this. You've said so much about me that's highly insulting and/or not not true. You should be appologizing for this garbage.

And here's another example:

Your OP is shameful.

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08-25-2021 , 12:27 AM
Why the fk are mods locking these threads, if Mason and Druff want to hash it out, let them at it, for the pure entertainment value at a minimum. Who are the mods protecting by locking Masons threads?
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08-25-2021 , 12:39 AM
This place is being over run by pedo supporters
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08-25-2021 , 12:40 AM
There is no defence of telling a girl to commit suicide
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08-25-2021 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by YaBoyINthe604
This place is being over run by pedo supporters
Personally, I think the new owners should sue. This site worth a lot less after masons thread. Maybe part of his plan, create turmoil and collapse the site. Meanwhile david starts with mason as silent partner?????
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08-25-2021 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by executiveauto
Personally, I think the new owners should sue. This site worth a lot less after masons thread. Maybe part of his plan, create turmoil and collapse the site. Meanwhile david starts with mason as silent partner?????
Or maybe he buys this site back, FOR PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR............
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08-25-2021 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by YaBoyINthe604
There is no defence of telling a girl to commit suicide
oh we have seen many defenses made, just none that are any good.

the better defense (still poor) should have started something like this: "I have done some things in my ife that I am not proud of, and that i would take back if i could, but the facts as laid out here are incorrect:"

instead its 0 remorse, 100% claimed justification, and red herring defenses (oh my 16 year old girlfriends mom still associates with me)
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08-25-2021 , 01:34 AM
Not only are the optics bad when these threads are locked (or posts getting deleted or excised and moved to the NVG Moderation thread in an attempt to hide them); it’s also pointless. An endless game of whack-a-mole…

Now that the site’s been sold there’s nothing stopping a new thread from being created and dedicated to the whole Sklansky debacle.
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08-25-2021 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Would you people do the barest of checking before posting totally inaccurate facts (including confusing two women)?

Saura came to Vegas and told me she was nineteen partially because, unbeknownst to me, she was trying to get away from her stepfather. I didn't coerce her and along with hundreds of others who met her with me (including Matt Damon) had no idea she was sixteen. A week after she was arrested, the Arizona police asked me to come to her hearing because they, and her mother, and her probation officer wanted her to go back to Vegas and me. I still have that letter. Mat and I went to that hearing but the judge refused THEIR request. Ten years later her and her mother moved to Vegas and took care of my mother the last year of her life. During that time she attended twoplustwo parties and numerous photos of her with me, Mason, Mat, and my mom were posted here and are still available.

She also started a very long Ask Me Anything thread talking about her life with me which I think is also still available here After my mother died she remained in Vegas, got married, started two businesses and we still sometimes talk.

Two years after Saura lived with me Sue met me on the same Live Links chat line and asked to come Vegas, telling me she was nineteen. Because she was nineteen. When I discovered she had various small problems including slight autism, I was put off at first. It was certainly not a feature rather than a bug. But she grew on me and now, seventeen years later, we are moving into a new house.

If you want to argue that its wrong or even creepy for me to ignore norms regarding large age differences that's fine. (However, ln the years before Saura and during the two years between Sue and Saura, almost all the women in my life were much older and often highly educated, including at least one many here know.) You can also point out that my saying that they (and their mothers) are both happy I met them is like my arguing that I was right to play Q9 under the gun was right because I won the pot. But to go further than that, regarding my choice to live with these two women is nonsense.
Bro I asked Matt Damon about this and he said he don't like dem ****ing apples
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08-25-2021 , 03:07 AM
I can already picture the horror and disgust on the face of the poor intern to some publicist that stumbles across this thread after a search for ‘Matt Damon’ mentions online.

-Umm, sir? Have you ever heard of a David Sklansky?


-Brandi Hawbaker?




-You should probably sit down
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08-25-2021 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by auralex14
Hmmm I wonder what changed.....very sus.
That’s a question for the moderation thread but w/e.

If Mason wasn’t Mason, I would have nuked the thread the second I saw it. And told him and David to take their BS somewhere else, preferably that shithole Dan Druff website if that even still exists.

Reality is that for the last I don’t know how many years, NVG would have been a better place had Mason posted in his book threads and nowhere else. There I said it.
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