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Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker???

01-12-2015 , 05:37 PM
"Even though the state of Washington has passed legislation that made playing online poker a crime punishable by jail (the only U.S. state to do so), in 2015 lawmakers there are going to look at getting rid of the draconian rules and actually legalizing the activity."

This is the first I've heard of it, what a huge change in stance as it made playing poker online a crime. I feel a small bit of hope for eventually having interstate poker if states like Washington can change their position....
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-12-2015 , 06:32 PM
This would be amazing
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-12-2015 , 06:52 PM
Good luck to us.
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-12-2015 , 07:57 PM
Kindly make your way to the Poker Legislation section here on 2Plus2 to get an idea of how it happened, which 2Plus2 member was responsible, and what you can do to help.
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-12-2015 , 08:36 PM
sweet baby jesus this would be incredible

at least we have the seahawks though
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-12-2015 , 10:31 PM
When will people realize that online poker for each state will not last. Not enough people and only a matter of time before rake is as high as live games and it will kill games. There are to many forms of gambling here in the states.
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-12-2015 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by LiveActionPro
When will people realize that online poker for each state will not last. Not enough people and only a matter of time before rake is as high as live games and it will kill games. There are to many forms of gambling here in the states.
Rake will not be as high as live games, because nobody would play. Just look at Pokerstars, they dropped their rake back to normal because of how many people spoke out against it.
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-12-2015 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by LiveActionPro
When will people realize that online poker for each state will not last. Not enough people and only a matter of time before rake is as high as live games and it will kill games. There are to many forms of gambling here in the states.
I agree, intrastate I-poker is not sustainable unless you live in California. Interstate poker can succeed if they get enough states to participate.
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-12-2015 , 11:22 PM
It will probably be run by the tribes or some bull shiat. It was always my understanding that the reason our state's law was so f'd was because it was in the tribe's best interests.
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-13-2015 , 12:31 AM
If Washington legalizes online poker before Idaho I'm going to be pissed. Sold my house and moved from Spokane years ago when the law first passed.

Well I guess at least I didn't have to live in Spokane this that's a plus.
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-13-2015 , 12:38 AM
With more states becoming legal, will the US ever be added back to the world pool? The legal states that is.
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-13-2015 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by RikaKazak
If Washington legalizes online poker before Idaho I'm going to be pissed. Sold my house and moved from Spokane years ago when the law first passed.

Well I guess at least I didn't have to live in Spokane this that's a plus.
Idaho is a better state anyways.
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-13-2015 , 05:06 AM
this would so make me move back home to seattle

Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-13-2015 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by LiveActionPro
When will people realize that online poker for each state will not last. Not enough people and only a matter of time before rake is as high as live games and it will kill games. There are to many forms of gambling here in the states.
A few things:

1) If it passes, will this be better than the status quo in Washington?
2) Think back to how lotteries started. First, it was each state for itself. Then came multi-state games like Powerball and Megamillions.
3) The more states that offer online poker, the harder it will be for Washington to shut them down.

Think about those things.
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-13-2015 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by theskillzdatklls
this would so make me move back home to seattle

Well you did refer to it as "home".....
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-13-2015 , 01:21 PM
Washington State has the population and the poker community necessary to sustain intrastate poker. It isn't ideal, but it is still worth fighting for.

States have to step into intrastate before they can join others in interstate pooling. This is the reality folks.

Players made this happen I can't emphasize this enough. People make the difference if they are willing.

There is more work to do, this is only the first step. Engaging in the process is the only way to get what you are after.
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-13-2015 , 01:23 PM
If you are a WA State player, take a few moments and help move the ball.

Originally Posted by curtinsea
We Have a Bill !! HB 1114 (2015-16)

As reported by, HB1114 was prefiled for introduction by Rep. Sherry Appleton (D23) on Friday, January 9th. But this is the beginning, not the end. There is much to do, and a narrow window in which to do it, if we are to advance this issue in the legislature.

The legislature opens the 2015 session on January 12th, and we have just a few weeks to generate enough support to see the bill pass through the legislative process. It is imperative that players make themselves heard on this issue, or it will all be for naught. Please take the time to take each step

Comment on the Bill -

Players in Washington State have the opportunity to comment on the legislation directly by visiting this page. Be sure to add a comment in support of regulated internet poker. These comments will be available for all legislators to see. Let's be respectful and to the point.

Let’s thank Rep. Appleton -

Rep. Sherry Appleton (D-23) is our hero, she stepped up and introduced a bill for us. We should all write to her and express our gratitude that she has taken up our issue. She has tribes in her district and may face some push back from them, but given the way we crafted the bill, we’re hopeful they get on board. Especially if you are in her district, she needs to know she has constituent support.

Reach out to Rep. Hurst -

The next step is getting a hearing. We need Rep. Hurst to schedule the bill for a hearing. We must show him that this is an important issue to many people, and explain logically the advantages regulation has over prohibition.

Sample letter -

Reach out to the other members of the Committee

We need them to support the issue, and vote to report the bill with a ‘do pass’ recommendation. Again, showing them the issue is important to many and explaining the value of regulation over prohibition.

Sharon Wylie -
Steve Kirby -
Brian Blake -
Luis Moscoso -
Cary Condotta -
Jeff Holy -
Brandon Vick -
Elizabeth Scott -

Sample letter -

Reach out to your state legislators

They only know the issue is important to their constituents if those constituents tell them so. It takes only a few moments to write an e-mail, so do it! Don’t be afraid to send them one every few days either, they can only ignore you so long, eventually they must acknowledge you, and they will.

It would be beneficial for us to have a companion bill working through the Senate concurrently with the House Bill. Reach out to your State Senator and ask him/her to sponsor the same bill in the State Senate.

Contact your legislators

Encourage support from Industry

We need representatives of the industry to appear at a hearing, to speak to the technology that will be employed to assure regulations are followed and measures are taken to assure identity and location verification, and other means to prevent fraud and abuse.

We also need them to step up and show support for the bill, and perhaps spend some lobbying dollars helping to get it done. We’re working hard to create an industry they will step into and make millions from, they ought to be working hard along side of us, and bringing some needed resources to bear. The poker sites have representatives on this forum, let them hear from you.

Encourage support from local card rooms

If you play live, let the poker room director know that online poker represents an opportunity to groom new players, who will welcome the opportunity to get into live events through online satellites for instance, and the game will grow the way it was prior to 2006.

Remain vigilant!

We can do this! It is still ‘we the people’ and we can show the rest of the country that action by the players will pay dividends in the end.

2015 looks to be a pivotal year for hopeful internet poker players looking for consumer protections in place of felony threats. By driving the conversation last year, we have seen internet poker regulation legislation introduced in the 2015 session. Kudos go to the players who have helped keep the conversation going, it appears to have been effective . . .
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-13-2015 , 02:14 PM
I sent personalized letters (and comments) to everyone/everything telling my story about being forced to move from Spokane because of the law, and how much tax revenue Washington has missed out because of me leaving. So next time Rich from the PPA gets on his high horse and says 2+2 members are lazy/entitled I can just link him to this comment.

(p.s. it only took about 20 minutes to do personalized/creative messages guy, lets everyone do it?)
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-13-2015 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by RikaKazak
I sent personalized letters (and comments) to everyone/everything telling my story about being forced to move from Spokane because of the law, and how much tax revenue Washington has missed out because of me leaving. So next time Rich from the PPA gets on his high horse and says 2+2 members are lazy/entitled I can just link him to this comment.

(p.s. it only took about 20 minutes to do personalized/creative messages guy, lets everyone do it?)
Even if Rich said that and I am not sure he did, you putting forth effort doesn't mean he isn't right.
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-13-2015 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
Great job Curtis. I know it is a great step just to try and get discussion going. Best of luck in your mission.

I read the bill for an article I am writing. I was most interested in the 18+ age. Do you think that may become a problem for interstate pools? The three existing states are 21+. I wonder if states with 21+ ages will have issues sharing liquidity with 18-20 year old players.
Originally Posted by curtinsea
We actually spent a lot of time discussing the 18 or 21 issue. Initially, I felt pretty strong that it should be 21, that it would be an easier sell that way. But in the end, existing law says 18 (for pull tabs, for lottery tickets, etc) so we didn't add language to make it 21 for online poker only.

Will that be a problem in an interstate pool? Perhaps, but it doesn't need to be. Maybe the other states will drop the age to 18 (there is no alcohol served online, no real reason to be 21) to improve their own player pools.

We will see if the age issue comes up. I wouldn't spend much energy fighting an increase to 21 if it is a sticking point.
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-13-2015 , 04:23 PM
I have a hard time believing Rich said that even tho everyone posting above and below him might have. Even if he did, which wouldnt surpise me, it's hard for people to keep on doing this stuff when we started in 06 and then the re-up on BF on 11. Years and snails are crawling by us waiting for this **** to change....
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-13-2015 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by RikaKazak
I sent personalized letters (and comments) to everyone/everything telling my story about being forced to move from Spokane because of the law, and how much tax revenue Washington has missed out because of me leaving.
I'm sure after they're finished counting all the Microsoft, Boeing, Amazon, Starbucks, T-Mobile, Costco and Nordstrom money they'll come looking for you with open arms...
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-13-2015 , 07:52 PM
potential tax revenue from internet poker is insignificant - The total poker market in NJ for 12/13-11/14 was right about $31.5m and with a tax rate of 15% amounts to less than $5m in tax receipts.

Washington's market will likely come in at $25m the first year, with an approximate take for the state of $2.25m. Considering our Governor today introduced $1.5b in new taxes, this is a drop in a large bucket.

It isn't the money printing machine some seem to think, but it also shouldn't hinge on how much revenue it brings in.
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-13-2015 , 09:51 PM
Curtinsea deserves a lot of thanks for his efforts!!
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
01-14-2015 , 12:03 AM
Thanks for all the hard work Curtinsea!

I sent personal letters to Reps Appleton and Hurst just now. I really hope we can get a ton of support behind this one.
Washington State thinking of legalizing online poker??? Quote
