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Warning to the PPA Warning to the PPA

04-30-2011 , 11:55 AM
Just post. When you do we will talk further.
04-30-2011 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Prophet
If you aren't going to escrow, will you accept a mod's word as proof I am a particular person?
Don't do anything unless he escrows (which will never happen) obv. His plan backfired and he's done the job of proving you're telling the truth at this point anyway so you've got nothing to prove.
04-30-2011 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by wilneedheart
Just post. When you do we will talk further.
Escrow and I'll post. It seems we've reached the stalemate this was obviously going to reach from the start.
04-30-2011 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by wilneedheart
Just post. When you do we will talk further.
04-30-2011 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by MinusEV
He's done the job of proving you're telling the truth at this point anyway so you've got nothing to prove.
I did?
04-30-2011 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by wilneedheart
I did?
You did. Congratulations.
04-30-2011 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by wilneedheart
Just post. When you do we will talk further.
Originally Posted by Prophet
Escrow and I'll post. It seems we've reached the stalemate this was obviously going to reach from the start.
and that is where this will end.
04-30-2011 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Prophet
Escrow and I'll post. It seems we've reached the stalemate this was obviously going to reach from the start.
Nice. I got you to admit that you made a statement about your education that you are not comfortable about providing evidence of with others.

In future try not to be a punk and berate others by assuming an education level you do not have.

I know you are a liar because you asked for "standards" of evidence. Perhaps you will go with "half truths"?

Oh, wait...
04-30-2011 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by MinusEV
You did. Congratulations.
Then I guess I must live in my own category of cleverness...
04-30-2011 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by wilneedheart
Nice. I got you to admit that you made a statement about your education that you are not comfortable about providing evidence of with others.
care to post your birth certificate?
04-30-2011 , 12:09 PM

04-30-2011 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by disco_stu1978
and that is where this will end.
Which obviously reflects badly on wilneedheart, as he's all mouth and no trousers. Escrow doesn't involve risk on his part, it's not like he's giving me the money. And he won't define his standards of proof - for someone complaining about the undergraduate nature of my argument up thread, this is pretty hilarious.

If you don't want to risk/escrow 5k, name your stakes wilneedheart.

And if you know that I'm a liar, wilneedheart, put your money where your mouth is - easy game.

Last edited by Prophet; 04-30-2011 at 12:11 PM. Reason: easy game
04-30-2011 , 12:12 PM
take prop bet derail to other thread now imo.
04-30-2011 , 12:17 PM
all I have to say on the subject is this.
04-30-2011 , 12:21 PM
Two Plus Two Interactive, LLC Disclaimer Regarding “Prop Bet,” “Challenge,” and “Wager” Forum Posts.

Two Plus Two encourages the candid and open exchange of information and communications between its members. The sheer size and scope of our forums - and the rapid distribution of information originating from thousands of different sources every day - limits our ability to monitor, approve, delete, edit, censor, or screen certain posts that may be offensive or may contain information relating to harmful or illegal activity.

As noted in our terms and conditions, Two Plus Two is not legally responsible for the content of any post, or the accuracy of any information discussed or uploaded onto the Forums by the members. Opinions, advice, discussions, and all other information expressed by the members are those of the members themselves, and not necessarily shared by Two Plus Two.

This includes posts or threads relating to contests, tournaments, “prop bets,” challenges, and wagers between Forum members. Two Plus Two does not, and will not, “book” any bets or wagers between Forum members. Further, Two Plus Two takes no official part in any bets, wagers, related posts, or the discussion of any such transactions between Forum members.

Two Plus Two makes no guarantees or certifications whatsoever that any bets, wagers, or transactions discussed on the Forums are legal, safe, accurate, or sanctioned by Two Plus Two in any way. You rely on such information at your own risk. As such, Two Plus Two will not be liable for the ultimate legality of such transactions nor will Two Plus Two be held responsible for any potential loss or harm to its members as a result of such transactions.

This can be added as a sticky in the appropriate forums, copied into a thread where necessary, etc.
That said, it is a pretty punk move to offer $5k for something easy to prove and then bail.
04-30-2011 , 12:26 PM
except you're apparently unwilling to put up the 5k, or even post in this thread. You can state any terms you like, it's totally up to you - all I want is some kind of surety that I will get the 5k/whatever you want to bet before I go around violating my own privacy because of some ridiculous troll, which is a manifestly reasonable request.

I'm taking reverie's advice - if anyone reputable (over 2k posts?) wants to act as judge, advise on escrow, etc., post it in there. If you want to take action, put it there. All my discussion of this propbet is going in there from now on.

Back to your regularly scheduled programme
04-30-2011 , 12:33 PM
So years of ineptitude doesnt get PPA banned but a pic
04-30-2011 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by reverie
take prop bet derail to other thread now imo.
Any derailment is welcome in threads that are this bad to begin with imo.
04-30-2011 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by MinusEV
Any derailment is welcome in threads that are this bad to begin with imo.
maybe. i just preferred it when it was about ridiculing MM's actions.
04-30-2011 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by reverie
maybe. i just preferred it when it was about ridiculing MM's actions.
Yea, that's a good point. Let's get back to that please.
04-30-2011 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by wilneedheart
The fact you are more interested in propbets than coherent reasoning suggests you probably never finished high school. Or, at best dropped out of college because 'it was too difficult'.
Erm, weren't you the one who initiated the bet? Put up or shut up, in my opinion.
04-30-2011 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by inkognegro
lol a PM would have sufficed

"Mr Malmuth didn't want you to think that he was deliberately wasting your time"

"Just accidentally wasting it"

"Thats very good, Mr. Lau. Accidentally. Very good."
04-30-2011 , 04:32 PM
I applaud the decision to demand this fringe organization take down the symbol.

Now if the racist, sexist, bigoted trolls were removed from this site as well.
04-30-2011 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Richplayspoker
Now if the racist, sexist, bigoted trolls were removed from this site as well.
There would be about 350 people left
04-30-2011 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by DougL

That said, it is a pretty punk move to offer $5k for something easy to prove and then bail.
Can we assign him a "Prop-bet Welcher" undertitle?
