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**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. **WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites.

04-17-2019 , 11:16 AM

I am not sure if this is right forum section.
I just want warn players from Latvia about new changes in law what was accepted short time ago.

Link to full story. (Latvian)


*Latvians are now prohibited from government to play on unlicensed rooms (99% rooms)
*Any banks/finance institution need block credit cards payments to unlicensed rooms from residents and report government about people who is trying to play in theses rooms.
*Players can be punished for playing in unlicensed rooms up to 350 euro. (Regardless results)
*Gov. Gambling institution now have access to ISP data and can request data about any person who have been visiting unlicensed gambling websites.
(Internet experts warn about it being similar to China/Russia)
*You pay tax on all winnings (withdraw) irrelevant how much you did deposit.

Be careful.

Last edited by anan234; 04-17-2019 at 11:21 AM.
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-17-2019 , 12:06 PM
Out of interest what are the 1% of licensed rooms available to Latvians?
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-17-2019 , 12:11 PM
Any room can theoretically buy license for 200-400k (+Tax ongoing after).

Only licensed network is MGN (BetSafe ect.) offered by 2 different licensed internet casinos.
All major rooms allow to play people from Latvia but is unlicensed rooms and government says it is hard to restrict or go after big operators, they have decided go after players.

Last edited by anan234; 04-17-2019 at 12:29 PM.
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-17-2019 , 12:16 PM
damn, thats sad
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-17-2019 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by martinstt2
damn, thats sad
Yes. Alexa play despacito
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-17-2019 , 03:57 PM
Why not just move to one of the other 27 countries you're free to go to and play your pokers from there?
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-17-2019 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
Why not just move to one of the other 27 countries you're free to go to and play your pokers from there?
People have lives and don't care if they can't play online poker which is a shadow of its former self? Would you move if your couldn't play online poker, is your $1 sngs worth the relocation?
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-18-2019 , 12:17 AM
Latvian poker players that play on Bitcoin rooms = unaffected.
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-18-2019 , 12:32 AM
can a reg confirm that link in op is ok?
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-18-2019 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by R*R
can a reg confirm that link in op is ok?
35th ranked web page in latvia and appears to be a government owned news outlet.
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-18-2019 , 02:33 AM
similiar law came to life in Poland 2 years ago, but eventually it amounted to nothing and everyone is still playing. Laws like that are waaay to expensive to actually enforce, they are just there to serve as a deterant.

Unles your government actually wants to go after poker players specifically.
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-18-2019 , 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by coinflipper
most latvians are bots/winning regs anyway, hardly a loss
Exactly my thought, same thing for regs and mostly bots from Belarus.
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-18-2019 , 11:47 AM
Latvian poker in a state of Rigamortis with this news
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-18-2019 , 02:32 PM
Does this have anything to do with bovada dot latvia?
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-19-2019 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Does this have anything to do with bovada dot latvia?
That site has kavorka, a.k.a. "the lure of the animal."
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-19-2019 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by camlinboy
Latvian poker in a state of Rigamortis with this news
WP sir.
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-20-2019 , 12:51 AM
You guys blaming specific countries for botting don't need to be rocket scientists to realize that moving botting to another country is super easy to do for someone who is in the botting activity. Even if there are any, botters won't give a **** about the law.
Sorry about the news, Latvia. Is your poker (or some other) community trying to do something to get the law changed?
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-20-2019 , 03:14 AM
People in this thread writing about `bots from Latvia` are either clueless, or self-interested. Give specific screen names, stats distributions, play volumes, and proof before you post your opinion based on nothing, but dog**** fantasies, before you write such ******ed generalization statements.

Im sorry that players from these countries annoy you and hit your bottom line, and you`d rather not have any Baltics/Belorus players on your tables at all (im not hyped about Belorus/Estonia dudes either, but im certainly not gonna post **** about them).

You can whine less, play more.
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-20-2019 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by anan234
*Latvians are now prohibited from government to play on unlicensed rooms (99% rooms)
Has been like that for a while now. Doesn't really work as you can VPN.

Originally Posted by anan234
*Any banks/finance institution need block credit cards payments to unlicensed rooms from residents and report government about people who is trying to play in theses rooms.
This also has been in place already (blocking payments). No problems if use e-wallet.

Originally Posted by anan234
*Players can be punished for playing in unlicensed rooms up to 350 euro. (Regardless results)
Well, this sucks. I wonder if it's one time payment in year or can be fined several times? Also, do I get fined if I'm resident but playing from abroad, yet declare my gambling winnings?

Originally Posted by anan234
*Gov. Gambling institution now have access to ISP data and can request data about any person who have been visiting unlicensed gambling websites. (Internet experts warn about it being similar to China/Russia)
Will VPN take care of this?

Originally Posted by anan234
*You pay tax on all winnings (withdraw) irrelevant how much you did deposit.
Have to pay income tax for 2018 already in a similar manner. No way I'm declaring "withdraw amount".


Basically the only room that has licence is Betsafe (MPN), so winnig players will find a workaround. And there are what, couple of dozens, maybe a hundred poker pro's in Latvia? This law is so dumb my head hurts. Is it so hard to just set up a proper law where you pay income tax from gross winnings each year? Anything else is just unfair and leads to just not paying anything.
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-20-2019 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by IJustClick
Has been like that for a while now. Doesn't really work as you can VPN.
Yes, change is that now you are now legally responsible for playing on theses rooms (If you visit domains now via your regular connection you should see government link to law you are breaking and punishment for it) on unlicensed rooms. However it seem very hard to enforce it and in reality no one will get punished ever.
In Lithuania they still just block domains and you have no personal responsibility for playing there.

This also has been in place already (blocking payments). No problems if use e-wallet.
Biggest thing here is that Latvian banks will be sending to goverment way more information as it looks like.
Declined payments, deposits/withdraws from and to illegal gambling websites and "intermediaries" (not sure if it count relevant e-wallets).

Well, this sucks. I wonder if it's one time payment in year or can be fined several times? Also, do I get fined if I'm resident but playing from abroad, yet declare my gambling winnings?
I am very confused how punishment would be measured and how often it could be punishable. Most likely it will be too expensive to actually enforce it.

But about being abroad, I believe you are allowed to play from other countries - law reads "a person in the Republic of Latvia is not allowed to participate.../personai Latvijas Republikā nav atļauts piedalīties..."
But how do you proof you was abound? do you need change officially your address?

Will VPN take care of this?
This is scariest one but also stupidest one.

If you read point 8 it says gov. can request information about everyone who visiting unlicensed gambling websites and ISP need provide it if they have it.
They need provide Personal information, IP, contact information and probably some type information on gambling websites visited or something.

If they decide go after anyone they probably target people with transactions in bank what have been reported to them. Looking for every person randomly visiting gambling website would be way too expensive or even impossible.

VPN is option. Prepaid internet is something you might want look into.

Have to pay income tax for 2018 already in a similar manner. No way I'm declaring "withdraw amount".
This is probably asked best to Tax specialist, it super confusing.
In theory i would need keep huge roll on MPN if i wanted play legally so I don't need ever reload roll because I would need pay extra tax for every reload i do. Not even talking about action being there.
In Lithaunia they are more reasonable and tax only gain.


Basically the only room that has licence is Betsafe (MPN), so winnig players will find a workaround. And there are what, couple of dozens, maybe a hundred poker pro's in Latvia? This law is so dumb my head hurts. Is it so hard to just set up a proper law where you pay income tax from gross winnings each year? Anything else is just unfair and leads to just not paying anything.

Last edited by anan234; 04-20-2019 at 10:13 AM.
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-22-2019 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
That site has kavorka, a.k.a. "the lure of the animal."
This made my day. Love a super deep cut Seinfeld reference.
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-23-2019 , 02:43 PM
I think VPN is supposed to keep ISP off your data but many poker rooms are against VPN...
[from Lithuanian poker forum]
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-23-2019 , 03:06 PM
Terrible news. There goes half the bot traffic on ACR.
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-24-2019 , 07:58 PM
I've heard that Latvian poker players are planning to move to countries such as Lithuania (they are not punishing you there and most poker rooms are accessible straight away or with a simple DNS change).
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
04-25-2019 , 04:22 AM
So i am gona get fined 350e for playing playmoney games on pokerstars seems fair
**WARNING** Latvian players will be punished/tracked when playing in unlicensed poker sites. Quote
