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Vote - tourneys are for kids, cash game is for grown ups? Vote - tourneys are for kids, cash game is for grown ups?
View Poll Results: Do kids play tourneys and grown-ups play cash?
Yes, only cash game players are real players
122 48.80%
No, tournaments are for pros and cash games for the impatient
11 4.40%
The one is as demanding as the other
117 46.80%

07-06-2008 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by BartJ385
I don't think this poll needs two more options like
"I think x is slightly more demanding than y",
but I see your point.

Need more votes.
no, don't need more votes. need less ******ed threads.
Vote - tourneys are for kids, cash game is for grown ups? Quote
07-06-2008 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by BartJ385
Not sure if makes a difference, but perhaps I should have restricted this to NLHE.

Need more votes!hey i voted k?
pot-limit draw or razz[sng or mtt] takes some skill
Vote - tourneys are for kids, cash game is for grown ups? Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:16 AM
Probably not the most thought out poll questions, but I like that the cash/tourny thing gets debated.
I am tired of "LOL donkament". The most important poker skill is to choose games you can beat. I could buy a small child a small kite with my cash game profits and still have money left over to order a pizza. I've done pretty well in tournys.
For me, its much harder to make a buck playing cash, so I give the profitable cash players tons of respect, and considor them a lot more skillful than I (they are).
Tournys have huge amounts of dead money in them, (the several thousand runner MTT's ), entry fees are a drop in the bucket compared to the rake in small stakes games. There are good logical reasons to play MTT's.
My point is a check in the mailbox is the only thing that really matters.
Vote - tourneys are for kids, cash game is for grown ups? Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:22 AM
Many interesting replies; people who call this poll ******ed, thus insult everyone who voted so far, and don't even think they have to give a reason for their claim are really members of a community, don't you think.

The reason I made this poll is to find out whether the average 2+2 member gives tourneys and cash games the same respect, and it turns out that we are in cash gamer land here.

Need more votes.
Vote - tourneys are for kids, cash game is for grown ups? Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:28 AM

[ ] kid

PS: This thread sucks.
Vote - tourneys are for kids, cash game is for grown ups? Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:32 AM
They are different skills. Measuring which is more or less skillful will mostly come down to personal experience.

I think whats kind of lol is that tourney players who cant/dont play cash will admit there is plenty of skill in both and will admit their own failings in defense of not playing/beating cash games - but cash game players dont understand why they lose at tourneys so blame it on bad luck or compare it to bingo etc.
Vote - tourneys are for kids, cash game is for grown ups? Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:38 AM
I thought so for a quite a while, too, but now the poll shows another explanation - force of numbers. There are simply more cash gamers among the 2+2 members than tourney players.
Vote - tourneys are for kids, cash game is for grown ups? Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by BartJ385
I thought so for a quite a while, too, but now the poll shows another explanation - force of numbers. There are simply more cash gamers among the 2+2 members than tourney players.
You are incapable of reading into things arent you?

I read that poll as a pretty perfect 50/50 split between cash game players and tourney players.
Vote - tourneys are for kids, cash game is for grown ups? Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:49 AM
I see how you do it:

"Tourney players are wise, and think that tourneys are just as difficult as cash game, so they voted yellow.
Cash gamers are stubborn and think that tourneys suck, so they voted red."

Yepp, that way we would have equal numbers of cash gamers and tourney enthusiasts.

But in real life ...
Vote - tourneys are for kids, cash game is for grown ups? Quote
07-06-2008 , 12:04 PM
They have different skill sets and there is a greater correlation between money made in cash : skill in cash, than money made in tourneys : skill in tourneys.
Vote - tourneys are for kids, cash game is for grown ups? Quote
07-06-2008 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
They have different skill sets and there is a greater correlation between money made in cash : skill in cash, than money made in tourneys : skill in tourneys.
Dont want to misunderstand, are you saying the greater correlation is due to the variance in tourneys - in other words Jerry Yang can win a tourney for 10 mill or whatever it was and be a pretty sucky player? Or is this a reference to the ceiling in profitability, where if you are the best at one (and dont play the other, for arguments sake) there is more money to be made at cash over tourneys? Or is it a third option im not seeing.

I agree with both points if that is what you mean

Originally Posted by BartJ385
I see how you do it:

"Tourney players are wise, and think that tourneys are just as difficult as cash game, so they voted yellow.
Cash gamers are stubborn and think that tourneys suck, so they voted red."

Yepp, that way we would have equal numbers of cash gamers and tourney enthusiasts.

But in real life ...
I wouldnt phrase it that way, but i believe the stereotype (stigma?) of tourney play being less skilled means that those who specialise in it arent going around saying all cash game experts are the fish in our games when they play.

Fwiw 2+2 is more cash game player dominated, that is clear just by looking over the number of cash forums (15, not including "other poker" forums where there is probably a lot of overlap as a stud tourney hand would be better in that forum than in mtt i would imagine) and the 4 tourney strat forums, but i would indeed consider a vote that they are equal in skill being a vote for tourneys being "as worthy" however you want to interpret that. There is no way someone is saying they are equal in skill if they play like one or two mtts a week and the rest is all cash games.
Vote - tourneys are for kids, cash game is for grown ups? Quote
07-06-2008 , 02:33 PM
Silly donk, tournaments are for kids!
Vote - tourneys are for kids, cash game is for grown ups? Quote
07-06-2008 , 03:24 PM
It's the first.
Vote - tourneys are for kids, cash game is for grown ups? Quote
07-06-2008 , 06:18 PM
234 votes so far - need more
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