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View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build

03-29-2015 , 01:02 PM
Just a random thought today before I started grinding. Poker teaches you many valuable lessons, but mainly, its a forum for young adults and whoever to play vs eachother from across the world.

If the world has more collaboration with its youth and just people in general, then the world is advancing. The reason why we have strife and chaos among certain countries is because theyre not civilized enough to live in peace.

Poker is just another median that can be used to have kids from other countries meet kids from other countries. Or just people in general not kids neccessarily lol when it comes to teh pokers
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 01:07 PM
Because poker relies on people losing money to sustain itself and many people view it as gambling.

I do think it's pretty cool that poker brings so many people together and most of them are able to set aside their differences to play a game.
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 01:12 PM
Read the title & literally laughed out loud, that is all.
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 01:13 PM
youre reaching way too hard
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 01:13 PM
OP got some good smoke recently.
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 01:22 PM
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 01:22 PM
First we bomb, attack with drones, destroy all infrastructure, then coalition forces round you up and force you to play limit Holdem with an AR-15 aimed at your head!
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by king acehole
First we bomb, attack with drones, destroy all infrastructure, then coalition forces round you up and force you to play limit Holdem with an AR-15 aimed at your head!
Yes yes I did get some great og kush. You guys r missing the point. Its about the world as a whole, about the world advancing. Dont think about the world today as it stands.

Think about the world in 50 years. Do I want my kid at age 60 to have met people from Brazil, Africa, Sweden, yeh why the **** not.

The point is, when nations fail to nation build, it is because the average person in their territory isnt strong enough to make rational decisions you guys.

Thats what poker helps you do, it helps you make rational decisions. There's just not alot of other platforms where I can go online and talk with people about rational decision making.
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 01:37 PM
Internet poker had some potential to encourage individual characteristics such as patience, discipline and decisiveness in a competitive and common international arena, but it was severely diminished when the US DOJ forced many of the best US players to play under false flags, and then some European countries isolated their own players. They have not done that with the Olympics yet.

But it is about individuals, not nation building.
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 01:37 PM
Using poker to promote world peace...sure why not.
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 01:45 PM
You cant think about it too much here guys. We're just trying to get the ****ing game legalized lol. But it makes sense. If youre going to be a professional poker player, you have to have it all together.

Poker is a great median for people to talk to each other in a rational way.

Wow, you made 100,000 last year by building, thats great, maybe I can learn something about this guy as a Kazakistan tribal member who barely has running water. Maybe he can learn something from me.

Maybe the things I learn and the things he learns from me will help influence my situation to make his situation better as well. My point is the medians dont really exist you guys. Why the **** would someone from Kazakistan go online to talk with some1 from America? Thats why the rationalizing skills of some of these countries is way behind because the medians dont exist for them to view and learn rational behavior.
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 01:55 PM
Freedom fries and freedom chips
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 01:59 PM
[QUOTE=epcfast;46501260]Freedom fries and freedom chips[/QUOT

Exactly, but you guys are looking at it in too extreme of a viewpoint.

Its not ooo lets have some sicko teach all these indians or tribal members the game of teh pokers.

Its because of the nature of poker that these events naturally occur to begin with, so the process is already happening and the net result is a benefit for the world because more kids are getting a chance to view and understand and implant their own version of rational decision making in their mind.
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by AADYNASTY
The reason why we have strife and chaos among certain countries is because theyre not civilized enough to live in peace.
Uh oh.
You don't know how the world works much do you?

Also, using the phrase 'nation building' is so telling about you I don't even know where to start lol.
Just go smoke a joint or somethin', leave thinking to others.
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Benjola
Uh oh.
You don't know how the world works much do you?

Also, using the phrase 'nation building' is so telling about you I don't even know where to start lol.
Just go smoke a joint or somethin', leave thinking to others.
This is the whole point man. People and kids dont get how the world works and how to act more rationally so it leads to more strife and chaos.

Whats wrong with nation building? Nation building is a very important concept for international relations.
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 02:12 PM
More discussion between people of different countries is better for all countries man.
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 02:14 PM
The more people from different countries talk to each other, the better off those countries are.
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 02:14 PM
Oops double posted er, still hungover.
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 05:36 PM
People from all over the world sitting down to play games together can't be a bad thing.
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
People from all over the world sitting down to play games together can't be a bad thing.
That's what we do on Stars, missing few nations though, like yanks, frenchies, Italians and few more I guess.
But there are people from all over the world on Pokerstars.EU
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 05:43 PM
I would posit that the reason why the idea you are suggesting is not in place has a lot to do with the average person's ability to effectively utilize poker as a tool to accomplish the things you are suggesting.
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
I would posit that the reason why the idea you are suggesting is not in place has a lot to do with the average person's ability to effectively utilize poker as a tool to accomplish the things you are suggesting.
As Lee Corso says, not so fast my friend...I see where you are coming from but, it is much harder to teach a civilized person to go from being a 20k worker to a 80-100k worker than it is to teach a poor Afghan farmer to utilize what they need to utilize to make their country a better, more efficient place.

Er, and its not so much teaching its people learning off of each other. Like Afghans teaching Afghans at .01-.02 pokers.

And its not even about winning. Its about communicating. I could give a damn less what the Afghans win rates are. Its about talking to these people at an average clip per country wide basis so half their country just doesnt care or helps the fing Taliban.

Last edited by AADYNASTY; 03-29-2015 at 06:13 PM.
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 06:24 PM
poker is mainly about facing your weaknesses and lady luck for every decision you make, in return for whats considered most important in our society, $$$$.

i honestly love seeing my friends unwrap their personalities through poker

That being said, i always have that ridiculous thought since i was in school that religion courses should be replaced with a poker workshop :P
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by luckofficial
poker is mainly about facing your weaknesses, your decisions and lady luck for every decision you make, in return for whats considered most important in our society, $$$$.

i honestly love seeing my friends unwrap their personalities through poker

That being said, i always have that ridiculous thought since i was in school that religion courses should be replaced with a poker workshop :P
Haha thats awesome. Thats my point though, like we've already lost the battle if we're going to try and teach muslim or islams or w/e religion you are and use that median to make the world a better place.. In return, poker is a great median for that bc it teaches discipline in thoughts and actions.

Buy my argument United States Justice Department and legalize the game
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
03-29-2015 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by AADYNASTY
If the world has more collaboration with its youth and just people in general, then the world is advancing. The reason why we have strife and chaos among certain countries is because theyre not civilized enough to live in peace.
And the country you're from is?
View: Why is poker not being pitched as an idea that can help nation build Quote
