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View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap

08-14-2011 , 04:23 PM
Take this crap to HSNL
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08-14-2011 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
maybe NVG posters wouldn't have such a bad rap if they actually played poker or ever knew what they are talking about!
This is the perfect example of a point I made a while back. If a post is ******ed, then the post is ******ed whether or not it was made on NVG or an academic journal, and the quality of the post is not dependent upon the poster's poker skill if the post is not about poker strategy. If a point is insightful then it's insightful, no matter which forum it's in, and no matter what stakes the author plays.

The above quote by augie is an instance of a ******ed post, and it's also in NVG. But it's not ******ed because it's in NVG, it's ******ed because of its content. People need to judge posting quality on the content of the post itself and not on its author or its location.
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08-14-2011 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
maybe NVG posters wouldn't have such a bad rap if they actually played poker or ever knew what they are talking about!
Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
The above quote by augie is an instance of a ******ed post, and it's also in NVG. But it's not ******ed because it's in NVG, it's ******ed because of its content. People need to judge posting quality on the content of the post itself and not on its author or its location.
Its not the most accurate post, but it certainly is not ******ed.
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by ArchRival
Its not the most accurate post, but it certainly is not ******ed.
The post claimed that people in NVG don't play poker, and in particular that nobody in NVG ever knows what they're talking about.

This is a ******ed claim. No debate.
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by zzzed
Take this crap to HSNL

That's what I've been thinking a lot lately. I say there's about 50 times more helpful and interesting threads in NVG. I have found some really cool threads in HSNL and obviously I can't fathom the poker hand discussions so I'm excluding that stuff.

But it really is silly how NVG gets looked down on--we're the TMZ of 2+2 and HSNL is like the NYT. Out of date, out of touch, and we break way more stories than they do any day of the week.
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 05:03 PM
If you want to post in HSNL post away, just don't offer strategy advice or make 0 content post like you would in NVG.

While mods are OBV biased and let HSNL regs get away with zero content post, simply posting there won't get you banned, you have to earn it.

Take OOT for example, complete 4L opposite yet mods wouldn't ban you for simply being a 4L reg.
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
I, personally, was unaware that being good at high stakes poker made you better or more wise than anyone else. Color me surprised.

The HS community has every right to keep low level players from posting strategy in their forum, since they are clearly not on the same strategic level as HS players.

However, it's absolutely ridiculous to suggest that HS players have some sort of inherent intellectual advantage when it comes to discussing ethics, morals, or shady/scummy behavior that ultimately impacts the entire poker community.

Obviously HS forum has different posting standards as far as trolling goes, and I fully support enforcing those standards against regular HS poster and guests alike. But if a non-HS reg has a valid point to make, and does so in a non-trollish manner, there's no reason his or her post should be discredited, ignored, or removed.

FWIW not a single one of my posts in the HS thread has been removed, and I don't personally feel as if I've been looked down on by any HS player, but the overly, condescending "you're not a HS player so your opinion is worthless" attitude of SOME of the HS regs is obnoxious and arrogant to the point of stupidity, IMO.

Wasnt trying to imply all HSNL ppl are genius, just saying they have the right to their own thread regarding this matter given that it pertains to a lot of them and they are a tight nit community.

You took my 2 sentences kinda far...
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 05:16 PM
100% support to augie_
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by zerofan
Never saw any HS regs posters uncover some of the stuff NVG posters have uncovered.

Sometimes people tend to close their eyes to protect their own interests.
Cheaters gonna protect cheaters.
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 05:26 PM
Most of the people in HSNL have autism. NVGtards have about a 102 IQ, but are more normal.
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 05:34 PM
Grunch, but huge LOL @ the "requirements" for posting in the "intelligent" HSNL thread:

"Must be a 100NL+ reg"

I agree with the OP.

Being a rich kid/bumhunter !=intelligence/ability to look at facts.
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by SkinnyStax
Wasnt trying to imply all HSNL ppl are genius, just saying they have the right to their own thread regarding this matter given that it pertains to a lot of them and they are a tight nit community.

You took my 2 sentences kinda far...
Far enough. May have been a little touchy, since there are some people who have basically been we shouldn't even be READING the HS thread, which is obviously taking it too far. You have to admit, it's easy to interpret JM coming into an NVG thread and asking us not to talk about it is pretty insulting on a basic level. The scandal has far reaching implications - asking us to ignore or not discuss it because it's a "HS" issue can come across badly.

I've been frustrated by the people trolling the HS thread as well, and I wish people wouldn't be idiots but interwebs gunna interweb, I guess.
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
maybe NVG posters wouldn't have such a bad rap if they actually played poker or ever knew what they are talking about!
Damn, you got me.

Before april 15th I did both those things. Now I do neither.

Originally Posted by jglsd1
"Must be a 100NL+ reg"
This is a joke right? Pretty sure I'd be told to gtfo. Maybe you are missing a 0.
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
maybe NVG posters wouldn't have such a bad rap if they actually played poker or ever knew what they are talking about!
Bet I played more hands this year (or last) then 97% of HSNL guys.
Hell I bet I would be top 20% in STT/MTT hands and I F hate those things.

Obv. I am also a proud nvgtard

Last edited by nophun; 08-14-2011 at 06:07 PM.
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by TheJacob
Damn, you got me.

Before april 15th I did both those things. Now I do neither.

This is a joke right? Pretty sure I'd be told to gtfo. Maybe you are missing a 0.
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 06:00 PM
2p2 Groupthink FTW
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 06:03 PM
lots of nvg posters calling other nvg posters dumb itt.
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 06:12 PM
Just posted in HSNL regarding the crappy cardplayer article that just came out:

"wow wtf, guess cardplayer hired NVG to write articles"

Funny line, but really if NVG had written the article it would be insightful, cut through the BS in no time, and people would be running for cover.

In fact, the more I look at it, once high stakes forum took over this story (about DIH and JM and Jose) it pretty much went nowhere. The main stuff was all pretty much figured out in NVG.
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 06:16 PM
So nvgtards have a bad rep amongst hstards, and hstards have a bad rep amongst nvgtards? The only difference being every time a scandal breaks the hstards lose 5/6 figures while the nvgtards lose their ability to post in a thread..?
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 06:37 PM
I have to say, I really LOVE the fact that hstards is becoming a term.
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 06:39 PM
NVG is the worst.
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by ArcadianSky
NVG is the worst.
View: "NVGtards" get a bad rap Quote
08-14-2011 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
However, it's absolutely ridiculous to suggest that HS players have some sort of inherent intellectual advantage when it comes to discussing ethics, morals, or shady/scummy behavior that ultimately impacts the entire poker community.
Here's a thread about ethics/cheating:

It's perfectly obvious that no one in that thread, aside from some non-NVGtards like Josem, have the slightest idea of what an equity chop is. But that doesn't stop them from being completely convinced that an equity chop is cheating. Who voluntarily subjects themselves to interactions with people who lack any sort of reading comprehension or logical reasoning skills? And it's not like that thread is unique. That's the level of discourse 24/7 here.
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08-14-2011 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by soah
Here's a thread about ethics/cheating:

It's perfectly obvious that no one in that thread, aside from some non-NVGtards like Josem, have the slightest idea of what an equity chop is. But that doesn't stop them from being completely convinced that an equity chop is cheating. Who voluntarily subjects themselves to interactions with people who lack any sort of reading comprehension or logical reasoning skills? And it's not like that thread is unique. That's the level of discourse 24/7 here.
Yes, I read that thread as well. And thought that anyone arguing that an equity chop was cheating was ridiculous.

I guess I'll just beg very nicely that people recognize that there are at least a few NVGers who are capable of solid intellectual discourse. Pretty please? I don't want to be a ******.
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08-14-2011 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by gorvnice
I mean, even people who are regulars in here (which I am), know this forum is a big ****ing joke. It's barely debatable.

Just scroll through this thread and read the replies. The fact that this thread is even allowed to stand/exist is a testament to how ****ty this forum is. This should be in the "About The Forums" section.
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