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View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record

03-27-2008 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by ravenfan1733
I scored over 4 million in Galaga many years ago. I used to have a big crowd watch me in the arcade back in the day.
must have been thrilling. I bet the ladies with their leg warmers and 80's hair were all over you for that local celeb status you had.

the glory days eh
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
03-27-2008 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by GambleAB
Time Crisis was the biggest money pit in the arcade, unless you were like me and spend one summer with a friend going to the mall as often as possible and playing it for hours on end.

Also while we are waving our dicks around, I can say that I'm probably the best Contra player of all time.
uhhh, probably not dude. I think this guy is the best contra player of all time
can't beat this
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
03-27-2008 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by splittingaces
uhhh, probably not dude. I think this guy is the best contra player of all time
can't beat this
I can do that (not 100% of the time though), esp on the first play through. It gets tougher once you beat it a couple of times in a row.
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
03-27-2008 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by splittingaces
uhhh, probably not dude. I think this guy is the best contra player of all time
can't beat this
It'd be more impressive to see it done that fast without using the spread shot.
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
03-27-2008 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by samsdmf
You guys are all living in the past, take you all at stepmania and give most people a run for their money at beatmania
is this you?
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
03-27-2008 , 11:21 PM
And nearly everything in King of Kong is bull****.

Heres the freak from Twin Galaxies take on King Of Kong
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
03-28-2008 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by RichGangi
Im all set with playing it online. I will be buying an MK3 machine when I get settled into the new house though, and youre more than welcome to try your luck. Only way to play it is the stand up arcade version imo.
All set?? How is this done?

I'm undefeated on SNES/N64 but I don't have the arcade skills I do agree it's the best version of the game though.
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
03-28-2008 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by GambleAB
Time Crisis was the biggest money pit in the arcade, unless you were like me and spend one summer with a friend going to the mall as often as possible and playing it for hours on end.

Also while we are waving our dicks around, I can say that I'm probably the best Contra player of all time.
I can beat time crisis 2 with 1 credit pretty consistently. Time crisis 3 usually take 2 credits, but I've done it in 1
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
03-28-2008 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by raze
All set?? How is this done?
I meant that I have no interest in playing it online. Who do you use? Im a Cyrax/Kabal fan myself.
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
03-28-2008 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by Webjoker
GoldenEye - Golden Gun - Oddjob not allowed- Facility level

HU for rolls!
No helicopter pilot also, he can live through a golden gun shot a small % of the time, just so you know.
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
03-28-2008 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
1. Galaga was the greatest arcade game ever

2. I'll play anyone in Tecmo Super Bowl for the NES for any amount up to $10K(although I'd rather do something like a best of 7 with 7 different teams than just one game). I live in Vegas and could do it anytime including during the WSOP.
I wish I was going to the WSOP this year (baby is due, wife says "no way, are you f-ing crazy?"), just to setup a high-stakes golden eye / tecmo bowl / etc tournament.
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
03-28-2008 , 11:17 AM
I was loathed for playing the Asteroid machine at the local 7-11 for hours on one quarter. Eventually, people would be sick of waiting, and start complaining to the clerk. He would then pull the plug, or one of the older kids would pour Slurpee down the back of my shirt. It always ended with me running home crying. Then my Grandfather would go down and scream at everyone. I was 8. I hate video games.Now I play freerolls.
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
03-28-2008 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by RichGangi
I meant that I have no interest in playing it online. Who do you use? Im a Cyrax/Kabal fan myself.
I like both those guys but Kabal is crushable just by blocking/countering his dash IMO. Cyrax is a lot of fun. I've usually played Ultimate MK3 so I use Smoke, SubZero, Jax, Liu Kang... I play about half the characters really.
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
03-28-2008 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by raze
I like both those guys but Kabal is crushable just by blocking/countering his dash IMO. Cyrax is a lot of fun. I've usually played Ultimate MK3 so I use Smoke, SubZero, Jax, Liu Kang... I play about half the characters really.
Not if its done correctly. SubZero is awesome too.
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
04-03-2008 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Mercutio
Yeh lol because 1-hit kills will make it more of a skill contest

I swear if this was online somewhere I would play it more than poker. (is it online multiplayer anywhere?)
You can play it online via: (serious).

My laptop doesnt do it because it isn't powerfull enough but as soon as I get my new laptop for WSOP I will play it online. We'll talk further at that moment and I will beat you
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
04-03-2008 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by FlopYouDead
Loved Adams Family. Only pinball I ever played. Is it considered a classic? Just happened to be set-up in my regular happy hour dive way back when (thinking 10+ years ago).
It's pretty much considered a classic, yes. Rightly so imo.
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
04-04-2008 , 07:05 AM
All you wannabee arcadegame hiscore freaks, should check out the game called Warblade II. It's for the PC and developed by a norwegian guy. I swear, it is one of the most fun games ever, in the arcade sense, and people fight over the highscores like maniacs. Incidentally a version 1.3 has just been released. The game is loaded with secrets and neat stuff like weapon and ship upgrades and at the higher stages (or after a few completes) the game is INSANELY fast paced and addictive.

Also there is a game called Crimsonland that is insanely fun and addicting in survival mode (got 8 mill or so).

Oh and, Ghosts 'n' Goblins is fun and hard.
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
04-04-2008 , 10:31 AM
Can I bet against every single person issuing a video game challenge in this thread? You're not as good as the tons of random 2p2ers who devote their lives to video games and are too busy playing to respond to these wannabe loser threads. Remember the "what are you the best at among 2p2ers" type thread in OOT, everyone who first responded with a video game was immediately shot down multiple times.
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
04-04-2008 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Sponger.
Can I bet against every single person issuing a video game challenge in this thread? You're not as good as the tons of random 2p2ers who devote their lives to video games and are too busy playing to respond to these wannabe loser threads. Remember the "what are you the best at among 2p2ers" type thread in OOT, everyone who first responded with a video game was immediately shot down multiple times.
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
04-04-2008 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Sponger.
Can I bet against every single person issuing a video game challenge in this thread? You're not as good as the tons of random 2p2ers who devote their lives to video games and are too busy playing to respond to these wannabe loser threads. Remember the "what are you the best at among 2p2ers" type thread in OOT, everyone who first responded with a video game was immediately shot down multiple times.
Don't tap the glass......
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
04-07-2008 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by Sponger.
Can I bet against every single person issuing a video game challenge in this thread? You're not as good as the tons of random 2p2ers who devote their lives to video games and are too busy playing to respond to these wannabe loser threads. Remember the "what are you the best at among 2p2ers" type thread in OOT, everyone who first responded with a video game was immediately shot down multiple times.
Do I need to own you at Joust to knock you off your high horse? Because I will. You will be completely dominated and your face will be left in the dirt.
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
04-07-2008 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by Nick Rivers
Do I need to own you at Joust to knock you off your high horse? Because I will. You will be completely dominated and your face will be left in the dirt.
I think what he means is by being the top player on 2p2 may still mean you are in only the top 10% worldwide etc.

Calm down there buddy.
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
04-19-2009 , 11:36 PM
Yeah, Phil Ivey's score was in Ms Pacman with a speedup hack. Its nothing special.

Also, to the guy who said he scored over 200K in Ms Pac Man, I call BS.

The high score on Xbox Live Arcade is 296K, and there are only 3 scores over 200K, out of over 120K submitted high scores.

Its one of the toughest arcade games games ever imo.

Donkey Kong, also, is brutally hard. Joust too, you gotta hit that peradactyl in the eye!

Im a huge Pac Man fan, all of them really, but my favorite is Pac Man Championship on XBLA. If you like Pac Man games, you will love Pac Man C.E. I cant get over 50K in the early Pac Man games, but in Pac Man C.E. (championship mode) I can get over 250K pretty consistently and my high score is over 320K (all time high score is over 600K).

If any of you 2+2 gamers are on XBL and want to check out my scores or add me as a friend, my gamertag is "ChronicBurnout3." I like retro games, thrid person shooters and action games the most, as well as Virtua Tennis.
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
04-20-2009 , 12:28 AM
lots of good memories reading this thread <3
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
04-20-2009 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by Nick Rivers
Thanks for the info that 40 other people already posted. By the way, Pac-Man is not Ms. Pac-Man. They're different games.

Sorry, but U R wrong. A lot of the same dudes have the high scores on both, and the highest score is at the regular version. What's more, the universe is not old enough for 123487123084710239478 attempts at Ms. Pac-Man to have been made imo. Especially the slow version. What's even more is that I was talking about Ivey on the turbo version, so if fewer people are making attempts, that indicates he has a better shot of getting to the top. So, regardless of whether your bogus logic is right or wrong, you're still wrong overall imo. I would prefer it if you posted something more intelligent next time. kthx.

Originally Posted by pineapple888

Well, you got me there.

OP, how about just admitting you didn't know much about the subject at hand, and your original idea was silly, and the stuff you've made up since then is simply wrong.

Of course, if anyone on these boards ever admitted they were wrong, the universe would probably end immediately. Although I did get Slim Pickens to kind of admit it once, after a thousand-post thread.

Well...he DID get you. He was right and you were wrong on the number of attempts.

Well played Nick Rivers.
View: Phil Ivey Should Compete for Ms. Pac-Man World Record Quote
