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View: NL10 is a joke View: NL10 is a joke

08-04-2010 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by wIzarrdd90
why wud there not be a whale at NL10?

the BR nits play NL2 coz there broke as f'k

but the ******s play NL10 to "gambool" kind of lyk people who bet for a laugh.
What is your definition of a "whale?"
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08-04-2010 , 10:05 PM
easy just value bet , dont bluff, and fold to aggression unless you have reads otherwise, fckn bluffing dont work, so dont do it, its poker, not rounders
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08-04-2010 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by Keyser112
shouldn't you just crush nl10 then?
How can one crush it when people go all in before the flop everytime!?

I was playing in a table where 3 of the people went all in before the flop, ON EVERY HAND!

I tried to limp in everytime to have a look at the flop and trap them, but everytime they went all in with hands like 35offsuit and 89 and 79 and whatever

I had buy in for 10$ wich is a huge amount of money for me, eventually then blinds and my limping had crippled my stack to 4$ and i had not even seen a flop once, and i was forced to fold big hands all the time because they were all in preflop on every hand! i JJ and i had to fold pocket 10s and pocket 5s.

Well eventually i picked up the Aces and sure enough they all went all in, and i SNAPCALLED ONLY TO BE UP AGAINST 72 58 94 A7 and losing to 72 on a 2-2-9-3-10 board........ after this i have never played nl10 again and never will it is a joke and its unbeatable with lucky donks.
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08-04-2010 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by johnnymomo1
easy just value bet , dont bluff, and fold to aggression unless you have reads otherwise, fckn bluffing dont work, so dont do it, its poker, not rounders
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08-04-2010 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Yada Yada
How can one crush it when people go all in before the flop everytime!?
no idea
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08-04-2010 , 10:18 PM
my definintion of a whale

is a massive fish

which is a whale
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08-04-2010 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by johnnymomo1
easy just value bet , dont bluff, and fold to aggression unless you have reads otherwise, fckn bluffing dont work, so dont do it, its poker, not rounders
Yeah that worked out great for me! i got all in with ACES before flop and lose to duce seven
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08-04-2010 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by Yada Yada
How can one crush it when people go all in before the flop everytime!?

I was playing in a table where 3 of the people went all in before the flop, ON EVERY HAND!

I tried to limp in everytime to have a look at the flop and trap them, but everytime they went all in with hands like 35offsuit and 89 and 79 and whatever

I had buy in for 10$ wich is a huge amount of money for me, eventually then blinds and my limping had crippled my stack to 4$ and i had not even seen a flop once, and i was forced to fold big hands all the time because they were all in preflop on every hand! i JJ and i had to fold pocket 10s and pocket 5s.

Well eventually i picked up the Aces and sure enough they all went all in, and i SNAPCALLED ONLY TO BE UP AGAINST 72 58 94 A7 and losing to 72 on a 2-2-9-3-10 board........ after this i have never played nl10 again and never will it is a joke and its unbeatable with lucky donks.
Looks like you were at a table were people were flipping. If you didnt want to play, just go to a new table. Its not that hard.

And obv you are not rolled for 10nl if $10 is a huge amount of money to you
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08-04-2010 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Yada Yada
How can one crush it when people go all in before the flop everytime!?

I was playing in a table where 3 of the people went all in before the flop, ON EVERY HAND!

I tried to limp in everytime to have a look at the flop and trap them, but everytime they went all in with hands like 35offsuit and 89 and 79 and whatever

I had buy in for 10$ wich is a huge amount of money for me, eventually then blinds and my limping had crippled my stack to 4$ and i had not even seen a flop once, and i was forced to fold big hands all the time because they were all in preflop on every hand! i JJ and i had to fold pocket 10s and pocket 5s.

Well eventually i picked up the Aces and sure enough they all went all in, and i SNAPCALLED ONLY TO BE UP AGAINST 72 58 94 A7 and losing to 72 on a 2-2-9-3-10 board........ after this i have never played nl10 again and never will it is a joke and its unbeatable with lucky donks.
Is it me, or are levels getting worse and more obvious?
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08-04-2010 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by wIzarrdd90
my definintion of a whale

is a massive fish

which is a whale
whales are mammals

and thats not the only reason your statement is wrong
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08-04-2010 , 10:30 PM
View: NL10 is a joke Quote
08-04-2010 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Yada Yada
Yeah that worked out great for me! i got all in with ACES before flop and lose to duce seven
Oh well I take it all back, your aces got cracked by 7 2, might as well fold them next time then, its called the long run, you want idiots like that, and if they didnt win one every so often then they wouldnt play, u should be jumping up and down for joy when they show 7 2, and if losing the buy in hurts that much you have to whinge, then you are obviously not rolled adequately, track your results and see what % your aces win, then grow up
View: NL10 is a joke Quote
08-04-2010 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
whales are mammals

and thats not the only reason your statement is wrong
so whats the poker definition of a whale?
View: NL10 is a joke Quote
08-04-2010 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by wIzarrdd90
my definintion of a whale

is a massive fish

which is a whale

This is the definition of whale.

A person who is independently wealthy outside of poker, and is a loosing player at the tables. They are a form of fish which are very profitable because of their huge life bankroll and poor poker skills.
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08-04-2010 , 10:41 PM
well then there are whales at NL10

because they have enough money to be money to be **** at poker and still play NL10

just like guy, he must know he is **** but still plays with money he can afford to lose
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08-04-2010 , 10:46 PM
view: this thread sucks
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08-04-2010 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by wIzarrdd90
well then there are whales at NL10

because they have enough money to be money to be **** at poker and still play NL10

just like guy, he must know he is **** but still plays with money he can afford to lose
lol I don't think you know what a whale is. They're not somebody who drops 200 a night at 10NL, that's freaking pennies.
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08-04-2010 , 10:47 PM
No money in NL10, everyone's ******ed.
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08-04-2010 , 10:48 PM
Beat: (Rake: $1.48)
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08-04-2010 , 10:49 PM
OP, FYI you want to play bad players who put their money in bad. That's not nonsense, that's poker.
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08-04-2010 , 10:51 PM
The Dwarf Sperm Whale is the smallest species commonly known as a whale. It grows up to 2.7 meters (9 ft) in length and 250 kilograms (551 lb) in weight— making it smaller than the bigger dolphins.
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08-04-2010 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
OP, FYI you want to play bad players who put their money in bad. That's not nonsense, that's poker.
I suppose Ive put the whole OP wrong

What im saying is.... NL10 is overated. Lyk if you can beat NL2, you can beat NL10. People on this website make poker out to be some deadly hard game and "ohhh omg NL10" or maybe its just coz ive played and learned for lyk a year and think a lot about the game. Its lyk it seems so simple. I keep thinking "why would they do that" when they are doing just that.

I think I need to just play my own game and put in 50k-100k hands and move up. Instead of thinking, "im i doing this right". its just weird when i think about life in general. how can someone play for $10 and be so terrible? y can i beat them so easily? i just keep thinking, "i have to know more, i have to do better" but i guess i need to believe in myself and just f'kin go 4 it and see where i end up?

It was a bit of a vent too
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08-04-2010 , 10:59 PM
lol at judging pokers overall toughness by the play at NL10
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08-04-2010 , 10:59 PM
2,500 hands ITT
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08-04-2010 , 11:04 PM
2500k hand samplesizes, std bad beats for nickels and dimes, blaming fish for loosing money, whales supposedly playing 10NL.

The cancer of 2+2 all in one thread. gg
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