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View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world

08-14-2022 , 11:59 PM
If some fish used that sizing the commentators would’ve said its terrible and horrendous but because its Garett the commentators praise it and say things like wow he does that with bluffs too he is so good omfg!!
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
08-15-2022 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by Joe-exotic69
If some fish used that sizing the commentators would’ve said its terrible and horrendous but because its Garett the commentators praise it and say things like wow he does that with bluffs too he is so good omfg!!
I think the commentator talked through it and decided it doesn’t make sense. Maybe garrett is trying to set up some kind of meta though idk.
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
08-15-2022 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by DiamondsOnMyNeck
If someone pointed this out as a consistent pattern in Garret’s behavior, I would be more inclined to give this some weight. It very well could be legit, but I haven’t paid attention so I don’t know. Imo, without further proof this is just a random observation that doesn’t give away any meaningful information. It’s easy to build a narrative as an observer who can see the hole cards. I will concede however, live reads are not my strong suite.
It isn't a consistent pattern, nor is Garrett usually talking as much as he was there. He was super chatty for an extended period and was like mid-story when he looked at his cards and just "stopped talking". It had been his turn a few times already and the dealer had to tell him so it was pretty simple to see that his hand had caught his attention (in previous hands he'd just acted and gone back to joking and telling his stories). This gives us no concrete info but it does tell us that it's something that he wants to play. If it's in the lower section of his range the odds are good he's going to be 4bet-bluffing with it so the flat-call and c/r and betsizing coupled with the abrupt silence looks very strong.

Being present in the moment and following the game is something people just don't do enough of in live games. It isn't about looking for stuff, it's just about being in the moment until stuff becomes clear. I concede that there's zero way to know if this is why Andy folded though, but it was a fairly quick toss of a situation that people are generally willing to lose some money with. I would guess that a contributing factor is how small Garrett's 3-bet flatting range is assumed to be. KQs, pairs, and Axs are the only hands that are generally in this range for a good player, but that makes his hand somewhat faceup when he takes this line since which of those that he c/r's this rainbow flop with isn't beating AK. Perhaps by not having a wide enough flatting range in position he's giving away $. Either way, it was a cool hand. I enjoy seeing the home game atmosphere develop, because it leads to the individual battles being more personalized and the flow of play developing gradually into a leveling battle.
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
08-16-2022 , 08:33 AM
technically doesn’t make his range more “face up” than a cold 4bet, the only difference is that it’s usually capped to QQ, maybe KK sometimes, so it’s juste like playing any other spots where ranges are quite narrow
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
08-26-2022 , 09:24 AM
Interesting exchange towards the end of the HCL stream tonight. JRB comments that Garrett was originally in the line-up for the Thursday show, implying that he was kicked out in favor of more amateur players. JRB says the game was "much better" without Garrett, too which Ben vigorously agrees. JRB goes on to say that Garrett is "way better" than he is, and that Garrett owns him.

Alan Keating played three nights on High Stakes week and Garrett played the other two, with no crossover. Wonder if Keating is not interested in playing with Garrett or if someone else was against him?
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
08-26-2022 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by Dan GK
Interesting exchange towards the end of the HCL stream tonight. JRB comments that Garrett was originally in the line-up for the Thursday show, implying that he was kicked out in favor of more amateur players. JRB says the game was "much better" without Garrett, too which Ben vigorously agrees. JRB goes on to say that Garrett is "way better" than he is, and that Garrett owns him.

Alan Keating played three nights on High Stakes week and Garrett played the other two, with no crossover. Wonder if Keating is not interested in playing with Garrett or if someone else was against him?
Interesting for sure. I mean, it woudnt surprise me if the trend going forward is that the amount of players that doesent want to play with Garrett in the game is gonna go way up. Considering how good he is and the big clip he is winning it would be strange actually if more players woudnt put the foot down.
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
08-26-2022 , 12:55 PM
This 2 hand back to back meltdown by Eric Persson was pretty entertaining to watch last night:
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
08-26-2022 , 01:02 PM
Lol, legendary stuff. Back to back tilt hands, giving it all to Keating in hand nr 2 and instant walk off. Hustler makes it happens, you have to give them that
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
08-26-2022 , 01:08 PM
Persson was who we thought he was.
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
09-09-2022 , 10:14 AM
Garrett is what I like to call a California nice guy. Nice enough when it serves him but can be a real prick. It’s more of a niceness to get what you want more than a true genuine kindness. I’ve always felt like something was off about him then he barked at Zeo one show and then recently he got super butt hurt about Vertucci ribbing him over taking some time to call with Q high flush. Basically made a bunch of arrogant comments, about what i’d expect from what a California nice guy is really like once he breaks character.
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
09-09-2022 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Huskalator
Garrett is what I like to call a California nice guy. Nice enough when it serves him but can be a real prick. It’s more of a niceness to get what you want more than a true genuine kindness. I’ve always felt like something was off about him then he barked at Zeo one show and then recently he got super butt hurt about Vertucci ribbing him over taking some time to call with Q high flush. Basically made a bunch of arrogant comments, about what i’d expect from what a California nice guy is really like once he breaks character.
We had a term for this in college…

We called them “fun boys” it was a running joke.

Like someone’s who’s a fake nice guy politician to everyone. Tried too hard to be liked. But you know they’re self serving the whole time.
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
09-09-2022 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Huskalator
Garrett is what I like to call a California nice guy. Nice enough when it serves him but can be a real prick. It’s more of a niceness to get what you want more than a true genuine kindness. I’ve always felt like something was off about him then he barked at Zeo one show and then recently he got super butt hurt about Vertucci ribbing him over taking some time to call with Q high flush. Basically made a bunch of arrogant comments, about what i’d expect from what a California nice guy is really like once he breaks character.
I'd have to agree with this.
At first I thought he was super nice but after watching him for a while while he's not a bad guy it seems more forced than anything and the rare times he has run bad the niceness goes away.
Of course LA is filled with absolute trash so by those standards he is still super nice.
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
09-09-2022 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Dan GK
Interesting exchange towards the end of the HCL stream tonight. JRB comments that Garrett was originally in the line-up for the Thursday show, implying that he was kicked out in favor of more amateur players. JRB says the game was "much better" without Garrett, too which Ben vigorously agrees. JRB goes on to say that Garrett is "way better" than he is, and that Garrett owns him.
That's the reward at the end of the poker rainbow. You either lose all your money or become so good that nobody wants to play with you anymore. Fun game!

Personally I think kicking people out of poker games for being too skilled is cowardly, especially on a several hour livestream where variance could make anything happen in that span of time. It's not against any rules exactly, but in a skill game I would think that people would try to get better at the game rather than altering the caliber of their competition so that they can win more.
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
09-09-2022 , 09:42 PM
"Just say 'yes I want to see your hand'"

: Douchebag, probably.
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
09-10-2022 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Dan GK
Interesting exchange towards the end of the HCL stream tonight. JRB comments that Garrett was originally in the line-up for the Thursday show, implying that he was kicked out in favor of more amateur players. JRB says the game was "much better" without Garrett, too which Ben vigorously agrees. JRB goes on to say that Garrett is "way better" than he is, and that Garrett owns him.

Alan Keating played three nights on High Stakes week and Garrett played the other two, with no crossover. Wonder if Keating is not interested in playing with Garrett or if someone else was against him?
Yeah people talk **** about gman being fake nice but at least he has honor. JRB is a slimy, hedonistic sociopath who gets off on micromanaging game lineups to exclude people who are better than him.
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
09-10-2022 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
Yeah people talk **** about gman being fake nice but at least he has honor. JRB is a slimy, hedonistic sociopath who gets off on micromanaging game lineups to exclude people who are better than him.
Sure he has honor. But JRB is still slamming in open doors regarding to the game being better without Garrett. I mean,of course it is. G is an elite pro who is pulling alot of money from these games,and obvously gonna play good aggressive poker putting people in spots.

Its not weird that some players would like him not playing.
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
09-10-2022 , 01:00 AM
It’s not weird, but it’s just funny that the recs even like jrb. He even slowrolled keating for absolutely no reason and it was done in the most cringy way ever. And I think Garret has been doing pretty well over the years finding great streamed games to play in, even if he isn’t a relentless bumhunter like JRB.
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
09-10-2022 , 01:19 AM
Recs can like you even when u don't just suck their dicks all day? Whoda thought

Yes Garret please take all my money, because you don't slowroll me <=== not too many people think like that
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
09-10-2022 , 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by ejames209
That's the reward at the end of the poker rainbow. You either lose all your money or become so good that nobody wants to play with you anymore. Fun game!

Personally I think kicking people out of poker games for being too skilled is cowardly, especially on a several hour livestream where variance could make anything happen in that span of time. It's not against any rules exactly, but in a skill game I would think that people would try to get better at the game rather than altering the caliber of their competition so that they can win more.
JRB is good at cultivating soft games with whales
Why would he want Garret in the game?
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
09-18-2022 , 08:25 AM
garett fanbois ITT , just send him your money directly, no need to shame people who don;t wanna play with a top top pro ~
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
09-18-2022 , 09:04 AM
That AA vs TT hand between Andy and Gman was crazy…

Would love to know the +/- between the two all time.
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
09-19-2022 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by borg23
JRB is good at cultivating soft games with whales
Why would he want Garret in the game?
why indeed but why should he have any say so in the matter? I thought Ryan but the games together
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
09-19-2022 , 07:43 AM
Haven't read the whole thread, but one thing I have noticed is that in some LATB and HCL games he was in, where there were high quality players also in the line up he played like a scared rabbit at times against those players.

This can be in part justified by the fact that it is strategically astute of course to avoid getting into high variance/low +EV pots with the better players at the table, and to concentrate on getting into pots with the weaker players, however, he appeared to be so scared/concerned about certain opponents that they were able to abuse him, particularly pre flop, and on the flop, and he made some sub optimal plays.

It's hard to know how much is just a shrewd tactic by him when he is being interviewed, but he often says in interviews that there are players out there much better than him, so maybe he is being genuine about this and there are quite a few who he is scared of and plays weak against.

Sorry, don't remember the specific games or opponents, but I do remember that it's not limited to when the other good player has position on him, I've seen it too when he has position.
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
09-19-2022 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by dude45
why indeed but why should he have any say so in the matter? I thought Ryan but the games together
My guess is because he can deliver some whales to the game
View: Garrett Adelstein is the best LIVE NL Cash player in the world Quote
09-20-2022 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by borg23
My guess is because he can deliver some whales to the game
Yea but if he can just ban the 2 or 3 good players. Then it just becomes donk on donk violence
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