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View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker

08-15-2010 , 01:04 AM
How about this idea faking tilt is EV+ and will usually work against oppenents. The idea is that in a chat or live you act like you are on monster tilt after a bad beat. This could be punching the table cursing or whatever. Same with chat online (try not to curse obv with risk of losing chat). You basically have to be a whiny bitch without cursing "OMG AGAIN WTFF YOU LUCKBOX" etc . You play aggro from there(smart aggro obv, the main idea is not to be tight but play a little more aggro then usually). Then when you get a hand you will be MORE LIKELY to be paid off with the others perceiving you as being on a rage. The idea is that they will call you lighter then they usually would in the situation. Now there are obvious reprucussions 1. Looking like a dick, everyone at table hating you 2. If you don't hit anything and start trying to bluff it also means that people are also more likely to call you 3. You will be playing more hands then usual meaning a higher range of cards you will play.

However I think if you play SMART and you play somewhat more aggro in the longrun this strategy is more effective then others in certain situations. Also there are lots of fish that will try to enter a pot with you weak just to piss you off alot more(Theres an example here with someone posting a thread here, where he played COMPLETELY different then he usually would to put a "move" on hellmuth and piss him off.) Yes some people actually do that. Btw I think Hellmuth uses this strategy ALOT of the time(not all of time). I mean hes made millions no one can really be that whiny of a bitch off bad beats......right???
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08-15-2010 , 01:06 AM
Also I think lots of people in here will think its a bad idea.... since if your on here you don't think like a fish most likely. But there are many fish that think like that(at least the lower levels)
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 01:16 AM
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 01:21 AM
it is a known fact that if you lose a medium to large pot and are dealt aces the very next hand, the best play is to throw a tantrum in the chatbox and open shove your whole stack in preflop


they will think you are tilting and call with nearly any two cards
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 01:22 AM
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by benjamin barker
it is a known fact that if you lose a medium to large pot and are dealt aces the very next hand, the best play is to throw a tantrum in the chatbox and open shove your whole stack in preflop


they will think you are tilting and call with nearly any two cards
Thanks for missing the point of my argument and countering it with a gross exageration(yes I spelled it wrong before someone tries to dismiss my argument by saying LOL YOU CANT SPELL). If you read my whole post I think you can find better counter arguments then that. I even said there are many different variables but it can still work in some situations against some people... obviously not all the time and sometimes you will lose money trying it.
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 01:34 AM
Wondering what the ratio of Intellectual arguments on this compared to people posting fewer then 5 word responses will be? And yes I already mentioned its not a full proof strategy and would have drawbacks. BUT a strategy that can be effective in smaller buyin games in long run.
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by IGRINDRAZZFML
But there are many fish that think like that(at least the lower levels)
So the micro players who are capable of judging a villians mental state and adjusting their play based on that read are fish to you?

To be completly honest, coming from a live player who is probably breakeven at low/mid stakes, I think you are better off not letting people think you are tilting. For starters, if someone makes a bad play and sucks out on you, berating the crap out of them doesn't serve the purpose you want. Unless they are really new and aggressive, they won't want to enter pots with you. You will have scared them, but scared them into only calling with strong hands. Not the outcome you were hoping for. Plus, they might book their win and never come back-you just told them they suck and you want your money back. If they can take their winnings elsewhere, what reason have you given them to stay. In addition, the stronger players at the table now have you as a tilt monkey. Congrats-you just invited the stronger players at the table to enter pots with you. If you have the field crushed, then more power to you-if not, well you took the weaker players out of the equation and brought the stronger players in. Good luck with that.

Seriously, don't tap the glass. If getting sucked out doesn't tilt you-good for you. The best I ever felt was when I realized that people catching against me didn't drive me nuts. It really helps when you get it in against a calling station and his 5's catch. You tell him good card, hand him a beer and move on to the next hand. You want that guy at your game-its a little different online, but a fish lost is a fish gained and the weak opponent will return your money with interest if you let your investment grow. If you make the fish feel like an ass though, he will see your money as luck, won't return, and won't give you the opportunity to win it back.

Don't be an ass!
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 01:42 AM
this thread is borderline ******ed
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by wathappened

View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by jmccarthick
So the micro players who are capable of judging a villians mental state and adjusting their play based on that read are fish to you?

To be completly honest, coming from a live player who is probably breakeven at low/mid stakes, I think you are better off not letting people think you are tilting. For starters, if someone makes a bad play and sucks out on you, berating the crap out of them doesn't serve the purpose you want. Unless they are really new and aggressive, they won't want to enter pots with you. You will have scared them, but scared them into only calling with strong hands. Not the outcome you were hoping for. Plus, they might book their win and never come back-you just told them they suck and you want your money back. If they can take their winnings elsewhere, what reason have you given them to stay. In addition, the stronger players at the table now have you as a tilt monkey. Congrats-you just invited the stronger players at the table to enter pots with you. If you have the field crushed, then more power to you-if not, well you took the weaker players out of the equation and brought the stronger players in. Good luck with that.

Good point, playing more aggro would probaly be bad.. but I still stand by the argument fake titling can work against some people. Good players that notice your tilt are more likely to call you down lighter if they think your on tilt.(Knowing your range is much greater)

[/QUOTE]Seriously, don't tap the glass. If getting sucked out doesn't tilt you-good for you. The best I ever felt was when I realized that people catching against me didn't drive me nuts. It really helps when you get it in against a calling station and his 5's catch. You tell him good card, hand him a beer and move on to the next hand. You want that guy at your game-its a little different online, but a fish lost is a fish gained and the weak opponent will return your money with interest if you let your investment grow. If you make the fish feel like an ass though, he will see your money as luck, won't return, and won't give you the opportunity to win it back.

Don't be an ass! [/QUOTE]

I guess its a tradeoff in a way. Theres a higher chance of a fish leaving the table but also a higher chance that someone will think you are really tilting. Main question would be which would be more profitable in long run? Which is Z fish. Probally better thing to do a couple times when you know what the players reaction to it would be(if you know they are niave, probally a better strategy live, but you look like a huge douche ex: Hellmuth). But if you try my strat in long run most likely ev- due to fish scared... however live it would work in some situations if you do it against players who you know are niave. But you would look like a major douche.
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 02:00 AM
Kinda scary that most of you say its a terrible idea and are strongly against it but can't even articulate it past a couple sentences. Then again I guess I shouldn't expect real intelligent arguments on here.
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 02:03 AM
I would rather just play "smart aggro" from the very start. Unless youre open shipping hands preflop, exactly how different do you think you can really play? Ok so the next 20 hands after your bad beat you are dealt total rags, are you gonna start raising 73o and ****? You'll probably spend more money than you'll win trying to build this elaborate image of being on tilt.
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by javi
I would rather just play "smart aggro" from the very start. Unless youre open shipping hands preflop, exactly how different do you think you can really play? Ok so the next 20 hands after your bad beat you are dealt total rags, are you gonna start raising 73o and ****? You'll probably spend more money than you'll win trying to build this elaborate image of being on tilt.
Yes as I already said, there are some negative impacts such as being card dead which would *** it up easily. Lets say you get a good streak of hands though... are you more or less likely to be called down light if your image is of someone on tilt?
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by DonkeyFocker
thread saver, ldo
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 03:22 AM
I think it is worth a try as long as one remembers its not full proof.
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 03:22 AM
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 03:34 AM
OP your whole life should be real tilt since you grind razz
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 04:01 AM
real tilt works better for me
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 04:34 AM
It works.

When you are flooding the chatbox with your frustration and then pick up aces, just open shove.
You will get very light calls.

Not a revolutionary concept, but I don't get all the hate.
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 06:41 AM
Originally Posted by benjamin barker
it is a known fact that if you lose a medium to large pot and are dealt aces the very next hand, the best play is to throw a tantrum in the chatbox and open shove your whole stack in preflop


they will think you are tilting and call with nearly any two cards

I hate when this happens.

Well im not calling with ATC but a good hand and then the other player shows even better.

F tilting just to think about it
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 07:43 AM
Not sure I'm much of a fan of this.. I understand what you're getting at and the ideas behind it but personally, I don't think its worth it - Acting like a complete moron (Fake or not) isn't really worth it to win a few more pots. I'd rather just get on with it and roll with the beats and just play my game. Not trying to hate or anything but I just don't think its right berating other players at the table, just let them play their game.
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by poofinger
I think it is worth a try as long as one remembers its not full proof.
So you're saying it's partial proof?
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 09:47 AM
Change title to "Fake Tits one of best ways to make money in poker" imo.

View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
08-15-2010 , 11:05 AM
amazing idea
View: Fake Tilt  one of best ways to make money in poker Quote
