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US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers

04-16-2011 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Jewbacca513
Just a suggestion:
A friend of mine (actually, the person that introduced me to online poker) just sent me a well-written email that directed me toward this post. I asked him and he said to go ahead and post this here to make it easier for you guys to spread the word a bit. I removed his name to protect his privacy.

Hey guys, it's XXXX.

As a lot of you know the Justice Department put a boot in the ass of all American online poker players yesterday. For those of you that don't know, they have decided to ramp up enforcement on the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act, an unjust eleventh hour addition to the 2006 SAFE Port Act. What this means is that American players on the three largest "US-Friendly" poker networks (Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars, and Cereus (UB/AP)) have essentially had the funds in their accounts seized for the time being.

A lot of you may be wondering "What does this have to do with me?"

The shortest, most direct answer is that nobody really knows right now.

A lot of you know that I have made my living for the last few years almost exclusively from playing online poker. A lot of us in the online poker community have taken steps to ensure our livelihood in case of government action such as this, but a lot of people haven't. This is a very serious issue, considering many of us have mortgages, families, and businesses that depend upon money from online poker to be able to continue to survive.

Now here's where I ask for help.

Please help us make the government aware of the fact that online poker is a skill-based game and not simply "gambling." It doesn't even take a minute to fill this out. Feel free to use a disposable email address (Yahoo or some other free service if you're afraid of the possibility of spam.) All we need are people to speak out and let people hear that we are upset and find this action to be unjust. This government action is actively putting professional poker players out of work and is literally stealing millions of dollars from our hands. Clicking this link and filling out a few forms may not help, but it certainly can't hurt.

We need all the help that we can get.

Thank you for your time.

From Internet Poker Forum Cross-Post
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 04:29 AM
done. thank you.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 04:38 AM
Done. I had a printed letter sent to every person it would let me. And shared with family/friends to do as well. We need everyone pushing this! We have to do something.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 04:44 AM
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 04:50 AM
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by WEC
I used to work for a US Senator, and I guarantee you this type of action works. I can only tell you how crazy it got if the AARP, etc ever got pissed at something and got a phone call, email, letter campaign going. Motivated people can actually get things done if pressure is put on elected leaders. The problem is, it is hard to get a large group to get things going on a sustained basis.

But lazy people who naysay when they have no idea how the system works only prevent even more people from taking action.
Just quoting this cuz it needs to be heard.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 05:03 AM
done and done
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 05:48 AM
You're just causing more work for an office full of underpaid secretary's/clerks.

Unique letters being received are getting some consideration but as soon as mass mailings or organized campaign letters arrive they just get bundled and counted. So someone will report 'we got 240.000 letters on that poker thing' instead of 60.000. A waste of time. Nobody will read the actual content anyway if you're just one of the many sheep following the herd.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by ike
This guy is wrong.

This guy is right.

Elected officials actually care about the letters they receive. I'm about as cynical as possible about politics but this is still true.

It's not because they actually care about you or your rights. It's because they care about getting reelected and know that people who bother to send letters, even this sort of form letter, are representative of the people they want to vote for them and that doing things to appease them (or upset them) impacts their chance of being reelected.

You can make a difference. Click the links.
Get back to me when your representative puts a halt on these on prosecutions. In the meantime, I challenge you to reassess how cynical of politics you actually are. Spend 60 MINUTES reading this Anarchist Theory FAQ written by a GMU professor named Bryan Caplan (look him up to verify his credentials + links to a mainstream blog and other mainstream writing credits.)
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 06:06 AM

Also if ya'll can, you should give them a telephone call. Calling on the phone is really helpful and probably more powerful than sending an email.
It shows a higher level of dedication and is almost as easy as sending an email.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 06:32 AM
It’s sad that this thread is only 4 pages long!! This should be the thread that has 182 pages and 1 million views...let’s all stop bitching about something that happened out of our control and start taking action about what we can control.

If we just roll over and die that’s exactly what’s going to happen. There are millions of us who play poker in the US...I promise if we ALL flooded their phone lines in Washington they would listen to us.

Do you remember in Shawshank Redemption when he wrote 1 letter a week to get funding for the library in the prison well it took him 2 years but he got it done. Let’s all do our part call, write letters, send emails.

REMEMBER we vote these people in WE decide who works in Washington!! If millions of us call and remind them believe me they will get up off their fat bureaucratic asses.

If they want to not pass a law to legalize poker and let us make a living... then we will fire them and put someone in that will...we need to make that very clear to them!!

Time to fight back!!
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 06:51 AM
I clicked the buttons. I hope it pays some dividends eventually.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 07:01 AM

Anyone know how to get the phone numbers? When I hit submit again when it says "Enter your ZIP code and click "Submit It" to get their phone numbers", it just keeps re-routing me back to the email screen.

I've got nothing to do but call over and over again today, obv.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 07:36 AM
done, also wrote a nice rant to my governors facebook page letting him know that I was laid off and if he wanted to create jobs he should consider legalizing online poker
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 07:43 AM

The replies in this thread need to reach the thousands.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 07:50 AM
Obama went after you because of the 3 Billion dollars. Nothing else. He will sign any poker legislation but you have to get it through the house and that will be tough with the budget and debt ceiling fights coming.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by LucidDream
do u really think this actually helps?
Does it hurt?

US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 08:33 AM
By far the best post so far on this tragedy. Everybody needs to get this sent around
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 08:53 AM
sent, and will follow up with printed letters and phone calls.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 08:56 AM
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 09:00 AM
done, should be mandatory that all members contact them imo, good post.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 09:06 AM
done, but it took me 33 seconds...
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 09:12 AM
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 09:21 AM
thanks bro
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Tim Reynolds
You are wrong if you think that if you and your 100,000 closest friends each do something that takes 30 seconds that it will make even the slightest difference.
Not only is it possible to do something - It's important to something.

Let me give you an encouraging example: A couple of years ago, the same thing that happens to PS and FTP happened to ************.org (Sweden). Many users were upset and decided to take action. They sent a massive amount of emails to politicians, they shut down the police, the procuratorate's and the governments homepages, they demonstrated etc etc. Some of these actions are obviously illegal in many countries, but never the less serve as an example of how many peoples voice can make a difference. This started a huge debate and many politicians changed their opinion. Even a political party was formed that have representatives in the EU parliament now. Today, Wikileaks have their severs in Sweden because they consider it a safe from political interference.

Sending emails is a good start!
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
