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Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout.

04-18-2011 , 01:39 PM
FT automatically debited my bank account for $900.

$600 on Tuesday and another $300 on Thirsday before the black Friday.

None of this money has been placed in my FT account

Did this occur to anyone esle account. And does any one recommend anythign to do.

Im a US resident but recently moved to London and have a UK bank account anyone think this could help in recovering the 900 i didnt authorize in being debited from my US bank Account.
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-18-2011 , 01:41 PM
is the charge called pmi? or is it pm something and a bunch of numbers?
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-18-2011 , 01:45 PM
Call bank and dispute money will be returned asap

Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-18-2011 , 01:50 PM
[ ] whole story
[x] you made an echeck deposit that probably never went through within the last year.
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-18-2011 , 02:02 PM
Its looks as if a normal FT transaction.
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-18-2011 , 02:04 PM
Does anyone know if FT has issued any press release regarding this matter.

Has anyone been able to get a hold of any contact support staff.
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-18-2011 , 02:23 PM
Bad news: I had around 1100 on FT when the site shut us out, sad panda.

Good news: I just had a little under 5k put back in my account for every deposit I have made in the past 3 years on FT. Seems my suckage actually pulled me out ahead, happy panda for 3 year freeroll!

Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-18-2011 , 02:26 PM
Ya, as has been mentioned, it's a previous ACH that has taken weeks of not months to hit your account. Obviously FTP have been having problems moving money around.
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-18-2011 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Coffin_Dancer
Bad news: I had around 1100 on FT when the site shut us out, sad panda.

Good news: I just had a little under 5k put back in my account for every deposit I have made in the past 3 years on FT. Seems my suckage actually pulled me out ahead, happy panda for 3 year freeroll!

Can you elaborate?
Put back into your fulltilt account?
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-18-2011 , 02:44 PM
This actually happened to me last month. I had four separate "unauthorized" withdrawals from my account from FTP. I was mad at first, but then emailed FT support and they told me these were transactions that had had problems with the payment processor. After checking my account, these charges were never withdrawn at the time I made the requests (November) but the money was deposited to my FT account.
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-19-2011 , 04:23 AM
This has happened to several people in the week or to prior to black friday. If anyone else has information please post. Maybe someone from 2+2 can investigate this. I have already heard of 3 stories of people have unauthorized withdrawls adding up to 10k+.
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-19-2011 , 05:57 AM
Simple answer is you deposited money and donked it off before, however the deposit was never charged to your account, whether you realised it or not. Now they've taken their payments that you owe and you're quickly starting to realise what a fish you are.

Simple solution: Find a better deposit method.

Unless the charges were from PMI which seems to be scamming but not really an unforeseen consequence of playing poker illegitimately in the USA.
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-19-2011 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by okletsgo
Simple answer is you deposited money and donked it off before, however the deposit was never charged to your account, whether you realised it or not. Now they've taken their payments that you owe and you're quickly starting to realise what a fish you are.

Simple solution: Find a better deposit method.

Unless the charges were from PMI which seems to be scamming but not really an unforeseen consequence of playing poker illegitimately in the USA.
Thank you for the brilliant insight as well as the common knowledge about PMI. I can tell you are speaking from experience. I'm not sure but there might be more to this. Maybe OP is just a donkey that doesn't keep his books straight. This has happened to many people lately. I guess maybe FT just wanted to collect their marbles before they got shut down. Glad I got all of my money out in time.
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-19-2011 , 06:40 AM
My payments from OCT NOV and DEC are still clearning, I had FTP take out more money on black friday LOL...
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-19-2011 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by Coffin_Dancer
Bad news: I had around 1100 on FT when the site shut us out, sad panda.

Good news: I just had a little under 5k put back in my account for every deposit I have made in the past 3 years on FT. Seems my suckage actually pulled me out ahead, happy panda for 3 year freeroll!

did you report that they were fraudulent charges or did they just reverse the charges themselves?
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-19-2011 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by knowtheledge
Thank you for the brilliant insight as well as the common knowledge about PMI. I can tell you are speaking from experience. I'm not sure but there might be more to this. Maybe OP is just a donkey that doesn't keep his books straight. This has happened to many people lately. I guess maybe FT just wanted to collect their marbles before they got shut down. Glad I got all of my money out in time.
The good news is that if you're a donk who deposits regularly and hasn't had their account charged for a recent deposit, you may just be on a freeroll for the money you have in your FTP account atm, since they'll probably be able to pay out US accounts at some stage in the near future, but sure as hell won't be able to charge from them.
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-19-2011 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by crystalallen
Can you elaborate?
Put back into your fulltilt account?
The bank I use ran an audit, is the story I got from the Branch manager, and every deposit that was ever run by ftpayment was automatically returned to my account.

I didn't reverse the charges or anything, what I have heard, however, is that you can get every one of your FT charges back. Basically you go to your bank and tell them they are unauthorized charges, they get deposited back into your account.

My bank is smallish and I guess they did this following black Friday of their own volition. I have heard of other guys I played with in my town having the same thing happen.

Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-19-2011 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by WinningTough
did you report that they were fraudulent charges or did they just reverse the charges themselves?
I didn't report anything, I went on a semi heater and transferred around 4k off a little over a year ago leaving around 1100-1200 on FT.

Looked at my bank account on the monday following and was up around 5k, or 4897.23 to be exact, seems my bank just went in and took back every payment they ever made to FTPayment, not sure about the other one you guys are talking about but that one got paid back.

Not at all sure what to do now, a little nervous to be honest lol.

Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-19-2011 , 07:36 PM
So does this mean you can call Fells Wargo and say that every withdrawl from UB,FTP,Stars was unauthorized and they'll refund the 30k you donked i mean deposited in the last two years or whatever? lololol

Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-19-2011 , 07:59 PM
Full Tilt made 2 withdrawals from my bank account last week as well. They were from one deposit made last October and another made in December. There are 2 differences though. First of all, I knew I had made the deposits and they never had gotten taken from my bank account. Secondly, Full Tilt emailed me 2 days before each withdrawal hit stating the amount and date of my original deposit and that due to processing problems they had never been able to get the money from my account and they were taking it now. It was all on the up and up in my situation.
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-19-2011 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by knowtheledge
So does this mean you can call Fells Wargo and say that every withdrawl from UB,FTP,Stars was unauthorized and they'll refund the 30k you donked i mean deposited in the last two years or whatever? lololol

Not sure. I haven't deposited on those sites, and I didn't try and get this money back, seems to be an ancillary benefit of this debacle.

Bitter much?
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-19-2011 , 09:35 PM
i posted this on pkt5 ftp is shady they attacked my acct 3 days before blk fri. for a transaction that wouldnt except my card back in december, its so obv that the sites knew something was happening , and ftp went out and looked for old transactions of all kinds is how i see it,this company is bad than u cant get a hold of anybody due to email system........FAIL.........I played on AP and was used to the customer support that they have,I was very shocked how poorly ftp dealt with customers,does any1 actually think that by signing with wynns and stations 1 week prior was accident and wynns announces they back online poker, than FTP decides to go after old transactions[ that wouldnt except my card back in december] i wouldnt trust that site on a freeroll
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-19-2011 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Coffin_Dancer
Not sure. I haven't deposited on those sites, and I didn't try and get this money back, seems to be an ancillary benefit of this debacle.

Bitter much?
Excited much is a better word for it. Just not sure if it's the right thing to do.
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-20-2011 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by knowtheledge
Excited much is a better word for it. Just not sure if it's the right thing to do.
Here is my take on the situation, and bear in mind I won't do this myself. If there is a chance FT might fvck us then does it really seem out of line to try and recover your deposits? I didn't look for mine to be returned, it was just a bonus, and I never used the payment method you described, I used netteller.

Not like FT is knocking us over with "Hey guys no worries, your money is safe" posts.

Like I said I'm actually up about 6k if my roll is safe on other sites. Anyways, good luck to all in getting this cleared up, I am of course NOT saying anyone should attempt to get their money back through devious means, I am, however, saying if FT and PS won't protect us and our investments the LEAST we can do is attempt to recoup our seed monies.

Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
04-20-2011 , 12:55 AM
$200 deposit early March, received email from FT regarding difficulty processing transaction, forgot about it. Doing bills yesterday saw charges hit my account 3 times for a total of $600, sent an email to FT, time well tell. I was dissappointed to see that FT has cleared our transaction histories, on the Cashier tab? OH, my account balance does not reflect the 2nd and 3rd redundent transactions.
Unauthorized FT withdrawls from my us bank accout. Quote
