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UltimateBet Management Needs To Explain The Errors With The Cheating Accounts UltimateBet Management Needs To Explain The Errors With The Cheating Accounts

03-03-2010 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by RolloTomasi
bump for LOLZ because UB CEO Paul Leggett doesn't know which "Authorities" were notified his Company was ripped off for 22+ Million Dollars even the minority Escapsa shareholders wanted a remedy in case the 15 mill settlement they gave up in equity was recovered from the perps you know the dirty 30 cheaters Joe Sebok promised to reveal
I missed it, where is this from?
UltimateBet Management Needs To Explain The Errors With The Cheating Accounts Quote
03-03-2010 , 05:52 AM
Originally Posted by sba9630
I missed it, where is this from?
Interview with CEO Paul Leggett on PRR 10/9/09

KGC Report Final Report
Court filings by SC Fundamentals of Escapsa settlement with Blastoff
UltimateBet Management Needs To Explain The Errors With The Cheating Accounts Quote
03-05-2010 , 06:08 AM

Russ's ownership at one time was more than 4% if you believe all the talk before the scandal happened and when they were first looking for investors. Maybe he had more equity hidden in that big block of hidden/unknown shares you wrote about?

I don't think the possibility that UB shareholders are BETTER OFF because of the cheating scandal can be so easily dismissed. I bet there was a time when Russ wouldn't of taken 15 million for his equity with a gun to his head.

The bad thing (from the shareholder's perspective) is they have had to go hire the poker prostitutes to tell us how the company was "sold" and how great/safe/orgasmic UB/AP is now.

I suspect trading Russ's equity for the cheating refunds was a steal.
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03-05-2010 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by OnWithTheShow

Russ's ownership at one time was more than 4% if you believe all the talk before the scandal happened and when they were first looking for investors. Maybe he had more equity hidden in that big block of hidden/unknown shares you wrote about?

I don't think the possibility that UB shareholders are BETTER OFF because of the cheating scandal can be so easily dismissed. I bet there was a time when Russ wouldn't of taken 15 million for his equity with a gun to his head.

The bad thing (from the shareholder's perspective) is they have had to go hire the poker prostitutes to tell us how the company was "sold" and how great/safe/orgasmic UB/AP is now.

I suspect trading Russ's equity for the cheating refunds was a steal.
Well, believing all the talk isn't the best idea anyway. I've heard the stories about Russ cashing out, and I've heard just as many -- if not more -- that Mansour Matloubi cashed out big, too. I'll be addressing this stuff in one or more future posts.

In any event, the source of the approximately 24% of Excapsa that was "pledged" as security for the Blast Off purchase note is one of the biggest open questions regarding ownership. Half of that, or about 12%, was annulled under the new agreement, so it's not an impossible stretch to consider that this 12% was originally Russ's as well, and it went away just as the other 6.9 million shares did. I'd be more inclined to believe that the other 12% (presumably now controlled directly by Blast Off) was originally Mansour's, before I'd attribute it to anyone else.

Stiil, this is just conjecture.
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03-06-2010 , 10:35 PM
Stick it to them you clowns! Surely they will give you money if you post on a forum that a very small percentage of their player base reads!

You'll show them!


The funny thing is that you think this is actually how it will work lolololol.
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03-06-2010 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by BackIn20
Stick it to them you clowns! Surely they will give you money if you post on a forum that a very small percentage of their player base reads!

You'll show them!


The funny thing is that you think this is actually how it will work lolololol.
Welcome back, glad to see you are sticking with the name calling. In any case, thanks for bumping this thread, so any other player who may play on UB or yet plays there, now sees this thread. Maybe a small percentage of their player base reads this forum, but in large much of the poker community does. So thanks again for bumping this thread so people can see it, and yet you still have managed to add nothing of content to the thread. Must have been eating away at you while you were banned, as you couldn't wait to post here. Thanks Again!
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03-06-2010 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by Mookman5
Welcome back, glad to see you are sticking with the name calling. In any case, thanks for bumping this thread, so any other player who may play on UB or yet plays there, now sees this thread. Maybe a small percentage of their player base reads this forum, but in large much of the poker community does. So thanks again for bumping this thread so people can see it, and yet you still have managed to add nothing of content to the thread. Must have been eating away at you while you were banned, as you couldn't wait to post here. Thanks Again!
Any luck getting your money back? Well placed efforts you smart man!

Also, lol at being offended and saying "clowns" is name calling. What are you like 12 that you are upset by this? No wonder you think you are taking the optimal route to regain your riches. Ha!
UltimateBet Management Needs To Explain The Errors With The Cheating Accounts Quote
03-06-2010 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by BackIn20
Any luck getting your money back? Well placed efforts you smart man!

Also, lol at being offended and saying "clowns" is name calling. What are you like 12 that you are upset by this? No wonder you think you are taking the optimal route to regain your riches. Ha!
I wasn't cheated, so I have no money to get back from UB. I am just someone who smelled BS on UB's part and decided to fight for those players who were robbed. It is the right thing to do, and as Haley has said, someone has to do it.
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03-06-2010 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Mookman5
I wasn't cheated, so I have no money to get back from UB. I am just someone who smelled BS on UB's part and decided to fight for those players who were robbed. It is the right thing to do, and as Haley has said, someone has to do it.
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03-06-2010 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by BackIn20
Backin20- seriously, go troll somewhere else, please. People are trying to do the community a service, and don't need your bs.

Other than bumping this thread, I don't see what you're accomplishing with your posts.
UltimateBet Management Needs To Explain The Errors With The Cheating Accounts Quote
03-06-2010 , 11:46 PM
Since this thread has been bumped, I hope some players will see this. Any player who was refunded by UB or has received the HH's from UB with hole cards, please contact me. Also, anyone with HH's from UB at any point, even if not supplied from UB, could you please help me gather some data?
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03-06-2010 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by wiggum
Backin20- seriously, go troll somewhere else, please. People are trying to do the community a service, and don't need your bs.

Other than bumping this thread, I don't see what you're accomplishing with your posts.
He's been tempbanned and given enough infraction points from his recent posts in various threads that the next time will be the last. I'll also search for previous accounts for this user because someone this bad has usually been down this road before.
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03-07-2010 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by tuq
He's been tempbanned and given enough infraction points from his recent posts in various threads that the next time will be the last. I'll also search for previous accounts for this user because someone this bad has usually been down this road before.
WB to NVG tuq

sneaky bump
UltimateBet Management Needs To Explain The Errors With The Cheating Accounts Quote
03-07-2010 , 12:50 AM
Turns out the user is a match with a previously banned megatroll, so he will have to go through the arduous registration process again in order to resume tarding up the forum under a new username.
UltimateBet Management Needs To Explain The Errors With The Cheating Accounts Quote
03-07-2010 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by tuq
Turns out the user is a match with a previously banned megatroll, so he will have to go through the arduous registration process again in order to resume tarding up the forum under a new username.
Good to hear. Thanks for looking into it tuq.
UltimateBet Management Needs To Explain The Errors With The Cheating Accounts Quote
03-07-2010 , 01:31 AM
Hi Mookman,

I've seen, as I'm sure most everyone has, the PTR flowcharts that show how durrrr won $7 figures, how Guy Laliberte's money was spread around, etc. Since they have UB HH's, is there any way to do this for the cheating accounts?
UltimateBet Management Needs To Explain The Errors With The Cheating Accounts Quote
03-07-2010 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by prosody
Hi Mookman,

I've seen, as I'm sure most everyone has, the PTR flowcharts that show how durrrr won $7 figures, how Guy Laliberte's money was spread around, etc. Since they have UB HH's, is there any way to do this for the cheating accounts?

PTR doesn't have UB HHs from the cheating period AFAIK.

2p2 could probably do this with the help of some player, but the current problem is that UB is not releasing complete hand histories to people who request them. They will, if pressed give you some hand histories which are a subset of your hands played. UB claims that these are the hands where you had some action against the superusers.

I would love it if 2p2 was able to show/see how the money flowed during the scandal, as it might be quite revealing. UB has not released the information which has been requested by its cheated players in order to enable this.
UltimateBet Management Needs To Explain The Errors With The Cheating Accounts Quote
03-07-2010 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by wiggum

PTR doesn't have UB HHs from the cheating period AFAIK.

2p2 could probably do this with the help of some player, but the current problem is that UB is not releasing complete hand histories to people who request them. They will, if pressed give you some hand histories which are a subset of your hands played. UB claims that these are the hands where you had some action against the superusers.

I would love it if 2p2 was able to show/see how the money flowed during the scandal, as it might be quite revealing. UB has not released the information which has been requested by its cheated players in order to enable this.
Thanks, dude.

Seems like UB could do something this themselves. In most businesses, you have summary and detailed reports. For poker, the summaries would be the amount won/lost in a session, and details would be the actual hand histories. I would almost guarantee that for auditing purposes they would have this. If they acknowledged the cheating accounts, they clearly have the net won/loss$ per login, session, etc.

If you'll allow me to for a moment, and I do not mean to offend anyone ripped off by UB, but forget the HH's for the moment. The mechanism clearly exists to trace the path of the money.

If they claim that's how they calculated the refunds, then show the summary info while you gather the HH's. Show the players when they played the cheating accounts, for how long, how many hands, etc.

Then, they can continue working on the HH's.
UltimateBet Management Needs To Explain The Errors With The Cheating Accounts Quote
03-07-2010 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by prosody
If they claim that's how they calculated the refunds, then show the summary info while you gather the HH's. Show the players when they played the cheating accounts, for how long, how many hands, etc.

Then, they can continue working on the HH's.

I think your post is well intentioned, but I think you need to realize that people requested full hand histories over 26 months ago, and STILL haven't got them yet. They don't need any additional excuses for delay.

KGC ended their investigation last September, and didn't include any such analysis in their final report, handing off the investigation to the "authorities," who have yet to lay any charges, AFAIK.

They've produced a lot of personal (many have called them useless) summaries, etc, but people want raw (complete) data. In both the AP and UB scandals, aggregation of raw data has uncovered the meat of the scandal. UB seems unwilling to produce such data which would allow such aggregation.

As others have said, this just might be purely incompetence, but it also looks like UB is trying to hide something.
UltimateBet Management Needs To Explain The Errors With The Cheating Accounts Quote
03-07-2010 , 05:12 AM

Not that this means anything but I was waiting for a seat in a 25/50 game at UB right after they went public. I think it was PLO. Hellmuth and Russ were both in the game. The list was long like it always was when Hellmuth played so I watched the game a bit.

Hellmuth lost a pot and did his usual bitching and Russ responded (paraphrased but this real close) "For a guy that just made 30 million you don't seem too happy".

Now who knows how much cash everyone got when they went public or how much was "on paper" but the amounts were staggering to say the least.

If Russ cashed out like you said it's possible he ended up with 50+ million if one believe's he was the culprit behind the cheating and he was able to cash in his equity in the company as you stated may have happened.

Pretty sickening to have the dead nuts owning a poker site raking money 24/7 - making money hand over fist, going public for big bucks yet STILL feel obligated to cheat everyone to death.
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03-07-2010 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by OnWithTheShow
Pretty sickening to have the dead nuts owning a poker site raking money 24/7 - making money hand over fist, going public for big bucks yet STILL feel obligated to cheat everyone to death.
Maybe I am wrong on this, but you seem to be right about making money hand over fist. Or maybe this has to do with deposits/cashouts

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UltimateBet Management Needs To Explain The Errors With The Cheating Accounts Quote
03-07-2010 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by OnWithTheShow

Not that this means anything but I was waiting for a seat in a 25/50 game at UB right after they went public. I think it was PLO. Hellmuth and Russ were both in the game. The list was long like it always was when Hellmuth played so I watched the game a bit.

Hellmuth lost a pot and did his usual bitching and Russ responded (paraphrased but this real close) "For a guy that just made 30 million you don't seem too happy".

Now who knows how much cash everyone got when they went public or how much was "on paper" but the amounts were staggering to say the least.

If Russ cashed out like you said it's possible he ended up with 50+ million if one believe's he was the culprit behind the cheating and he was able to cash in his equity in the company as you stated may have happened.

Pretty sickening to have the dead nuts owning a poker site raking money 24/7 - making money hand over fist, going public for big bucks yet STILL feel obligated to cheat everyone to death.
Of course it's sickening, and Russ's friends continue to chime in regarding all the great and worthy causes he's supported over the years, while overlooking other hilarious and shady episodes, such as the famed rolls of his coins in his pockets when he was being weighed after winning his WSOP title. My summary response to all that borrows from a famous saw: It's easy to be generous with other people's money.
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03-17-2010 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by haley44
Of course it's sickening, and Russ's friends continue to chime in regarding all the great and worthy causes he's supported over the years, while overlooking other hilarious and shady episodes, such as the famed rolls of his coins in his pockets when he was being weighed after winning his WSOP title. My summary response to all that borrows from a famous saw: It's easy to be generous with other people's money.

Haley : can you elaborate more of the story regarding the 'rolls of coins'

I like poker ancedotes, especially those i am unaware off.

Last edited by malawicichlid; 03-17-2010 at 12:16 PM. Reason: typo
UltimateBet Management Needs To Explain The Errors With The Cheating Accounts Quote
03-17-2010 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by malawicichlid

Haley : can you elaborate more of the story regarding the 'rolls of coins'

I like poker ancedotes, especially those i am unaware off.
The year Hamilton won the WSOP ME, it was there 25th (silver) anniversary. In addition to the prize pool, the winner received his/her weight in silver. The story goes that Hamilton started putting on a lot of weight in case he won. I had not heard about rolls of coin, but I'm pretty sure haley is inferring that Hamilton had the extra weight of rolls of coins in his pockets while being weighed, in order to collect more silver.
UltimateBet Management Needs To Explain The Errors With The Cheating Accounts Quote
03-17-2010 , 12:29 PM
Ya the next time I am being mugged I will be sure to ask the thief to explain his actions to me as well.

Should be very similar results.
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