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UB/AP mess:  Ramifications UB/AP mess:  Ramifications

05-30-2008 , 07:46 PM
I've only this week come across this scandal here and have some basic questions. These questions may or may not have been answered, but at this point there are literally hundreds of pages of posts on the 2 or 3 threads devoted to this subject. Just too much. So here goes

Legal ramifications:
The way I read Cornell Fiji's exhaustive summary*, Scott Tom (AB co-founder) and several others are likely guilty of Grand Larceny, Fraud, and who knows what other criminal charges. If all this is as Fiji laid out, this is indisputable and well documented. The million dollar question is under who's jurisdiction does it fall? The victims seem to be American, but the companies are based out of Costa Rica or some such, under the aegis of Kahnawake Gaming Commission in Canada. Does the Mohawk Nation's soveriegnty protect these scum bags? I find it hard to believe the FBI, RCMP, or some other justice department hasn't come accross this and looked into it.

Civil ramifications:
It seems to me, Marco Johnson and his fellow victims have grounds for a major lawsuit, possibly even class-action. UB seemed to allow the perpetrators to change screen-names at will and allowed major withdrawals without any review, despite their stated policies. Doesn't this open them up for litigation? As above, I'm sure jurisdiction is an issue.


Last edited by bulls_horn; 05-30-2008 at 07:51 PM. Reason: spelling correction
05-30-2008 , 07:49 PM
why did you create a new thread?

and why do you think US law applies to AP/UB?
05-30-2008 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by sketchy1
why did you create a new thread?
As I said, the other threads are already HUGE, with hundreds of silly "me too" posts that add nothing to the discussion. These questions actually extend beyond UB/AP and encompass the entire industry. When the next site is busted for cheating (not if, when) these questions will come up again.

Originally Posted by sketchy1
and why do you think US law applies to AP/UB?
I don't know that they do. I don't know who's laws apply. Do you? That's the crux of my questions.
05-31-2008 , 05:42 PM
I haven't been playing on UB very long but I played on AP for at least 18 months.

Since money is easily transferable between the sites and they use the same software, what is stopping one of the UB "superusers" from going to AP and stealing from the players there?

I know 100% that I've seen the name "ILIKE2WIN" on AP and have most likely played against him. There isn't any possible way I could have gotten the sites confused because I've literally only been on UB for about 2 months.

Also, I used AP's "Live Chat" support thing and they redirected me to their security department (1-877-887-6537) who then told me AP isn't refunding any money. I'm not even sure they're bothering to look at anything.

Thank you in advance for any info you provide.
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