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Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas)

12-05-2013 , 07:45 AM
Demetri, it seems that one of the problems ITT is that you're taking a lot of posts pretty personally. I haven't seen a single person that I would classify as a fan of Joker, and I don't think anyone doubts that you have been wronged - just about the only point of disagreement is how much. Just because someone questions the way you've handled yourself in this thread, or whether you are owed $15 K or $30 K, or anything else they are puzzled about, doesn't mean they are taking Joker's side in this.
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Demetri, it seems that one of the problems ITT is that you're taking a lot of posts pretty personally. I haven't seen a single person that I would classify as a fan of Joker, and I don't think anyone doubts that you have been wronged - just about the only point of disagreement is how much. Just because someone questions the way you've handled yourself in this thread, or whether you are owed $15 K or $30 K, or anything else they are puzzled about, doesn't automatically believe they are taking Joker's side in this.
Fair comment ,just a bit drained by it all tbh

It is a lot of money and as most of you may know I got hit else where to

So it has been a tough 10 days for me...yes I went mental,but I was out of pocket by a lot

Anyway live and learn (I'm mad he is a thief etc etc) GG
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 07:54 AM
Yeah, don't get me wrong, obviously this sucks and I hope that you somehow get your money back.
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Yeah, don't get me wrong, obviously this sucks and I hope that you somehow get your money back.
Looking impossible though .I won't bore you with more screen shots ,but he has said no.I also got told he is playing on another account.Im guessing he would only do this to get another stake (scary ah)

But either way I don't win,on his account he can't play because no one will back him.On the new account I will never know.So either way I lose

(Thank you for your constructive posts ITT though and some support)
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 08:49 AM
I've been playing for Adrian since April this year. Everything has run smoothly since we made first contact. He is usually always online for reloads. His stable has certainly improved my poker abilities via posting hands in chat and getting the most current training material from him. I assume this thread was created, to single out Joker, to the poker community and make you aware of his actions. -1 at the ppl sending Joker $5 bills, its only aiding to the interest of future scamers. This isnt a joke, or some game. If you have any useful info, that could help him get his dollar back, then talk to Adrian/ Demetri1978.
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 09:44 AM
Skimmed through most and what a crappy situation this is....

GL retrieving funds but as you said it's going to be tricky to say the least.

Either way sorry to hear about this, sucks this **** goes on in staking arrangements, sucks people are scumbags, nothings changed since the beginning of time though....
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by MATT238
I'm inclined to believe it because it's a well thought out, organized post that directly points to many gaps in Demetri's posts. It's easy to read from a non-english speaker. Easy to follow. Brings up many valid points. None of which Demetri has refuted. So, I guess the fact that Demetri hasn't said "THAT M*THRFCKR I NEVER SAID THAT!!" leads me to believe it's true. And since I have first hand knowledge of how he reacts to things and how he talks to people, it lines up absolutely perfectly with the pasted chat logs.

So far that post pointed out that the 7.xk that Demetri showed screenshots as money that was stolen was actually a conversation from nearly a year ago. The money was/wasn't paid back already? That's not 100% clear though the horse claims to be re-depositing immediately. But Demetri seems to want everyone to think this happened last week or something. This only proves that the horse did something very stupid quite awhile ago and may/may not have rectified the situation already. Since the stake continued, they obviously found some resolution over it.

Demetri claims the amount owed is "over 30k" but has been questioned over and over and seems to think it no longer matters. 15k, 30k meh, let's round it to 50k, sounds better for my case. Demetri hasn't explicitly shown his calculations for how he reached >30k stolen from him.

Demetri claims that there's makeup from other sites with signed contracts. Yet, the skype logs posted show that he was no longer backing him on those sites like he's claimed. Demetri hasn't refuted that either. Meaning he's lying in his OP again to make it look worse for the horse than it actually is. Unless, of course, he wants to refute those claims now.

Let me say this, I'm not defending JOKuERis one bit. If he took money out of the accounts, it's scummy, whether it was paid back or not, it's just wrong/dumb/immoral. If he hasn't returned stake money that was in the account that's wrong and he deserves all the negative attention. I know I'll never back him as a result of this thread.

It does seem like the issue isn't just outstanding makeup (which Demetri makes it seem like it's some massive amount. For the stakes horse was playing, EVERY player at these stakes would always reach this amount of makeup) and horse has probably done some dumb stuff along the way. Like I said, he deserves negative attention too. He deserves to be called a thief if he has taken cash out of the account that doesn't belong to him.

He just runs really good that his backer happens to be an even bigger clown than he is.
Demetri, can you answer this post? These are all very legitimate questions that you skipped through.
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 10:14 AM
In the long run joker probably ****ed himself harder. take some solace in that.

"Audrius Karbauskas is a thief"

first google result. that sucks. Would be quite damaging where I live if you had some plans in your life. dont know how it works in lituainia
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by jlzlt
Demetri, can you answer this post? These are all very legitimate questions that you skipped through.
Last time,he owes more via loans/MU/Theft

He has $0 in ALL his account ,he has $0 in his bank accounts

Me trying to prove it is $30,000 instead of $15,000 is LOL now

Change the title to "Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole" then

Give me any hope that I will get the $15,000 back that everyone seems to agree on that is owed ,then we can start with MORE screen shots to where the $30,000 came from (i prove he owes 30k nothing changes,i don't prove he owes 15k ,nothing changes)
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 10:37 AM
And after all this, demitri still hasnt answered the simple questions. Before he always shouted that jokerious was a thief for countless pages as a response and does it matter if its 15 or 30k. Now he just ignores them.

It seems Jokerious is a thief in the end and we know this now. But also, seems like there's a lot of things also about the op also. The op is also a liar and maybe cheat who twisted a lot of things to make his story fit the way he wanted us to see it. He still hasnt even attempted to respond to the simple questions for tens of pages. That leads me to believe that op is also hiding things.

One is a thief and the other is bat **** insane ruthless liar imo.

So yeah both people deserve this thread so the community is aware.
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by djle2
And after all this, demitri still hasnt answered the simple questions. Before he always shouted that jokerious was a thief for countless pages as a response and does it matter if its 15 or 30k. Now he just ignores them.

It seems Jokerious is a thief in the end and we know this now. But also, seems like there's a lot of things also about the op also. The op is also a liar and maybe cheat who twisted a lot of things to make his story fit the way he wanted us to see it. He still hasnt even attempted to respond to the simple questions for tens of pages. That leads me to believe that op is also hiding things.

One is a thief and the other is bat **** insane ruthless liar imo.

So yeah both people deserve this thread so the community is aware.
To say I am scamming him now (lol) by turning $15k into $30k is real dumb

This is a guy that would cry and moan each day about being broke and in make up (more screen shots???) when this all blew up you really think I thought I would get $30,000 from someone who has not got $30 in there account ?

Yes I wanted my money back ,but i was 99.9% sure I was going to get next to nothing back

I keep rounding it down to save more screen shots and fights etc ...lets go the other way.Lets pretend he now owe $100,000 does this change anything???

He is broke,he has said via skype chat he will not pay me 1 cent and he will carry on playing

So 100k 15k 30k what ever ,lol...the thread needs to high light that he is a thief ,it does.The website needs to high he is a thief,it does.
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 11:03 AM
Sorry for transferring, wasn't mature but I was angry when I read the chatlogs and went into trollmode. The thing that really angered me was the physical threats agianst putting a hit on him and his family. I guess it was the heat of the moment so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't really mean what you wrote but I think most people here will agree that talking like this will absoloutely not be tollerated in society in general, and definately not in our community. We won't stand for violence or any kind of scare terror tactics and absoloutely no place for that here.

You are coming across alot better in the last 5 pages or so and are winning over the thread. Not that you were ever not wronged. You were always wronged here but 2 wrongs dont make a right, and I guess me sending 5 bucks doesnt make 3 wrongs make a right either. If you continue dealing with people like you have done in the last 5 pages you will win this thread. Jokueris only excuse not to come into this thread was that you were threatening him and acting all crazy, If you take away that he has no excuse not to come defend himself and answer some very difficult questions. So keep handling this the correct way and you will get alot more respect and a much better shot at getting some money back.
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 11:03 AM
one thing which bothers me and quite a few other posters ITT is that the most posted screenshot by you (the one you claim jokueris caught stealing) was made around 10 months ago.
Did you resolve issues with him after that accident? And if you didn't why did you continue making business with him for another 10 months?
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by aitvaras
one thing which bothers me and quite a few other posters ITT is that the most posted screenshot by you (the one you claim jokueris caught stealing) was made around 10 months ago.
Did you resolve issues with him after that accident?
And if you didn't why did you continue making business with him for another 10 months?
It was a mess ,which I have some blame to take for.

He came to me with a solid rep,i made a massive mistake ,which I learnt from.I trusted him,so i did no audits for some time.In that time he started taking out $100s here and there ,that added up to around $8,000.

Me being me I went mental,problem was he was in massive make up to.So we put the stolen money to the side and worked away on clearing the make up.The only way I thought best to do this after what he did was make him play lower games.Swings would be lower and do audits EVERY day and keep next to nothing in his account

(I have posted screen shots to prove all the above)Thought i would add that for those coming in late
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Demetri, it seems that one of the problems ITT is that you're taking a lot of posts pretty personally. I haven't seen a single person that I would classify as a fan of Joker, and I don't think anyone doubts that you have been wronged - just about the only point of disagreement is how much. Just because someone questions the way you've handled yourself in this thread, or whether you are owed $15 K or $30 K, or anything else they are puzzled about, doesn't mean they are taking Joker's side in this.
Seems like one possibility is demitri is afraid of how he is coming across in terms of his business management and his ability to keep records in general. So he probably does not have a good system of organization to understand exactly how much JOKuREis does owe him and a lot of his business runs on trust. He might be worried about how current and future horses would view saying:

"It is 15k in MU plus I believe he stole X,XXX and had X,XXX in his account, but a lot of my business works on trust, so I if JOKuERis had been lying about things such as his account balance, counting withdrawals as losses, etc. he has no way to accurately know at this point but all rational assumptions point to him doing it."

At this point though, it would be better for him to just come clean if things are unorganized on his end. That is really the only explanation I can see for random screenshots and an inability to give a precise number.
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Seems like one possibility is demitri is afraid of how he is coming across in terms of his business management and his ability to keep records in general. So he probably does not have a good system of organization to understand exactly how much JOKuREis does owe him and a lot of his business runs on trust. He might be worried about how current and future horses would view saying:

"It is 15k in MU plus I believe he stole X,XXX and had X,XXX in his account, but a lot of my business works on trust, so I if JOKuERis had been lying about things such as his account balance, counting withdrawals as losses, etc. he has no way to accurately know at this point but all rational assumptions point to him doing it."

At this point though, it would be better for him to just come clean if things are unorganized on his end. That is really the only explanation I can see for random screenshots and an inability to give a precise number.
I hate to break this to you but the thread is all about him being a thief

That has been proved ,please make a new thread on me if you think I have done so much wrong.When you are talking about 5 figures + and stealing no one is going to care if he stole 10k vs 50k .He stole
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by demetri1978
Give me any hope that I will get the $15,000 back that everyone seems to agree on that is owed ,then we can start with MORE screen shots to where the $30,000 came from (i prove he owes 30k nothing changes,i don't prove he owes 15k ,nothing changes)
Assume Jokueris wins the lottery/inherits a large sum/etc and suddenly has a lot of liquid assets and is able to pay you back.

It's a huge difference between $15k and $30k and since you're so certain about his case it should be fairly easy to provide us with a breakdown for his debt (and don't link to any of your previous cluttered up posts, they're a huge mess and clearly don't show everything).

Stop with the bull**** that it doesn't matter just cause he is broke, making up figures because you don't expect to get paid isn't the right way to go about this.

And yes, I understand this thread is a warning sign for potential backers/employers and it has served its purpose very well. It still needs a bit of clearing up though.
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by BakinC00kies
Assume Jokueris wins the lottery/inherits a large sum/etc and suddenly has a lot of liquid assets and is able to pay you back.

It's a huge difference between $15k and $30k and since you're so certain about his case it should be fairly easy to provide us with a breakdown for his debt (and don't link to any of your previous cluttered up posts, they're a huge mess and clearly don't show everything).

Stop with the bull**** that it doesn't matter just cause he is broke, making up figures because you don't expect to get paid isn't the right way to go about this.

And yes, I understand this thread is a warning sign for potential backers/employers and it has served its purpose very well. It still needs a bit of clearing up though.
This post is not a mess and links you to everything you need to know ,in the right order...

He has already said I am not getting back any money ,there is a screen shot of that in there

So it does not matter what money he comes into ,the difference between $0 and $0 is $0...that is all I am getting
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 11:34 AM
Did you even read my post? You literally ignored everything I asked you not to do.

Just post something like

Part 1 of the debt: Makeup - [Prove here]
Part 2 of the debt: Loans - [Prove here]
Part 3 of the debt: Unauthorized cashouts/theft - [Prove here]

Should take you less than 5 minutes and would make everything A LOT clearer.
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by BakinC00kies
Did you even read my post? You literally ignored everything I asked you not to do, can't be so ****ing hard

Just post something like

Part 1 of the debt: Makeup - [Prove here]
Part 2 of the debt: Loans - [Prove here]
Part 3 of the debt: Unauthorized cashouts/theft - [Prove here]

Should take you less than 5 minutes and would make everything A LOT clearer.
No need to swear ,people have moaned about me being rude (I was rude to a thief)Yet i have taken massive insults in this thread.Please don't swear at me

I did answer your question,I told you it is all in the links I just posted to you

The proof of him saying sorry for stealing ,the make up updates etc etc
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by demetri1978
I hate to break this to you but the thread is all about him being a thief

That has been proved ,please make a new thread on me if you think I have done so much wrong.When you are talking about 5 figures + and stealing no one is going to care if he stole 10k vs 50k .He stole
I think your only real crime is attempted murder on the English language.

But the total figure that he stole does matter, literally every person that has come itt has asked for clarification on the actual number. I don't know why you are unable to produce it, but I am guessing my last post was pretty much correct based on your response.
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 11:44 AM
This is my last post ,I have a lot of work to do now as I have just been hit for $40,000 in the last 10 days from scams

Everything from my side is in these two posts ,they are in order and they are very clear

Only reason I will return to this thread is if he tries to say he is not a thief

This thread and other threads on other sites highlight he is a thief..As i know i can't get any of my money back I am going to have to settle for that

(If a mod thinks 15k stolen looks better than 30k then I would not moan at the title being changed)


Last edited by demetri1978; 12-05-2013 at 11:51 AM.
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 12:03 PM
He sure looks pretty guilty.

Demetri, not jokerious
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 12:08 PM
First off, don't take this as me defending joker as it's clear he owes you at least some money...

Now, your links and other information are about as clear as mud. You need to help yourself by presenting the info in a more clear and easily accessible manner. Based on your actions in the thread the chance that you do this is practically zero but whatever.

Even joker himself basically said he's not paying because you guys seem to be in disagreement about the sum owed.

I'm again not supporting his position but I can sort of see his point. He comes back from his unauthorized break to find you've blown his world up and also (from his perspective) apparently doubled his debt.

First step: clear up EXACTLY what the true amount of the debt is.
Second: see if he will agree that he in fact owes that amount

From there I'm not sure what to say. But at least he's on the hook for that amount and you will get a lot more support from the community.

Or alternatively, just leave this thread as is and enjoy your own sullied reputation.
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
12-05-2013 , 12:44 PM
It's one thing to threaten to harm a guy and his family.

But to threaten to report him to the tax authorities?

That's just mean.


Joker: you have some impressive stats, play poker and agree to pay Demetri $15K
Demetri: let Joker out of all contracts and apologize for threats, especially the tax one

Last edited by 42-2KM; 12-05-2013 at 12:50 PM.
Top MTT JOKuERis on Pokerstars stole from me (real name Audrius Karbauskas) Quote
