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It is time for a permanent change to my life, it has to be done It is time for a permanent change to my life, it has to be done

12-29-2014 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Kralex
Seriously why is this guy posting this stuff here? Who even cares?

Go apologize to your damn family, not 2p2.

The fact that he even thinks this was a necessary thing to do just goes to show how much he still has to learn and that this may be only the beginning of a bigger slide.

Go back and reread the OP. He is making a play to use his name (LOL) here to get someone to offer him a job. Hilarious.
12-29-2014 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by HurtLocker
Who knows? Possibly, the trolls of Sheldon Adelson are trying to spin these threads as the very evidence for political fodder against the very poker community that is trying to push things forward, not backward. I can picture a lobbyist on Capital Hill in a 2015 testimony before Con-gress reading off the first post in a hearing trying to tag online poker directly with gambling vice to woo the morally self righteous members of legislators on to their side in banning online poker forever more off the federal level.
You realise that the game he's addicted to is a casino pit game, not poker?
12-29-2014 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
It has been said to me time and time again not only on here but to me in person, I have a choice. I do not have to be living the way I do and maybe I won't be believed but I freaking HATE what has happend to me
You hate it so much and yet you still prefer ripping people off more than not ripping people off.

As said earlier, you have to admit that nothing "happened" to you. You created the gigantic dump that you dropped in your bed of life - and also managed to wipe crap on your victims and your family/friends.

Good luck if you really do make a serious effort (something you have lied about previously) but fer chrissakes quit with the victim card. People who had the misfortune to cross your path are the victims.

Originally Posted by NeverLosesAtPoker
Apologize to them for what?
12-29-2014 , 02:11 PM
OT, but having never played Pai Gow Poker, I looked it up. The game was invented by in 1985 by Sam Torosian, owner of the Bell card club in southern California.

Casino Boss Can't Cash In on Game He Developed
Pai gow poker's originator never secured a patent.
12-29-2014 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by RunnerMan
He is, and it is not close. At least at one point in Borovetz's life, he could be viewed as having a set of skills that could benefit society (engineering). Kessler brings absolutely nothing to the table. Nothing. He is a complete and total zero.
Lol kessler hasnt lied stolen and scammed people for 20 years
12-29-2014 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by dstock
Lol at all the armchair psychologists ITT. ZOMG, you can never ever ever ever gamble again, never ever ever step foot inside a casino, never, NEVER! EVER! Never!!!! ZOMG You're and ADDICT!!!!!

Bull****. Lots of people have personal demons they have had to control. They just learn to control it. I use to black out every time i drank hard liquor. Did i quit drinking??? Hell no! I quit drinking hard liquor for a couple of years. Now, i have control.

Should food addicts quit eating? Sex addicts never have sex again? It just seems like people want to user the bull**** adage of never ever never ever do this or that again, when it is just completely unnecessary.

I do agree that Mike needs to take some time off from gambling. My advice Mike---Take 1 year off from any type of gambling, it will put everything back into perspective. It will help you to learn discipline and self control. Then you need to make rules for yourself while gambling, and either stick to them or punsih youself when you don't.

P.s.Quit the scamming, they will p[ut you in a cage eventually.
You're talking to a guy who has been led to scamming people in airports by his gambling addiction. You sound smart.
12-29-2014 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
portions of a PSUMike1999 post from a closed thread 06-25-2014, 07:26 AM

(started in hotels)

portion of a post 06-25-2014, 07:53 AM
Thanks for all of that work, VP$IP. I couldn't even get a quarter, I can't imagine doing all of that nm being successful at it.
12-29-2014 , 04:01 PM
Our best source of information on the details of the scam comes from the people Borovetz approached.

Michael Borovetz is a poker player who has been playing in the WSOP, I never met the guy before Sunday morning. Here is what happened:

I was catching a flight out of McCarran on June 22, Sunday morning, at around 9:30 am or so. Between getting out of my taxi and heading to the United counter to check my bag, I was approached by someone who identified himself as “Michael Borovetz”, wearing a Penn State cap and telling me a tale of woe. (This was ½ way between the front doors and the United counter in Terminal three.)

He stated he had been in Las Vegas for about a month or so, showed me a hotel invoice ending the morning before, claimed he had been there for a job interview with DuPont and had been looking for an apartment. However, he claimed, Southwest had cancelled his flight due to bad weather on the 21st, . He showed me a couple of other documents, a Southwest Airlines airlines ticket jacket, and a “CEO’s card” explaining that he was going to help, but all the ATMs in Terminal 1 were broken, which was why he now was looking for help in Terminal 3. There was a wealth of detail provided, actually way too much, and the repeated insistence on repeated details were way fishy…. So I asked him to wait for me while I checked in and then I could talk to him. (I googled his story this morning from Europe, the details are repeated for this guy and his airport fundraising scam on different postings. )

He waited, anticipating I was going to go to the ATM and give him the $300 he kept asking for. I asked him to repeat his story, which included a reservation at a Ramada Inn for that night for $139. He promised to pay me back plus another $300 and gave me his information written on one of my cards. I said I was not looking for anything extra., walked to a row of chairs and put down my carryon luggage.

I took out my cell phone and asked him what Ramada he was booked into … He said, you cannot call them, because Southwest might get him out that night (Sunday). I pointed out that he had said he was already booked for the hotel, his story had a hole in it, retrieved a card of mine he had asked for and was still holding, and left for my flight.(I was impressed that he was trying to replace the worn out “CEO” card he had flashed with a fresh one of mine.)

I did not give him any money, but I am suspect he does this regularly based on my initial google search. Suspect he has been working McCarran for at least three weeks , as that was what the hotel receipt he showed me had him staying in town, (maybe a Hilton Garden Inn or a Hyatt place).

I googled him by name just now and, damn …. He is a poker player, with his face plastered on poker pages, and he cashed in a WSOP event on June 14. Definitely the guy who approached me at McCarran on Sunday.

So, if this guy is still raising a bankroll at McCarran, and is staying in Las Vegas for the WSOP or the Deep Stacks, ….. you might be able to watch him in the act.

The guy pissed me off because his act is bad for Las Vegas, bad for people who really need help, apparently tried to acquire my card for future efforts, traded on religion, and apparently is raising his bankroll through "crowdfunding" with a fraud twist.

That's the guy .....
Originally Posted by Gzesh
No, actually, Mike is NOT as smooth a liar in airports as you may believe. He spews out way too many details and twists to be credible.

His story was "wrong" as a con on many levels when he tried to scam me. As a matter of fact, the main problems were his offering a claim that all the ATMs in the other terminal were broken .... (you know, the terminal for Southwest, where that CEO wanted to lend him $300), that I could not call the Ramada to take care of his reservation for that night, .... (you know, the one for which he needed), that he needed $300, not a penny less, (which was funny because I had about $240 in my pocket and would have given him $20).

The religion gambit was annoying, but the clincher was that after I told him I did not care about his religious appeal, or that he went to Penn State, or the other CEO, he simply started repeating them all again ..... in rotation almost.

As a matter of fact what started this 2+2 exposure and ultimately screwed his scam up was that he used his real name, wrote down personal information for me, and was a fairly high profile poker player who tried to scam a 2+2 poster who got bored a couple of days later. That was compounded when he also then turned out to be a prolific 2+2 poster himself ....
We may eventually get more details from the Charlotte, SC cases, or from other (previously unknown) people who find this thread after searching the internet.

The ultimate would be a video.
12-29-2014 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Ive contributed alot to making tournaments better. Everywhere I go players thank me and appreciate my efforts.
Honest question - do you believe it's possible to make a structure change to a tournament that benefits every player in the tourney? Or have you contributed a lot to making tournaments better for pros and worse for recreational players?
12-29-2014 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
By your argument all professional gamblers/poker players are no good to society.

I found something I enjoy and I'm very successful at it.

Im fine with that.

Allen seems like a good guy. I just think he might be a little strange, in that despite being a good guy, he is genuinely unable to understand that what makes Borovetz tick is a lot different than what makes Kessler tick, and that the idea that some day Mike could hold down a job and do a little small stakes / reasonable gambling on the side, is crazy.

Good intentions, but misplaced in this particular instance.
12-29-2014 , 07:03 PM
This book pulled me out of a pretty deep hole many years ago OP:

If you want to read it but are busto and can't afford it PM me and I will send it to you, your parents or wherever. Best of luck in turning your life around.
12-29-2014 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
You realise that the game he's addicted to is a casino pit game, not poker?
All the more my point. This is a POKER forum with thread. A GAMBLING problem for a game unrelated to POKER I would humbly think is NOT applicable for this online venue. And many enemies of online poker perhaps troll the internet for excerpts like this thread to support their case in banning online poker via testimony based on this in hearings for the ban on national/federal level. Social self righteous preachers eat this stuff up and throw it to the Huckabees of the world brainwashing their audiences on tv if not on Capital Hill.
12-29-2014 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
It has been said to me time and time again not only on here but to me in person, I have a choice. I do not have to be living the way I do and maybe I won't be believed but I freaking HATE what has happend to me

Nothing "happened" to you.
You had a choice all along. (Several in fact)
You have a choice now.
It's not the Casino's fault.
It's not the Poker Rooms fault.
It's not your friends fault.

Last edited by ZenForest; 12-29-2014 at 07:27 PM.
12-29-2014 , 11:27 PM
Would like an update from OP on this in about a year or so. I'm pretty curious to see if he will finally succeed.
12-29-2014 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
Would like an update from OP on this in about a year or so. I'm pretty curious to see if he will finally succeed.
A year from now?

I'm pretty sure that we have to narrow that to something shorter such as 6 weeks for Mike's sake.
12-29-2014 , 11:37 PM
Mike hasn't logged back in since the OP.
12-29-2014 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
Mike hasn't logged back in since the OP.
not under any user name/e-mail you are aware of anyways.....
12-29-2014 , 11:48 PM
Correct, but in the past he would lurk, logged in.
12-29-2014 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
portions of a PSUMike1999 post from a closed thread 06-25-2014, 07:26 AM

(started in hotels)

portion of a post 06-25-2014, 07:53 AM
Was looking for cliffs, does that basically sum it all up or is there anything else one would want to know?
12-29-2014 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
Correct, but in the past he would lurk, logged in.
Doesn't mean he isn't lurking as a "visitor". These threads aren't closed to members only.

Sent from my GT-I9507 using 2+2 Forums
12-30-2014 , 12:03 AM
The reason he isn't lurking is because he doesn't have a computer or a cell phone.
12-30-2014 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
Mike hasn't logged back in since the OP.
Originally Posted by ZenForest
not under any user name/e-mail you are aware of anyways.....
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
Correct, but in the past he would lurk, logged in.
12-30-2014 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by Clevername69
For someone like Mike, this is terrible advice. You don't seem to realize how bad his addiction is. He will gamble until he's broke every single time. Also, quit gambling for a year? Give me a break. That's like telling a heroin addict to quit using for a year then to just use recreationally.

What Mike needs is to quit gambling permanently and live a life around people who do other things besides gambling. He needs to stop talking to Allan Kessler.
Terrible advice? So, you would tell an obese person who is addicted to food to " quit eating permanently and live a life around people who do other things besides eating ".

Of course not. You would tell them to eat responsibly, be disciplined, make changes, etc. But you would not tell them to never eat again. So why can't people who are addicted to other things not do the same.

"Doublethink is the act of ordinary people simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct."
12-30-2014 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by dstock
Terrible advice? So, you would tell an obese person who is addicted to food to " quit eating permanently and live a life around people who do other things besides eating ".

Of course not. You would tell them to eat responsibly, be disciplined, make changes, etc. But you would not tell them to never eat again. So why can't people who are addicted to other things not do the same.

"Doublethink is the act of ordinary people simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct."
well, yeah. that's because one cannot survive without eating food. if that wasn't the case, the best thing for a food addict would be to stay as far away from food as possible. afaik, humans have been known to survive just fine without gambling in casinos even once.

sure, some sober alcoholics can follow along to the bar for a couple of hours and hang out whilst watching his/her peers drink, but only after a lengthy period of sober living (as a result of rehab/still ongoing counseling). regardless, i suggest to you that mike's level of addiction is of a far grander magnitude. he should, as suggested in i think every single one of his last few threads, contact as many gambling properties as possible and request a self-ban. besides, why not make the lifelong journey of resisting the urges of addiction as uncomplicated as possible?

Originally Posted by dstock
Bull****. Lots of people have personal demons they have had to control. They just learn to control it. I use to black out every time i drank hard liquor. Did i quit drinking??? Hell no! I quit drinking hard liquor for a couple of years. Now, i have control.
this is such a terrible analogy i almost think you have to be leveling. getting blackout drunk on the weekend is not equivalent to scamming your family, friends and any charitable soul in sight in order to pay for your next fix. you're making a mockery out of the disease that is addiction with statements such as these. as i previously mentioned: you, along with a host of others ITT, seriously need to google addiction before speaking out so vehemently on the subject. it's embarrassing! stop.

Originally Posted by 70months
you need to immediately self ban from literally every single casino in the United States and online that you can. Then you need to get into a lengthy rehab program asap. Until then everything you do and say is utterly meaningless.
seriously, this!
12-30-2014 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by dstock
Terrible advice? So, you would tell an obese person who is addicted to food to " quit eating permanently and live a life around people who do other things besides eating ".

Of course not. You would tell them to eat responsibly, be disciplined, make changes, etc. But you would not tell them to never eat again. So why can't people who are addicted to other things not do the same.

"Doublethink is the act of ordinary people simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct."
Winner of worse analogy of 2014
