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Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better?

06-14-2018 , 04:50 PM
IMHO, one of the reasons HUDs spoiled poker is that one of poker's main attractions as a game is the way it causes interaction and conflicts between system 1 and system 2 thinking. Human's aren't very good at judging a frequency without careful thoughtful calculation, and that is an expensive thing to keep up all day. And if you spend your brain power on that you may get tilt-y instead. Its a great balance.

HUDs give you the frequencies, let you think about other things more, and destroy the balance. It is not only an unfair advantage vs recs, it also removes a really interesting human aspect from the game.
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
06-14-2018 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
You have no interest in learning the game beyond the very basics, which is fair enough, but the anti-hud stuff is just envy at those who are able to utilise them from someone who knows he can't.
I would like for there to be a site that allows HUDs and one that doesn't and for players, recreational or not, to be able to make an informed decision on which site they would prefer to play.

What I would really like to see in the future, when the technology has advanced sufficiently, is VR poker which successfully mimics the live poker environment, maybe even down to having a similar pace.
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06-14-2018 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by falldown
A human with a HUD is basically a guy too lazy to program a BOT for himself.
Neither of them are playing poker.
what about a human with a HUD and a million pages of XYZ charts? That's a human with the answer right there
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06-14-2018 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
It's usually GTO to abandon any NVG thread as soon as anyone mentions HUDs. :/
So it would seem.

Can't remember the last time we had a thread discussing the state of and/or the future of online poker that didn't get turned into a debate about HUDs.
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06-15-2018 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by Husker
I have a full time job and consider myself a recreational player. I'm winning in my games and enjoy using a hud. Poker isn't even my sole hobby, I also play sport and make a racket on the guitar occasionally as well. Despite all that I enjoy learning about poker and love the challenge of it, similar to the way some people love chess. You have no interest in learning the game beyond the very basics, which is fair enough, but the anti-hud stuff is just envy at those who are able to utilise them from someone who knows he can't.

As for online poker not affording you that's just lol, you can't play on Stars, that's nothing to do with affordability. So no loss there then.
The point of my post was using a HUD properly requires some level of studying, examination, etc... what I consider to be as "work". To do work, I get paid quite well, and if I chose to, I could do more work and make more money than I can by doing "work" with a HUD. My hourly doing work at my job is more than working on a HUD and "playing" poker can provide.

By the way, I win money online without a HUD, so everyone inferring that not knowing how to use a HUD = losing player is off base.
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06-15-2018 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by Stupor
what about a human with a HUD and a million pages of XYZ charts? That's a human with the answer right there
If you can make decisions without computer help in a timeley manner, that is fine.

If you need an aid to help make decisions, be it a HUD or a BOT, that makes poker less fun and drives Recs away far moreso than higher rake does.

I was watching over the shoulder of a friend of mine once and he asked me "how could that guy make that call there...", that guy always is on his tables etc...

I got him to close the poker client and showed him some videos of a guy using and explaining his HUD stats. After about 3 minutes, the guy went back into his poker account, cashed out his money and has told me (and anyone who will listen) how online poker is full of people who use programs to cheat and he will never play again.

I would wager he had no idea what the rake on his games was.
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06-15-2018 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
So it would seem.

Can't remember the last time we had a thread discussing the state of and/or the future of online poker that didn't get turned into a debate about HUDs.
It seems that HUDs are an important issue to the future of online poker.
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
06-15-2018 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by falldown
The point of my post was using a HUD properly requires some level of studying, examination, etc... what I consider to be as "work". To do work, I get paid quite well, and if I chose to, I could do more work and make more money than I can by doing "work" with a HUD. My hourly doing work at my job is more than working on a HUD and "playing" poker can provide.

By the way, I win money online without a HUD, so everyone inferring that not knowing how to use a HUD = losing player is off base.
You seem to be under the impression that getting paid well for work is something you need to constantly repeat. There are probably a lot of people on here who are the same, myself included, you just choose to be lazy in terms of poker and like to use your work as an excuse for this. As I say, there's nothing wrong with that but don't make excuses for it other than an unwillingess to learn. This stretches beyond huds for you, and includes learning poker, or improving at it, in general.
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
06-15-2018 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Alexdb
IMHO, one of the reasons HUDs spoiled poker is that one of poker's main attractions as a game is the way it causes interaction and conflicts between system 1 and system 2 thinking. Human's aren't very good at judging a frequency without careful thoughtful calculation, and that is an expensive thing to keep up all day. And if you spend your brain power on that you may get tilt-y instead. Its a great balance.

HUDs give you the frequencies, let you think about other things more, and destroy the balance. It is not only an unfair advantage vs recs, it also removes a really interesting human aspect from the game.
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
06-15-2018 , 03:48 PM
again and again, why are you not printing money with huds if they are the so called cheats?
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
06-15-2018 , 03:57 PM
HUDs are the bogeyman that steals all your chips.

This thread is proving why sites should block HUDs for pure PR purposes.
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06-15-2018 , 09:55 PM

. . .
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
06-17-2018 , 11:39 AM
x post from Casino Rama thread.

Rake goes up... winning regs leave game.


Originally Posted by Nash_equilibria
Beware that the rake on all cash games is increasing to $10 maximum (from $6) at Casino Rama effective today, June 15 at 10:30 am! This is the highest rake in Ontario casinos. Needless to say, some of the players like me told Rama that it was our last cash game there this week, and will be playing instead at Casino Niagara's 27 tables. The session fee at Niagara is only $7 + $1 BBJ for 2/5 and $6 + $1 for 1/2.
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
06-17-2018 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by falldown
It seems that HUDs are an important issue to the future of online poker.
Actually it seems clear HUDs were an inevitability since the inception of online poker and this debate would have been topical several years ago - the ship has sailed

but enough about that, any chance you could reiterate whether you earn more money in your day job than you do grinding the micros? any other convenient stories about guys' shoulders you have been peering over?
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
06-18-2018 , 12:00 PM
I think it's important, regardless of how normalized the idea of continuously raising the rake on players becomes, to continue to fight for fair prices on poker games

I like almost all of the suggested changes here. Limiting multi-tabling has had a great effect on the games over at Bovada, I think most people would be for some sort of generally lowish table cap if it made games better.

Also, most of the high end rakeback programs don't make sense anymore, so I am ok with the removal of those. The only caveat is some warning before people spend 10 months grinding out a promised program before deciding to remove it.

The reason it is so important to have a blend of luck and skill, is because it keeps the dream alive of one day becoming a professional player. Many, many poker players got into the game because they wanted to one day become a professional player. If the rake is too high to make that a reality, the longterm trajectory of the game is undoubtedly in question.

While it would be nice for low stakes rec's to be able to play on their own, im not sure how realistic that is.

Also obviously agree expert players should have the oppurtunity to have good win rates.
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
06-18-2018 , 07:34 PM
^ good points, good post dp
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
06-19-2018 , 03:53 AM
More rake = More rakeback

If "Site A" charges $1 per tournament and gives you 10% back, you'll still get a larger rb payment from "site B" who charges you $7 for the same tournament but only gives you 5% back, it's simple math
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
06-19-2018 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by Husker
You seem to be under the impression that getting paid well for work is something you need to constantly repeat. There are probably a lot of people on here who are the same, myself included, you just choose to be lazy in terms of poker and like to use your work as an excuse for this. As I say, there's nothing wrong with that but don't make excuses for it other than an unwillingess to learn. This stretches beyond huds for you, and includes learning poker, or improving at it, in general.
I play poker, very occasionally, for fun and I do happen to win at it, or at least am up a decent amount lifetime.

I don't want to use a HUD and I don't want to play against someone who uses one.

People who keep posting about how I need to get better or do the work to learn how to use a HUD are missing the point.
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
06-19-2018 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by WCGRider
The reason it is so important to have a blend of luck and skill, is because it keeps the dream alive of one day becoming a professional player. Many, many poker players got into the game because they wanted to one day become a professional player. If the rake is too high to make that a reality, the longterm trajectory of the game is undoubtedly in question.
Does it kill the dream if the rake doesn't make it impossible to become a pro, but does mean that the dream journey of micros to nosebleeds takes significantly longer so that no one can copy the meteoric rise of online heroes without having a huge tournament score build their bankroll?
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
08-07-2018 , 11:31 AM
Flawed argument: More rake is better because it keeps the pros away from the game. With less pros, that means more recreational players, so better games!

Reality: In equilibrium, the game will always balance out so that pros who cannot beat the rake leave the game, and pros that can beat the rake stay in the game. What we are left with are only pros who are absolute crushers, and a few recreational players who don't play enough to care about the rake. This makes for a worse game. If you were a slightly winning player in the past, now you must contend with absolute crushers in the game, less bad regs, and higher rake on top of it all.

Long term implications: Who wins? (1) Only the absolute crushers and (2) whoever is taking the rake. This means the crushers have less money (from higher rake), the recreational players have even less money, since their opponents are bad players, absolute beasts at the game, and a higher casino rake, and the casinos win in the short run. Eventually, recreational players will get tired of sitting in games populated by beastly pros, and leave the higher rake games to go elsewhere, where they have an actual shot of winning. Meanwhile, the pros battle it out, hoping to get a few BB per hour, all while maintaining the same lifestyle. Eventually the pros will need to move games.

Casinos/poker sites may love the idea of increasing rake, since it will add to this quarter's profit. But in the long run, the more money taken out of the poker ecosystem, the worse off we all are.
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
05-19-2024 , 05:24 PM
Funny how Mason started this thread talking how No-Limit is bad for business and 2/3rds of the discussion ended up being about HUDs.

I started a Big-Bet app based game with my friends and nobody is winning but me.... and I'm not a great player. NL and PL just punish the recreational players. I'm considering raising the stakes and making all games fixed limit.
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
05-19-2024 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by BoisePokerPlayer
Funny how Mason started this thread talking how No-Limit is bad for business and 2/3rds of the discussion ended up being about HUDs.

I started a Big-Bet app based game with my friends and nobody is winning but me.... and I'm not a great player. NL and PL just punish the recreational players. I'm considering raising the stakes and making all games fixed limit.

I joined an app just like this with local players where PLO8 and Big O is mostly played with a little bit of NL and yeah, my win rates are obscene. Especially as I learn their games a bit, I win almost every session.
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
05-21-2024 , 11:15 AM
Well good for you two. Can I join the app?
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
05-25-2024 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Can't remember the last time we had a thread discussing the state of and/or the future of online poker that didn't get turned into a debate about HUDs.
It's Godwin's Law for online poker.
Time for Another Look -- More Rake is Better? Quote
05-25-2024 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by falldown
2. Low stakes recreational players shouldn’t be playing in games that are mostly populated by pros

How to fix this:

1) Ban HUDs to make the games closer to fair.
2) Reverse the high volume bonus to a penalty at lower stakes. i.e. first X (500?) hands of the month 100% rakeback, next X, 20%, after that, 0, or some sort of structure like that. Similar for MTTs and SNGs.

Chase the "pros" up and out of the micros/lower levels.

I agree with higher limits having lower rakes as a percentage as well.
No why should my hud be banned because some are to lazy to learn how to use one
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