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Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations.

08-02-2008 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by ashesofheroes
my anxiety has only been worsened by this comment
1mg Alprazolam every 6-8 hours as needed.
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by PokerBob
I simply cannot envision a situation where someone in her position could be so outrageously stupid.
Did the fact that she signed with UB in the first place not tip you off?
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 06:32 AM
Maybe she was really cereus about this and wanted to sho the 'new management' that she wanted a long turn relationship?
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by PokerBob
I do not believe this to be true.
If it is true, it's probably one of those semantics things where she got less in cash from UB than from she would have from other sites, but UB likely also offered her additional non-cash incentives, like a stake in the company, whereas obviously no legit site would. So UB offer=greater value (at least in her eyes), but less cash. If the deal she accepted from UB had less total value than deals from other sites, then she is just impossibly stupid.
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 07:54 AM
Still though, she'd get it
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 08:00 AM
dude she sucks at poker and life who cares.. shes right where she belongs
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by Shmohawk
If it is true, it's probably one of those semantics things where she got less in cash from UB than from she would have from other sites, but UB likely also offered her additional non-cash incentives, like a stake in the company, whereas obviously no legit site would. So UB offer=greater value (at least in her eyes), but less cash. If the deal she accepted from UB had less total value than deals from other sites, then she is just impossibly stupid.
This is the only reasonable explantion. If so it also is indeed a bit of wordplaying on her side.
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 08:45 AM
Why are people so obsessed with trying to make a logically reasonable argument for why signing with UB is the right decision.

Its quite probable she is just -that- stupid. Its pretty clear from her comments about the superuser cheating that she is incapable of thinking beyond level 1.
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by TheJacob
Personally I wouldn't need to see a pokernews contract to know that:
A.) I shouldn't sign a deal with UB for my own PR reasons.
B.) Pokernews probably won't like it if I sign with a pokerroom where rampant cheating has taken place in the past.

Just sign with PokerStars or FTP like every other joe out there.
You get $$$, a possible future relationship with a reputable company...

all without ruining your reputation.
you mean the same pokernews that has always adverstised for ub and ap and only decided to take a stance against those sites after their prized girl tiffany michelle went there.

hell, they were still carrying ub/ap ads days after tm signed.

im sick of everyone acting like pokernews is some bastion of poker integrity when its pretty clear the only reason they decided to criticize ub/ap was bc they "stole" tiffany michelle.

nevermind that tm had every right to sign with ub and tonyg even admits this.

if i had to guess, i would say that good ole tonyg was gonna get a bit of a cut from a pokerstars deal with tm. he is trying to make us believe he wanted to take the high road when he was just trying to act like a pimp.
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
nevermind that tm had every right to sign with ub and tonyg even admits this.
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 10:31 AM
I guess for even LESS money she'd pretent Phil Hellmuth is cool?

Dumbest freaking thing I have ever seen. Seriously lady, either hook up with good people or just admit you're a Ho. None of us are guessing.
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by RioGossiper
well, i should have clarified it as "every legal (or contractual) right."

its in one of tonygs press releases.

the only question is if its ethical. while i dont like that she signed with ub bc they are liars i dont have a problem with her choosing what site she signs with. i think its complete bs that ppl are so upset that she went against tonygs wishes. tonyg staked her for a tournament. he doesnt own her. hes trying to be her pimp.

pokernews dropping ub/ap is see through to me. why did they display ads for these sites for many monthes after the cheating was well-known? why did they suddenly decide to be morally outraged at the same time that tm signed with them, against tonys wishes? why does tony care who tm signs with? how would tony benefit from tm signing with stars?

its disingenuous to claim the moral highroad after running ads for many monthes.

would the outrage be the same if tm chose ftp or cake or some other reputable site against tonys wishes? i doubt it. i think everyone would be on tm's side and calling tony a bully (which he clearly is.)

all sides look bad here.

tm looks bad for supporting liars and cheats. not for going against the wishes of tonyg, a bully and wannabe pimp.
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 12:27 PM
I'm surprised no one else has seen the casino reference here. she clearly doesn't hold a high self esteem for herself if
1)she dates hollywood dave total user and jerk
2)she works for tony g, the most pleasant dude on the planet
Seems like she likes having these jerk/controlling type dudes in her life. If hollywood dave works for UB then i'm sure she had 0% decision. she's just now repeating all the "reasons" she was given for UB being a better decision. Prolly dave got a cut at UB instead of Tony getting a cut at PS.

So sick. I was really hoping that she would have a positive impact on poker for women. Instead I"m disgusted.

side note-loved seeing kathy leibert at the final table on espn, where they ask what she's celebrating and she says "The 250K i'm guaranteed!!!" wish everyone was that honest....
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 01:03 PM
Wow I would've had more respect for her if she'd done it for the money. Now she just comes across as stupid. Guess there's something to be said for her having a previous relationship with ppl affiliated with UB.
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by tailspin4540
Did the fact that she signed with UB in the first place not tip you off?
No. Why would it?
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 03:53 PM
superuser FTW
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 09:42 PM
This is like a hitman lowering his rate after finding out the mark was totally innocent.

Equally ridiculous.
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Shmohawk
If it is true, it's probably one of those semantics things where she got less in cash from UB than from she would have from other sites, but UB likely also offered her additional non-cash incentives, like a stake in the company, whereas obviously no legit site would. So UB offer=greater value (at least in her eyes), but less cash. If the deal she accepted from UB had less total value than deals from other sites, then she is just impossibly stupid.
Originally Posted by Hicham
This is the only reasonable explantion. If so it also is indeed a bit of wordplaying on her side.
Nah, it's not the only possible explanation; it isn't even the most likely.

she said in her original statement that she felt like she was treated better, or with more respect, by UB, than by a competitor.

once you reach a certain amount of money (whatever subjective amount is "enough,"), other things begin to be as important as squeezing out a few more bucks.

plenty of pro athletes have taken less than top dollar to stay with a team they like, or has a chance at competing for the title, or whatever.

at stars, for example, she would have been small fry minor pro; at UB, she has a chance to become a major face for the site. A few more bucks, or even a lot more bucks, does not necessarily warrant choosing to be a small fish in a big pond over being a big fish in a small pond.

I still don't like that she chose UB, but choosing decent money up front plus more respect plus a better chance of exposure is a quite rational choice over more money up front but less respect and less long term potential.

I understand people hate her for this choice, but looked at from her position, rather than the position of a half-informed monday morning quarterback, it is actually quite a sound business decision.
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
well, i should have clarified it as "every legal (or contractual) right."

its in one of tonygs press releases.

the only question is if its ethical. while i dont like that she signed with ub bc they are liars i dont have a problem with her choosing what site she signs with. i think its complete bs that ppl are so upset that she went against tonygs wishes. tonyg staked her for a tournament. he doesnt own her. hes trying to be her pimp.

pokernews dropping ub/ap is see through to me. why did they display ads for these sites for many monthes after the cheating was well-known? why did they suddenly decide to be morally outraged at the same time that tm signed with them, against tonys wishes? why does tony care who tm signs with? how would tony benefit from tm signing with stars?

its disingenuous to claim the moral highroad after running ads for many monthes.

would the outrage be the same if tm chose ftp or cake or some other reputable site against tonys wishes? i doubt it. i think everyone would be on tm's side and calling tony a bully (which he clearly is.)

all sides look bad here.

tm looks bad for supporting liars and cheats. not for going against the wishes of tonyg, a bully and wannabe pimp.
As i understand the timeline she signed to UB after the ads were dropped.

Im not going to argue they should have dropped UB ads earlier, but doing so puts them a step ahead of a lot of other sites. They should be aplauded for doing so even if the timeline wasnt as immediate as "we" might have liked.

As for Tony being outraged, you forgot to give the context that not only was he backing her into the tourney, she worked for his company as a public face and she was wearing his company's logo.

What would he get out of a huge Stars deal for her, maybe he would get a percent acting as an agent of sorts, maybe he just wanted to help someone who he was clearly friendly enough to go out to dinner and financially back.

I would guess what most people thought was bad about the situation was not her going against Tony's wishes, she has all right to do so and this is business, but the way in which she stonewalled and dodged him whilst going against his wishes. Again, they had a long standing business relationship as employer/employee and they had a short backing deal which covered not just the main event but the ladies event and a single buy in for the rebuy (if memory serves me). Not only that but his company was advertising on her. Should she have signed with XYZ site he didnt want her to sign with, i dunno, if its in her interests maybe she should, but she in no way attempted to discuss the situation with him or any other representative of the company and that should tell you a lot about what was going on in her head.

The reality probably is that given the exact same scenario and she picked Cake (for example) people would be on her side as in terms of most to least hated around here it goes UB-Tony-Cake. But then if she picked Cake im sure Tony and Pokernews wouldnt have been as bothered by the choice.

I think the whole thing is summed up best where she did a PN interview and used her hand to cover up the UB logo and then talks about how she doesnt need PN any more.
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-02-2008 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by Dog Boy
Why weren't you that funny over at sosuave?

Must have me confused with someone else
I have never heard of sosuave but thank you
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-03-2008 , 09:59 AM
I don't know why eveyone is skeptical about Tiffany's poker ability

Originally Posted by Kos13
Brag: Beat Tiffany Michelle out of a $400 pot.
Beat: She ignored my date request.
Variance: She half-stacks, yet she has 4 buy-ins on a 1/2 table.

She was playing ~36/16/1.25, and she'd been making dumb bluffs all night, so that's why I checked the turn. As expected, she insta-shoved. Sorry for the lack of conversion...yet another reason to not play at UB.

UltimateBet 2/4 NL

HERO: $400
Tiffany M: $203.50


UTG calls. HERO (K K) raises to $24. Tiffany M calls. 4 folds.

Flop: 8 J Q

HERO bets $44. Tiffany M calls.

Turn: 8 J Q T

HERO checks. Tiffany M goes all-in for $135.50. HERO calls.

River: 8 J Q T Q


Tiffany M shows J A
HERO shows K K
HERO wins $414 with two pair, kings and queens.
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-03-2008 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I don't know why eveyone is skeptical about Tiffany's poker ability
ZOMG she turned a made hand into a semi-bluff she must be terrible amirite?
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-03-2008 , 01:28 PM
I don't care about the hand (except it is funny it is the same hand she busted out of ME with). I do not believe there are many strong players playing a 36/16 style in short handed 2/4 NL games with a 1/2 stack. Seems more like the kind of player you'd add to your buddy list.
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-03-2008 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I don't care about the hand (except it is funny it is the same hand she busted out of ME with). I do not believe there are many strong players playing a 36/16 style in short handed 2/4 NL games with a 1/2 stack. Seems more like the kind of player you'd add to your buddy list.
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
08-03-2008 , 03:45 PM
Tiffany is super cereus about poker you guyths! come on im super cereus!!
Tiffany Michelle took LESS money to be with UB after knowing about shady allegations. Quote
