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THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker

05-27-2012 , 10:24 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-28-2012 , 02:50 AM
Monday, May 28, 2012

Let's tell Congress to support poker!
  1. Let's send the Senate Indian Affairs Committee members these tweets: HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.
  2. Let's make and like pro-poker posts on the Facebook walls of Sen. Reid HERE, Subcommittee Chair Bono Mack HERE, Rep. Boehner HERE, and Rep. Cantor HERE.
  3. Let's send a prefilled tweet promoting today's action plan HERE, and let's share today's action on our own Facebook walls HERE.
If you wish to do more today, consider the following:
  • Many poker media sites are seeking columns on poker advocacy. I write some myself and wish I had more time to write up more, but this does present a good opportunity to volunteer. If you wish to write something complete and ready for publication, I can help you get it placed. If you wish to write something but feel you'll need help with editing, adding additional details, etc., depending on the piece I may be able to help out with the final preparation and in getting that placed. Let me know if you are considering this prior to getting too far into it.
Please reply in this thread with "tweeted", "done", etc. to encourage others. Thanks for participating!

THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-28-2012 , 11:52 AM
Done for Sun and Mon.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-28-2012 , 01:22 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-28-2012 , 01:35 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-28-2012 , 03:54 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-28-2012 , 04:06 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-28-2012 , 07:26 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-28-2012 , 07:58 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-29-2012 , 02:23 AM
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Let's tell Congress to support poker!
  1. Let's send House Subcommittee for Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade Chair Mary Bono Mack and the rest of the subcommittee tweets requesting a markup for HR 2366, the Online Poker Act: HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. [Speed tip: Click these links with either your middle mouse button or CTRL + your left mouse button to open these in separate tabs. Or, use an add-on like Multi Links to do the same. Then, go tab-by-tab to knock them out.]
  2. Let's keep making and liking pro-poker posts on the Facebook walls of Sen. Reid HERE, Subcommittee Chair Bono Mack HERE, Rep. Boehner HERE, and Rep. Cantor HERE.
  3. Let's send a prefilled tweet promoting today's action plan HERE, and let's share today's action on our own Facebook walls HERE.
If you wish to do more, consider the following:
  • Many poker media sites are seeking columns on poker advocacy. I write some myself and wish I had more time to write up more, but this does present a good opportunity to volunteer. If you wish to write something complete and ready for publication, I can help you get it placed. If you wish to write something but feel you'll need help with editing, adding additional details, etc., depending on the piece I may be able to help out with the final preparation and in getting that placed. Let me know if you are considering this prior to getting too far into it.
Please reply in this thread with "tweeted", "done", etc. to encourage others. Thanks for participating!

THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-29-2012 , 09:36 AM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-29-2012 , 11:38 AM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-29-2012 , 11:58 AM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-29-2012 , 01:04 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-29-2012 , 03:44 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-29-2012 , 07:59 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-29-2012 , 08:13 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-30-2012 , 12:53 AM
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Let's tell Congress to support poker!
  1. Let's send prefilled, editable tweets to Democratic lawmakers: HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. [Speed tip: Click these links with either your middle mouse button or CTRL + your left mouse button to open these in separate tabs. Or, use an add-on like Multi Links to do the same. Then, go tab-by-tab to knock them out, using CTRL-W to close tabs when done.]
  2. Let's let anti-gaming group Focus on the Family/CitizensLink know that an outright ban on online gaming is out of reach and that any Congressional legislation on the issue will need to include provisions for licensing of online poker by liking the pro-poker comments at the end of the article HERE. Our goal here is not to argue or debate. Rather, it's to demonstrate support for our position via lots of likes on the pro-poker comments, so please be sure to upvote those!
  3. Let's send a prefilled tweet promoting today's action plan HERE (or retweet HERE), and let's share today's action on our own Facebook walls HERE.
If you wish to do more, consider the following:
  • Many poker media sites are seeking columns on poker advocacy. I write some myself and wish I had more time to write up more, but this does present a good opportunity to volunteer. If you wish to write something complete and ready for publication, I can help you get it placed. If you wish to write something but feel you'll need help with editing, adding additional details, etc., depending on the piece I may be able to help out with the final preparation and in getting that placed. Let me know if you are considering this prior to getting too far into it.
  • Let's keep making and liking pro-poker posts on the Facebook walls of Sen. Reid HERE, Subcommittee Chair Bono Mack HERE, Rep. Boehner HERE, and Rep. Cantor HERE. There are new posts since you last posted.
Please reply in this thread with "tweeted", "done", etc. to encourage others. Thanks for participating!

THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-30-2012 , 08:48 AM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-30-2012 , 10:46 AM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-30-2012 , 12:22 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-30-2012 , 07:00 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-30-2012 , 08:10 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-30-2012 , 08:28 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
05-30-2012 , 08:40 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
