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Threats and non-stop harassment from poker-pro Chao "Charles" Jiang Threats and non-stop harassment from poker-pro Chao "Charles" Jiang

12-16-2019 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by gman06
On the off chance Charles is able to digest this:

What started as me defending several players in my typically sarcastic/hyperbolic way on stream has completely spiraled out of control in this thread. Charles was no picnic in my brief interactions with him live (to put it mildly), and I’m not defending any of his off putting words and actions at the table that day, let alone here.

With that said, I would never wish harm upon anyone, especially if that person is struggling with some mental health issues. Charles, please do not hurt yourself. Your life has value and no matter what you’re struggling with currently, with hard work you can slowly start to feel better. I don’t feel comfortable responding to you privately, but I do wish you the best and hope you get the help you need.

Thank you Garrett, I don't expect the public opinion's to change of me overnight especially when literally everything is out there now. I think the subtleties of that night are completely overblown, and this thread has convinced me to see a professional to see if it's there anything underlying. I do not have any mental health issues before or people even implying that I have mental health issues, and I know you guys probably don't believe me but it came to the Dallas community and my friends as a shock. Keep crushing the LA tables!
12-16-2019 , 02:15 AM
FYI BPD is Borderline Personality Disorder which is a totally different thing thing than bipolar disorder although they are often confused. I'm not trying to "internet diagnose" anyone but as someone who's very familiar with bipolar disorder that's what I would look into, not BPD.

Stay off the stimulants, get some sleep.
12-16-2019 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by GhoulPatrol
Two questions:

1. What's the combo

2. What's the secret to winning 100bb/hr
Idk but the number he posted(1095767240908132359) links to this John Mcafee tweet.
12-16-2019 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by Manner Please
FYI BPD is Borderline Personality Disorder which is a totally different thing thing than bipolar disorder although they are often confused. I'm not trying to "internet diagnose" anyone but as someone who's very familiar with bipolar disorder that's what I would look into, not BPD.
The way for a sick person to stop people from "diagnosing him" is not to keep yelling "quit diagnosing me" but to say "I realize I am sick and am getting help."
12-16-2019 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by unlucky4some
The way for a sick person to stop people from "diagnosing him" is not to keep yelling "quit diagnosing me" but to say "I realize I am sick and am getting help."
Well an unfortunate symptom of mania is an inability to realize you're manic and an unwillingness to get help. That's why bipolar people often get committed involuntarily. It's an absolute **** disease because very few people can empathize with it, as evidenced by this thread. People just say, why don't mentally ill people just stop being mentally ill? They must be bad people!
12-16-2019 , 03:58 AM
Maybe you should just pull your head out of your ass, start treating people decently, and stop worrying so much about what people think about you.
12-16-2019 , 05:46 AM
Mods, can we please delete this thread? I think the points were made, several high profile people in the community such as Garrett have voiced their opinions, and Charles already has given their thoughts the consideration they deserve.
12-16-2019 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by solzhenitsyn

Charles originally planned to fly to LA from Dallas but last minute realized he couldn’t do so because he had to fly with a ton of cash, and had less than 36 hours to get from Dallas to LA. So last minute he decided to drive.
This does not seem like a sound decision whatsoever. Not worse than grinding low stakes at Winstar and then thinking you are ready to play pros HU at high stakes.

Originally Posted by solzhenitsyn
Off no sleep, coming down from amphetamines and the research chemicals with unknown side effects, he woke up to an influx of sinister and derisive comments as well hostile direct messages/texts questioning his integrity and ability, which Charles placed blame on Taylor for.
Oh, so Charles is the victim here. Poor guy.

Originally Posted by 7_2_Offsuit
Over the last week I have been threatened and harassed by fellow poker professional Charles Jiang. For those not aware of who he is, he can be seen in the following video making the 25 zoom comment.
Reading your interaction with him I assumed he was a network engineer whale degen but I assume being out of work and playing high stakes poker is all one needs to be considered a "poker professional."

Originally Posted by Eskaborr
PSA: Quite a few poker players have got their money taken then held up in court paying lawyer fees etc on domestic flights...
Well, I suppose if one has a tendency to behave very strangely or is carrying drugs illegally this would be a real risk. Seems like the worse case play would be to fly to Vegas though, not drive over halfway across the country.

Originally Posted by VQ37
He claims he usually plays in Oklahoma at Winstar. I play at Winstar frequently and I've never seen this guy there. Does that mean something? Maybe, maybe not.
That is quite alarming, IMO.

Originally Posted by solzhenitsyn
Mods, can we please delete this thread? I think the points were made, several high profile people in the community such as Garrett have voiced their opinions, and Charles already has given their thoughts the consideration they deserve.
Step 1: Get friend/fake account/alter ego to ask for thread to be deleted
Step 2: Threaten lawsuit.
12-16-2019 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by golfbum983
What’s an anon text , and how is this guy not locked up somewhere with rubber walls
It's Ignitions texting app. Basically a game of telephone since no one knows who your response came from, or where your response will go. It was really unfortunate for his paranoia he got two very negative ones that day.
12-16-2019 , 01:23 PM
Tbh I surprised myself to feel sympathy for Charlie on this one, OP handle this terribly imo shoulda block him instead of responding back and forth it was obv the guy was high as a mf why even bother reply ? let alone contact your lawyer during a 10k tourney smh
12-16-2019 , 01:38 PM
Considering Charles is a nobody in the poker world, no offence Charles, I do wonder why this thread was made. It's not like this guy is wronging people left right and center and we all need to beware in case he scams somebody.

It's either an attempt at mocking Charles or just a naive mind jumping the gun. Probably the latter.
12-16-2019 , 01:59 PM
Charles is a big name streaming pro allegedly threatening another big name streaming pro.
12-16-2019 , 02:10 PM
Dream Crusher, shut the **** up
12-16-2019 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Charles is a big name streaming pro allegedly threatening another big name streaming pro.
Had no idea.

Carry on.
12-16-2019 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Step 1: Get friend/fake account/alter ego to ask for thread to be deleted
Step 2: Threaten lawsuit.
I really hope this thread is not deleted unless Charles goes into a mental health hospital and effectively do something to improve his condition (if it's real like we're assuming it is).
12-16-2019 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
This does not seem like a sound decision whatsoever. Not worse than grinding low stakes at Winstar and then thinking you are ready to play pros HU at high stakes.

Oh, so Charles is the victim here. Poor guy.

Reading your interaction with him I assumed he was a network engineer whale degen but I assume being out of work and playing high stakes poker is all one needs to be considered a "poker professional."

Well, I suppose if one has a tendency to behave very strangely or is carrying drugs illegally this would be a real risk. Seems like the worse case play would be to fly to Vegas though, not drive over halfway across the country.

That is quite alarming, IMO.

Step 1: Get friend/fake account/alter ego to ask for thread to be deleted
Step 2: Threaten lawsuit.

Couple things, first of all this is his friend whose idea for this account is completely my idea. I am "Sharad" from Dallas, and any mod can double check that.

It looks like you are from Dallas in your posts, do we all know each other perhaps, why the hostility? Charles has been playing online for a while; he was playing at Winstar years ago though we do still go from time to time. Charles does have a decent job and a large bankroll mainly from playing online.

The drugs he has are Adderall (prescribed) and newer RCs which are completely legal. He made sure that everything is legal before he flew - the problem was the cash. Yes, it's legal but the TSA can ask questions and confiscate basically at will.

Last edited by solzhenitsyn; 12-16-2019 at 03:40 PM.
12-16-2019 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Charles is a big name streaming pro allegedly threatening another big name streaming pro.

I’ve read all your responses in this thread now, and it seems to everyone that you are the one who probably has quite a bit of mental issues. You are a very despicable human being, and need some time to self reflect upon your life. Charles has been done with this thread since his last post; I suggest we delete it.
12-16-2019 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by solzhenitsyn
Charles has been done with this thread since his last post; I suggest we delete it.
Agreed. I'm a nobody, but I've read the entire thread, and to delete it is obviously the most ethical action here. Taylor is done with it; and so is Charles. At this point, it can only degenerate into a troll fest.
Good luck Charles and Taylor.
12-16-2019 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Watsilavit
Agreed. I'm a nobody, but I've read the entire thread, and to delete it is obviously the most ethical action here. Taylor is done with it; and so is Charles. At this point, it can only degenerate into a troll fest.
Good luck Charles and Taylor.
The mods are free to delete this post as they see fit. I don’t think I’ll be having any further issues with Charles. Additionally, I don’t want this issue following Charles and I forever. If he is getting the help he needs I don’t think people should continue to troll him in this thread.
