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Thread Summary: Robbi's wild call with J4 vs Garrett Adelstein on Hustler Live Thread Summary: Robbi's wild call with J4 vs Garrett Adelstein on Hustler Live

10-07-2022 , 12:22 PM
There’s NO SHOT that text is real and Robbi actually posted that on Twitter, right?

He literally says “crybaby garret” holy **** you absolutely can not make this stuff up.

If you fall for this exchange then there is truly no hope for you. I’m very suspicious of Robbie and Bryan’s relationship now. There’s no way that is an organic exchange of messages.
10-07-2022 , 12:54 PM
10-07-2022 , 01:10 PM
LA Times article with Robbi:

Lew law firm owned by her husband that she name drops in the story:

10-07-2022 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by DanteA
Have read a bit of this thread but not all, are there a summary on what has happened somewhere?
Summary, numbered so people can clarify anything that is factually off:

1) Robbi Jade Lew (semi-recreational player, 3rd time appearance on Hustler Casino Live) played a bizarre hand vs Garrett Adlestein (long term pro and long term player on the show)

Hand History:

$100/$200/$400 with UTG $800 straddle

Garrett opens $3K from the third blind with 87
Robbi calls $2.2K defending straddle with J4

Flop ($6.7K): TT9

Garrett bets $2.5K
Robbi calls

Turn ($11.7K): TT9 3

Garrett bets $10K
Robbi raises to $20K
Garrett raises putting Robbi all in for $129K effective
Robbi calls

They run it twice and Robbi scoops.

2) Garrett sees the J4o and it is clear he immediately suspects cheating. A conversation is had between Garrett, Ryan Feldman (owner/producer of Hustler Casino Live) and Robbi outside of the room, apparently in some hallway of the casino. Varying testimony between 3 parties if Robbi offered or Garrett intimidated a refund, but Garrett got his $135k back.

Rip, Robbi’s backer, learns of this refund and shouting can be heard off camera. Garrett returns to table, gathers his things, and leaves. The game continues with Robbi playing.

3) This hits the internet and goes mainstream, hitting many major media outlets and conjuring up Qanon level conspiracy theories.

4) Pros begin taking sides, notably Doug Polk in the likely cheated camp and Daniel Negreanu likely innocent camp

5) Camps primarily divided between cheated: no one takes this action with this hand, and not cheated: people tilt / misread / do weird things. Also a bad spot to cheat.

6) Speculative theories surface:
-vibrating chair (explained, but not confirmed, as a tapping foot)
-square object in Robbi’s pants (explained as a seam, seemingly confirmed by video at different angles)
-vibrating sex toy (speculation, no evidence)
-suspicious water bottle, ring, necklace (speculation, no evidence)

7) Joey Ingram has literally everyone in the poker community on his stream, multiple times, for 10hr + sessions. Camps remain unchanged.

8) Robbi goes on Joeys podcast as well as other news outlets. She claims a misread and that she thought she had J3 (which was her prior hand).

9) Garrett donates $135K to Big Brother, Big Sister organization of which he is a member and big brother.

10) Video shows that the 4 and 6 were swapped with replacements approximately 30 minutes before the controversial hand. Ryan Feldman has tweeted that they were from separate decks and irrelevant to the investigation. No one has fully explained how this could mess up the alleged cheat, but the fact remains that 4 was the 4 in Robbi’s J4, and the 6 makes this a (relatively) standard hand.

11) HCL releases a statement that as a part of their internal investigation they had discovered video evidence that Bryan Sagbigsal, who was HCL staff, had removed $15k from Robbi’s stack after the incident. Robbi was notified, but did not want to pursue criminal charges. From evidence posted on twitter, it appears that Bryan has a criminal record.

12) Robbi shared direct messages that Bryan allegedly sent her thanking her for not pressing charges.
10-07-2022 , 03:02 PM
Anyone who watches regularly will remember Nitucci had a winning streak of 20-30 sessions in a row not too long ago. This was before he started his pod with the same person who whistleblew about Postle. Ironic?? Let’s look through these sessions. Maybe there’s nothing. Idk.
10-07-2022 , 04:18 PM
Doing some web research on the wealth question...

Charles Lew is described as a serial entrepreneur who founded 10+ businesses, including Stout Burgers and Beers, The Lew Firm, Boomtown Brewery, Third Wave Market, Huckleberry LTD, Veritil and The Morrison (rated #7 best restaurant in the U.S. by Yelp in 2016)

Stout Burgers and Beers, a chain of 5 restaurants in the greater Southern CA area:

Charles Lew is owner and principal of The Lew Firm, a law practice founded in 2018:

10-07-2022 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by persianpunisher
The ellipses thing is honestly hilarious and proves how desperate people are for her to be a cheater. They just can't fathom a whale playing terribly, and not being able to logically explain herself.
People seem to be getting this wrong, it's not that she uses ellipses.

It's that she specifically puts a space before and after them (like ... this), and so does Bryan. That is an extremely rare stylistic quirk to have, and for it to exist with two people who may be peripherally related to something is absolutely worth pointing out.

Maybe there's nothing to it, but it's no different than if she kept misspelling "jewelry" as "jewulry" and Bryan's post also talked about "jewulry" a bunch.

EDIT - I'm not even saying that, if she wrote the message, it means she cheated. I'm not sure at this point, although I was in the no cheating camp pretty definitively until this Bryan guy entered the picture.
10-07-2022 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Your turn Robbi
10-08-2022 , 12:03 AM
Unfortunately, ZERO % of what Garrett has presented can hold up in a court of law - with judge and jury that likely won't be poker players.
10-08-2022 , 12:52 AM

establishes motive for Nik AIrball's involvement
10-08-2022 , 01:52 AM
DGAF Pressing on Sunglasses to Signal for Help? (Multiple Instances)

I have been looking at sessions that DGAF has played and looking for suspicious hand histories as well as unusual body language or movements. One of the things that I have noticed in the few streams that I have watched is that he seems to regularly "adjust" his sunglasses in big pots. I put adjust in quotes because he is basically pressing the sunglasses into his forehead like he is pressing some sort of button. I have put some timestamps below where I have seen this occur. The only times I have seen him do this sunglasses adjustment where he presses them into his forehead is during big pots, and his plays in these hands are always spot on. I'm sure if you looked into more of DGAF's hands you would see this sunglasses pressing in other big spots as well followed by flawless play. I also want to point out that DGAF is a MUCH smarter cheater than someone like Postle. He is willing to give action when behind in smaller pots to give off the image that he's just being his normal spewy DGAF self. It seems like he plays completely straight up until he gets into a big spot in which case he will signal for help.

Also here is a spreadsheet of DGAF's results by seat:

Starting on 5/16, he plays 16 of the next 17 sessions in Seat 2, and the results speak for themselves. Given these results and the fact that Robbi also had her 2 big winning sessions in Seat 2, I think there is a high likelihood that being in the 2 seat is required for the cheating scheme.

One other thing I also noticed was that when reviewing the footage from 10/3, it appears DGAF is no longer using the sunglasses pressing as a signal. In fact I think he has different sunglasses on 10/3 compared to earlier streams.

I was also told that there was some issue with the card reader from mid-August to early-September, which could explain DGAF's losing sessions on 8/29 and 9/8. He also did not even bother to sit in Seat 2 for the 9/8 session. So it appears something was interfering with their system. This could also explain Bryan's tweet on 9/11 asking how people cheat in chess. The day after, on 9/12, DGAF is right back in the mix with a 25k win.

We need more data around the sunglasses pressing and his play each hand after said pressing. We should focus on his sessions between 5/16 - 8/15 as I believe this is the time period that he used the sunglasses signaling. So far I have looked at streams on 5/16, 5/23, and the first 3hr 20min of 6/6. If you guys see any other hands with a similar sunglasses pressing, feel free to post them here.

One other thing that I thought was noteworthy. Polk says in his video that the object Bryan handed DGAF on the 10/3 stream was two 5k chips. Seems like DGAF was getting a bigger cut than Bryan...perhaps DGAF was the mastermind behind all of this. I have also heard rumors of DGAF being banned from another casino. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
10-08-2022 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by auralex14
After looking into the DGAF stuff for like 10 minutes it’s pretty ridiculous that everyone calls his **** baseless but has convicted Robbi. Not saying he’s guilty (I don’t throw that around so causally), but I can only imagine what everyone’s analysis would be if it were Robbi instead of DGAF that played them. Not to mention the results and seat correlation. And that statement of his sounds far more suspicious than any statement Robbi’s put out.

If Bryan’s involves in cheating the stream, then I expect we’ll find out sooner or later. He’ll flip.
There are people all around DGAF involved in this. I find it highly unlikely he didn’t know cheating was occurring at a minimum and therefore was complicit in letting it occur. It’s also unethical for him to even play at that table to begin with considering his job position. There was a good chance he was an honest player for 20 years, things happen and people make mistakes. People everyday get fired from their jobs after working honestly for 30 years before they make a mistake and start stealing money. Same with military officers giving people secret information, politicians etc. It’s often the more tenured and experienced people. The seat 2 player data is overwhelmingly damning. From a data perspective, there is more information to show he cheated more than anyone else. The only thing he has going for him is people vouching for him. Him getting a pass definitely has more of a good ole’ boys club mentality than saying he didn’t cheat. If you reversed the roles and had Robbi sit at seat 2 16 of 17 times and won all her money in that seat and a big loser on the other seats, there would be a lot more people calling that data cheating.
10-08-2022 , 10:15 AM
So many smart pokers players that are just buying this Bryan story hook, line, and sinker.

1. Bryan “stole” 15k from Robbi’s stack on Nick Vertucci and Ryan Feldman’s camera. No receipts from Robbi of her stack being 15k short. No footage released. HLC very publicly tweets that Robbi is being reimbursed, yet she has NO idea about that when appearing on Joey Ingram’s stream later that night.

*adding* The cops were supposedly involved, no proof of it since it was just phone calls between Robbi-LAPD Nick-LAPD. No charges.

2. The convenience that Nick and Ryan were able to show Doug Polk that Bryan supposedly blocked the control room camera with an office cabinet. Nobody cared about it for several weeks tho?

3. The convenience that Nick and Ryan were able to relay to Doug Polk that Bryan threw a tantrum when Robbi returned the 130k back to Garrett.

Man I thought there were a lot of high IQ poker players here…..there’s definitely more to this story.
10-08-2022 , 04:56 PM

It should look like what's below except there's a [ in front. You can also click on the Twitter bird paste it all then delete everything but that string of numbers.

TWEET] 1578842695618830336[/TWEET]
10-08-2022 , 06:30 PM
It's starting to look like regardless of what happened in that hand, some sort of cheating ring or very dodgy behavior re: HCL is being outed as a result. Why we're not looking at Nick, who runs a known scam business outside of HCL (his fake real estate investing course), is totally beyond me.

This Nik guy lending people he supposedly just met $175k and $20k doesn't track for me, it's ****ing sketchy that there's all this back alley business going on that they seem all to willing to downplay. My guess is that Bryan was maybe selling info in the game, so maybe not constant perfect info but for the right price he'll tell you when you're good in a big spot. Maybe Nick V knew about it, or turned a blind eye.

Robbi also ****ed up by saying there wasn't any direct evidence of wrongdoing "as of yet," which means she's aware there is some out there that could be found. I went from being 99% certain that Robbi was totally innocent to like 10%, and am now 99.9% sure that something super ****ing dodgy is going on with HCL. The security precautions sound bad enough that I'd be embarrassed by it if I was streaming my home game that dangerously.

Them replacing the 6c and Bryan/the operator not updating some system creates a very plausible scenario....they have a simple system that's a signal from Bryan to Rip, Rip to Robbi, where it's simply a go or no go. She asks for the info (time chip), is being told to go go go because they think she's holding J6cc, and she's stalling because she can't understand why they'd want her to call i this spot. Eventually she obeys the signal, and by sheer accident the hand holds up.

Maybe Bryan is a fall guy, maybe not, but all this money being handed around by dodgy people who claim to not know each other/have just met cannot be innocent, there's just no way. Beanz is going to prison for his PPP loan fraud indictment (Federal), but that's a moot point I suppose.
10-08-2022 , 07:08 PM
The DM letter in my view is a very important part of the story. Let's walk through this.

When the DM arrived yesterday morning, there were two or three possible pasts leading up to this moment we should consider.

A) Robbi is innocent, and there is no conspiracy with her and Brian.
B) Robbi is guilty of cheating via conspiracy with Brian relaying holecard info.
C) Robby is guilty of cheating in J4 in some other way (marking cards, signals, working with a different HCL tech.)
We will ignore C for now.

The backstory here is important to note.


Afternoon -
Bryan was caught stealing. Hustler contacted police. Hustler releases statement. Robbi does not press charges. Robbi releases statement and claims the detective told her he had no criminal record so she's not pressing charges.

Night time -
Robbi gives her legendary interview with joeingram1. She says in light of new information about his criminal record, she WILL in fact press charges.
This interview takes place at like midnight or later.

Next morning 8:59 am. She posts a DM from Bryan. It was in fact his burner twitter account with a profile picture matching his highschool football team, included his number, and importantly, he agreed to go on the JoeIngram show the next night.

Let's consider scenarios A and B here and estimate how likely this letter comes to exist.

Under scenario A, where Robbi is innocent and not conspiring with Brian:

Brian now has to fear Robbi pressing charges after she said she would on Joe Ingram's show. He has no money, no job, no reputation, two kids. He has a prior record. The evidence is crystal clear he stole from her. I think it makes perfect sense for him to send this DM. Sending this DM to Robbi is his most likely way to avoid going to jail by relaying his sob story and begging for her mercy.

Under scenario B, where they are conspiring, what exactly is your explanation of this DM?
I am struggling to even come up with something reasonable here. You guys think they worked together to fake an apology to take heat off of Robbi and published it at 9 am in the morning? A DM in which Bryan agrees to be interviewed on joeingram? I mean, if you're gonna craft a fake letter, you do not include an agreement from Bryan to go on joeingram. I don't understand how scenario B is likely at all. This letter made everyone more suspicious and there was zero pressure for Robbi to produce something like that. She handled the joeingram interview very well the night before. I realize Brian didn't show, but i'm saying if this letter was forged or massaged between conspirators it makes absolutely no sense they would put in the part about him going on joeingram, whilst if A is true it makes total sense for Robbi to ask that. Because if she is innocent, getting Bryan on joeingram will only bolster her case.

Someone who's team guilty please provide some thoughts.
10-08-2022 , 07:29 PM
Not sure if posted yet, this is Robbi's statement on pressing charges.

10-09-2022 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
Come on dude,only the slowest and dumbest people _still_ truly believe there is no cheating going on.

Some people are so slow its freaking scary,you guys dont recognize cheating even when its mashed up into your face.
I think to move opinion from not cheating to cheating, we have to have convincing evidence. At this writing, there hasn't been any evidence let alone convincing evidence. There are a lot of theories but they all seem to originate from the point of view "I FEEL she cheated" and then "let me come up with a story could explain it". We can't crucify someone based on outlandish theories.

If she was really cheating (I doubt it at this point and have since the beginning), what I think should have happened was Garrett said "good hand, I don't know if you read my soul or mis-read your hand (lol) but good hand" and then privately told security about his concerns. Then either play cautiously while they are being watched or don't play and they will still be watched.

As handled, making accusations without proof is bad because it can cast aspersions on innocent people. If they aren't innocent then you've tipped them off with your suspicions and closed the window to catch them in the act. Now you're left with whatever fingerprints they left behind and to me there doesn't appear to be any. Granted that could change but there better be a Helluva lot better evidence (actual evidence and not fan fiction theories) than what has been presented thus far.
10-09-2022 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by Phatty
I think to move opinion from not cheating to cheating, we have to have convincing evidence. At this writing, there hasn't been any evidence let alone convincing evidence. There are a lot of theories but they all seem to originate from the point of view "I FEEL she cheated" and then "let me come up with a story could explain it". We can't crucify someone based on outlandish theories.
I get what you're saying, but we don't need indisputable proof. We need to be able to consider the scenarios of:

1. Game had cheating
2. Game didn't have cheating

And then be reasonably confident in one of those two things. In my opinion (and the opinion of the majority of people who have followed this from the beginning) we've gotten enough to be confident in scenario 1. How confident? Less than 100%. That doesn't mean we start irrationally defending scenario 2 just because it's theoretically possible. This game was cheated, and we can't sit around entertaining the idea that it wasn't cheated when we try to solve the problem. At this point we need to understand that cheating occurred and then move forward under that pretense. When we start entertaining outrageous theories about how the game was somehow not cheated, what we're really doing is legitimizing these scammers and allowing them to build their follower base, which is just helping them scam more people.
10-09-2022 , 05:28 AM
This is wild imo. "Wouldn't not" is a VERY odd language error to make if you ask me. I literally can't recall ever seeing it other than in these two posts, actually

10-09-2022 , 01:03 PM
The Pro-Cheating Crowd is evolving into the Who Killed JFK? conspiracy junkies

They've now dragged up to at least 8 different people into this potential crime in just a week.
Yet with literally nothing to back it up, just "coincidences"

Until you can answer these questions, you'll never convince me this isnt what it is,
just a newbie who donked off her stack but got lucky

1) Why did they pick a total poker newbie who couldnt even speak the language of poker?

2) Why did they have her wear a crop top and skin tight yoga pants when they had devices to conceal?

3) Why have it on her hip where it is clearly visible to the cameras and people sitting near her?

4) Why have the vibration so powerful the entire chair shakes?

5) Why pick the worst possible spot to cheat?

6) Why did they let her stay in pre?
Call on the flop with J4o vs an open ended straight flush draw?
Then call the turn shove?
Every one of those decisions is wrong.
(if they knew the entire run out surely, there were better spots than this in the hours prior)

7) Why make her wait for a few minutes after Garrett's shove to call off?
We live in a world of instantaneous info, but the signal takes minutes?

8) Why would you need RIP to signal her at the table if she has the device on her hip? or in her waistband?

I'm sorry, there's just no way on earth there was cheating here.
She donked off her chips and still won.

EVerything about her demeanor after the hand is meaningless, I've played for a decade and I still get flustered everytime I win a massive pot. My mind goes blank for a few minutes, I dont know why that still happens but for some reason it does. When I lose, my mind is crystal clear, but when I win a 3 way all in, I can barely pronounce my name for a few minutes as I stack my chips. It's kinda funny, sad, and ridiculous.

Thanks for the laughs though.
10-09-2022 , 01:21 PM

That sounds a lot like bias
10-10-2022 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by Gertrude1951
I don't know how a single thing she has ever said would convince you she is a person of even average intelligence, let alone extremely smart. She speaks and writes very poorly, doesn't understand basic probability (see the nonsense she said about "that's why I ran it twice"), and she constantly contradicts herself.

With that said, she almost definitely cheated.
She figured out that she could exploit this situation to gain fame. She was talking about how she was receiving donations from normies. The people who understand how to execute this are extremely intelligent. Her poor writing is the type of emotional writing that gains you appeal on social media, it's not the writing of an illiterate 7 year old, it's the writing of a person who is trying to gain followers that they can monetize. We think it's stupid because we try to gain money with logic through competition, but she's trying to gain money by exploiting emotions and she's good at it. When you listen to her, she drops the fake dumb scam occasionally and starts making extremely astute points about how the eyeballs focused on the game will likely improve the industry as a whole. She's not trying to be a professional poker player, she's trying to be a professional influencer. Now she just needs to hope we never get a smoking gun and she will always be "that girl who got picked on by the mean poker players" in the eyes of a bunch of simps and she's taken her first step to being the next Amouranth. We'll see her on Only Fans in less than 6 months.
10-10-2022 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Koshko
I really think everyone is looking at this all wrong. If you have a cheating ring and the player is ONLY being told when they are ahead/behind it is up to the player to pick the spot and win.

Bryan used the words “technically ahead” that robbis hand were, so in his view robbi was “technically ahead”. So once robbi gets in the hand and she’s “technically ahead” then she’s going to keep calling and getting the money in as she has no idea what she is doing, only play based on the information she’s given at the time.

Example calling down with 87dd on 9, 10 or whatever and then hitting a 7 on the river.

Most poker players would just fold on the river facing a bet.

The problem is here this cheating method puts players that donÂ’t know much about poker into spots they donÂ’t know how to play their way out of (ESPECIALLY) if they canÂ’t even explain the way they played the hand.

The examples of poker hands of DGAF are a highly vpiping player winning at 200bb/100, this person can justify their play and play the hands out using correct bet sizings and also tells(to an extent).

The other example here is a person using assistance that doesnÂ’t get told the correct bet sizings and are solely relying on the fact they are told that they have a better hand at this point in time than their opponent.

Guess what this results in.

Player 1 - playing very high vpip and always winning at showdown with correct bet sizings and credible lines.

Player 2- playing with a weird range, not understanding bet sizings and playing their hand as if it were limit Holdem and the only information they had about how to play is that their hand was winning at any stage of flop turn or river.

player 1 is then somewhat hidden and non suspect.
Player 2 is an outlier and is highly suspect.

WhatÂ’s the result of both players? They both win at showdown despite being in soft games.

I stand by my read here. Bryan or beanz allegedly sell the website link or convinces a player to join the game and cheat. The 20k from Robbie to beanz here is a likely receipt.

Why does DGAF let Bryan borrow very large sums of money here? My read is that Bryan sells this information and borrows from DGAF. BryanÂ’s value to DGAF here is the stream link and information. Otherwise why does DGAF lend money to a guy earning 40k a year donking off money in plo?
Your post is great, but most who think cheating occurred have this view. Just a lot of trash that’s been posted over the last four or five days to kinda bury this.

One question we don’t know is how the player was informed. That’s where the seat 2 data became interesting, and showed that DGAF also cheated “allegedly”.

I would be curious to know when the cybersecurity investigators were actually able to start digging into their network, seeing what devices were connected, who was logged in, what programs were running, etc. Some of that data is only stored for a short amount of time and they likely would have lost some of it by the time the investigation started.
10-10-2022 , 03:49 PM
This hand has been one of the most fascinating things in poker that I can remember, but I’ve got to get back to real life. At my highest point of certainty I went from over 80% innocent to now leaning towards cheating, but not sure what % I give it.

Anyone who is 100% either way is likely warping “evidence” to fit their conclusion and everything they say should be looked at very closely. Anyone who was almost certain of cheating before the introduction of Bryan was also incredibly biased; this includes both Garret and Doug.

The strategy of tossing **** against a wall and seeing what sticks is fine if you’re on 2p2, or doing 200 hour long podcasts while eating edibles, but if you are a more serious poker authority then what you say should be far more nuanced or at least presented under the heading of “suspicious circumstances”. While I appreciate putting all the information out there, a lot of the “evidence” in Garret’s post here was so weak that it actually hurt his case. Polk’s first video was equally bad and hurt the case for cheating. When the “leading theory” of how the cheating went down involves stuff like the vibration, "people are idiots but I'm not, “weird tanks”, a bad player played hands poorly, that an inside source says she is dating RIP, etc. then that means the “leading theory” is extremely weak and the entire idea that she’s cheating is weak.

J3 and the minraise

I think whether cheating or innocent there is a very high % chance that she thought she had J3 when she minraised. I think this is consistent with her minraising AK vs Persson. She has a weak hand which is still likely to be good and she minraises. Her table talk during the hand is very consistent with thinking she had a 3. I do not believe she heard the second question asking if she had a small pair, and it's also possible she thought that having a small pocket pair was a much stronger hand than j3.

There are numerous reasons for her to play it off as jack high after turning her cards over. I believe her main motivation to cheat, or even play legitimately, was to gain fame, and she was enjoying finally being in a position to claim she outplayed the best player at the table. I believe this was her main goal, money was a distant second. While I don’t think she herself has that much money, she does have access to it through her husband, and between the staking and other cuts which need to be given she wouldn’t be earning an outrageous amount relative to what she has access to. FULL NECKLACE STRETCH after winning, she's high on life from the run out. She's enjoying the needling, she loves raking a huge pot against Garret and the shittier her hand the better.

“Hold on let me scratch my face, cuz that’s the **** I got”

When I saw this live I thought it was incredible bizarre. I have never heard table talk like this and I’ve been playing a long time. I thought Bart would definitely say something about it, but he found it so bizarre (I'm assuming) that he skipped over it. I asked my friends, and they had no idea. I thought the “body language expert panel” would mention it, but they found it so bizarre (I'm assuming) that they just skipped it too. It’s hilarious to me that every other completely normal mannerism at the table was scrutinized but most people have completely skipped over this. It is very likely an amateur attempt at signaling. I can’t say why I think this, but it made a ton of sense after it was pointed out to me.

It’s also the first time I can remember her doing something outlandish like this; most of the clips I’ve seen she’s rather composed, back straight and looking normal. Unfortunately she was put into very few tough decisions to have a good baseline to judge. It makes sense to me that after Garret tanks she realizes she is likely to need help and gave the signal. I do give a small % chance that she did something bizarre because she was panicking after she realized that she was in a spot where her “nemesis” was likely to put her in a tough situation when she had a weak holding and she tried to prevent that.

I think it’s also worth noting that she touches her face again when she puts the time chip out.

Almost as bizarre is RIP saying “That’s like some spiritual guide from outer space talking in your ear or something.” It’s hard to believe this is a thought that randomly popped into his head. It really seems like he knew she received a signal and this is some type of gloating, or he was trying to diffuse the situation and this was what he went to because he was currently thinking about it.


Despite the outlandish hand and extremely odd behavior, I thought it was mostly explainable and in order to believe that cheating had occurred some proof of a signal was required. Bryan’s introduction served that purpose for me.


THIS IS A BLATANT LIE. NOBODY SAW ROBBI HAND YOU BACK THE CHIPS YOU'RE LITERALLY MAKING **** UP. OUR CAMERAS CAN'T SEE WHERE THEY WERE SINCE THEY WERE BY THE LOCKERS. I WAS DIRECTING THE SHOW. I CAN ONLY SEE WHAT THE CAMERAS SHOW. When Ryan Feldman went to go check on the situation I was controlling the cameras. EVERYONE IN PRODUCTION CAN VOUCH FOR ME. Mike Peluso knows that and Neve Levy knows that . I did not witness any exchange of any chips between you two. RIP got mad that she gave the chips back and started screaming ruining the ****ing production because it stopped the game when it's one of our hightest viewed streams. I didn't want to have to stop the show, So I GOT MAD AND YELLED AT LUIS (FLOORMAN) Get this ****ing ******* out of here , call security or something because he can't be yelling while we're ****ing filming. and I also yelled "WE HAVE A ****ING SHOW" probably the yell he referred to according to his bullshit investigation.

This was incredibly important to me. Bryan confirms that he did yell. He tries to play it off as “I couldn’t see the exchange so I couldn’t have yelled when they were exchanged.” However he then says that when the table learned that the chips were given back to the Garret, which would also be the first time he would learn about the exchange, he did yell. Blatant contradiction. Any bozo in this industry would realize that RIP going nuts would be good, that’s going to generate views. He’s also stated that he didn’t like working at HCL, so why such a heavy investment in how this show is doing? I doubt he works on commission. It is far more likely that he yells at this moment due to having a personal investment.

Everyone in that room needs to give a statement, and needs to be investigated. I’d explain why, but this clip explains it better:

Garret confronting Robbi

I think it’s clear that Garret intimidated Robbi into giving back the money, whether he intended to or not. I think it’s likely a good thing that he got back the money however so I have conflicting views. I think there’s no way for him to have known she had J3 the prior hand, and she tried to play it off as calling with jack high, so the chances of cheating in his mind at that moment were extremely high. I still don’t think this is appropriate behavior (although certainly excusable given all these factors). Even if she is proven to have cheated, I don’t think this is a good precedent to set, and I don’t think it’s good for the game. If anything, the money should have been placed with a neutral party. I understand Feldman's reluctance to get involved, but in this extreme circumstance a third party needed to. Also by being present he was involved: she has the game runner standing by the man threatening her, making it seem like her ability to get a seat is jeopardized even more so than if it was just the star player threatening her.

Going Forward

There’s a few things which could drastically sway my opinion on this.


If it’s proven that he’s stolen chips before, then the likelihood that he was signaling goes down.

If someone proves that he had a relationship with these players beyond just following on Twitter, things go way up. I found it interesting he had written an article on a Jake Paul fight, and he might have known RIP through that, but that's inconclusive.

Beanz (I feel so ridiculous just typing this name out.)

I don’t know where he fits in here, but it seems to me that he has to be involved somehow. I’d really like to see a timeline of events from when Robbi meets Beanz to when she gets on the show.

If Beanz truly randomly met her and invited her onto the show, then it’s extremely unlikely that she gets connected with Bryan afterwards and the cheating is possible. It’s confusing to me and needs to be fleshed out. It would also be good to know if Beanz knew Bryan before this.

If Beanz did not know Bryan, and he really did meet Robbi in a chance encounter, then we’re looking at Robbi social engineering her way into the game, which seems very unlikely, or she was invited into the game and then somehow met Bryan and concocted this plan which also seems unlikely.

Device Inspection

I don’t understand how the mics work. If it’s possible that they can be used to signal then that needs to be explained. Why she wasn’t searched at the table is beyond me.

RIP’s connection

Rip mentioned he knew someone in production as well. Whoever that is needs to be interviewed.

Overall truly a fascinating event. The amount of coincidences which make either side even somewhat believable is astounding. Without j3 the prior hand, I think it’s clear she cheated. Without Bryan I think it’s clear she’s innocent. Without fading both runouts I think this never gets scrutinized this closely. I really hope there’s a definitive answer eventually.
