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Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU

03-03-2013 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by franxic
i just received a pm offering an angleshoot bet.

bluenowhere, just for clarity, that is the bet i offered. i might agree that the bb is +ev if sb uses the nash-chart or not, i did at no point in the thread state otherwise.

"knowing the nash calling range would not aid you in any way against a world class opponent at 20bb when you are the bb." now that is part of the point i made, (on a sidenote, i wonder how someone has "nash on the desktop and memorizes probably all of the chart" and still wants to bet that there is absolutely no purpose in doing so), we can bet about that additionally. you say that noone is bad enough to be worse than the nash-chart?

for the 100th time, i said the nash chart can give some players an advantage compared to their standard play, you said i was the stupidest person in nvg based on that statement. you bet $1k or not?

the point i made was pretty simple.

i did say that the above bolded statement was nonsense, and offered you a bet. you did say the chart cannot provide any advantage, i say it can.

take the bet or apologize for your insults. or keep babbling dumb and try to weazel out of the bet.
Lol at angleshot bet. If anything you trying to get me to bet against the chart can provide an example in some circumstances is an angleshot since i have clearly never said anything to the contrary whereas you have with regards to what I want to bet on. I said knowing nash calling range at 20bb whereas you quoted that and took it out of context so it read like I was saying knowing nash would provide no advantage even if there strategy was to open fold 100%, which is quite patently not what I meant.

My orginial points

Originally Posted by Bluenowhere
Well A) you still have to play the BB, not quite sure how you think nash chart will help you with that
B) [ ] Nash is unbeatable at 20bb

My offered bet in the PM

Originally Posted by Bluenowhere

The exact things I want to escrow over is that (although I'm sensing you are changing the exact specifics of your argument since nobody would put up 1k dead money on something which they could easily calculate the proof of)*:

1) if you are the sb and only push nash at 20bb I can beat that strategy (ie my ev is greater than 0bb). To meet this condition you give me the range you think should be shoved at 20bb (for claritys sake) and I will give you a range that will be better than BE against that strategy.
2) knowing the nash calling range would not aid you in any way against a world class opponent at 20bb when you are the bb. Not really sure how we can/cannot prove this. I guess only solution would be to post in HU regs thread and see if high stakes players agree with you or me (Although this would only offer subjective proof, not sure I can offer definitive proof on this). I'm happy to just bet on number 1 though since that can easily be proved/disproved and number 2 cannot.
Where's the angle?

If you aren't willing to bet on this then you are clearly admitting this statement was wrong. You say it's unbeatable, I'm willing to bet 1k otherwise:

Originally Posted by franxic
heads-up in a mtt, if i play against a world-class-hu-player, why not just disconnect until we have 20 bb stacks and i can use my unbeatable NE-push-fold-chart?
Also wrt your point about someone having nash on their desktop. It can (and in alot of cases should be used) when stacks are smaller (significantly smaller than 20bb). You can say it's useless at 20bb but that doesn't mean it is of no use in a HU game. I have it on a desktop and it is usuless at 20bb are mutually exclusive statements.
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-03-2013 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by franxic
i did at no point in the thread say the nash chart would be optimal under all circumstances. my point was that players can have an advantage using it. bluenowhere stated (paraphrased) the chart cannot give any player any advantage in any situation. who do you think is right there?

i seen people limp-call j3o and worse for 20bb hu from the button, would you seriously argue if or if not a glimpse on the nash chart could be potentially helpful for that type of player?

please do not respond, bluenowhere just pm'ed me that he would take the bet and your response will most likely kill my action.
Yea but you're basically saying "the strategy isn't great, but for a very bad player it can sometimes be better than their very bad current strategy."

The problem (or positive depending on how you look at it) with the chart is that people find it, use it, and then forget about their strategy at 10bb or less, or 12bb or less, or in some cases even deeper. They also just default to the chart when they aren't sure of what to do at 10-20bb.

This ends up hurting people a lot more than helping them in the long run, even many (perhaps most) guys that were doing worse stuff before they found the chart.

The reason is because the chart cuts down on your own thinking and decreases the chance that you'll ever arrive at the correct decision in those areas.

I'm not sure charts actually are as great for the games as I and others seem to think/have thought. I mean, the kind of people that just blindly use a chart to make decisions, if they don't win very quick they probably quit. It's a sort of get rich quick type shortcut solution. A lot of guys that use charts blindly might be better off having superior knowledge of shove/fold (since a lot of edge comes from other areas of play too). Not really sure on this entire paragraph though. So hard to judge without data.
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-03-2013 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Bluenowhere

Also wrt your point about someone having nash on their desktop. It can (and in alot of cases should be used) when stacks are smaller (significantly smaller than 20bb). You can say it's useless at 20bb but that doesn't mean it is of no use in a HU game. I have it on a desktop and it is usuless at 20bb are mutually exclusive statements.
It shouldn't really be used at these areas either, unless you're too lazy to make your own chart and unaware of superior ones out there.

The reason is, unless you're very certain your opponent uses Nash BB (the avg player does not, the population tendencies ring a small to medium bit tighter than Nash BB, therefore jamming wider should be your default), you should be employing a jamming strategy based on their calling range (absent info you default to population tendencies which are not Nash BB).

If you were reviewing your own play in PT4, for instance, you should not be referencing the nash charts when figuring out if pushes and folds and calls were correct in shove or fold type situations. An ICMIZER, sngwiz type tool and charts against population tendencies are what would be ideal. And it's not like that stuff is super advanced either. Free videos and forum posts on 2p2 explain this stuff.
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-03-2013 , 07:05 PM
Always blind them out.

Some of the analogies are weak and not applicable(lost wallet come on).

Heres better example, if you were playing a basketball game in a league and someone loses their shoe mid-game, do you wait for them to put it back on? Nope.

If you were in a hockey game and opponent breaks his hockey stick, do you pause and wait for him to go to the bench to retrieve a new one? Nope.

Equipment failure is an assumption of risk in all games.
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-03-2013 , 07:09 PM
i think we can all agree that in micro stakes, you take the money and run to buy cheeseburgers.

prob goes same for low. 100% angus with fresh portabellas?

mid and higher: debatable.
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-04-2013 , 11:42 AM
I have had this happen to me a few times and it is definitely the suckiest way to lose a tournament but it is not unethical. Unethical would be if I sent someone over to cut your Internet connection while we were playing. This is just variance

I would do it yeah, but if I knew the guy I was playing and we were cool I would wait five or ten minutes out of respect. vs randoms though sorry brah
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-04-2013 , 12:05 PM
Whatever I felt I owed them I'd allow them to freeroll me HU for it but if I win I'm keeping it. If I knew the guy was a dick I wouldn't give them anything.
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-05-2013 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by PairDice
i think we can all agree that in micro stakes, you take the money and run to buy cheeseburgers.

prob goes same for low. 100% angus with fresh portabellas?

mid and higher: debatable.
Weak argument IMO. 5 to some is 100 to others
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-05-2013 , 12:55 AM
I play poker to make money. If your connection fail its entirely your fault and yours only. Give you a few examples. In football, when a team fails to show up due to whatever reasons, the other team wins as a result of a walkover. They do not postpone/replay or declare it as a draw. In tennis, when a player gets injured in a match, he/she forfeits it. As stated, poker is a like a sport and should not be treated differently. Obviously we as humans would not want to win this way as it is deemed 'unethical or scummy' by some, but its just the way the world is.
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-05-2013 , 02:05 AM
just ****** do it and know people will do it to you. If you know the person and dont think they would then dont. beyond that there's no discussion.
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-05-2013 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by trambopoline
Fun little story. I regged a 5k hu sng on UB back in the day one time and forgot about it and left. the next day i come to my computer and notice I got blinded off. Days later I find the guy online that took my money and I kindly ask him if he would be willing to ship back half. I didnt know the guy in any way and he wasnt a reg on UB. Sure enough he agrees to ship back the whole buy in. This was in 2007 I believe but my god there are still some decent human beings in the poker world.
If he told you "no," would you think him indecent?
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-07-2013 , 04:39 PM
Like quoted in this thread my point of view is that blinding down someone that dc'd is similar to finding a wallet and not returning it... most people would not return my wallet if they found it, but I would never myself consider not doing so. I've honestly only started sending back/waiting for everyone, including randoms, fish, and even people that have blinded me down since around half a year ago. I was playing a few 1k's, sat some other lobs and disconnected, which hasn't happened to me for well over a year and when I came back everyone had blinded me down, even sat my open lobbies to take that money to. Don't think I've ever felt so angry, frustrated and disgusted with people for a long time (and loathed myself for the hipocracy of this, hadn't I been blinding fish down just as well up to this point?), decided that I'd never want to be that kind of person, cause these feelings to others.

I don't hold myself for a saint, please make the decision on this point for yourself, but I hope I can inspire other's to do the right thing.
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-07-2013 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by 4BetBoke
The lower the stakes the more OK it is in my opinion. I think at low / midstakes your opponent is going to blind you out nearly every time
ya i agree.

in the higher stake arena tho-- for someone that you may see in live games or if you know/play them regularly online-- if they blinded me off id be pissed, but id be even more pissed that i got disconnected and didnt have a backup connection

if its someone thats been friendly to you with you online or live and theey still blinded you off, then id say thats pretty shady and says a little bit about their character
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-07-2013 , 10:38 PM
Blind them out ASAP, don't give them a chance to get back

Everyone should do this
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-07-2013 , 10:45 PM
Abusive people always find a way to exploit weaknesses that most people show on a regular basis. If you don't steal the blinds, you invite the vampires into your home.

Also, make your own decisions. If you need permission from strangers, you're lost.
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-07-2013 , 11:42 PM
When I was in my army service there were people stealing clothings from others and the second time I too became a victim of it, I stole back from someone. The thing was that it was a permanent thing going on all the time and not only one needed to protect better but also steal back or be the victim.

The ethical move is to steal back (the second time) and I have no doubt about it, especially if it's not even a crime or it's safe enough compared to the penalty one might get, that's also something one needs to consider, like being some very known player or when playing vs. some fish one can't really let one's image to go bad, and there are other exceptions where it's better to just be fair, but this case on average is fair only if one steals back.
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-08-2013 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by MKarne
When I was in my army service there were people stealing clothings from others and the second time I too became a victim of it, I stole back from someone. The thing was that it was a permanent thing going on all the time and not only one needed to protect better but also steal back or be the victim.

The ethical move is to steal back (the second time) and I have no doubt about it, especially if it's not even a crime or it's safe enough compared to the penalty one might get, that's also something one needs to consider, like being some very known player or when playing vs. some fish one can't really let one's image to go bad, and there are other exceptions where it's better to just be fair, but this case on average is fair only if one steals back.
if i understand you correctly, i disagree that you have to both "protect better" & also "steal back" in order to not be victim to this theft. the "protect better" seems to be the solution imo, there will always be scumbags looking to gain personally no matter the cost to others. i guess there is a case to be made in the OP to do unto others as they do you, but overall, i think you should make an effort to wait, within reason and in certain cases even ship back.
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-08-2013 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by jinzerd
just ****** do it and know people will do it to you. If you know the person and dont think they would then dont. beyond that there's no discussion.
pretty much what i was going to write. its part of online poker and the risk you take if you have a crappy internet connection
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-08-2013 , 04:22 AM
They should just award the prize to whoever disconnects and move on to the next tournament (once you run out of your disconnect time bank)
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-08-2013 , 06:13 AM
If you disconnect you lose, no need to get into the realm of possible reverse freerolling yourself.
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-08-2013 , 06:46 AM
I think it's 100% shady if you are trying to speed up the process. i.e. Ready to raise instantly every time on button.
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-08-2013 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by subfocused
I think it's 100% shady if you are trying to speed up the process. i.e. Ready to raise instantly every time on button.
[ x ] recognizing reality and speeding up the process
[ ] "100% shady"
[ ] "shady"
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-08-2013 , 01:13 PM
Dude, if you wouldn't blind that guy out, you don't have the killer instinct to be a great poker player. You have to be a bit of a sociopath.
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-08-2013 , 01:21 PM
Once i was in hu and got dlc'ed guy who won match sent me $ difference on my acc. like we chopped price. Nice guest from that guy...
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
03-08-2013 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Frubi_ZMIJA
Once i was in hu and got dlc'ed guy who won match sent me $ difference on my acc. like we chopped price. Nice guest from that guy...
Yea, but I think what alot of people are saying is that the guy is a scumbag if he didnt refund you, and that is just wrong.

I think as online poker players we all agree to take the risk of our computer crashing, mouse breaking, internet going down etc as the cost of doing business. We put ourself at risk because we feel its not a deterrent from what we feel is a profitable activity. The once a year occurrence is not much to think about in terms of poker stretegy. My feel is that vs someone that you do not have a personal (or at least professional) relationship with it is perfectly fine to blind them down immediately as it is within the rules of the game, and you are not angling or committing anything wrong in doing so. Also if it is done to you you must accept that you are responsible for your own connection.

But this is very different than finding a wallet on the street etc. When I leave the house I know there are risk of dropping my wallet etc, but I am not playing A GAME dealing with my grocery money. It is actually a lose if the unfortunate occurs and you would hope in a civilized society people will help each other out. That is not the case because as players we have an understanding that we will each try out best to take each others money.

Bottom line.
In life we should have an understanding that within reason we should help our fellow man.
In poker we have an understand that we will try out best to make our opponent completely broke.
Thoughts on blinding out disconnected villain HU Quote
