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Steve Wynn Opposes On-Line Poker? Steve Wynn Opposes On-Line Poker?

07-27-2009 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Scarface53
Steve Wynn is a jerk for being against On-Line Poker. He has billions of dollars and the poker room is NOT a major revenue generator in the Casino. What the hell does he care if on-line poker is legal or not? doesn't he have anything better to do with his time?

I live in Vegas and never play at the Wynn and especially now, screw him and his casino.
that's a little harsh...we don't like him because he opposes online poker, but calling him names and a 'jerk' etc. is a bit out of line, IMO...

Wynn is making a business decision...he has every right to oppose ideas or businesses that will impact his casinos...and I do believe, in the LONG run, once online poker becomes legalized, the possibility of online gambling becoming legalized as well may take another 5 or 10 years after that...but it can and probably will happen...that would include horse racing, etc....and then you can see how it MIGHT impact his casinos, let's say 5-10 years down the road...

the issue with the brick-and-mortar operators is that once and IF such online operations become 'legal', then it will be very hard, if not impossible to turn the clock back...
Steve Wynn Opposes On-Line Poker? Quote
07-27-2009 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Honeyboy Wilson
Just saw this on Andy Bloch's twitter feed.

"Steve Wynn keeps coming up as the only major casino owner still against online poker. Consider that when deciding where to gamble in Vegas2:23 PM Jul 21st from Tweetie"

If this is true, Andy is dead right about voting with your dollars in Vegas.

F-Steve Wynn and F-playing at the Wynn Casino.

Can we get confirmation of this?
Damn, u middle fingered him and his casino, then requested the confirmation.
Steve Wynn Opposes On-Line Poker? Quote
07-27-2009 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Scarface53
I live in Vegas and never play at the Wynn and especially now, screw him and his casino.
In otherwords, you didn't give him money before this tweet and you won't give it to him afterwords. Big loss.
Steve Wynn Opposes On-Line Poker? Quote
07-27-2009 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by VectorWega
I stand by my statement that citizens' access to gambling should be restricted. That includes scratch tickets, bingo, and above all the lottery which is the biggest scam of them all.
This is a hop, skip, and a jump away from totalitarianism. Who gets to decide what's "best" for the masses? You?
Steve Wynn Opposes On-Line Poker? Quote
07-27-2009 , 09:26 PM
Your username and posting show you to have one goal here: to rail against the livelihoods of many posters here, and the entertainment source for many more.

It's clear your one purpose here is to be a contrarian troll. I'm well familar with the type
Oh spare me the eiltist banter. If FT and PS can operate offshore they can operate in the US and pay the taxes and let the Nevada gaming commision regulate them. Is Steve Wynn a troll? Does he not want people to make money? Give it a rest. What is going on now is illegal and cheating and God knows what else that goes on is rampant. Collusion, superusers etc. Clean it up aleady and be done with it.

Saying government regulation is the best possible thing to almost anything is almost as ignorant. UIGEA hasn't stopped me or you from playing on Tilt or Stars. Do you really want the US government to regulate (and tax) online poker? Be careful what you ask for. Unless you are going to be the one to write the regulations, the bill/law may be very different that you think
Why not? You would rather that money go somewhere else? I want US citizens to get the jobs and I want my state and others to get the tax revenue.
Steve Wynn Opposes On-Line Poker? Quote
07-27-2009 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by holyground
This is a hop, skip, and a jump away from totalitarianism. Who gets to decide what's "best" for the masses? You?
In the US, who decides what's best for the masses now?

Answer: It's not the masses, and it's not anyone that is impartial or anyone that has the masses best interests at heart.
Steve Wynn Opposes On-Line Poker? Quote
07-28-2009 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by VectorWega
In the US, who decides what's best for the masses now?

Answer: It's not the masses, and it's not anyone that is impartial or anyone that has the masses best interests at heart.
We may not be a true democracy, but the people still vote on local issues like this. Just look at California and prop 8. The masses decided that one, not the government. At least, for now, there's somewhat of a balance between what people think are good for the people and what the people think they want.
Steve Wynn Opposes On-Line Poker? Quote
07-28-2009 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by banonlinepoker
Why not? You would rather that money go somewhere else? I want US citizens to get the jobs and I want my state and others to get the tax revenue.
I want a money tree in my back yard. Heck how about two?

I'm sure everyone wants jobs and tax revenue locally. That's not necessarily how the real world is going to play out though. Even if/when online poker is regulated I'm sure there will be sites based in other countries competing with US based sites. The consumers will decide which succeed.
Steve Wynn Opposes On-Line Poker? Quote
