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Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Staking Strangers in the World Series??

02-19-2011 , 10:50 AM
There was this large, rather crazy guy that played in the big cash games at the World Series long ago. He was really obnoxious. His scam was that he was always running for President with some direct mail scams, and supposedly he had a lot of money from it. Once, someone put a dose of laxative in his drink and he shat his own self at the poker table. After that he demanded to see the cap removed from any bottle.
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 03:16 PM
Scotty Clark has a blog asking his friends to defend him on here. They seem lined up to do that, and I'm expecting many posts of glowing praise. Send him some money! He needs your money to gamble, and he will make you rich, like him.
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by BiggPhish
LOL @ Scotty Clark. Apparently he asks people to buy percentages of him. But gets better, he wants you to put up 2% for every 1% stake!!! He says it's for travel expenses etc.

Believe it or not he actually gets people to do this. I guess he finds people who don't mind putting up a couple hundred bucks on a gamble that he might luckbox a tourney.

I play with Scotty regularly and while it's true that he knows how to play cards and does a fairly good job of selling himself, he is an average player at best and I would never throw a stake his way.

I'm a firm believer that if you need a stake for small buy-in events then you're probably not very successful, otherwise you'd have both the money available and you'd want 100% of yourself.
He knows him, and plays with him.
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
Scotty Clark has written me on facebook that he would "slap" me if I came to the World Series of Poker.
Does he know about the barking irons, Johnny?
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 03:34 PM
02-19-2011 , 03:41 PM
"I am going to have two Texas friends visit you at the World Series. They will speak politely."

Ban Johnny Hughes on twoplustwo for threatening someone with an old time texas beatdown over facebook?
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
I am available to shoot dice over the phone.
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 04:17 PM
I do not know Scotty what I would call "well" but he is ranked #7 currently in WSOPC points and basically crushes the St Louis cash games. All tournament players sell share-stakes, well about all that I know. It doesn't make you a beggar any more than taking investments for a business that may or may not show a return. I have never personally seen Scotty ask for 2% for 1%, that is kind of steep markup but having been friends with Scotty for quite some time I have never seen him ask for that.

I would not hesitate to stake Scotty at a small markup, especially for mixed game where imo he would have an edge vs 90% of his competition if not more.

Just adding my 2 cents, bring on the flames lol.
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Nairb
I do not know Scotty what I would call "well" but he is ranked #7 currently in WSOPC points and basically crushes the St Louis cash games. All tournament players sell share-stakes, well about all that I know. It doesn't make you a beggar any more than taking investments for a business that may or may not show a return. I have never personally seen Scotty ask for 2% for 1%, that is kind of steep markup but having been friends with Scotty for quite some time I have never seen him ask for that.

I would not hesitate to stake Scotty at a small markup, especially for mixed game where imo he would have an edge vs 90% of his competition if not more.

Just adding my 2 cents, bring on the flames lol.
I agree 100% with you Scotty is a nice guy and a good player.
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 04:42 PM
02-19-2011 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Nairb
but he is ranked #7 currently in WSOPC points and basically crushes the St Louis cash games..
Plus a good samaritian who constantly is involved in charitable causes. OP you might consider T.J. Cloutier, heard he needs an old school deal.
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 05:38 PM
Master Clark seems like a fine-looking, well-spoken young fellow, showing some class. I can see why folks might stake him. I'm considering sending him $8 myself, but I don't make rash decisions.

Being old, I don't play unless I have 100,000 times the big blind which is the biggest game around here, but the players are tough. Its hard to get motivated. I'd much rather go on the road.
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 05:52 PM
Johnny I havent read any of your writings but it seems you have definitely perfected the art of sarcasm which is why I suspect Scotty gave you back exactly what you gave him.
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 05:54 PM
Scotty seems to be an ok dude & hey ... it takes all types to make up a world ... even fossil-status (earned *grin*) poker author types that really can play the game.

The only stake I am likely to accept is beef, medium rare
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 06:02 PM
You walk in a joint and say, "Hey, I'll play a stake or eat one."

I'm getting Scotty lots of attention so I deserve a little jelly roll, frijole, ten per cent freeroll if we nab you a stake horse together. Re-friend me on facebook since you are banned here, which I'd say, let us lift the ban where he can speak here for himself, but I know nothing about bans, so I take it back.

He really does present himself well on the video and I can see why he qualified for the TV show, AND I congratulate anyone who got sick of Phil Hellmuth and walked out. Another reason to stake Scott Clark is that he will get his TV time, and you will too. He'd be a great announcer for poker tournaments on TV. I know Scotty Clark is reading this and I thought I'd show him some love. By the way, slap me, you draw back a nub.
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 06:08 PM
Why is Scotty banned from 2+2?

Also you do not have to be friended on FB to send a private message, where I would think a staking arrangement or disagreement could be best discussed.
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by djurkovski
oh my goddddd ah ha ha ha aahahaha
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 06:14 PM
is this the past
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 06:17 PM
the year is 1971

things are quite different now.... there are no freerolls
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
..There is a fellow on facebook named Scott Clark that is always asking for stake money to play in poker tournaments. Is he a great player? Have any on you made money staking him or others that troll for money constantly? What kind of deal would it be? In the old days, if the backer put up $1000, he'd get that back and half the winnings. If you lost, you owed him half, $500. Being staked is not free rolling. Free rolling depends on conning a sucker, mark, rube, or fool. I remember Dagwood would sell more than 100 per cent of himself and could not afford to win. What about this? Should you stake strangers?

: heart:

Where i'v seen that before ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-19-2011 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
I've played a lot of stake money. There is nothing wrong with that on the halves. I don't know Mr. Clark, and he may be a good deal. Many of the old champs, such as Bill Smith, made a lot of money for others as a stake horse. Catch him sober. When he won the World Series in 1985, he was broke in five months. The old stake horses were lined up to collect. Several of the new champs: Amarillo Slim, Sailor Roberts, and Bill Smith, as well as perennial final table man,Bobby Hoff, came to Lubbock but could not beat Bradford's Shop, a big, no-limit hold 'em game that ran for thirty-five years. It was my home game.
Well well Mister Hughes, you certainly assume much & imply a lot...according to your last statement there, 4 of the best in the world couldn't beat your home game...either you are/were a cheat (probably the case since the guilty dog barks first), or you are a liar (none of them may have ever played there, or they may have mopped the floor with your behind)...either way, you've inadvertantly revealed your true colors...

Down in Texas, do you get to call people scammers & cheats, then not expect any consequences because you're a senior citizen with a big mouth? Well sir, you need your ugly hat knocked off & the dentures slapped out of your mouth... I'm sure you'll take that out of context as well, and claim I threatened you, I didn't, just made an accurate observation of what needs to, & probably will eventually happen if you continue to run your mouth in that manner...of course a lot of people talk smack via computer, but quake in their boots in person. I'm certain you are one of those.

I'd like to go on record to say that yes, I am a member of Scott Clark's blog, I am a friend of his on facebook, and recently had the pleasure of meeting him face to face @ the Tunica WSOP circuit events. Scott is a gentleman, a shark at the table, and an all around asset to the poker community. Sitting at 7th or 8th on the 2011 WSOP player of the year leaderboards with 4 cashes & 1 ring thus far, I'd say staking Scott would be a pretty wise investment...
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-20-2011 , 03:39 AM
I'd also like to chime in here and say Mr one Scott Clarke JR is a fine fellow indeed at thy poquer games.

I myself have steaked him many a time with an over 305% return rate.

I would recommend highly Clarky be put into any tournament/ cash game, any game, any format, any time of the day. Accomodation, hookers/blow fund should also be provided as part of the deal, as a coked up, balls drained Scotty is nigh on impossible to beat!!
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-20-2011 , 06:41 AM
Dear 2+2 Forums,

I created this account to respond to this matter this ONE TIME. Count on me to continue to honor my banishment upon the posting of this one post.

And you all know Johnny Hughes. He sees a post by me with a link to my blog on his Facebook feed, he reacts and he then posts this crap here. It is true, I told him “Remind me to give you a slap if I ever meet you”. Read about it at my poker blog -- Google Scotty Clark.

I am associated with a few poker sites and the truth is, I write about poker for free. Silly me. I am presently working on an interview with a Player of the Year to be published in a poker magazine. You can catch me on another regional poker television show airing in March 2011 called The Windy something City Poker something. It was a charity thing…

Back to Johnny. Johnny Hughes thinks everyone is a hustler, con and cheat. This is the result of the company he keeps, if you have ever read one of his silly stories -- and Hughes has effectively used you and this forum.

This reader comment left at SCOTTYS BLOG pretty well sums it up.

“I have read various things he (Hughes) has said about other poker players over the years and they seem to boil down to: 1) "So-and-so is a liar, crook and/or scumbag." 2) "I can beat him and pretty much the rest of the poker world at poker any time, any place." And, of course, 3) "Buy my books!" He seems to like drawing attention to himself by bad-mouthing others. It's a shame he has such low self-esteem.”

About the WSOP share offer. I am simply amazed by the ignorance of staking agreements in this thread. Please do not apply. As a member of the Don’t Say The Name Staking, I learned the formula I use and the 65-35% investor favor split on profit is actually generous. It is mainly about the WSOP chase for the National Championship and my friends, not about Johnny Hughes. Of course, staking isn’t free-rolling and I teach beginners about “cake” after they lose, if they lose. Their reaction is usually favorable, and it cushions the blow if you know what I mean...

I am done here and will attempt to bow out with some dignity and class.

Best wishes to all,
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
02-20-2011 , 08:15 AM
If Scotty made money for his backers, he would not need to constantly get new backers. He burns them and moves on. He has asked for friends to defend him. I want someone to say they have staked him many times and continue to do so.

He is a liar. If they lie, they will steal.

I have written often and said in many radio interviews that there was very little cheating in the outlaw Texas games. In thirty plus years at the Shop, I saw exactly one cold deck. It was not about morals. It would risk your life if you cheated these people. I would certainly be afraid to cheat. The things the lying, begging, broke man, Scotty Clark wrote are the opposite of what I have always written. There were no guns on the table. There were a couple of shot guns hidden at the Shop, and many players including me, had guns in their cars. You did not take a gun in someone else's gambling joint.

I caught Titanic Thompson's son cheating. I learned a lot about how to catch cheats, but it does not come up. Even a broke like
Clark would not cheat because of the dire consequences. You see a lot more cheap, petty cheating in casinos than you would ever, ever see in an outlaw Texas game.

I have never cheated because I would be afraid to, don't really know how, and do not need to. I have written a lot about poker, many short stories, and articles, but I have never asked anyone to stake me because I have a healthy bankroll. Anyone looking all the time for stake money is not making as much money around poker as they are losing. Scott Clark is a poker loser.

The folks I mentioned, Bill Smith, Sailor Roberts, and Bobby Hoff did not play all that much at the Shop after they moved to Las Vegas but they did lose. Bill Smith won the main event in 1985, and was broke in five months. Dale the Mule was staking him, and stayed in money, and played at the Shop the rest of his life. Sailor was distracted by drugs, mostly coke. Read about that in his best friend Doyle Brunson's book. I write to Doyle and Crandell Addington asking questions, and getting quotes. They know more about poker than Snotty Scotty. Amarillo Slim just never seemed to beat the games in Lubbock. He is not that great a player. His partner, Doyle, let him win the time he did win the main event. He also did not wear all that cowboy costume of Las Vegas at the Shop.

I think Clark proves my point by lying so much about what I have written. His characterization seems exactly the complete opposite of the truth. It defines him as a liar.

Usually I am criticized because I glorify the outlaws. Clark says I call everybody sleazy, but that is only him. Whine on your blog. Has anybody lined up to stake you? Notice he does not say, "I made St. Louie Louie, $1000 a week for six months." Notice there are no backers on here saying they'd stake him again. Beware! Tell us of your satified customeers Scotty. Any names of winners? Sure you win some, and cut up some scores, but you lose more, and lose your backer. You know what is real for a guy like Scotty?? The rent, and he has to pump it from some gullible fool.

Last edited by Johnny Hughes; 02-20-2011 at 08:32 AM.
Staking Strangers in the World Series?? Quote
