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Stabbing at Taj Mahal Stabbing at Taj Mahal

04-08-2008 , 05:15 AM
not sure how many people read the other thread, but I find this one misleading.

White man walks with a limp and uses his cane. There is some pushing and at some point black man pulls white man's cane away from him and hits white man with it. White man pulls a large knife out of his jacket and stabs (or slashes) at black man's neck severing his carotid artery. Blood is gushing everywhere and all over both of them. A little more than an hour later, black man is dead and white man is being held on various charges.
It sounds more like self defense (gone slightly too far) after reading this.
04-08-2008 , 06:02 AM
Yeah, sounds to me that the guy who got stabbed deserved it.
04-08-2008 , 06:33 AM
A.C..... what a dump
04-08-2008 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Mercutio View Post
more importantly was he holding AA88 in his hand?
lol thats not funny
Very true. It's not funny. It's F'n hilarious.
04-08-2008 , 07:29 PM
no really, Please someone at the table should know what the last hand of poker this guy played was. anyone at the table that night??? Inquiring 2+2 minds want to know??

From what I have read, the guy that died was the one that left to get more money before he got killed buy an old man with a Cane. so, what we have learned is that this guy wasn't that great at poker and decided to take it out on a defenseless old man. The old man with a cane proceeded to defend himself and stab his attacker when he was hit in the head by his own cane. It will not be long before this guy gets found not guilty because of self defense and he will be back at the Taj to teach anyone else a lesson on what happens when you mess with an old man with a cane.

The only questions I have is... How does a man in his 50s with a cane have the ability to slash someones throat while being beaten with his own cane? This guy is one bad mother F' er. If any one sees him at a table in 3-5 years be sure to bring a gun with you and wear a turtle neck for some protection.

This is not funny and I have a sick twisted mind.....
04-08-2008 , 07:33 PM
More details of what happened are being discussed in the brick and mortar forum.
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