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SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format

10-20-2014 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
In b4 stars starts Spin & Go 180man.
Not even kidding
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-20-2014 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
Oh. I thought you were talking about who was making key business decisions on specific projects before an aquisition was closed by a publicly traded company. My bad.
You're trying way too hard to pound a round peg into a square hole. There is little question that a myriad of decisions were made pre-announcement without anyone doing anything improper. Giving the green light to a new game doesn't say, "We're getting bought."
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-20-2014 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
You're trying way too hard to pound a round peg into a square hole. There is little question that a myriad of decisions were made pre-announcement without anyone doing anything improper. Giving the green light to a new game doesn't say, "We're getting bought."
Keep trusting your imagination. Fwiw I work for a different company as of this morning since my previous company was acquired and the deal finalized today. My department was working on many projects and I experienced exactly when they were affected in the process. I don't claim to know how it went down in the case we are discussing with PS, but I wonder how you so adamantly do.
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-20-2014 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
Keep trusting your imagination. Fwiw I work for a different company as of this morning since my previous company was acquired and the deal finalized today. My department was working on many projects and I experienced exactly when they were affected in the process. I don't claim to know how it went down in the case we are discussing with PS, but I wonder how you so adamantly do.
Because I know how these things often times work. You're basing your views on your personal experience which might not be all that relevant to PS. And you are driving this topic into the ground.
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
Because I know how these things often times work. You're basing your views on your personal experience which might not be all that relevant to PS. And you are driving this topic into the ground.
Ah. Just because you know. Based on no experience I suppose since it is overrated as a means to understand "how things often work".

If you are worried about driving the topic into the ground I'll let you off the hook now and we can agree to disagree about you having the slightest ****ing clue what happened during the acquisition.
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
Ah. Just because you know. Based on no experience I suppose since it is overrated as a means to understand "how things often work".

If you are worried about driving the topic into the ground I'll let you off the hook now and we can agree to disagree about you having the slightest ****ing clue what happened during the acquisition.
I've mentioned this before in these forums: I'm a long time professional journalist. I've worked for entities such as "Frontline" and have done more research and have talked to more people on various subject matter than you can probably imagine. You're the one who doesn't have a clue, regardless of whether you are talking about acquisitions or talking about me.
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
I've mentioned this before in these forums: I'm a long time professional journalist. I've worked for entities such as "Frontline" and have done more research and have talked to more people on various subject matter than you can probably imagine. You're the one who doesn't have a clue, regardless of whether you are talking about acquisitions or talking about me.
Talked to people on various matters, huh? You must know about this then. So you have never been involved in an acquisition. Got it. Hope your editors fact checked your work vigorously.
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 01:27 AM
Looks like the trolls are working overtime in this thread

*cough* SantaCruz *cough*
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
Talked to people on various matters, huh? You must know about this then. So you have never been involved in an acquisition. Got it. Hope your editors fact checked your work vigorously.
And your involvement in an acquisition boils down to you being a grunt employee who had absolutely no idea what was going on, so that makes you an expert. I truly hope you find yourself a life.

Originally Posted by Craggoo
Looks like the trolls are working overtime in this thread

*cough* SantaCruz *cough*
Takes one to know one Craggoo.
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
And your involvement in an acquisition boils down to you being a grunt employee who had absolutely no idea what was going on, so that makes you an expert. I truly hope you find yourself a life.

Takes one to know one Craggoo.
I'm literally grinning at the idea that you think being a journalist adds to your credibility. Anyone who has seen a report on a topic or event they are familiar with understands why. Good game bud.
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
Takes one to know one Craggoo.
So by your logic high post count = auto troll?

SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
I'm literally grinning at the idea that you think being a journalist adds to your credibility. Anyone who has seen a report on a topic or event they are familiar with understands why. Good game bud.
Talk about living in your own head. Good luck with that.
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
I'm literally grinning at the idea that you think being a journalist adds to your credibility. Anyone who has seen a report on a topic or event they are familiar with understands why. Good game bud.
The fact that he's a journalist helps explain why he's incapable of any logical or critical thought.
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by unconscious
Dante said it own 2c; HE is broken already.
No, he is very wrong. No one is complaining that they are not good at these games. The regs posting in this thread will be VERY good at them. The problem is that being good will not make you a winner except in a distant long term.
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by SootedPowa
Well how ****ing dare we be pissed off that they just killed the games we play?

Nope, in the short-med term recs stand a lot better chance with more of the result decided by high variance prize pool lotterys.
You are wrong, sorry. It's quite simple. Let's say you gambled $2 a week and you had a choice of a cointoss with a buddy that would pay $3.90 or a lottery ticket that effectively saw you flip with 100,000 people for $180,000.

The prize in the second is bigger.

Meh, what's the point? If you understood even the first thing about gambling you wouldn't have filled this thread with clueless ****.
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 03:25 AM
Would be great if people could stay on topic instead of trolling and insulting each other.
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
No, he is very wrong. No one is complaining that they are not good at these games. The regs posting in this thread will be VERY good at them. The problem is that being good will not make you a winner except in a distant long term.
One of my problems with all of this is that "distant long term" is well over 20,000 games long. So on average, if a player doesn't reach at least that number of games, perhaps because he just gets bored with the game or maybe because his bankroll runs out, he'll never see the variance even out. So that player ends up losing money that he would have received by playing the exact same game but without a spinning wheel.
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 03:52 AM
Lets be realistic, some players are there just for a quick bink and not for the long term. So For them this game seems brilliant! But for regs its ruining some of there games and most are complaining. Take it on the chin and give them time to realise that the 9000 2x Multiplier of whatever it is will waste there time. Dont like the idea myself but some people seem to be putting in a good ammount of volume. Goodluck to them i suppose.
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
One of my problems with all of this is that "distant long term" is well over 20,000 games long. So on average, if a player doesn't reach at least that number of games, perhaps because he just gets bored with the game or maybe because his bankroll runs out, he'll never see the variance even out. So that player ends up losing money that he would have received by playing the exact same game but without a spinning wheel.
Read my previous post, variance isn't going to flatten out well after 1M games. In 20,000 games you might not even had the 1000x multiplier at all.
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 11:17 AM
Looks like Amaya is more than happy about the way Spin n Gos have started off though
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 11:26 AM
Surely people don't actually think that Stars are going to remove these?
Do we have any indications on the numbers that have been running? Has this cannibalized other traffic on the site?

From my calculations they seem to be dealing so many more hands per week since their introduction! Even at 4% Stars must be crushing?
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 01:14 PM
Just a quick message to all the regs in this thread, please, please, if you do not mind, could you state which type of poker you would prefer the losing recs to play and in which format. The stakes which you prefer would be handy as well, oh, and also how rolled we should turn up to the tables. Is donking off 5 buy ins enough for you guys? I for one will donking off pretty fast and hard in future as I know how the rake kills you poor guys. P.s. In the meantime please keep on making the online experience as uncomfortable as you already are, and if you could make it anymore boring that would be great. P.p.s....can't wait for the decline of online poker for you disgusting HUD nits. Enjoy the last few years of trying to beat the rake. The golden days are gone, baby. Baaahahahahaha.
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 01:15 PM
What about the recs who win a bigger prize? Imagine you being a recreational who suddenly wins 1k or 2k+ from the spin n gos..

Do you then play 30 or more 30usd sitngos while playing the majority of those with a 2x BI prizepool?

I know some guys from real life that they would switch to different games with higher buyins cuz it would not be attractive for them to wait for another jackpot so they would just play a 100+ BI sng or play 200NL instead where they can add a bigger % to their bankroll faster and then go back to spins when theyd lose a bunch there and try to hit another jackpot.

EDIT: Trying to say, calm the f down, most likely the money will be spread to all of the games anyway...

Last edited by theproksa; 10-21-2014 at 01:17 PM. Reason: EDIT: Trying to say, calm the f down, most likely the money will be spread to all of the games anyway...
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
No one is saying that the recs don't like the format. That's the problem. The format is designed to be addictive in nature. I think that it is pretty obvious that many recs are going to burn their entire bankroll on these games. If the spinner were put on a regular sitngo I doubt that we'd be as inflamed against the game.
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
It's not the ROI that matters; it's the winrate. Rec's can lose money at a much faster rate in the hypers. Not to mention that a larger proportion of recs will lose money to begin with playing hypers.
So you're in favor of protecting people from themselves in this instance?
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
10-21-2014 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by wthwth82
Just a quick message to all the regs in this thread, please, please, if you do not mind, could you state which type of poker you would prefer the losing recs to play and in which format. The stakes which you prefer would be handy as well, oh, and also how rolled we should turn up to the tables. Is donking off 5 buy ins enough for you guys? I for one will donking off pretty fast and hard in future as I know how the rake kills you poor guys. P.s. In the meantime please keep on making the online experience as uncomfortable as you already are, and if you could make it anymore boring that would be great. P.p.s....can't wait for the decline of online poker for you disgusting HUD nits. Enjoy the last few years of trying to beat the rake. The golden days are gone, baby. Baaahahahahaha.
SNE launches a petition against Spin & Go format Quote
