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Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology"

09-07-2022 , 11:24 AM
Flat Earther vs Astrologist who is more hopeless?
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by ledn
Flat Earther vs Astrologist who is more hopeless?
Flat Earther. The closer decision would be Young Earther. But I say the astrologer is worse.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 12:56 PM
I take back what I said earlier. This guy is just an idiot.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by RosaParks1
I take back what I said earlier. This guy is just an idiot.
I don't know either of you but purely based on both of your takes I would be willing to bet any amount that Sklansky beats you on an IQ test.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 02:21 PM
yep, lol play nice kids.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 02:34 PM
Just wanted to say that I've posted here since 2005, and despite owning several of his books, I've just now realized that his name isn't David Slanksy.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Rmbxr9
I once used all my Sklansky Dollars at a bowling alley to get one of those sticky stretchy frog toys, and a cup-and-ball
Cup-and-ball? Is that something that happens in the gender neutral bathrooms?
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 03:56 PM
Is there any validity to removing someone's civil rights if they're an astrology supporter? If they can't be trusted with any subject, surely we should take steps to ensure they don't do further damage to society.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by ejames209
Is there any validity to removing someone's civil rights if they're an astrology supporter? If they can't be trusted with any subject, surely we should take steps to ensure they don't do further damage to society.
I'd remove their right to vote but probably only that.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Neverlucky16
I don't know either of you but purely based on both of your takes I would be willing to bet any amount that Sklansky beats you on an IQ test.
I have no doubts that a man who is considered one of the smartest players of all time can achieve a high score on an IQ exam.

My earlier post was to explain how using hyperbole can often be taken out of context down the road, and can be inadvertently offensive. Sklansky then pops in with :

"But my point was that believing in astrology is a terribly bad thing to do. Very few things are as bad."

It's more open-ended hyperbole. This type of poorly-thought out writing discredits the value of the opinion being rendered. Disliking astrology is a completely fine opinion, but there are ways to express it and there are ways to get yourself in trouble on the internet. This is not complex stuff.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 04:34 PM
Just based off the quote alone, and the fact that heroin is so ****ing awful this man really doesn’t have any clue what it’s like to be the parent of a heroin addict.

Ignorance is all it is imo
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by RosaParks1
I have no doubts that a man who is considered one of the smartest players of all time can achieve a high score on an IQ exam.

My earlier post was to explain how using hyperbole can often be taken out of context down the road, and can be inadvertently offensive. Sklansky then pops in with :

"But my point was that believing in astrology is a terribly bad thing to do. Very few things are as bad."

It's more open-ended hyperbole. This type of poorly-thought out writing discredits the value of the opinion being rendered. Disliking astrology is a completely fine opinion, but there are ways to express it and there are ways to get yourself in trouble on the internet. This is not complex stuff.
I was specifically responding to your post calling him an idiot and trying to point out the hypocrisy.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by 2pairsof2s
While they are perhaps misguided, most Astrologers are fueled by a dreamy benevolence, desiring nothing more than to help their fellow citizens find their way to a blissful utopian paradise where we all live in perfect harmony with ourselves and each other. While they may subject you to excessive applications of patchouli oil, caftan-style clothing and excessive unkempt hair growth, they are relatively harmless.

On the other hand, Heroin addicts are driven solely by need and greed, and they will think nothing of dragging down anyone or anything that comes within their orbit, happy to send friends, family, perfect strangers and even their own children to the deepest pits of hellish misery if it helps them get even a scant moment of the relief and pleasure that getting fixed brings them. Put simply, they are the most selfish people on the face of the Earth.

However, in a personal expression pf tolerance, I fully support anyone's preference for Junkies over Astrologers. If you would prefer having your valuables stolen and your home and family violated over being told what phase your moon is in, then you do you.
I was a junkie for over 12, playing poker a lot of the time to feed my habit. I did some petty retail frauds too. But never did I drag others down, or send anyone else into hellish misery. So your statement does not apply to all heroin addicts, although most are indeed scumbags. I have been clean for over 10 years now, and all my using friends (most were scumbags) except 1 or 2 are dead.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 05:05 PM
That's not hypocritical. He had an easy out to clarify or apologize for a poorly thought out statement, and he doubled down on it instead.

Getting annoyed by the lack of tact from a public figure doesn't make me an idiot. Getting into some arbitrary logic puzzle contest to prove absolutely nothing in a thread started by a guy mad about an old Sklansky quote might make me one.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by RosaParks1
That's not hypocritical. He had an easy out to clarify or apologize for a poorly thought out statement, and he doubled down on it instead.

Getting annoyed by the lack of tact from a public figure doesn't make me an idiot. Getting into some arbitrary logic puzzle contest to prove absolutely nothing in a thread started by a guy mad about an old Sklansky quote might make me one.
You called him an idiot, I said he's smarter than you.

That's all I said.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 05:14 PM
are you Parker Talbot, bro?
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
To be fair you do seem a bit slow, let me translate the conversation for you in Womaneze.

Her: What's your sign? (You are attractive enough that I might actually have THE SEX with you, but I have to at least appear to be connected to you in a deeper emotional way or I will be slut shamed for having SEX with you based on looks alone, so please just indulge me in this silly discussion about Zodiac signs.)

You: I don't believe in that stuff (Sorry, I don't go to the club in hopes of getting laid, I am here for the $18 drinks and blinky lights.)

Her: You'll be smarter in your next life.

Thanks ever so much. That was about 1980. Maybe she's still there.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by hvete
You're smallminded if you think that one stupid belief makes a person stupid. Newton believed in astrology (and alchemy), Alan Turing believed in telepathy. There must be thousands of people way smarter than Sklansky who base their decisions on where Jupiter is in the sky today.
No way on the last statement here. Anyone who bases their personal (non-astronomical) decisions on where Jupiter is in the sky can't be very smart. Even if those guys believed in some crazy stuff, I don't believe they based many decisions on them. Astrology was less thoroughly disproven in Newton's day. Alchemy of some sort is possible (human controlled nuclear reactions can change one element into another). Telepathy is vaguely defined, and while I personally don't believe in it, I think it's more likely to be true than is astrology.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by sprfcta
Thanks ever so much. That was about 1980. Maybe she's still there.
On the bright side, you're getting close to your next life, when maybe you'll be smarter (and get laid more often).
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 07:37 PM
I have to assume that David has no experience with loving an addict, otherwise he’s much dumber than I thought.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Prolifik
But never did I drag others down, or send anyone else into hellish misery.
If your loved ones knew about your addiction then I assure you that you spread a lot of misery around.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 07:57 PM
Thanks for thread.

Have to admit few people i generally like in life saying `to be more careful` around certain periods of life has played tricks with my mind at times, and i`d skip some play days/weeks (due to `jupiter etc not in right condition etc` or would be `less` aggressive if you will in my relationship cose to take things easier). I know it sounds dumb as fk but it is what it is.

Thanks David for well put quote.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
No way on the last statement here. Anyone who bases their personal (non-astronomical) decisions on where Jupiter is in the sky can't be very smart. Even if those guys believed in some crazy stuff, I don't believe they based many decisions on them. Astrology was less thoroughly disproven in Newton's day. Alchemy of some sort is possible (human controlled nuclear reactions can change one element into another). Telepathy is vaguely defined, and while I personally don't believe in it, I think it's more likely to be true than is astrology.
I have a family member who is almost certainly one the smartest people I personally know who believes in astrology to the point of reading dozens of books on the subject, constructing people’s charts, etc

Extremely well rounded as far as knowing about economics/finance, history, aced Calculus, yada yada

Insanely large vocabulary with a huge interest in etymology

They were a private practice physician in one of the most competitive and well-paid specialties. Near the top of their class throughout med school and very high percentile scores on MedCAT test.

It’s crazy to me, but certain people can compartmentalize their faith/belief/personal psychology.
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 08:47 PM
Mr. Sklansky has seemed reasonable and intelligent over the years. I'm sure he doesn't mean the statement in it's literal form. My son was a heroin addict and I can assure you the astrology beliefs are much more preferable.

Has anyone with a firm belief in astrology ever broken into your home and stolen your wedding rings and grandfather's watch to support their position?
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
09-07-2022 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by chzbrglr
I have a family member who is almost certainly one the smartest people I personally know who believes in astrology to the point of reading dozens of books on the subject, constructing people’s charts, etc

Extremely well rounded as far as knowing about economics/finance, history, aced Calculus, yada yada

Insanely large vocabulary with a huge interest in etymology

They were a private practice physician in one of the most competitive and well-paid specialties. Near the top of their class throughout med school and very high percentile scores on MedCAT test.

It’s crazy to me, but certain people can compartmentalize their faith/belief/personal psychology.
Huh, did you ever ask him what evidence he had for his belief? Did he ever actually refuse to do things on particular days because his moon wasn't in the right spot or whatever, or make any major decisions based on astrology? If not, I could see it as more of a curiosity than a strong belief system. I mean, I hate religion of all sorts and don't believe in anything supernatural, but I love watching movies about Satan.

If he did, then I guess it is like his religion. And while I know a small percentage of scientists are religious, personally I would prefer not to be seen by a doctor I knew believed in astrology or was religious (most other things being equal).
Sklansky once said "i'd rather my son be a heroin addict than a firm believer in astrology" Quote
