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'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars 'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars

11-13-2012 , 04:16 AM
Let's remember that Lisa is quite the sharp when it comes to NFL picks.

If you haven't seen this episode, I'd highly recommend it. One of my all-time faves.
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 05:44 AM
Does anyone know a link to the episode?
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 08:26 AM
http ://
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by Fsas
http ://
great, thanks
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 10:24 AM
Lisa is such a fish.
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 10:56 AM
The Simpsons used to be by far my favorite show, I have just about every collectible they ever produced. I used to watch marathons of it for days, and now I can't even watch a single episode without losing interest/focus after about 5 minutes.. I just skipped to the poker parts, threw up a little and then stopped watching.

lol'd when Marge repeated Spiros' last name.
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 12:38 PM
Anyone noticed the Ivey reference?

Edit: Okay at least one time it's been mentioned in the thread.

Last edited by raheem; 11-13-2012 at 12:46 PM.
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by KL03
Oh lol.

Does Tilly say in the video that you shouldn't bet with a full house because they could have quads?
thats probably the correct strategy because in TV poker is always about nuts vs second nuts
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 01:19 PM
Tilly: Start with your Simpsons money, use your little girl's voice and take them for everything they've got.

I wonder if Tilly had anything to do with the wording of her line in the show. One of the few times she's done anything related to poker in the media and not had negative comments in response. She mentioned in an episode of The Big Game that she does read comments about her on the forums. It seemed like a bit of the comedy in this line was for us, which I thought was cool.
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by HurtK
thats probably the correct strategy because in TV poker is always about nuts vs second nuts
Not just in TV poker. If you plan on shoving AI for 400k? with the nut boat into and you only expect to get called by quads, then the whole idea of shoving is kinda useless to begin with.
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 02:41 PM
We all know Jenifer would never make that play.
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 04:30 PM
No clue how this affect peoples already damaged view on poker. I guess its good since all PR is good?

but yeah, for the rest of us. LOL BRMENTS!
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 05:14 PM
poker sites need dealers with bow ties and servers

also needed more CHUCKY

Last edited by coolnout; 11-13-2012 at 05:20 PM.
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 06:25 PM
watching right now

homer is stupid
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by MicroRoller
Tilly: Start with your Simpsons money, use your little girl's voice and take them for everything they've got.

I wonder if Tilly had anything to do with the wording of her line in the show. One of the few times she's done anything related to poker in the media and not had negative comments in response. She mentioned in an episode of The Big Game that she does read comments about her on the forums. It seemed like a bit of the comedy in this line was for us, which I thought was cool.
[x] funny
[x] cool
[ ] likely that Tilly had anything to do with the wording
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 06:46 PM
Disagree with the narrative in the thread. Do not think that this episode was good for poker. Just made it look like blackjack or some other completely degen form of gambling. Do not think it hurt too much, but definitely didn't help.
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 06:57 PM
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 07:05 PM
Did I miss somewere that the creators of The Simpsons mentioned that this episode was in any way designed to make poker look good, help the effort for US legalization or do anything other than create a few LOLs.

I think maybe people's hopes were a little too high based on the Simpsons history of using adult satire in other episodes to take shots at other political and social issues.
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-13-2012 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
The Simpsons is long past its prime but it isn't the unwatchable garbage its haters make it out to be, either. It's still funny and amusing television.

Yeah basically this. All the hate is unwarranted - and the whole "it was cool up until season X" just makes you sound like a douchebag. especially when it's a race to the bottom: Who started hating it first; get a life.

Personally the main problem I found was I'd just watched it too friggen much and gotten over it and the humour. I gave it a rest for a good few years, then recently watched the last few seasons and it was alright. Sure it's passed it's prime, but it's still better than 99% of what is on TV otherwise.
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-14-2012 , 12:38 AM
As usual, I'm winning and not realizing it.
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-14-2012 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by FlanCrest
As usual, I'm winning and not realizing it.
maude, eh?
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-14-2012 , 01:12 AM
Puke @ terrible-ass Tilly.
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-14-2012 , 01:47 AM
was it just me or were people getting 88 every other hand
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-14-2012 , 03:37 AM
can we watch it online? i missed it.
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
11-14-2012 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by Czar Chasm
Simpsons 1-7 was the greatest series ever on TV. Season 8 had a couple good episodes and nearly everything since then has been utter crap. They basically tell you how it's going to be in the spinoff showcase of season 8 when they say they're going to keep it going until the show becomes unprofitable. I don't know where people are getting this season 9 or 10 crap, they were terrible.

The city of New York vs Homer Simpson, Lisa's sax, Bart star, Lisa the skeptic, reality bites, Bart carny, the joy of sect, das bus, this little wiggy are all good
'The Simpsons' doing online poker episode; Tilly guest stars Quote
