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Should the Epic Poker League even exist? Should the Epic Poker League even exist?

09-11-2011 , 07:11 PM
Don't worry the epic poker league will die all on its own.

I'm still waiting for the big list of sponsors Mutt & Jeff are bringing to the table.

Jeffy didn't bring anybody new to the WSOP, He hasn't done dink for the Pro Bull Riding Leauge, he's just another con man very good at promoting himself and creating jobs for himself.

Go back to Nascar/NHL if they'll have you.
09-11-2011 , 07:15 PM
I ask myself, should the EPL even exist? So poof, vamouse son of a b----- (Jay-Z)
09-11-2011 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by dormie9
Since when have bowling leagues not allowed crappy bowlers? I'd like to see those requirements in print.

Maybe you are in an Epic Bowling Club
Have you heard of tryouts?
09-11-2011 , 10:30 PM
I love the idea of the EPL, but I am really turned off my how they handles the Michael Devita situation. Seems pretty clear to me that they should have let him play. They should keep league eligbility based on clearly objective criteria.

But I also dont think profitability matters that much to the immediate future of the league. My impression is that this is a vanity project for some of the investors, who are willing to pump money into it even if it never becomes profitable.
09-11-2011 , 10:42 PM
ANY exposure professional poker gets is a good thing. seriously wtf is wrong with you guys trying to disparage or quantify poker these days? you NEED players, how else are you going to attract them now?
09-11-2011 , 11:18 PM
Why is this even a question? Who cares if it should exist? You dont have to play in it, if you dont agree about it oh well. If it cant succeed without the support of the players it will fail. If anything it offers tremendous value for the players who do want to play and they are taking advantage of it while it lasts. Should casinos exist?
09-11-2011 , 11:21 PM
If it fails it would be an EPIC FAIL.

09-11-2011 , 11:24 PM
dont really have an opinion on the EPL, just posting to confirm annie duke is a douche
09-12-2011 , 12:46 AM
anything with duke and bloch involved I hope fails.
09-12-2011 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by gobbomom
ANY exposure professional poker gets is a good thing. seriously wtf is wrong with you guys trying to disparage or quantify poker these days? you NEED players, how else are you going to attract them now?

Are you for real? Look at who's running it ffs.

Just because you think it helps your kid doesn't mean it's right.

Well Howie and crew gave plenty of exposure to professional what price? Your "any" statement is short sighted.
09-12-2011 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by gobbomom
ANY exposure professional poker gets is a good thing. seriously wtf is wrong with you guys trying to disparage or quantify poker these days? you NEED players, how else are you going to attract them now?
attracting them with a poker league with an idiotic name (seriously, who can read the name "epic poker league" with a straight face) with a dip**** at the head of the "league" who just said on national tv that "only online poker is [illegal]" isn't my idea of "any publicity is good publicity."

and the hypocrisy of their "ethical guideline" is beyond ******ed. in what world should a member of the ownership group of tiltware be allowed to be among the group running the league and how can anyone be banned when that scumbag dutch boyd isn't?

yea neato a bunch of the cool kids get to play tournies with massive amounts of money added into it. how nice for u guys. this is still a bull**** enterprise run by massive scum and i sincerely hope it flatlines and everyone incorporated with this goes bankrupt
09-12-2011 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by amak316
Everyone loves to hate the EPL when it hasn't even aired yet. I think anyone that plays poker seriously should really like it. Once anyone builds up their roll and starts playing high stakes live tournaments qualifying isn't terribly tough provided you play a decent amount of quantity, are a winning player in the field, and don't run significantly below expectation.

The current state of poker post boom is really bad for getting any publicity. You dont get any coverage unless you are one of the lucky dozen of people that were playing and running well at the beginning of the boom. The only televised open event where you can make a name for yourself is the WSOP ME which is a 9000 person lottery. Televised fields are simply to big to get any attention with any consistency. The group of tv pros that made a name for themselves pre poker boom were a group of people winning couple of 50 person tournaments.

Of course Daniel hates this league, its no secret he hates Annie, he also hates the thought of sharing the spotlight with new people, and hes not the most mature person in the world with his grudges.

I dont know if the league will succeed but I think 2p2ers should be all for it as many of you someday could easily be playing these events in the future, and they are great for the players. Rake free, all expenses paid, guaranteed overlays with plans of increasing them if they succeed, and they have a whole team of people taking care of all the players super well. I really enjoy playing these events, and there only is 4 a year so I don't see what the problem is.
you need to be careful if you want to be invited to the big game again... oh wait i guess not well said really good post people have so much anger now everyone is dishing everything.
09-12-2011 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
If it fails it would be an EPIC FAIL.

Jesus christ if the epic poker league goes under how many times will this line be posted here on 2+2
09-12-2011 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by dpain
Why is this even a question? Who cares if it should exist? You dont have to play in it, if you dont agree about it oh well. If it cant succeed without the support of the players it will fail. If anything it offers tremendous value for the players who do want to play and they are taking advantage of it while it lasts. Should casinos exist?
christ. This.

Who honestly ****ing cares. Why don't you list all the poker tournaments in the world and start a thread about whether they should exist.

Start with the Kiev Poker I Kill You Unlimited Pokers Tournament.
09-12-2011 , 05:41 AM
I hate Annie Duke - I hope it fails miserably then negreanu can rub it in duke's face
09-12-2011 , 05:54 AM
Can any of you think of a non sponsored 30 plus player that could have saved this league from the 2 plus 2 spite? Sam Farha? Will the Thrill?
09-12-2011 , 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by 7824124751
anyone else agree that it is completely against the spirit, history and ethos of poker? the great thing about poker is the lack of bariers to entry. as ong as you are the right age (over 18 or 21 depending on country), have the money + are not banned for bad behaviour etc.

now this self appointed group of experts think they should pick and choose not only which players get publicity but which players are permitted to play in their events? it just seems so clique-ish and wrong. not to mention the fact that each players EV on a $20k buy in or whatever it is is going to be way lower than a proper open tournament where anyone can enter (e.g WSOP) and therefore has many less skilled players creating a softer field.

it used to piss me off when espn or Harrah's or whoever it was used to do those invitation-only Tournament of Champions. it was basically a 1 tabke, 10 person SNG filled with all the usual publicity hungry poker *****s freerolling for a $1million prize and essentially being given $100k in EV for nothing.

can anyone justify why the EPL should exist? i agree that more tournaments being held is a good thing but not when they are designed like this.
I guess they new we would still pay attention regardless.
09-12-2011 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by random user
It appears to be run by the same cabal of Vegas pros (I believe Andy Bloch is in the Ethics Committee, and he suspended Chino Rheem for non-payment of debts lol) who have taken everybody's money at Full Tilt.
So the Lederer Hustle hasn't missed a beat?

I'm shocked... shocked.

Where have you gone, Phillip Dennis Ivey, Jr...
A nation turns it's lonely eyes to you.
09-12-2011 , 07:48 AM
I don't see why anyone has a beef with invitational tournaments in general. It's not like anyone is trying to take away the open events that still make up the massively overwhelming majority of poker tournaments. When it comes down to it, they're trying to make a TV show. Is anyone upset that PAD or The Big Game were invite only? At least EPL invites are based on a concrete (if imperfect) measure of merit.
09-12-2011 , 09:38 AM
I don't think anyone has a beef with invitational tournaments in general, it is more the Epic Poker league specifically.
09-12-2011 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by amak316
Everyone loves to hate the EPL when it hasn't even aired yet. I think anyone that plays poker seriously should really like it. Once anyone builds up their roll and starts playing high stakes live tournaments qualifying isn't terribly tough provided you play a decent amount of quantity, are a winning player in the field, and don't run significantly below expectation.

The current state of poker post boom is really bad for getting any publicity. You dont get any coverage unless you are one of the lucky dozen of people that were playing and running well at the beginning of the boom. The only televised open event where you can make a name for yourself is the WSOP ME which is a 9000 person lottery. Televised fields are simply to big to get any attention with any consistency. The group of tv pros that made a name for themselves pre poker boom were a group of people winning couple of 50 person tournaments.

I dont know if the league will succeed but I think 2p2ers should be all for it as many of you someday could easily be playing these events in the future, and they are great for the players. Rake free, all expenses paid, guaranteed overlays with plans of increasing them if they succeed, and they have a whole team of people taking care of all the players super well. I really enjoy playing these events, and there only is 4 a year so I don't see what the problem is.
The point I think you are missing is this: Your EV in an Epic tourney is significantly less than your EV in four 5k tourneys with amateurs playing in them. And yes, this is true even with the overlay. So if there's anything else to play during an Epic tourney (and there usually is), you should play it instead. The significance of TV time time is mostly exaggerated, because you don't get much money from it unless you have a super-interesting personality and/or can turn the TV time into for example regular appearances in TV cash games with amateurs in them. Shouldn't you as a pro be looking for the most +EV spot, not for TV time or a tourney were the staff is super duper nice to you?
09-12-2011 , 12:15 PM
EPL is not only against the grain of poker, but it is against the grain of competition. This is an example of what 'elitists' do when their culture has changed. The EPL is just another false aristocracy.
09-12-2011 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by 7824124751
anyone else agree that it is completely against the spirit, history and ethos of poker? the great thing about poker is the lack of bariers to entry. as ong as you are the right age (over 18 or 21 depending on country), have the money + are not banned for bad behaviour etc.
No. Invite tourneys have been held for years and no one seemed to have a problem with them until now. Besides, anyone can participate in the ME by qualifying through satellites that are open to the public.
09-12-2011 , 12:43 PM
Only a third of the players that qualified for this thing showed up for the last event and the first 2 winners have ZERO star power.

Its an obvious springboard for the owners to have a poker site when/if we get poker regulated in the US.

Ali Nejads voice is like fingers on a chalkboard and their name/logo is a disgrace to marketing.

I would be amazed if their backers gave them money for next season. This thing was a EPIC FAIL out of the gate.
09-12-2011 , 12:56 PM
How is the league even existing and for how long is more of a question.

Buy-in is rake free, prize money is added, they essentially pay for TV time and setting up all those pretty new tables at the palms, sending rings and whathaveyou in production, advertising, website, promotion, marketing, payrolls etc.

I mean, what will happen if legislation doesn't come trough very soon and even so, if Epic doesn't get a license so that it can open up online as soon as ****ing possible?

Money needs to come in, very soon, or Epic will be nothing but yet another spot on Duke's resume.

Also, agree 100% with the irony of the Ethics Committee already pointed out ITT, considering what is going on around the names that run the league.
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