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Sheldon Adelson / Venetian backing PA effort to criminalize playing Internet poker Sheldon Adelson / Venetian backing PA effort to criminalize playing Internet poker

02-14-2014 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
What is the Facebook link for the senator in PA, I couldn't seem to find it.
Rep. Mike Tobash
Rep. Mario Scavello

And here's an article stating Gov. Bobby Jindal is also supporting the opposition where you can comment.

If anyone posts or comments, please be respectful and help the poker community look good
Sheldon Adelson / Venetian backing PA effort to criminalize playing Internet poker Quote
02-14-2014 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by tapouttazz9
I revived letters and emails every step of the way in nj when we had been fighting to get the bill to pass. I sent out pre filled letters to all elected officials and contacted them via phone as well. The days leading up to Christie making his choice on the legalization of poker I called his office tweeted him facebook him emailed him every day multiple times. I would never known what stage the fight was at or what to do or who to contact for my support if it had not been for the PPA. I thank all if them for helping and bening one of the many who fought to get us our poker back.
This is all the PPA has ever asked of me, never donations, etc..
Just to get off my lazy butt and do something! Which I have, but I feel I could definitely do more. I share what I can, and hope that others will do the same, and realize that with the organization of the mass of grassroots movements, aka the little guys, there is nothing we can't do.

So get to it, and spend your energy doing something positive for what you want, instead of complaining about it, which is just a waste of energy and time.

Happy Valentine's Day! K
Sheldon Adelson / Venetian backing PA effort to criminalize playing Internet poker Quote
02-14-2014 , 10:28 PM
Will this affect my play chip bankroll?
Sheldon Adelson / Venetian backing PA effort to criminalize playing Internet poker Quote
02-14-2014 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
What is the Facebook link for the senator in PA, I couldn't seem to find it.
Sheldon Adelson / Venetian backing PA effort to criminalize playing Internet poker Quote
02-15-2014 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by PPAdc
The PPA is well positioned to fight this in PA. We have been working this issue for more than a year in the state and we have many champions for gaming generally and for regulated Internet poker/gaming specifically. Anyone who has followed the history of gaming expansion in PA knows that there are a select few members of the House and Senate (about 25) who are anti-gaming zealots. Even though they make noise, they ultimately get rolled. That is why PA is the second largest gaming economy in the US.

All that said, we need to make sure that anytime one of these anti-gaming lawmakers pops up their head, we take our swings back. The first step is to contact your local elected officials in the state and tell them to oppose criminalization, and support regulation of online poker. The PPA already emailed all of our members who live in this specific lawmakers district and have given them a sample email, talking points and a phone number. Next step is to have our State Director and other interested poker players to go and actually meet with PA lawmakers either at the state Capitol or in their hometowns. I know I will be going there (again) soon and our lobbyists have been talking to lawmakers all along.

KillTheCheaters, your comments are not an honest assessment of the impact the poker community (with the help of the PPA) is having on the legislative process throughout the country. I am sorry you seem to have a tainted view, but I think it might be because you are uninformed. Are you a member of the PPA? Do you receive our weekly newsletter that highlights our efforts, successes (and disappointments) on a weekly basis? Do you follow us on Twitter and Facebook? Do you participate in the Daily Action Plan? Have you done anything yourself to advance your passion to play online poker? Just wondering, because you have the attitude and outlook of a detractor, not a doer.


John A. Pappas
Executive Director, PPA
John, I truly appreciate your service to this cause and am behind the PPA 100%. I have participated in many DAP's but I admit I have not called my state's senators or representatives this year yet to express my thoughts, although I have in the past and am now planning on doing so Monday after this helpful reminder.

I must admit however that some of these naysayers may have an incontrovertible point. There are serious academic works on the investment theory of politics widely cited by respected voices such as Noam Chomsky and Robert Reich among many others.

At some point pessimism blurs into hardened experience and these hardened souls would like to know what they can actually do without sounding defeatist.

Get rich or die tryin?
Sheldon Adelson / Venetian backing PA effort to criminalize playing Internet poker Quote
02-15-2014 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
get rid of ur bigotry and ur prejudice. some of us who are Christian, and conservative Republican also like to play poker. 2 of those 3 people are democrats--one of whom cast the deciding vote for obamacare down in AR--u cant get more leftwing than that. and the governor of WA also worked hard to criminalize playing poker--another liberal democrat whose pro choice--that is EXCEPT for when it comes to having the choice to play poker on ur computer at home.

People who feel like u hurt the cause--u turn people off
Not that your criticism is invalid, but I just wanted to point out that it doesn't matter if all three people on that committee are republican, democrat or independent. They are simply bought and paid for by the person who is funding this operation, Sheldon.

I agree with you though, that we shouldn't turn this into a partisan debate. It's not like one side champions online poker and the other is hellbent on banning it.
Sheldon Adelson / Venetian backing PA effort to criminalize playing Internet poker Quote
02-15-2014 , 09:30 AM
Great ideas by Wookie, Poker Paradox blog, "Sheldon Adelson's Hypocritical "Click a Mouse and Lose Your House" campaign" post.
Sheldon Adelson / Venetian backing PA effort to criminalize playing Internet poker Quote
02-15-2014 , 09:38 AM
Again, if it is already illegal in PA, can someone point me to the law that made it so?

Regarding Jindal, he talks about children currently evading measures in place to prevent them from gambling. What measures and does he think that the best measures are currently in place?

Thinking that gambling should be banned because of the measures currently in place is like someone saying cars should be banned because current average fuel economy is x number miles to gallon.

People are smart enough to realize that technology will advance.

Last edited by Doc T River; 02-15-2014 at 09:39 AM. Reason: I think we should ban credit cards because look at all the damage criminals do with them.
Sheldon Adelson / Venetian backing PA effort to criminalize playing Internet poker Quote
02-15-2014 , 09:55 AM
land of the free. except for most things, which are regulated.

why do governments feel the need to control every little thing people do, it's pathetic.
Sheldon Adelson / Venetian backing PA effort to criminalize playing Internet poker Quote
02-15-2014 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by David123
land of the free. except for most things, which are regulated.

why do governments feel the need to control every little thing people do, it's pathetic.
In this case, we need protection from the Russ Hamiltons of the world.

Last edited by Doc T River; 02-15-2014 at 10:11 AM. Reason: We can't all be Saints.
Sheldon Adelson / Venetian backing PA effort to criminalize playing Internet poker Quote
02-15-2014 , 12:09 PM
I'm taking notes and plan on calling Mario Scavello next week.

Some particularly relevant quotes from the 2010 Annenberg study they reference:

"Weekly use of internet gambling sites was virtually nonexistent among high school age males in the survey."

"Among college age male youth, those who reported some type of gambling on a weekly basis and who reported at least one symptom of problem gambling declined, going from 12.1% in 2008 to 2.9% in 2010. Symptoms of problem gambling in female youth are much lower than in males, no higher than 2% in older females."
Can anyone point to studies implying that problem gamblers could potentially receive MORE help if they're online? Or perhaps a study or reasoned argument stating money laundering is not a problem in a regulated environment?

The most disconcerting part of all of this is the fact that they think that young adults have a big problem but rather than a first offense dictating classes or other forms of rehabilitation, they want to potentially throw them in jail.
Sheldon Adelson / Venetian backing PA effort to criminalize playing Internet poker Quote
02-15-2014 , 03:25 PM
X-post from PL forum.

Originally Posted by syph3n
Good job everyone who posted on his FB...

Mario Scavello Good morning all! I believe I have given everyone an equal opportunity to vent...Some have polite some have been down right nasty. I have made my notes. The Pa Senate is in the process of doing a complete study of all types of gaming which includes online gaming.
Mario Scavello I will hold off pushing my legislation until the study is complete. If anyone of you would like to stay in touch and communicate in a rational way about this issue send me an e-mail at I will leave these posts on for another day.....
Sheldon Adelson / Venetian backing PA effort to criminalize playing Internet poker Quote
02-15-2014 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by David123
land of the free. except for most things, which are regulated.

why do governments feel the need to control every little thing people do, it's pathetic.
Because children might be able to get on these sites and build up staggering credit card debt and lose their houses.
Sheldon Adelson / Venetian backing PA effort to criminalize playing Internet poker Quote
02-15-2014 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Sanatizer
Why was my post deleted? It is my right to say that the PPA is as respectable as a religious cult. And to add that those who waste their time harassing congressmen are just as good as Jim Jones' legion who drank the Kool-Aid.
you are entitled to your inaccurate opinion.. There is proof posted by someone of feedback from a politician about his change in stance based people contacting him, either in this thread, or in similarly titled thread, on this forum
Sheldon Adelson / Venetian backing PA effort to criminalize playing Internet poker Quote
